Legendary Hero

Chapter 201 Lightning Like Flying Leaves, Fast As Lightning (Part 1)

When the Lionheart King in dark green armor appeared with his warriors from the woods, some orcs saw them, but the number of only 700 did not attract enough attention. This negligence cost the orcs dearly - Excerpted from the time recorder Korosi's notes "Battle of Vendome".

Yes, almost no one paid attention to the cavalry on the side of the grove, but someone still saw it, and one was Vianna. She noticed it the moment Rollin appeared. Looking at that figure, the feelings in her heart were complicated and indescribable, surprise, joy, gratitude, heartache, and finally turned into a long sigh.

She knew why Luo Lin came. She understands his character. This human being is never compassionate. His character is extremely rational and calm. He will never care about the destruction of Vendome. He was able to come, if not all, a large part of it was because of her.

"I never take part in a war that has no chance of winning." Luo Lin's words resurfaced in his ears again, and Vianna couldn't help saying, "So that's what you really mean. So you want to assassinate the Beast King to win this chance of survival." .”

To assassinate the orc commander in the midst of all armies is a crazy plan that means blood, glory, and death. Regardless of the outcome, the seven hundred warriors below will all die, including Luo Lin.

For a moment, Vianna felt sad, and she felt tears falling from her eyes.

The other person who found Rollin was of course the orc king Sorge, who was watching the battle situation.

He glanced at the grove, and casually pointed to an orc commander: "Gelfin, take your wolf team and kill them!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The orc centurion whistled, and immediately thousands of wolf knights followed behind him.

"Brothers, go ahead, kill them, eat them!" Gelfin roared, and ran towards the grove first.

Because there was such an extra human team participating in the battle, just in case, the Beast King resisted the urge to slay the dragon and stopped.

the other side.

Facing the Wolf Warriors charging from a thousand meters away, Luo Lin was still as calm as ever. Although his cavalry were a little scared, they were warriors who had gone through a bloody battle after all, and the extremely powerful lord was beside them, so their hearts were full of fear. My emotion is not more of fear, but a sense of honor.

The cavalry lined up in a charge formation in an orderly manner, including Narosa, who was also on horseback, sitting on a special saddle.

Luo Lin raised the sword to open the sky, and a voice as thick as gold and iron sounded: "My brothers, today, our bodies will die in battle! Today, our souls will be immortal! Today, we will become immortal heroes in the history of the human race! "

"Hero!" The cavalry roared in unison!

These simple soldiers from the high mountain town are pure in mind, and they are by no means as fancy as the young people living in Vendôme. After nearly half a year of training, they only had Lord Luo Lin in their eyes. Even though they knew that the charge would be fatal at this moment, they still followed closely.

"The lord is leading you to create immortal glory! Why cherish life? Why not let life burn at this moment?" This is what Director Horn said on the iron-clad ship, and these words have ignited their blood.

The Wolf Warriors were approaching quickly, and with 800 meters left, Luo Lin raised the Sky-Opening Sword high and swung it down violently: "Charge!"

At this moment, the ignited flame in the hearts of the soldiers immediately found an outlet, and the sound of horseshoes sounded like thunder, and a torrent of black steel suddenly poured out.

Ten seconds later, the distance between the cavalry team and the wolf team was only 150 meters.


The cavalry had already taken off the dwarven continuous steel crossbow, and Narosa had already set the arrow on the bow. Hearing the order, they fired the arrows together.

In an instant, the string trembled endlessly, and the arrows flew into the sky like locusts.

The Wolf Warriors team also has archers, but the number is far less than that of Rollin's cavalry team. There are only a few hundreds of people, and more importantly, their bows cannot be compared with the Rollin Dwarf's continuous steel crossbow, and the range is simply not up to To one hundred and fifty paces. At this distance, they can't attack at all.

A second later, Arrow Rain fell into the Wolf Warriors.

"Puff puff puff..." There was a sound of tearing flesh and blood. In just one round of baptism, more than two hundred people from the Wolf Warriors team fell down. What's even more frightening is that the archers in their team had the highest rate of arrows in their hands and died instantly. There were more than thirty, as if the other party was specifically targeting them.

In the second second, the distance between the two sides was more than 80 meters.

"Shoot!" There was another terrible rain of arrows, the dwarf's continuous firing of the steel crossbow was brought into full play, and the soldiers poured out all the arrows in the steel crossbow.

The orcs also fought back with bows and arrows, but the arrow shafts were sparse.

In this round of confrontation, Luo Lin's soldiers fell three people, and the orcs fell more than a hundred people again.

"Abandon the crossbow!" Luo Lin roared.

Even if the cavalry is attacking, no matter how sharp the steel crossbow is, the attack time is very limited. .

The soldiers tossed the steel crossbow very simply, and gripped the nearly four-meter-long lance. Even Luo Lin put away the Sky Opening Sword and took the dwarven spear.

In such a charge, the spear can exert its greatest power, and the sword is too short.

After another two seconds, the two sides collided with each other, and in an instant, thick blood mist rose from the point of confrontation.

One side is a powerful orc, and the other side is a well-equipped, strictly trained human cavalry whose physical fitness does not belong to an orc, and this cavalry has an extremely powerful leader.

So, after a moment of confrontation, there was a very obvious outcome.

Thousand Commander Gelfin was stabbed through by Rolin with one shot, and then his body was hung on the lance like this, and he rushed forward with Rolin.

The orc Gelfin is physically strong, even if he is strung on a lance, he is not dead for a while, his head is still sane, and his eyes are still open.

Soon, he found that he had brothers in trouble, and strung more orcs to his lance, all the way to five!

Then, he felt a violent shock from the lance, and there was a terrible force, and then he felt his body was torn apart. The last scene he saw was the pair of eyes under the opponent's helmet, as cold as The ice is as quiet as an abyss, and the divine light in it is as solid as substance.

"It's a strong man of the human race, no good, Your Majesty is in danger!" This was the last thought in Gelfin's mind.

This time the cavalry confronted, because of Luo Lin's extremely sharp arrow, the human cavalry easily broke through and dispersed the orc wolf team.

Where the spear points, it cleaves through the waves all the way; wherever the horseshoe passes, it is full of orc flesh and blood!

At this moment, everyone on the battlefield had to notice this scene. The morale of the surviving human defenders on the city wall was greatly boosted, and someone shouted: "It's reinforcements, it's reinforcements!"

On the battlefield, there's nothing like reinforcements to boost the morale of a desperate army.

The soldiers all roared angrily, really red-eyed, fighting with the orcs, the resistance became extremely fierce.

Even Vianna, who was dripping with blood and covered in wounds, felt extremely excited: "He said he wanted to accumulate strength, but he actually did it!"

The number of this cavalry was no more than 700, but they killed nearly a thousand orcs in one charge, and their own losses were less than a hundred. The strength of the cavalry was simply terrifying.

The orc king Thorger was also surprised. He looked at the human cavalry charging towards him and felt a threat in his heart: "Go, stop this cavalry!"

He gave an order to the orcs under the city wall. Among these orcs, there were very few elites, but their number was huge. There were ten thousand people. The opponent's number was just over six hundred, and dragging them could drag them to death.

The orc rushed up.

Luo Lin still led the cavalry to charge forward. Facing the charging orcs, he roared: "Kill!"

A flame slashed out, and this flame slash was different from the past. The color was no longer fiery red, but golden, and the light became extremely glaring, similar to the holy light slash of the church knights.

But it is only similar, but the essence is different. Luo Lin's attack is purely due to the highly concentrated flame magic power.

The golden light arc rushed out and rushed into the crowd of beasts, all the way unimpeded, flying a full distance of 20 meters before exploding with a 'boom'.

None of the orcs on the 20-meter distance survived.

The Beast King's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled again: "It's really a perfect talent, but it's too young and hasn't grown up yet!"

There is no doubt that this is a genius of Terran, but so what? Today, he personally killed this genius!

Sorge swung his battle ax and said to his side: "Follow me to attack!"

Hundreds of powerful orc guards began to move towards Luo Lin, and the orc king was about to make a move himself.

When the Beast King moved, Luo Lin also saw it. Most of his attention was on this man. As long as he was killed, Vendome's dilemma would be resolved, and history would be completely rewritten by him.

However, Luo Lin also knew the horror of this orc. In the previous life, there were three legendary strong players who went to challenge and tried to surround and kill them, but he was killed by him alone. It is conceivable how powerful they are.

So Rowling never expects himself to be successful, he only hopes that he can exert all his strength in this confrontation.

The orc soldiers kept coming up and almost surrounded them.

There was a "boom" explosion, and a large group of orcs pounced on them, trying to stop them. Luo Lin used strong kerosene to kill dozens of orcs at once, and also slightly broke the way forward.

But there were too many orcs, and they went on and on, fearless of death, and surrounded them layer by layer. The cavalry team was advancing more and more slowly, as if they had fallen into a deep swamp.

Soldiers were constantly being pulled off their horses. After these soldiers got off their horses, they continued to fight desperately. They could often kill more than a dozen orcs, but in the end they were outnumbered and eventually killed.

The number of cavalry began to dwindle rapidly.

Under the siege of the orc army, Luo Lin led the cavalry to continue to rush for 200 meters. During the 200 meters, more than 300 of his cavalry died in battle, and only 200 people remained behind him. Injured, even the legendary battle armor could not withstand continuous blows, and there were many damages.

But fortunately with the effect of the worm potion, Luo Lin still maintained his peak strength.

Now, he was less than 100 meters away from the orc king Sorge, and the other party seemed to decide to make a move himself, and was walking towards him.

Luo Lin knew that the last moment had come, and he roared, "Follow me to charge! The Beast King is right in front of us!"

His war horse knew the master's intentions, and he galloped with all his strength, and the cavalry followed closely behind Luo Lin, roaring with anger, and charged bravely in the crowd of thousands of troops!

At this moment, the lives of all soldiers are burning violently; at this moment, the life of every soldier has sublimated to an unimaginable peak; as long as they can survive this battle, they will definitely grow into the pillars of the human race in the future sex character!

This will be the last and craziest burst of power for this cavalry team!

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