Legendary Hero

Chapter 199 The heart is not dead

After coming down from the city wall, Luo Lin stepped on his horse and galloped towards the old city.

Is he really leaving? Of course not, he never thought of giving up Vianna.

If he really wanted to leave, he wouldn't have sent a letter to Horn to send the cavalry he trained over.

However, according to the conventional method, it is indeed impossible to rescue Vianna, he must use a strange move.

While thinking about it, Luo Lin had already rushed to the old city, to the entrance of the rat lane.

Ratway, Vendome's underground waterway, is the most chaotic and darkest place in Vendome, and you can never be sure who and what you will meet in it.

Luo Lin came here to visit Biang, the master alchemist whom he met here.

This time, his plan was a bit risky, and in order to maximize his chances of success, he had to enlist any help possible. And this Bion is a master alchemist at level 38, an absolutely powerful person, and his help will definitely greatly increase the success rate of Luo Lin's plan.

Since meeting with him last time to track down Lich Valos, Rolin has been sending people to take care of him secretly, sending him various alchemy utensils and raw materials, as well as various clean clothes, food and wine, After working for a long time, although the other party still doesn't like him very much, they finally don't feel disgusted anymore.

The Rat Lane was as filthy as ever, the air was filled with a stench of corruption, and the light was dim, lit only by a few oil lamps.

In the darkness, the battle armor Luo Lin was wearing was glowing with a slight light green light. It looked like powerful magic equipment, which represented terrifying power. As they walked along the way, people in the rat lane retreated one after another, and no one dared to say anything. .

There were no accidents along the way. Luo Lin quickly entered the depths of the rat road, and when he reached the cabin where Bion lived, he knocked lightly on the door, and an impatient and vigilant voice came from the door: "Who ?”


"Rollin? Who is Rowling? I don't know you. Go quickly, don't disturb my quietness, or don't blame me for being rude... Ah, wait, Rowling, Rowling, I think of you kid." On the wooden door The small window of the window was pulled open, revealing Bian's old face all around.

I haven't seen him for more than half a year, and his appearance has hardly changed. If I really want to say, he should have become healthier, his face has become more rosy, and his eyes have become more energetic. This should be the result of Luo Lin calling for people to come in and deliver food from time to time.

"Oh~ it's indeed you kid. Tsk tsk, you have changed so much, oh~ look at your armor, look at your weapon, tsk tsk, they are all rare and good things." Biang looked Luo Lin up and down, and praised repeatedly.

Then he opened the door and let Rollin into his room.

This room is much more spacious than last time. Luo Lin specially asked someone to come over and widen it. There are many wooden shelves in it. Various crystal bottles, raw materials, etc. are neatly placed on the shelves. In the corner of the room, there is also a set. Relatively professional alchemy tools, and in the other corner, there are several barrels of fruit wine, some dry food, and even a dining table. Looking at Biang himself, his clothes are much cleaner and fresher, and the gloom on his body Most of the breath has dissipated, and now it seems that he is no different from an ordinary old man.

"Come, come, thank you for the crystal leaf wine. It's exactly the taste I like. Come and have a drink with me." Biang warmly invited Luo Lin to sit at the table.

Luo Lin was anxious, but still suppressed his mood, nodded, and sat at the dining table.

Bion took out the crystal wine glass, first poured half of it for Luo Lin, but filled it up for himself, then took a sip, closed his eyes and savored carefully, and then sighed contentedly: "Wow, what a wine! The greatest enjoyment in life!"

Opening his eyes, he saw that the wine glass in front of Luo Lin hadn't moved, and was immediately displeased: "Why, don't you like it?"

"I have something on my mind, so I have no intention of tasting wine." Luo Lin cut to the point.

"Heh~" Bion laughed, and took another sip of wine: "You are straightforward, and you don't hide it. But I appreciate you, unlike those nobles, who are all hypocritical. Alright , Tell me, what trouble did you run into, see if I can help? During this time, you have given me your best, and I am very satisfied. Tell me, as long as I can help, I will definitely help! "

Luo Lin directly stated his plan: "I want to kill a martial artist... At least I can hit him hard!"

"Hiss~~" Even though Bian's heart was extremely firm, he couldn't help but gasp at this moment, he was so shocked that he even forgot to drink the wine, the wine glass leaned against his lips, and the wine overflowed, covering his beard , His eyes were wide open, just staring at Luo Lin.

When the wine flowed into his clothes, he felt the coolness and woke up. He hurriedly took a cloth towel and wiped it off. While wiping, he said angrily, "I'm too old to be joking."

"It's true." Luo Lin said seriously.

"You don't have a fever? Are you talking nonsense? Are you sleepwalking?"

"Not at all."

"Okay then. Tell me about the specific situation first." Bion said.

"The opponent is an orc, the king of orcs. The army of orcs is marching towards the city of Vendome, and it will attack tomorrow. We have no way to resist it. But the orcs respect the strong, and if the strong lose, then the army will disperse. As long as you defeat the king of the orcs , can relieve Vendome's catastrophe."

"An army of orcs? Are you going to rush into the barracks alone? Also, what are you going to use to fight a martial sage? You can't burn a martial sage to death with just one's blood."

"I will lead a team of 700 elite cavalry to charge together. Each cavalry is as powerful as Vendome's black armored guards. At the same time, I have learned a legendary combat technique, which is the Azure Sword five hundred years ago. San Ranquipero's ultimate skill: flash." Luo Lin said.

"Oh?" Bion's eyes lit up, with a flash of horror in it, he looked at Luo Lin carefully, and frowned again: "Although you are a powerful fighter now, I'm afraid you haven't really advanced to the legendary realm Bar?"

"You read that right, I'm still far from the legendary realm. I can only use two moves at most for legendary combat skills." Luo Lin knew his current strength.

Bion fell silent, closed his eyes and thought, and Luo Lin waited.

After a cup of tea, Bion opened his eyes: "Your current strength is beyond the limit of my ability, and I can't help you improve your strength. But on the way you charge towards the Beast King, my potion can help you Escort."

He stood up, walked to a wooden stand, and took out one of the crystal bottles. The bottle was filled with a silver-gray cloudy liquid. After it was placed on the table, the particles in it were still tumbling, as if it had its own life.

"This is?" Rollin asked. He could feel that the potion was full of life energy, but unlike the life essence given by Vianna, this energy was not pure, it was full of wildness.

"Blood-sucking worms in the gutters of rat tracks, you know that?"

Of course Luo Lin knew that it was a soft, sticky, disgusting little thing. The only redeeming feature of this little thing was that it had a very strong vitality. It was cut into several sections with a knife. If they were separated, each section could continue. Happy to live. If you put them together, they will stick themselves together again...

"Yes, it's exactly as you imagined. I carefully studied the source of the strong vitality of the worm, and finally succeeded in refining this bottle of worm potion. After you drink it, within half an hour, no matter what damage you receive , as long as your heart doesn't shatter and your head doesn't fall off, your injuries can heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and you won't feel any weakness. With it, you can guarantee that your body is basically in full strength when you face the Beast King."

Although he was very disgusted with the potion made with that black alchemy, but the effect would indeed be of great help to Luo Lin, so he took it and put it away cautiously: "Thank you very much."

With that said, he got up to leave.

"Wait, the worm potion is only for you. Since you are going to force your way into the army, then bring these strong fire oils. They are useless against masters, but they are miraculously effective against ordinary fighters."

Bion took out a large pile of crystal bottles filled with red liquid. Looking at the number, there were more than 20 bottles: "Smash them, and the kerosene in them will burn violently as soon as it hits the air, producing extremely high temperature. Flame, and then explode, the power is equivalent to a high-level magic: big fireball."

"Okay." Luo Lin carefully put away the strong kerosene.

"And then it's gone. That's all I can do for you. Go, and I hope I'll see you again, young warrior."

Luo Lin nodded, and finally said: "If possible, I hope you can also leave here. If the orcs break through Vendome, this place will become very dangerous."

Bi Ang smiled: "If it was in the past, I would definitely stay here. But these days, you have ruined my willingness to be lonely. I am used to these enjoyments. Good wine and delicious food make me nostalgic. So I will leave here."

'If I'm still alive, you can come to me anytime. You will always be my guest! "At this time, Luo Lin still didn't forget to recruit him.

"Let's talk about it when we live." Bi Ang laughed, noncommittal.

Luo Lin nodded, turned around and strode away.

Bion watched his back disappear into the dark mouse path, and he didn't look away until the green light disappeared completely, and sighed softly: "What a genius fighter, it may not be possible to produce one in thousands of years, but to be so It’s a shame it’s broken.”

This trip, regardless of whether he can kill the Beast King or not, the young man's fate is already doomed, he will be strangled to pieces by the angry Beast army!

But this young man, who is only twenty years old, is already hitting the legendary realm. This talent is really amazing. If he grows up smoothly, what will he look like in ten years? Bion couldn't imagine it.

When Bi Ang was young, he was well-read and well-read, and he especially liked to read history books. He knew deeply that such a person who is favored by heaven is really related to the rise and fall of a race.

After standing at the door for a long time, Bi Ang clapped his hands heavily: "Hey, I thought my heart was dead, but I just fell asleep."

He had to figure something out.

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