Legendary Hero

Chapter 209 Clearing Up the Darkness (2)

Since he was going to apply for the draft, Luo Lin couldn't ride the Black Rock Warhorse, as this would reveal his identity. Because this war horse is very expensive, a horse costs a thousand gold coins, even ordinary nobles can't afford it, they must be big nobles.

You can't ride a war horse, and you can't buy good armor. Iron armor and steel armor can cost hundreds of gold coins. This is not something that ordinary warriors can afford, so Luo Lin bought it for fifteen gold coins. A set of ordinary cowhide armor, this armor is only inlaid with a steel plate at the heart, which can be regarded as protecting the vital points. In addition, I also bought a thick iron shield. From the perspective of ordinary people, this is an absolutely heavy shield, at least 80 kilograms, but Luo Lin thinks it is light, so he barely uses it. The last weapon does not need to be replaced. Although Hun Lian's Kaitian Sword is a legendary weapon, its style is ordinary and not eye-catching at all.

Dressed up like this, Luo Lin became those adventurers with some courage but ordinary background.

After inquiring about anyone, they found the recruiting office in the city. It was in the barracks in the east of the city. It was very lively here. The number of warriors who came to apply for the recruitment was very large. After counting, there were more than sixty people in total.

Indeed, although Zakro's recruitment is to find cannon fodder, it is definitely a dangerous job, but for these unborn but talented warriors, it is just a chance to make meritorious deeds. If you like it, you will have a future in the future, and you will get a promotion, so you won't be fooling around.

Luo Lin glanced at it casually, and his intelligence brain estimated for him the general strength of these folk warriors.

Generally at level 15, the physical fitness is basically ordinary, and there are very few elites. Five out of sixty people are elites. There is one strong person who stands out from the crowd, she is a level 23 elite archer, and she is also a woman.

This woman was also wearing cowhide armor, which was much lighter than Luo Lin's, showing a graceful body curve. She carried a quiver on her back, which contained thirty ordinary iron arrows, and a steel bow. Should not be small. As for her appearance, um, she is not bad at all. She has short flaxen hair and lake blue eyes. She is about twenty-five or six years old. There are some signs of vicissitudes on her skin, and her lips are tightly pressed. , making the lines of the whole face stiff, she should be a strong girl.

Strong people are very keen. The girl quickly noticed that Luo Lin was looking at her, turned her head, looked at Luo Lin, then walked over and introduced herself: "My name is Emily, an archer, and I can also Some swordsmanship." Forgot to mention, she still had a one-handed sword hanging from her waist, and a dagger tied to her thigh.

In Emily's eyes, Rowling looked a bit special. Yes, he was different from all the warriors here. He looked very confident, as if he would definitely be recruited. Usually, those who have this confidence must be strong, and Emily herself is very confident, so she is willing to get to know this shield warrior.

Luo Lin announced his real name: "I am Luo Lin, as you can see, I am a shield warrior."

Today, Lord Rollin's name should already be known by interested people, but there are so many people with the same name on the road, and no one would regard an adventurer named Rollin as Lord Vendome.

"I hope we can fight side by side." It is not yet known whether the other party will be recruited, so Emily just nodded and was not ready to continue the conversation.

The recruitment continued, and there was a knight captain at the gate of the barracks who was in charge of the selection, and soon it was Emily's turn.

Emily took off the steel bow, gestured to the knight captain, and the other party pointed to the target a hundred meters away: "Shoot at the target, let me see your archery skills."

Emily then took out three iron arrows, two of which were biting on her mouth, one was put on the bowstring, the bow was opened, the arrow was fired, the arrow was taken out, and the arrow was fired again. In an instant, three arrows were fired in a row.

"Oh~~" There was a burst of exclamation from the barracks, and I saw that on the target a hundred meters away, not only did the three arrows hit the bull's-eye, but the rear arrow hit the front arrow, forming a point. This archery technique is really terrifying.

The knight captain's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Very good, you have been recruited, please stand here."

Emily was the first warrior recruited today, and everyone was convinced.

Afterwards, the selection process began again, and finally it was Luo Lin's turn. Luo Lin's test subject was a sergeant major, an elite epee fighter of level 20, who was in charge of testing Luo Lin's martial arts skills.

"I have three axes. If you can block it without getting hurt, you will pass." The sergeant major said the content of the test, and at the same time swung the heavy ax in his hand.

This ax weighed at least one hundred kilograms. When it was held by a level 20 elite fighter and swung in his hand, it was like whoever blocked it would die. At least none of the warriors present could block the axe.

The recruitment conditions are harsh this time. The reason for this is that the great knight Zacrow doesn't want to find a bunch of trash, let alone die in vain, and if he doesn't find out anything, it's a waste of time.

Luo Lin raised the back iron shield and calmly signaled: "I'm ready, come on."

The sergeant major sensed Luo Lin's randomness, and felt unhappy. With a roar, he slashed out with the heavy axe. After this slash, he heard a "woo" sound of the wind, and the surrounding soldiers were listening tight. , as long as the sergeant major slashed down with such an axe, the warriors who came to respond would be sent flying out of the ground immediately, unable to stand up, let alone catch the next two axes.

It was too late and then it was too fast, the heavy ax struck out, 'Bang! ’ It hit the shield, but for some reason, the ax blade slid out along the shield, and the sergeant major found that he couldn’t control it.

Immediately afterwards, the sergeant major noticed that the shield was approaching him quickly, and hit his battle armor with a 'bang', knocking him back, his chest felt tight, he was taken aback, and wanted to fight back, but Suddenly, he felt a black shadow flashing in front of his eyes, and then he felt a slight chill in his throat.

He was startled, and immediately backed away. When he reached out to touch his neck, he felt a trace of blood. He looked at his opponent again, but he didn't pursue and stood still.

He already understood that at that moment just now, the opponent used the shield to remove his strength, and then counterattacked instantly, and the sword in his hand stabbed him in the throat. This is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to do, especially the last sword. It is very difficult to control the strength. If one can't control it, it will definitely end up with a sword piercing the throat, and he was only stabbed with a little blood, obviously the opponent Because of the sword being withdrawn at the last moment, this martial skill is really terrifying.

The sergeant major did not continue to attack, and gave a military salute to Luo Lin: "Thank you."

The knight captain who was watching the battle had brighter eyes and laughed loudly: "Okay, you have also passed, please stand here."

Today's luck is really good. I found a powerful archer and a powerful shield warrior. In addition to the warriors recruited a few days ago, there are already six people. Let these warriors bring some ordinary soldiers, which is enough for action.

The recruitment continued, but the Cavalier Captain was not very interested. He could tell that although the remaining people had some strength, they were not outstanding, and they were not systematically trained like regular soldiers, so they were not qualified to be cannon fodder.

After another half an hour, the Cavalier Captain said, "Okay, that's the end of today's recruitment. Continue tomorrow."

Although it is said that it will continue tomorrow, it is only a formality, and the knight captain is not going to participate because there are already enough people.

He looked at Luo Lin and Emily, and smiled gently: "I am Delgar Pan Memphis Knight, you two are very good, come with me, and meet your companions."

Although these people were born as civilians, if they survived this operation, they should be promoted. It is always right for him to manage some favors at this time.

The two nodded, followed the Delgar knight all the way, and entered a spacious soldier barracks. There were already four people inside, three men and one woman. Rollin took a look, all of them were elite fighters above level 20, one of them Shield warriors, two dual-sword warriors, and that woman, like Emily, is also an archer.

After all, they are all civilian warriors who practice low-cost skills. Noble, money-burning professions like magicians will never appear.

"Okay, let's get acquainted with each other. There's not much time. We're leaving the day after tomorrow." Knight Delgar said, then turned and left.

After the knight left, the shield warrior in the room said, "My name is Mondos. I have learned the power of anger. I should be the strongest fighter among us, so I hope I can become the commander of this temporary team."

Among all fighters, shield fighters need strength the most, because they have to face any opponent directly and withstand direct attacks from opponents, even magic attacks, so it becomes very important to understand the power of anger.

In fact, it is well known that comprehending the power of anger can increase strength, but there are not many people who want to directly increase strength by 100% like Luo Lin, especially folks, who can increase by 50% without the assistance of various secret methods. % is already very good, the general level is 30%, or even 10%.

When Mondos said this, the other three people in the room didn't speak. Obviously, they had understood the power of the shield warrior, and they also needed the shield warrior to charge forward, so they acquiesced to his command position.

Emily didn't speak either, but she looked at Rollin. Just now when Rollin defeated the sergeant major with one move, Emily had already recognized his strength in her heart.

Luo Lin thought about it, and felt that if this operation would not become a real cannon fodder operation, then everyone had better listen to him, so he still needed this dominant position, so he said: "I have a different opinion."

Mondos' face suddenly darkened. He seemed to attach great importance to this position, but after thinking about it, he understood that if this operation goes well, then he will definitely get the biggest reward as the commander, and Rowling's doing this is because of Compete with him.

"It's useless to talk about it, we are all shield fighters, let's fight." Mendos stood up very simply, and took his sword and shield.

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