Legendary Hero

Chapter 293

When everyone went to greet him at the city gate, Angel kicked the horse's belly, followed Luo Lin's footsteps, and asked in a low voice, "Teacher, what will you do?"

"It depends on what Zacrow thinks." Luo Lin replied in a low voice, his current force gives him the right to say no to anyone!

His current bottom line is not to destroy the general trend of this fight against the undead. What will happen to the rest depends on what Zacrow will do. If he is not willing to meet the other party's conditions, then he will oppose it. If you can accept it, then compromise.

"I'll make him obey your orders." Angela said, she didn't want disagreements within Clear Water City at such a time. But in her opinion, the possibility of making a powerful figure like the mentor obey is not great, because his force and prestige are much greater than Zakro.

Of course, this is not the main reason. The biggest reason for Angela to make this decision is that she believes that her mentor is better than Zakro in military strategy, and it is more likely to lead them to victory.

At the critical moment of fighting against the undead, what they need most is victory, and everything else can stand aside, even the interests of the Principality.

Rowling still didn't make a statement, making it hard for people to see what he was thinking, and could only guess like Angela.

Most of the people who went to greet them at the city gate had joyful expressions on their faces, and all of them walked briskly. Of course, there were also a small number of clear-headed lords who showed worry on their faces.

What they were worried about was the Earl of Maple Leaf and the great knight Zakro of the kingdom. It was enough for Clear Water City to have one strong man, and it might not be a good thing if there was another one.

The current Zakro is not simple. In order to gain strength as soon as possible, he has given up the opportunity to be promoted to a legend through his own efforts. Through special potions, he has become a quasi-sage. He is also a disciple of the Red Moon Juggernaut. Inherited from the power of waves, it is much stronger than the power of ordinary quasi-sages.

This kind of power is considered a top figure in the Principality.

Anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see the risks of going out to meet the kingdom's elite fighters. The red-haired Marquis Mullen is one of them. He even expressed his attitude in advance: "Count, I still hope that you can lead this defensive battle."

Although Zakro is said to be a disciple of the Red Moon Sword Master and has a very high reputation, the problem is that he has no outstanding records, whether it is personal or leading, and everything is just satisfactory.

Even if he became a quasi-sage, so what, he was not at the same level as Earl Maple Leaf, who was able to defeat Moluogen.

In terms of leading the battle, the Earl of Maple Leaf also made an astonishing move in the Battle of Vendome in the south. He defeated the Beast King with 700 warriors and forced the orc army to go south to the Hengduan Mountains, saving at least millions of lives in the southern border. Admirable.

Although Mu Lun was tall and burly, he was very clear-headed, and the soldiers he brought were also the most elite besides Rollin. After a lot of consideration, he made the same choice as Angela for the sake of victory.

Paladin Joseph Martin also favored Rollins, but he didn't want any conflicts between the two sides. He came over to persuade him, "Count, I hope the overall situation is the most important thing."

Luo Lin nodded and said with a smile: "You guys are thinking too much. Zach Luo is a sensible person."

This group of people with different thoughts finally arrived at the gate of the city, and saw an army stationed at the gate, of which 3,000 were cavalry and 7,000 were infantry. This army has bright armor, strict discipline, and a well-organized army formation. More than 10,000 people are standing here, but they are silent. They can indeed be called elite.

Luo Lin also saw Zac Luo, counting the time, he hadn't seen him for almost three months. The other party has changed a lot in the past three months, his posture is still tall and straight, but his temples are stained with wind and frost, and his face has a lot of vicissitudes, but his power is stronger than before. Sitting on the horseback, there is a A taste that is as immobile as a mountain.

His eyes wandered among the people at the door, and finally settled on Luo Lin, his eyes narrowed.

He received the documents from the Grand Duke and learned about the Earl of Maple Leaf. This person actually betrayed the Principality and tried to become independent. If it was the past, if the other party dared to stand here, he would never say anything, and directly ordered the soldiers to rush up and kill this guy.

But not now, he knows that the principality cannot bear the price of killing this person, and the fact that the other party dares to come over shows that he has the confidence to leave here. With this person's force, it is not difficult to do this, and he did not stay behind His grasp.

Facing Zakluo's gaze, the old god Luo Lin was sitting on the horseback, his expression still indifferent. He didn't speak, and the Lord of Follino opened his mouth to smooth things over: "General Zacro came all the way to support, you and your soldiers should be very tired, go to the city to rest."

Zakro was silent, narrowed his eyes, still looked at Luo Lin, and put his hand on the hilt of the sword intentionally or unintentionally. This time, everyone who came to greet him felt a depressing atmosphere.

Those Bishui City officials, including the Lord Folino, shrank back quietly. They are all ruling officials appointed by the Grand Duke. Compared with this group of lords and nobles with titles, they are nothing, so it is better to meddle in their affairs less good.

Seeing Zacro like this, Joseph Martin broke the oppressive atmosphere: "Don't forget the undead!"

This was said to everyone present.

Marquis Mullen took the rein and took a step forward, and said with a smile: "Zakro, why don't you enter the city? Do you want these soldiers to spend the night outside the city?"

Zakro finally spoke: "I just want to know, who is the commander in chief of this clear water city?"

"Obviously the Earl of Maple Leaf." Marquis Mullen said, "We have already discussed it."

Zacrow glanced at the noble lords present, and one or two lowered their heads to express neutrality, but most of them took a step towards Rollin to express their position.

The lords who can come to Bishui City to support are not confused, everyone's greatest hope is to win.

The Earl of Maple Leaf and Zacrow are also considered to be heroes of the moment, but obviously the light of the former is more dazzling, defeating the orc warrior, defeating the undead sword master, getting the favor of the red moon sword saint, etc. Tell them a series of deeds, on the battlefield, The Earl of Maple Leafs is the one most likely to lead them to victory here.

Zakro saw the Grand Duke's daughter Angela again, and the other party looked at him anxiously, his lips moved slightly, as if he was talking, looking at the shape of his lips, he was trying to persuade him to obey.

Even the grand duke's daughter said so, Zakro no longer insisted, nodded and said: "In this case, my soldiers and I are also willing to obey the temporary dispatch of Earl Maple Leaf."

Of course, he also knew that there should be no conflict at this time, and among the nobles present, the one who could become the supreme commander was nothing more than the great knight of the kingdom and the Earl of Maple Leaf.

If these lords do not support each other, then he still has the possibility to win the dominance, but now, the earl has used some means to win the support of the majority, so Zakro has no room to fight.

After all, it is impossible for them to conflict, otherwise, not to mention others, Paladin Joseph Martin will definitely make a move. Once he makes a move, most of them will still support the other party. He may be imprisoned or killed directly. Everything is just for stability.

"It's just to repel the undead!" Zacro said to himself in his heart, while looking at Angela: "It's also for the safety of His Royal Highness Angela."

These two reasons were enough for him to succumb, and enough for him to confess to Dagong.

It wasn't until this moment that Luo Lin said, "It's my honor."

Everyone can recognize his command, this is the best result.

After that, it was the responsibility of the officials of the city lord Folino to arrange for the 10,000 soldiers brought by Zacro.

The generals did not delay for a moment and returned to the combat command room. There is a military sand table here. This is the method proposed by Luo Lin. On it is a topographic map around Clear Water City. When the lords present saw this thing, their eyes lit up.

Now, with the addition of 10,000 elite fighters from Zakro, the situation has suddenly become much easier. And according to Zakro, the reinforcements this time were originally 20,000, but they were divided into two halfway, and the other 10,000 people have already gone to support the lakeside fortress.

This is good news.

In this way, there are more than 16,000 people in the lakeside fortress. With the fortress' walls, although there is still pressure to face 40,000 high-level undead, at least they can withstand it for a while and buy more reaction time for Clear Water City.

Following the topic just now, Luo Lin began to express his thoughts. He took out a small figure and inserted it in the sand table at the gate of Clearwater City, representing the infantry: "Given the danger of the lakeside fortress, we cannot be besieged." It's not a good idea to divide troops into support in the city, because Clearwater City is equally important and cannot be lost. I think that after the undead appear, we will go out of the city to take the initiative to attack with infantry. And then deploy a cavalry here."

Rollin planted a wooden horse in the Vale of Ayrin, five kilometers away from the city: "With the team of Knight Zakro, we now have a total of 10,000 cavalry. These cavalry are lying in ambush in the Vale of Ayrin. When the undead come, our infantry Go out of the city to fight and attract the main force of the undead. Then the cavalry rushed out from the valley and killed the commander of the undead in one fell swoop. The undead without the commander will become headless chickens."

"It's very risky. If the cavalry is not well hidden and besieged by the undead first, not only will it not be able to achieve the surprise effect, but it may wipe out the entire army!" Zacrow saw the flaws in Luo Lin's tactics at a glance.

"Indeed." Luo Lin nodded, and he took a small piece of wood and threw it in the valley of Ayrin: "This is the undead buster smoke potion, produced on Fex Island, which has a strong restraint effect on undead. Two hundred barrels will be placed in the valley, If the cavalry were spotted, the tactics would change immediately."

Luo Lin withdrew the wooden horse to the depths of the valley of Ayrin, and placed a wooden skeleton at the entrance of the valley: "The cavalry retreated into the depths of the valley. Because the valley is a dead end, our cavalry are all elite, so the undead will probably come back." Follow up the valley, they will use ordinary undead to restrain the footsteps of the infantry at the entrance of the valley, while the high-level undead will enter the valley and kill our cavalry with a numerical advantage."

He placed the wooden skeleton in the middle of the valley, and placed some small skeletons representing ordinary undead at the mouth of the valley.

Everyone listened carefully, including Zach Luo.

Luo Lin continued: "At this time, we will start to release smoke. The valley environment is closed, the air circulation is not smooth, and there is a huge terrain advantage. As long as there are five intermediate-level magicians or above, then even if the opponent has a Lich of the Archmage level, Our side can also maintain the concentration of the smoke. At this time, the infantry is attacking from the rear, and the undead are trapped in the valley in front, maybe we can kill all the undead with one blow!"

Speaking of this, the command room has become completely silent. The tactics are interlocking. If one fails, they will immediately change with the situation. No matter how the opponent responds, the human race can always maintain the initiative.

More importantly, this tactic is very simple, without any complicated operations, and it is extremely easy to implement on the battlefield.

It should be noted that the more complicated the tactics, the better, especially in the era of cold weapons. No matter how exquisite your tactics are, the deduction is seamless on paper, but in actual execution, the executor is the soldier who makes a slight mistake, and this mistake is definitely If it happens, it may be the effect of losing everything.

Luo Lin's tactic doesn't have this problem at all, it only takes a few steps, and it can be said to be perfect to achieve this level.

"Last question." Zacrow said, "How effective is this nemesis?"

"Ordinary undead were dispelled directly. And with the suppressive effect of this potion, I defeated Moluogen face to face!"

Everyone in the command room took a deep breath, and then looked happy, Zacrow nodded: "I'm fine, do as you said, and the soldiers I brought will fully cooperate."

This is the best way at present, turn passive into active, once successful, the siege of Clear Water City will be cracked, and then move south to support the lakeside fortress, attacking the undead and the fortress back and forth, maybe the disaster of Baiyun City can be solved in one fell swoop. can be solved.

The situation in the Principality will greatly improve because of this, so Zakro must agree, even if this move will give the Earl of Maple Leaf a huge reputation.

But so what? They can't care so much anymore. The current state of the mainland cannot tolerate any falsehoods. Only the truly powerful and powerful can control the situation in order to gain a chance of life!

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