Legendary Hero

Chapter 276 Naval Battle (Part 1)

More than a hundred ships form a fleet, and the scale is indeed a bit large. Each ship is spaced at a distance of fifty or sixty meters from front to back, left to right, and is distributed on the nearly three-kilometer-long sea. The sails are gathered, and hundreds of boats line up, which has a magnificent epic feeling.

Three armored warships were distributed around the flotilla, one was on the east side of the flotilla, and the other two were on the west side, escorting them all the way.

Luo Lin was on the Iron Sword battleship on the west side. He was standing on the deck, looking at the fleet behind him, full of joy.

Today is the tenth day of going south, and by the blessings of the gods, although it was not a smooth journey, they did not encounter any big waves. Fortunately, they also found a big ocean current going south, which took them seven or eight years. Day's ride.

In ten days, they insisted on traveling southward for nearly 1,800 kilometers.

Another two hundred kilometers to the south is the former port of Vendôme, and Luo Lin's heart is raised, whether he can pass through this place smoothly. Honestly, it depends on luck.

Rowling only hoped that Disentas would be blind and could not see them. Of course, this was unrealistic, so he could only hope that he would send less flying undead to stop them.

"My lord, it's time to have breakfast." A voice came from behind, Luo Lin turned around, but it was Dai Wei, she was one of the magicians who came with the boat, and she hadn't seen her for more than a year, and Luo Lin's status was getting higher and higher, and her reputation was getting worse. As the sun is rising, there is a natural relationship between the two of them.

The previous secret relationship, with the passage of time and the maturity of both parties, naturally precipitated.

Now, the two are just friends.

Luo Lin smiled: "How many times have I said it, just call me by my name."

"That can't be done, this is a necessary etiquette." Dai Wei smiled: "Let's go, everyone is waiting for you."

Luo Lin nodded, and followed Dai Wei off the deck to the officers' dining room.

This is specially separated. There are only six people in the whole ship who can eat here. Except for Luo Lin, two are magicians, one artillery commander, one archer commander, one crossbowman commander, and the last one is in charge. The first mate who sails.

They were originally sitting, but when they saw Luo Lin approaching, they immediately got up and saluted: "Your Earl."

Luo Lin pressed his hand: "Sit down, let's eat."

As he spoke, he sat down on the first seat, and when he was settled, everyone sat down, and then the servants began to serve food.

Because it is breakfast, the dishes are very simple, a glass of milk, two poached eggs, a few large slices of sausage, a glass of fruit salad, and a stack of delicious bean paste. After all, Rollin is the earl, simple but not casual, these foods are very delicious, considering the soldiers have a large stomach, of course, the amount is also very large.

While eating breakfast, everyone discussed the upcoming itinerary. The biggest issue was of course the possible interception in Vendome.

Luo Lin took a sip of milk and said, "I have seen Vendome from afar with Archmage Vianna, and it has become a city of complete darkness. We have also seen the power of undead griffins and gargoyles, especially They are gargoyles, so powerful that ordinary arrows can't hurt them at all."

"Lord Earl, we have brought enough holy water." A magician said, his name is Roman, a senior magician, about fifty years old, with gray hair, and a very strict person.

This time, they did get a lot of holy water support from the cathedral. The massive arrows carried by the battleship were soaked in the holy water at this time, which was a gift for the undead.

Luo Lin nodded and continued: "What I'm worried about is not as simple as gargoyles. What I'm worried about is that they use plague gas to attack us. As far as I know, there are many undead pharmacists in the south. On the southern battlefield, they After using this terrible method, where the poisonous gas spreads, all living beings have become dead."

Everyone became serious.

Luo Lin continued: "Fortunately, we have excellent sentries this time. Once those little dragons call the police, everyone is ready, and at the same time, remember to attack those undead carrying suspicious items as soon as possible. As long as they appear, Don't have any hesitation, I'd rather let ordinary gargoyles break through our defenses than shoot them down."

"Yes, Earl." Everyone solemnly agreed.

Seeing the heavy faces of everyone, Luo Lin smiled again: "Don't be so nervous. Maybe no one will intercept them at all. Undead are not good at sea battles, but they are very strong on land. Maybe they will wait for us at the cape of the South China Sea. .At that time, there will be orc warriors blocking them, and we will be in the rear, so there is no need to worry too much."

These words obviously couldn't make people really relax. After everyone finished their breakfast in silence, the officers returned to their respective posts and began to carefully check their equipment and weapons.

Luo Lin's order was also sent out through the semaphore ship, and the other two armored warships also began to prepare for battle.

The fleet continued to be difficult, and the time passed bit by bit, until six o'clock in the evening, when the sun set on the sea level, it was still calm.

While the soldiers were having their dinner, Vianna's little dragon rang the alarm.

This kind of little dragon is a magical creature, full of life magic power, very small in size, about the size of an adult's palm, but very powerful, especially extremely fast, and they can follow Vianna when she is flying with all her strength.

When calling the police, Xiao Jinglong flew to Luo Lin's side, his translucent body flickered, and bright markings representing danger appeared on the surface of his body.

"Get ready to meet the enemy!" Luo Lin ordered loudly.

"Woo~~~~" The horn sounded immediately, and not only the armored warships began to prepare for battle, but also the sailors of the merchant ships took up simple swords.

The soldiers had been waiting for a whole day, and their nerves had been tense. As soon as they heard the order, they immediately responded and took their positions, waiting for the undead to enter the range.

The cannons and bed crossbows on the deck pointed at the sky at the highest angle of elevation, and several bright balls of light rushed into the sky from the armored battleship. They were the magician's "blazing balls of light". Rush straight up to the clouds, immediately illuminating this piece of sea area as if it were daytime.

From a distance, a large group of black spots appeared in the sky in the direction of Vendome.

Luo Lin stood at the bow of the boat, fully armed, holding a cloud pattern sword in his hand, looking at the situation in the sky, and quickly saw the number of opponents, at least five hundred gargoyles, more undead griffins, at least one More than 1,500.

His eyesight is amazing now, and soon, he saw some gargoyles holding large wooden barrels on their paws, the number was not many, it seemed that there were only a dozen or so, he was slightly lucky, but at the same time worried. He didn't know what the hell was in the barrel.

He knew very well that no matter what, these wooden barrels must not be thrown into the fleet!

When the opponent flew a little closer, Luo Lin ordered loudly: "Fog! Twenty barrels!"

Of course, he wouldn't use up the Undead Busters all at once, the amount of sixty barrels would be used on the return trip and also when landing in the South China Sea.

How to create the fog to the greatest extent has been carefully studied beforehand. Twenty barrels are poured at a time, which ship falls, and how the magician cooperates.

As soon as Luo Lin's order was issued, thick smoke billowed from twenty merchant ships within ten seconds.

The magicians on the three iron-clad warships began to cast wind magic, and the sea breeze suddenly became stronger, driving the fog to spread and spread rapidly.

Soon, the fog enveloped the entire fleet.

Afterwards, another magician cast another wind magic, using the swirling sea breeze to keep the fog within a hundred meters around the fleet, so that it would no longer spread.

The fog produced by the twenty barrels of Undead Busters is not too thick, and the visibility is about 50 meters, which is quite thin. Because the armored battleship is on the periphery of the fleet, the fog has little effect on the sight of the soldiers on board.

At this moment, the gargoyles and undead griffins had already flown close to the fleet, and had already entered the range of the artillery on the armored battleship.

This artillery adopts the lobbing method, and the height of the shells can reach more than 800 meters. Special shells are used to ensure that the shells can explode in the air. The lethality does not depend on directly hitting the opponent, but on the holy crystal contained in the shells. Particles are specially used to deal with the flying army of the undead.

The so-called holy crystal is the stone under the holy water pool of the cathedral. Over time, it absorbs a lot of holy power and becomes transparent as a whole, just like a crystal. The holy power in it is pure and condensed. It is a sharp weapon against the undead, loading them like cannonballs , is the idea of ​​Conworth, who is now the bishop of the Fikes Island Cathedral.

"Attack!" Rowling ordered.

"Woo~~~" The horn blew heavily again, and the desolate sound spread throughout the entire fleet. This was the command to attack.

All of a sudden, the artillery roared, and clouds of thick smoke rose from the iron-clad battleship. At the same time, balls of fire burst out in the sky, and the holy grains of the shells shot in all directions. The sky was really empty and there was no hindrance at all, so these The holy crystal particles have a huge lethality to the undead within a radius of 100 meters.

This time, many undead griffins and gargoyles were recruited.

The gargoyles had rough skin and thick flesh, and were fast. The damage was not serious, and only a dozen were shot down. But undead griffins are out of luck. Griffins instinctively like formation when they fly. This is similar to wild geese, relatively dense. When encountering this kind of shells scattered by the goddess, this kind of formation flight is suicidal. .

A round of volleys killed at least two hundred undead griffins, which can be described as a heavy loss.

In this round of volley, two gargoyles holding wooden barrels were also hit. The wooden barrels held by his feet were shot through by the hot holy grains and ignited.

"Boom~" A huge explosion appeared, and two blue fireballs with a diameter of nearly 30 meters appeared in the sky, dazzling like a sun.

Luo Lin saw that when the blue flames swept over the undead griffins, their bodies were swallowed directly, and they turned into ashes in less than three seconds, without any struggle at all.

This power is simply terrifying!

"Stop the barrel! Stop them!" Luo Lin roared.

Needless to say, everyone was shocked by the flames, and all their attention was on it. As long as they could attack those gargoyles with wooden barrels, they would use them immediately.

The undead also learned to behave, and quickly dispersed, screaming, and swooped down towards the fleet from all directions, completely ignoring the existence of the fog.

Just as Luo Lin didn't understand their methods, the undead obviously didn't realize the horror of these fogs.

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