Legendary Hero

Chapter 252

Elsa's words made Luo Lin slightly startled, and the speed was not slow, and then asked: "How many people are chasing?"

After fleeing for more than 20 consecutive days, he was finally caught up.

"Our speed is very fast, there is only one to catch up, um, it is Iona, she is about to arrive."

It is needless to say Elsa, although the Snow Queen has not yet appeared, but Rollin has already felt the signs of her existence.

The surrounding temperature is constantly dropping, the cold wind begins to howl, and the snowflakes grow on their own. Luo Lin witnessed the whole process of the birth of snowflakes from the void. First, a small light spot appeared, and then spread and grew rapidly, becoming snowflakes and ice crystals.

At the same time, this process happened tens of thousands of times. In the blink of an eye, Luo Lin found himself surrounded by a terrible snowstorm, and his field of vision was reduced to less than three meters.

I heard that the Ice Queen has a great home court advantage in the extreme north, and her strength has been greatly enhanced in this ice and snow world, almost as terrifying as a god. Looking at it now, the rumors are true.

Luo Lin stopped immediately, took out the legendary elf armor and began to equip it: "Elsa, help me put it on."

He alone is too late.

This time Elsa didn't refuse, and I don't know how she did it. The light in her hand was shining, and the battle armor automatically flew to Luo Lin's body and fixed it. In less than ten seconds, Luo Lin was fully armed. The light green halo of the battle armor suddenly lit up, and Luo Lin, who was in it, felt a force of blessing on his body, knowing that the suit effect had taken effect.

"Wow, it's really beautiful. It makes people want to move home and appreciate it." Elsa was full of stars and clapped her hands in admiration.

Luo Lin ignored her, took a deep breath, calmed down, pumped up his blood, and prepared to face the Snow Queen.

If the other party led an army of frost giants, Luo Lin would have nothing to say, he would turn around and run away, even going through the snow to hide in the ocean of ice. But there is only one opponent, no matter how powerful she is, as long as she is not a demigod, Luo Lin has the power to fight.

"Hey, Luo Lin, I'm going to hide first. You haven't taken me to the Crystal Lake yet, so don't be caught by the queen." As soon as the voice fell, the little girl Elsa disappeared in a flash, without any breath. Didn't stay, just as abrupt as when she appeared.

She disappeared for less than a minute when a roar came from the wind and snow: "Mortal, you dare to break into my territory! You even stole my scepter!"

The sound is very loud, mixed with strong resonance, this kind of sound can only be made by a giant dragon with a huge body, and the opponent is hidden in the wind and snow.

Luo Lin raised his shield to block the shaving snow particles, and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, fight!"

Beat me, say what you want. If you can't win, what you say is useless!

Before the words were finished, there was a huge whistling sound in the wind and snow. Immediately afterwards, a thick icicle slammed into it. As far as the eye could see, the icicle was nearly one meter thick, and the speed was even faster. It was so fast that before it hit Luo Lin, the wind pressure brought by the icicles made Luo Lin feel unstable.

Luo Lin was not sure about this terrifying power, and he didn't dare to block it head-on, so he hid to the side.

Luo Lin retreated, and almost at the same time, the icicle hit the snow layer, just like a meteorite falling to the ground, a huge explosion occurred, ice and snow splashed, and the impact blasted Luo Lin directly.

Sure enough, with the endless ice and snow in the extreme north, the power of the Snow Queen far exceeds that of ordinary legendary powerhouses.

The icicle was just the first attack. As soon as Luo Lin's body bounced off, thick icicles immediately rose from under him. As long as he was stabbed, he would definitely be pierced.

Being in mid-air, unable to use his strength to move, Luo Lin could only raise his shield and burst out.

"Bang!" There was a huge shock, and the tip of the ice spike was shattered by the shield. Luo Lin's body bounced back and flew out again.

The icicles in the air came again, more powerful than the first time, while the icicles on the ground rose again, presenting a pincer attack.

This time, Luo Lin couldn't hide. He took a deep breath, and the power of anger exploded. The blood-red light on his body suddenly became extremely dazzling, and a thick white air flow spewed out from his throat: "Chop!"

Hun Lian's Heavenly Sword cuts towards the icicle, the light of the sword flashes, and the force of the water drop explodes in an unprecedented violent manner, cutting out across the way.

The huge icicle couldn't resist, and was cut in half from it. The majestic force continued to invade, and pierced the icicle into several pieces, temporarily losing its threat to Luo Lin.

The reason for such a shocking attack effect is that Luo Lin's attack is extremely fierce, and the second is that whether it is an icicle or an ice thorn, although the scale is huge, the essence is only high-level magic.

Although the scale of ice and snow magic is very large because of the home field advantage of the extreme north, the magic power concentration of the magic is limited. Icicles are deadly enough for ordinary fighters, but for the almost legendary Rollin, the step forward The power burst out instantly, not irresistible.

Of course, if the icicle was condensed with legendary magic, it would be useless for Luo Lin to slash it, and he could only use legendary combat skills to attack.

In a word, the Snow Queen's strength is unimaginable to ordinary fighters, but it is not invincible to those who are at the same level as her.

The stone pillar was broken, and the Ice Queen hidden in the ice gave a 'huh' in surprise. She realized that she had underestimated the strength of her opponent.

"That Edward guy sent a nice fellow. What's your name, lad?"

The attack was suspended, and the voice of the giant dragon came from the nearly endless ice and snow.

"I'm Luo Lin from the south." Luo Lin put his sword in front of him, concentrating on the response.

"Luo Lin, oh, I've heard of you, Vianna's follower, she is so kind to you, she actually forged you a legendary battle armor!" Iona suddenly laughed, "Well, I just like being strong. If you are willing to go back with me, I promise not to kill you."

"Ask me about the sword in my hand first!" Luo Lin felt a chill in his heart, Elsa was right, she was indeed a slut, just hearing these words was full of a strong romantic taste.

"Don't be too confident in your strength, young man. Edward said the same thing back then, but he gave in in the end. If it weren't for my guidance, do you think he would have achieved what he is today?" The Snow Queen's voice was very severe, but in the blink of an eye He became gentle again: "I solemnly invite you to visit my castle, how about it?"

"..." Luo Lin didn't expect the sword master to have such a dark history, and he was speechless for a while, he felt as if he had been deceived by the sword master.

"How is it?" the Queen asked again, as if to express her sincerity, the wind and snow stopped, and the world became clear. In the air of more than 50 meters, a huge frost dragon flapping about 20 meters long Wide wings, suspended in mid-air.

It turns out that this is the Frost Dragon, with sapphire-like dragon scales, high-transparency ice crystals on the joints, and curved light blue dragon horns. It has a similar body shape to the Jade Dragon, but is different from Vianna in its warmth and softness. Different, this giant dragon looks cold and delicate.

Luo Lin was a little hesitant. Suddenly, he heard a thin voice: "Don't go back with this insidious old woman. Her castle is full of traps, once you get in, you can't get out."

It was Elsa's voice, very thin and cautious, as if she was afraid that Iona would find out.

Luo Lin's silence wore away the limited patience of the giant dragon, and her tone became harsh again: "Mortal, don't make me wait needlessly. You have to understand that in fact, you have no choice."

Unexpectedly, her attitude made Luo Lin feel her hesitation. Why hesitate? It's nothing more than lack of strength. I think it's risky to fight him to the death. Otherwise, it's fine to just capture him back. There's so much nonsense.

Thinking of this, Rowling laughed: "Your Majesty Iona, I am not your guest. I stole your scepter, and we are enemies."

"Just return the scepter to me, and I don't need to pursue this matter." The dragon became amicable again.

"I heard that you use this scepter to manipulate the giants, making them your puppets, and repeatedly ordering them to go south to attack the human world. I would rather destroy such things than return them to you."

Iona finally lost her patience, growled, and said sharply: "Little thing, you took my kindness for weakness, this is a huge mistake!"

Before the sound fell, a large number of icicles formed in the air, ten in number, pointing at Luo Lin from all directions.

"Go!" The giant dragon issued a magic spell, and suddenly, ice spikes screamed and rushed towards Luo Lin.

She believed that her blow was enough to seriously injure her opponent. Yes, serious injuries, that's enough, she is reluctant to kill such a powerful fighter, even if he stole his frost scepter.

Facing this terrifying attack, Luo Lin took a deep breath and waited quietly. There was a red light lingering on his sword. It was not a flame slash, but a bloody feast of legendary combat skills.

'boom! ’ Icicle arrived in front of Luo Lin in the blink of an eye.

But suddenly, there was a violent flash of bloody brilliance like a storm, all the icicles shattered immediately, and a large amount of ice debris and white steam rose into the air.

Almost at the same time, a figure jumped out of the aftermath of the battle, leaping fifteen meters high, and then slashed at the frost giant dragon in the air, and a wave of light like a floating leaf flew towards Iona, The speed of this light wave seemed slow, but it was fast, and it arrived in front of Iona in an instant, and hit the legendary shield that Iona had propped up in a hurry.

The two combat skills clashed with each other, but Luo Lin couldn't control it anymore. He had already landed on the snow again, and then ran away without thinking or caring about the consequences.

While running, he drank a bottle of life essence.

If he had already been promoted to a legend, he would have completed the feat of slaying the dragon just now, but he didn't. The consecutive casts of Bloody Feast and Flash of Battle Skills had already put a huge burden on his body, and he couldn't perform the second attack in a short time. Three legendary combat skills.

He had to stay away from Iona quickly to buy himself time to recover.


Iona didn't expect that she would face a sudden change in the battle situation, nor did she expect that the opponent would give such a powerful counterattack in an instant.

If one didn't pay attention, she fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

In just a split second, the legendary shield she hastily set up was broken through, but she didn't have time to open the second shield, the aftermath of the opponent's combat skills continued to rush forward and hit her body.

For a moment, the dragon's scales were broken, the muscles were cut, blood was sprinkled, and the condensed and wild power invaded her body and wreaked havoc within her.

Blink, Legendary Combat Technique, a very common name, but it contains endless murderous intent, and countless strong people have lost their souls for it.

In a burst of screams, Iona was unable to maintain the dragon's body.

Luo Lin's sword knocked her out of the dragon's body.

While flying back, the dragon's body began to collapse, revealing Iona's humanoid body, which fell to the ground again, covered in blood, with torn clothes, haggard, weak, and miserable.

Horror and remorse flashed in Iona's ice-blue eyes. She knew that she was very dangerous now, so she forced herself to stand up, and then used a flying spell on herself, ignoring everything, quickly run.

Luo Lin was also running away, but he heard the scream of the giant dragon. The scream was so stern that he felt hopeful in his heart. When he turned his head and glanced, he saw that Iona had also run away.

"Hurry up, hurry up, she's seriously injured!" Elsa's excited voice sounded.

After thinking about it for a moment, Luo Lin turned around and chased after Iona in the direction where Iona was running. After running for a while, a sled and ice pole appeared under his feet. The catch-up speed is greatly accelerated.

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