Legendary Hero

Chapter 273 Bion's 'Undead Buster'

Horn needs at least ten days to organize the fleet.

During this period of time, in order to keep it secret, Luo Lin naturally couldn't go anywhere, and stayed in the specially prepared guest room on the top floor of the castle.

Of course, nothing is done. After discussing the matter, Luo Lin learned about the situation of some people in the past. Dai Wei has become an intermediate magician and is moving towards a high level. Lu Fei and Selena have already returned to the Moonlight Continent, and it is said that they are going to discuss business with the human race, to be precise, to do business with Fex Island. The wild wolf and others became the chief guards of the castle, and the more than 30 warriors who stayed back then, except for Long Ergo in Maple Leaf County in Luolin, the other 30 people became the backbone of the new army on Ficks Island .

The new army has fifteen thousand people, not to mention the level of training, the equipment is very good, and the combat power should not be too bad.

The rest is food. Last year, the wasteland was basically being reclaimed, so all the food was being consumed. There were too many people pouring into Ficks Island, and the Primo family's food stock was not enough to consume. It all depended on Luo Lin's secret support. But this year the situation has stabilized, the newly cleared land is very fertile, and this month has been a real harvest month.

Always, things are going great. Rollin was very satisfied.

After resting all night, he met the snake demon Narosa early in the morning of the first day. Last time, although Vianna asked the Snake Demon to go to Maple Leaf County, time was too tight and Narosa hadn't set off yet.

Narosa was still the same, basically unchanged except for her clothes, she was arranged by Vianna, and when she saw Luo Lin, she was a little surprised: "I was going to find you, but you came here first."

Luo Lin was standing at the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, overlooking the increasingly prosperous dock, and smiled when he heard this: "Time flies so fast. This time, it's your last mission."

Calculating the time, in less than two months, the original two-year commitment expired.

"The last one? Oh, it's been almost two years." Narosha was a little stunned. Since Luo Lin became the Earl of Maple Leaf, the two were not in the same place. Narosha basically had no restraint, and she almost forgot about it.

"Then what is the mission this time?"

"We will organize the fleet to go south to the Cape of the South China Sea. Nine times out of ten, we will be intercepted by undead. I need a powerful helper like you."

The navigation technology in this world is not superb, except for ironclad battleships and those desperate pirates who dare to sail far, ordinary merchant ships must advance along the coastline, otherwise a storm may wipe out the entire fleet.

And when sailing in the offshore, you must pass by Vendome. If the undead can't find it, there will be ghosts. When the time comes, the two sides will inevitably fight.

Judging from the current information, the Undead does not have a fleet, so Rollin predicts that there will be a blockade, but it should be based on air power, relying on three armored warships, and then stationing a large number of musketeers and sharpshooters, they should be able to repel them.

"Undead? No problem." Narosa smiled.

"That's the thing. You get ready. Also, don't let anyone know that I'm on Fix Island."


"By the way, call me the old man Biona." Luo Lin finally said.

Then Narosa left, and half an hour later, the master alchemist Biang came over. Seeing Luo Lin, he was a little surprised, and then smiled: "Who did I think, it was so mysterious. How come here when you have time?"

"Where are you free? I came here to run some errands." Luo Lin also smiled and asked, "How is life on this island?"

"Very well. Let me tell you, I recently developed a fuming potion, which is very effective in dispelling the magic of death. If it is used on the battlefield, the low-level undead will definitely fall in pieces with the smoke. High-level undead will be severely suppressed in combat power, the absolute nemesis of undead." Bion kept his line, rubbing his hands, looking very excited.

Luo Lin immediately became interested: "Oh, there is such a good thing. Is it harmful to ordinary people?"

When he came to Bi Ang, he wanted to ask about any useful potions, but unexpectedly, he spoke first.

Although the smoke is easily dispelled by the magician with wind magic, what if there is no magician on the opposite side? If it is used on a large scale, it can definitely reduce the power of the undead army by several percent.

"It's a little bit irritating, it makes people's eyes hurt, but it's not serious, and it doesn't affect the combat effectiveness very much. It will recover as soon as the smoke is gone. This is just a small problem, and I can solve it with a little improvement. Yes, it's just a small problem .” Bion was very confident.

Luo Lin asked, "How many finished products do you have?"

"Finished product?" Bi Ang shook his head again and again: "There is no finished product, I just got it out, just a few bottles."

"I need a batch urgently, and I will use it in about ten days. By then, how much can you make?" Luo Lin said solemnly.

Seeing Luo Lin's serious face, not looking like he was joking, Biyo also became serious: "The manufacture of this potion is a bit complicated. Although I have many apprentices now, there are probably only three who can really help me with this potion. If you refine it continuously, I will give you a maximum of one hundred bottles after ten days."

The output of ten bottles a day is really low enough.

"How about the smoke-generating efficiency of the potion?" Luo Lin asked. The number is small, but if one bottle can form a thick fog, then a hundred bottles are enough.

"I just got it out, and I can't tell. How about I get a bottle and try it?" Biang said.


Bi Ang left in a hurry and came back in a hurry. He already had a bottle of medicine in his hand, which was filled with a milk-like liquid. The mouth of the bottle was tightly plugged with a tin-wrapped cork. ?”

"Try next door."

The two went to the next door, which was also a guest room, three meters high, fifty square meters in area, the windows were closed, but there was no decoration, no furniture, and it was empty.

Arriving here, closing the door, Bion shook the potion in his hand vigorously, and then smashed it on the ground.

With a soft 'ping' sound, the potion bottle burst, the potion spilled on the ground, touched the air, and then a puff of thick smoke rose.

After a while, the whole room was filled with a faint mist, not very thick, and the eye-stimulating effect that Bion said was not strong. Standing in it, Luo Lin only felt that the eyes were slightly astringent, which was more irritating than ordinary fire smoke. Sex is even weaker.

However, the fog is really thin, and the visibility is estimated to be about 30 meters.

"The efficiency of generating smoke is not bad, but the quantity of 100 bottles is really too small." Luo Lin shook his head.

According to this effect, each ship must be filled with at least one oak barrel to ensure that the entire fleet and the surrounding sea area are covered. One hundred bottles may be a lot for an individual, but it is almost nothing for the fleet going south.

But such a good thing, if you don't bring some of it, you will be a bit unwilling, Luo Lin asked again: "Are the ingredients of this medicine expensive?"

"It's okay, one bottle costs three gold coins."

"Then how many apprentices should you have in total now?"

"More than seventy, alchemists have a lot of trivial work, and there are never too many apprentices." Bi Ang smiled.

"Everyone knows basic alchemy operations?"

"Yes, I have been taught by others." Bion was a little puzzled, not knowing what Luo Lin wanted to do.

"Then how many steps do you need for this potion?" Luo Lin asked again.

"Five steps... No, ten steps... I can't say for sure, it depends on how you subdivide it."

Luo Lin is going to help Bion improve the efficiency of alchemy. If he prepares now, he should be able to get the first batch of finished products in ten days.

How to improve efficiency, the principle is very simple, division of labor!

He thought for a while, and said: "I would like to propose a subdivision standard. Two requirements, first: each step only needs one most basic action, such as a simple pouring action. For example, observe the temperature, wait for the temperature to be right, Responsible for extinguishing the heating flame. Second, ensure that everyone does not have to run back and forth, but only needs to stand in place to complete it. Judging from these two requirements, how many steps are needed?" Luo Lin asked.

This stumped Bi Ang, he thought for a while, and found it very complicated, he said: "I need a pen and paper, write it."

The two returned to the room where Luo Lin lived. After getting the paper, Bion began to write and draw the steps of refining the medicine on the paper, while Luo Lin watched from the side.

After about half an hour, Bion sorted out the standard steps, and then subdivided them bit by bit according to the standards given by Rowling, and Rowling made suggestions beside him. In the end, the refining process of the fuming potion of the 'Undead Buster' was subdivided into sixty steps.

By this time, without Luo Lin saying anything, Bion had already understood his intention: "You mean, let an apprentice take charge of one of the steps, and then combine them to refine the potion?"


"Excuse me, if you do this, although the work of each apprentice is very simple, so simple that any ordinary person can do it, but I don't see the advantage of doing so. It is nothing more than reducing the requirements of alchemy on personnel That's all."

"This can also greatly speed up the efficiency of refining." Luo Lin is not surprised, Bion is only an alchemist, he can't see the mystery of doing this, it's not surprising, the times have limited his vision.

"I can't see it." Bi Ang shook his head: "How about you sum up the reasons for improving efficiency?"

"I have three reasons." Luo Lin said with a smile: "First, I have visited the dwarves' weapon workshop, and I found that they use a similar method. Of course, they are not so detailed, and they use this method. A team of ten blacksmith apprentices made fifty iron swords in one day!"

"Fifty? Are you sure you're not lying?" Bion is a master. Although he is specialized in alchemy, he still has common sense. For example, the blacksmith on Fikes Island is a rare expert who can only use one sword a day. If you want him to fight five times a day, you might as well kill him.

"Will I joke with you like this?" Luo Lin laughed.

"No." Bion was still dubious, he believed that Rollin would not talk nonsense, but he didn't believe in the terrifying speed of casting the sword, and he even suspected that Rollin was under some kind of illusion magic of the dwarves at that time.

Luo Lin gave the second reason: "The dwarf's method of casting swords gave me a lot of inspiration. After careful consideration, I came up with two reasons. Proficient, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the completion will be better and better."

"I agree with this point." Bion nodded, a movement repeated for a long time, although boring, but it will become instinct.

"Second, everyone basically stands still, his work will not be interrupted by walking around, and his time will not be wasted inexplicably. A person suddenly switches from one job to another. Work requires a period of adaptation. This time is quite long. Chatting a few words, complaining a few words, mastering the touch, warming up the instrument, and waiting for him to fully enter the state, maybe half an hour will pass. Then this half hour, He was just so inefficient that he hardly did anything."

Bion listened carefully and felt that it made sense, but he couldn't understand it thoroughly, so he could only nod his head and said, "Then I'll go back and try it."

"Try it quickly. I will use it in ten days. The more this medicine, the better."

"I know. I'll start working when I get back." Bion was full of doubts, but just turned around and took a few steps, he stopped again: "If you do this, you will change a lot of things. I'm afraid the fee that Earl Primo offered me is not enough gone."

"Tell me how much it will cost if you let it go, and I will figure out a way." Luo Lin said.

"Okay." With these words, Bion was completely relieved.

He was one of the few people on Fix Island who knew the truth. Fix Island belongs to the Primo family in name, but the real master is neither Vianna, the guardian of the dragon, nor Horn, the real power chief, nor the little lord, but this man who is thousands of miles away. Earl Maple Leaf outside.

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