Legendary Hero

Chapter 247 How about a competition?

Aoraki Kingdom, the land of frost in the north.

This is the end of the continent and the beginning of the Arctic Ocean.

The temperature here is below freezing point all the year round, the cold wind is howling all year round, and the snow is constantly falling. The black ground is as hard as iron, and there is nothing on the ground except some moss lingering.

The camp of the Frost Crusaders was located in a relatively warm green valley. On the high cliffs on both sides of the valley stood the magic watch towers built by the Aoraki Kingdom at a huge cost. Magicians sent from the south were stationed all year round. , monitoring the situation within a radius of one hundred kilometers.

This 100 kilometers is exactly the width of the gap between the Godrin Mountains and the Oveshins Mountains, and it is also the safest path for the Frost Giants to go south. It is called the Road of Frost and is guarded by the Crusaders Commander Edward Rhine!

The green valley, because there are high mountains that shield some cold air, and there are several geothermal boiling hot springs in the valley, which makes the temperature in the valley seven or eight degrees higher than the outside. If you are lucky, there will be so few days in a year , the temperature will break through the freezing point.

Such an environment allows some tough cold zone plants to live here, which adds a touch of greenery to the valley, and also prevents the crusaders who have been stationed all year round from facing the monotonous black and white world every day. Occasionally, if a few flowers bloom, it will naturally be a grand scene in the valley.

There is also a big river in the valley. It is one of the few rivers running from south to north in the Starlight Continent. The surface of the river is frozen all year round.

On the highlands along the banks of the glaciers, there is a beautiful blue castle. This is the residence of Edward Rhein—the Blue Castle. It is one of the few castles on the mainland that are all magically built.

The blue castle is as warm as spring, because there are a large number of magic arrays, and the decoration style inside it is rough, with snow bear furs and whale bone decorations everywhere, all of which were the prey of Edward Marquis when he went hunting.

Of course, the Marquis doesn't like being called his title, nor does he like being called the Sword Saint. In the Crusades, he would most like to be called Marshal Edward.

It is noon now, the wind has stopped, and the sun is rarely bright,

Whenever this happens, Edward likes to have lunch on the zenith of the castle. He likes to set up a long table of food and invite the generals of the Crusaders to enjoy this good time with him.

Well, it has always been like this in the past, but today is a bit special, because besides the general, two unexpected guests came to the castle.

A man and a woman. The man calls himself Luo Lin, Earl of Maple Leaf of Lehman Duchy. The woman is as beautiful as a bright moon. As soon as she says her name, everyone knows her identity. It is Primo. Guardian of the family.

Edward is the host. He sat at the head of the long table. As soon as the banquet started, he smiled and said, "You two have come from afar, and you are my distinguished guests. Today we don't talk about national affairs, we don't talk about different countries, just drink freely."

He picked up a glass of wine and drank it down.

Edward looks like he is in his fifties, with gray hair, good spirits, handsome face, a pair of dark blue eyes that are extremely deep, his figure is very tall, and his voice is extremely loud.

Although this opening was in an ordinary tone, it set the tone for this banquet, and no one in the room dared to refute.

Well, originally the generals had some hostility when they heard that Luo Lin was the Earl of the Principality, but since the Marshal has said so, no one dared to speak about it, so everyone drank wine and enjoyed delicious food , chatting casually about anecdotes from all over the mainland.

After drinking for three rounds, Marshal Edward looked at Luo Lin and said with a smile: "Then, Earl Maple Leaf, you and Archmage Vianna traveled thousands of miles to come to my Blue Castle in the severe cold. Banquet. Now tell me why you are here. Remember, we don't talk about state affairs."

Of course Luo Lin understands that if we don't talk about state affairs, then both sides are nobles. Although there are different lords, there are so many people watching, and it's not a private meeting, so it's no big deal to be a guest.

Although the Principality and the Aoraki Kingdom have been at war all year round, that is the lord's business. There are many nobles who have friendship in private, and there are even marriages. King Aoraki and Grand Duke Lehman turned a blind eye to this kind of thing, pretending not to see it.

In fact, the grand duke himself did the same thing. His wife is still the cousin of King Aoraki, but the two still fight every year, and things go one by one.

Luo Lin smiled slightly, raised his glass to signal Edward, then took a small sip, and said, "Let me tell you something about my experience in the south."

"Okay, please tell me." Edward naturally had no objection.

The generals all nodded, and everyone liked hearing stories.

Luo Lin said: "This is what I saw in the Hengduan Mountains in the south of the mainland. The protagonist of the story is an orc, um, an orc warrior named Sorge."

"He's still a martial artist. I heard that this guy broke Vendome and is very strong. If there is a chance, I will fight him well." Edward became more interested.

The Frost Crusaders have lived in the extreme north for a long time, and the flow of information is not smooth. They don't know much about what happened on the mainland, such as the fall of Vendome. Although they have heard about it, they don't know the details at all, let alone the orc Sorge. .

Luo Lin started from the time when the orc warrior led the army into the Hengduan Mountains. In terms of details, he combined what he saw and some reasonable imaginations, until the conflict between the warrior and the undead, and finally both sides suffered losses.

These things were basically witnessed by Luo Lin, so every detail, especially the details of the final battle, Luo Lin said was full of wit and thrill, and the generals of the Frost Crusade who heard it were personally on the scene, and were amazed again and again.

Vianna also listened with interest, a smile on her face.

Luo Lin talked for more than half an hour at this point. At the end, he took another sip of his wine and said with a smile: "In the end, the orc warrior was forced to move his tribe deeper into the forest to avoid the death of the undead." revenge."

A young general couldn't believe it: "Aren't the undead just some skeletons and scum. How can something that can be kicked apart with one kick be so powerful? Earl, your story is very good and true, but it is too ignorant of common sense."

"There are many kinds of undead, and their strength depends on the dark magic power in their bodies. The skeleton you mentioned that can be kicked away should be the lowest level of undead." Luo Lin was not angry, but just refuted with a smile.

Another middle-aged general also spoke up. He wanted to be more prudent, but he still didn't believe Luo Lin's words: "This Sorge is a majestic martial saint. According to what you said, he also has terrifying wild beastmen under his command. The strength can fight against Vendome's legion commander, how can he not beat the gargoyle knight?"

"The wild beasts are strong, but the gargoyle knights are not weak. Vianna and I have fought against them. According to our estimates, if there are thirty such knights, we will have to flee."

"I can confirm the count's statement." Vianna added.

"If what you said is true, if alchemy puppets like gargoyles can compete head-to-head with wild orcs, then the undead are not invincible in the world. Alchemy puppets can be made as long as there are materials." Someone questioned.

"Materials should be very rare, so the number of gargoyles should be limited." Luo Lin smiled, he was very patient.

Another general wanted to speak, but Marshal Edward waved his hand suddenly, and all the hustle and bustle disappeared.

The sword master stared straight at Luo Lin with deep blue eyes, and said solemnly: "I only have one question, since it's something you have seen and heard, did you see it with your own eyes, or did you just hear it?"

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Luo Lin replied earnestly: "Master Vianna walked with me and can prove it for me."

"Another question, you two, one is the earl in the north, and the other is the guardian of the Primo family, why did you go to the Hengduan Mountains in the south together?" Edward was very surprised by these details.

This time, Vianna answered on her behalf: "Actually, Rollin is my friend. Sorge led his army to capture Vendome, and he is my enemy. I heard that he hid in the Hengduan Mountains, so I went to the south Look at their situation, but I'm not sure if I go alone, so Luo Lin went with me."

"Oh." Edward responded, thoughtful, and then suddenly laughed: "Okay, the story is very exciting. Not bad, it's time to drink, come on, let's continue!"

After that, Edward talked about some anecdotes about the Frostlands, such as the snow bear Bailishouzi, the hundred-ton giant whale, and even the legend of the Snow Queen in the Far North, which opened Rowling and Vianna's eyes.

A banquet, the guests and the host enjoy themselves.

Seeing that the banquet was about to end, Edward suddenly said: "I also heard that there is an earl in the Principality of Lehman, who has exquisite martial arts skills and looks like a great master. Even the Red Moon Sword Master values ​​him highly. It must be Earl Luo Lin, right? "

"I consider myself to have some achievements in martial arts. This should be me." Luo Lin was not humble either.

"Oh, just saying that makes my hands itchy. Why don't we have a discussion?" Edward squinted and smiled, looking at Luo Lin with deep blue eyes, which seemed to imply a deep meaning.

Luo Lin didn't refuse, and smiled: "It's a great honor to get the guidance of the sword master. I don't know where to learn from it?"

"Look at the glacier below. At this time, the ice layer is at least one meter thick, very strong, and the ice surface is also spacious. We can just fight to our heart's content."

"Okay!" Luo Lin stood up, took the sword and shield, and bowed to Edward again: "I am a junior, so I will take a step first."

He rushed forward a few steps, and jumped directly from the zenith of the nearly fifteen-meter-high castle. When he was almost on the ground, his shield retracted, and his whole body huddled into a ball. He rolled over on the ice of the glacier and canceled out The momentum of the fall, and then straighten the waist, and stand up again.

Edward laughed, and with a gesture of his hand, two servants brought up his weapon. It was a big knife, 1.7 meters long, 15 centimeters wide, and weighed 100 kilograms. Green, translucent, exuding a white cold air, in the cold air, there are faint lightning flashes, it is the sword master's famous weapon: the silver frost ice sword!

He took the knife, and like Luo Lin, he jumped directly from the zenith, and when he landed on the ground, he bent his knees slightly, and released all his strength on the ice, with a few clicks, the ice A spider web-like crack appeared on the surface, which was astonishingly powerful.

On the rooftop, the generals saw that the two of them did what they said they would do, they didn't procrastinate at all, they all ran to the rooftop to watch the battle.

"The marshal is going to educate the younger generation again."

"I don't know how much this earl can last?

"I bet three times!"

"There should be five knives!"

Vianna didn't participate in the discussion of the Crusader generals, and walked aside alone, looking at the two on the ice below, feeling a little worried.

She was a little unclear about the intention of the sword master.

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