Legendary Hero

Chapter 214 Clearing Up the Darkness (7)

Not to mention that Baron Theron was hiding alone in a dark corner and trembling with fear, Rollin led his soldiers and continued to go deep into the cave.

After walking some distance, more than a dozen vampires came to sneak attack, and they appeared all at once.

However, the soldiers had already basically adapted to this rhythm. Although they were not panicked, they didn't need Luo Lin to make a move, and they killed these vampires in an orderly manner. When all the vampires are finished, the price to be paid is only some minor injuries to the three epee fighters.

It has to be said that these regular soldiers are not strong, but they have an excellent sense of cooperation, which is much better than the recruited warriors. They cooperate with each other very tacitly, and they are very sensitive to the commander's orders, almost forming an instinct. Coupled with Luo Lin's reasonable division of labor, the combat power has doubled, so he has achieved such extraordinary results.

The road ahead became more and more spacious, and gradually formed the scale of a hall, with a length and width of more than 20 meters, and decorations appeared on the stone walls.

However, because of the large area, the brightness of the torch began to be insufficient, and many dark corners appeared.

While walking, suddenly, the long sword in Luo Lin's hand pointed at a dark place beside the stone wall, and ordered: "Shoot!"

Along the way, Luo Lin spoke very little, but every word and every order was very useful, there was no nonsense, and there was no mistake. Every soldier was extremely convinced by him, and had already formed a conditioned reflex to his orders.

Before the words were finished, a total of twenty-two archers, including Emily and Lisong, immediately rained arrows in the direction Luo Lin pointed.

"Ding ding ding ding... puff puff..." The rain of arrows fell, and some hit the stone wall and spattered sparks, but there were also some sounds, which were indeed the sound of tearing flesh and blood.

"Ah!" A scream came from a dark corner, and then everyone saw a bloody figure appearing in a dark place. There are arrows on the head, body, legs, and arms, and they look very miserable.

The red light of the vampire is blood light, but it is different from the light of the power of anger. The light of the vampire is darker, giving people a dark and evil feeling, but the light of the warrior's anger is bright, full of vitality and murderous, and can be easily distinguished.

The blood on this man's body was gloomy. He walked a few steps, his pace getting slower and slower, and he cursed indistinctly, faintly hearing the words 'impossible, damn it'.

The blood on his body became darker and darker, and finally fell to the ground, motionless, and after a while, the holy power burned out of his body, burning it to ashes, leaving only a piece of clothing.

Luo Lin stepped forward, pulled the clothes with his sword, and saw an emblem embroidered on the clothes.

Some soldiers recognized the pattern of the emblem and shouted: "It's Baron Theron! God, we killed Baron Theron!"

Some time ago, this Baron Theron killed several sergeant majors, and even killed a knight captain. Such a terrifying person was killed by a salvo, as simple as killing a dog... This... This is really Things are impermanent.

Luo Lin smiled, this guy has no great skills at all, the previous successes were nothing more than taking advantage of his strange combat skills, and his methods were close to sneak attacks. At this time, this guy was hiding in a dark corner, thinking he was safe, and he never expected to be suddenly attacked by the rain of arrows, so it's no wonder he didn't die.

He picked up the clothes and some small items, and threw them to a soldier: "Take it, this is evidence!"

The soldier immediately put away his things, tied his clothes into a package, and carried them on his back.

"Theron is dead, but the cave has not been explored yet, let's continue walking in and see what remains!"

The ogre troll died, and Baron Theron died because he was clever but was mistaken by his cleverness, so the only one left in the cave was the vampire duke.

"Yes!" The soldiers took the order loudly, their morale was extremely high, and some soldiers looked at Luo Lin with a look of admiration in their eyes.

Originally, they had already acquiesced that they were cannon fodder, and they came here with the mentality of going to death, but they did not expect that they killed the ogre troll and Baron Theron one after another, making great achievements, and No one was killed, only a few people were slightly injured, which is nothing short of a miracle.

This is all thanks to the Commander, so it's hard not to be disrespectful.

The crowd walked nearly a hundred meters deeper into the cave, and there was an entrance to a hall in front of it. The entrance was decorated with gold-clad pillars, and there were two statues of gargoyles with strange faces and red eyes. Through this doorway, one can see a faint blue light shining from the inner hall, followed by the sound of dripping water, the sound of bats chirping and flapping their wings, and from time to time, there will be black shadows moving quickly. Out of the door, it's the bat.

"An underground hall. All we encountered along the way were vampires. From this point of view, it is likely that this is the residence of the cave owner.

Mondos said, "Rolin, what should I do?"

The doorway is not spacious, and only five people can pass through at a time. If there is an ambush at the doorway, it is easy for people to break through one by one, then they will be in danger.

Luo Lin smiled, his body trembled slightly, his body glowed brightly, and his anger state was activated again, then he raised his shield, put on a defensive posture, and walked slowly towards the door.

"I want to see who dares to attack me."

During this journey, the number of vampire servants killed has already exceeded 30. If he remembers correctly, there are less than 20 vampire servants in this hall except for the Duke of Vampire. He can kill all of them by himself. There is nothing to be afraid of.

He just walked in without any movement. When Luo Lin walked into the hall, he immediately knew that he was worrying too much. A row of sixteen servants waited quietly.

"You came very quickly, much faster than I expected." The Vampire Duke sighed, because the distance was a bit far away and the hall was very spacious, so his voice seemed a little ethereal.

Luo Lin ignored him, stretched out his hand and beckoned to Mondos who was waiting by the door: "Enter the palace, set up the formation!"

The soldiers immediately entered the hall quickly and orderly, with the shield warriors at the front, the epee warriors guarding the sides, and the archers at the end, arranged neatly in a standard military formation.

During the whole process, the vampire duke didn't stop him, he just watched quietly, his expression was very calm, without anger or fear, a faint voice continued: "I heard your name, mighty warrior. In this On the mainland, there is only one person with the name Rollin and such terrifying force. That is Lord Rollin of Vendome in the south."

As soon as this remark came out, the hearts of the soldiers present were all shocked, but then they realized that this was not surprise, but the original feeling.

"No wonder he's so powerful, so it's him!" Mendos immediately felt balanced. It's not that he's not good, but that the opponent is too scary. This is Vendome's first genius. How can he compare?

Luo Lin didn't mind being called out, so he asked calmly: "So, vampire, you have two choices now. One, die in battle; two, surrender and tell more about the whereabouts of the dark sect."

Duke Brad smiled wryly: "My soul has been handed over to the darkness, so I have no choice. The only option is to die in battle."

Originally he wanted to resist, but the vampire troll was easily killed, Baron Theron had no news at all, and the other party walked all the way with almost no damage, and all his traps failed. All this shows the strength of this team Very tyrannical, he is no match.

Of course, if that was the case, he wouldn't be so depressed, and would always resist, but when the other party walked to the gate of the hall, he heard the name 'Luo Lin'.

As a dark believer, with the help of the news from the demon god, he knew some details of the Battle of Vendome, one of which was: Lord Rollin broke through the blockade of the army, severely injured the orc warrior Sorge, and cut off his arm!

How tyrannical is this? He knew right away that resistance was meaningless, what he had to do now was to let himself die with dignity.

With that said, Duke Brad stood up and picked up the sword in his hand: "Lord Rollin, I'm going to fight!"

The vampire servant beside him also immediately clenched the sword in his hand, ready to charge to death with his master.

Luo Lin lowered his eyes, didn't make a move, and didn't respond, he just calmly ordered

"Archers, fire!"

The '嗖' sharp arrow flew out, like dots of cold stars, and rushed towards the vampire nearly 30 meters away.

With the sound of screams, the vampire servants began to fall to the ground quickly. A round of arrows rained down nine servants. Even Duke Brad got an arrow in the shoulder, but he was wearing battle armor. After the arrow broke through the armor, Not deep into the meat.

"Shield warrior, raise your shield and defend!"

"Crash" the shield was raised, and the movements were neat and consistent, with a full sense of strength, giving people the illusion that the iron wall is indestructible.


While the vampire was still ten meters away, another volley was fired. This time, all the vampire servants were dead, and only Duke Brad charged forward.

The duke never changed his route. His target was Luo Lin at the front of the team. Seeing that the servants were all dead, he screamed, talking to the phantom, and rushed towards Luo Lin. The speed was extremely fast, which was completely beyond the speed of ordinary people. Reflecting the limit, even in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, they just feel a gust of wind and see a blood shadow.

In an instant, the Duke rushed to Luo Lin and stabbed out with a sword.

Luo Lin didn't even move his eyelids, his body moved slightly, and at the same time he counterattacked, and the sword in his hand also simply stabbed forward.

In the eyes of all the soldiers, they could see their commander turned sideways slightly, as if he was dodging something. While dodging, the sword in his hand simply pierced the air in front of him, and then retracted the sword back into its sheath.

In the air, a group of red shadows condensed, it was Duke Brad.

From the eyes of others, he was just stabbed in the chest, but he knew that the sword of the other party contained a terrible power, just like a drop of water entering his body, but the water drop suddenly turned into countless A steel needle raged in his body, cutting off all his vitality at once, even with the powerful life force of his vampire, there was no room for maneuver.

Looking down at a small hole pierced in the battle armor, Duke Brad sighed softly: "Good sword skills! Good sword!"

Then, he fell to the ground with a 'plop', his body turned into ashes.

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