Legendary Hero

Chapter 305 You Will Not Be Alone

The small banquet for Rowling to entertain the three envoys was placed on the riverside balcony of the Moville Bridge Fortress, with a small long table, seven or eight common side dishes, and a few jugs of common ale.

On the side of the Silver Crusade, besides Rollin himself, he specially asked Angela and Zacrow to come too.

Although the Principality of Lehman has become a thing of the past, if this matter can be discussed, let the three of them discuss it as much as possible, and keep it in their hearts so as not to make everyone feel uncomfortable, and may even suspect randomly.

I drank a sip of beer, although it was just ordinary brewing, it tasted no different from famous mainland wines such as gold wine, ice leaf wine, and malt wine in Luolin.

Seeing that everyone was silent and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, he smiled with emotion: "To be honest, I feel guilty towards Grand Duke Lehman. He treated me very favorably and is a benevolent lord."

As soon as these words came out, the scene became a bit cold. Di Xinsi, Zacrow, and Angela all had a close relationship with Grand Duke Lehman, and Angela was the daughter of the Grand Duke. There was no way to intervene in Luo Lin's words.

But Coron, a soldier from the Aoraki Kingdom, did not have such scruples. He cut a piece of fish and tasted it, and said with a smile: "Marshal, from the perspective of the entire continent, what you did is not only not wrong, but very necessary. As for Grand Duke, he said he can understand, and he has nothing to blame for you."

Prince Luwell tasted the ale, frowned, and then put it down. He said, "To be honest, I'm a little curious. Marshal, do you foresee the fall of Davik Fortress?"

Asked this question, Di Xinsi and others also pricked up their ears to listen. Looking at Luo Lin's actions, he took the lead every step of the way, as if he could foresee the future.

Luo Lin smiled wryly: "Foresight is not so much, it's just not optimistic, very unfavorable. And I like to be just in case, even if the situation of Davik Fortress is really good, I will make these preparations, so as not to be in a hurry when there is an accident .”

"Now it seems that your preparation is very important." Coron said: "Otherwise this place has become a dark place."

If that is the case, then there is nothing to say, the Kingdom of Aoraki does not need to fight at all, just withdraw its troops and flee.

These are facts and no one disputes them.

But after this meal, the three of Angela didn't say much, and the atmosphere was still awkward.

After eating, Luo Lin said to Angela: "Master Di Xinsi should know a lot about the situation of the Grand Duke, you should have a good chat with him."


Luo Lin nodded to everyone: "Your accommodation has been arranged. If you want to rest, the attendants will take you there. I still have some things to do, so I will leave first."

Everyone on the long table immediately stood up and sent Luo Lin away.

After Rowling left, Prince Louville sat with Coron for a while, and then left for a rest. There were only three people from the Principality of Lehman left on the table.

After a moment of silence, Angela asked, "Is my father okay?"

Di Xinsi laughed, his face was full of desolation: "I'm fine, but my heart is completely old."

After Grand Duke Lehman withdrew to the Principality of Aoraki, he often said: "I didn't do anything wrong, why did this happen!"

Yes, from the beginning to the end, Grand Duke Lehman's actions were almost perfect, and he did not make a single mistake, but he was defeated and the country perished.

When it comes down to the reason, it can only be said that he is unlucky.

Angela's heart ached when she heard that, what a proud man his father was, and she could imagine his depression and helplessness after suffering such a big defeat.

"I'll go back with you this time," Angela said.

"No." Di Xinsi waved his hand, seeing the other party looking at him in surprise, explained: "This is what the Grand Duke meant. You stay here, it is safer than in the Aoraki Kingdom, don't think too much, just follow Maple Leaf Sword St. In the future...the resurgence of the Lehman family in the future will depend on you."

Angela was silent for a long time, and finally nodded: "I remember."

She knew that her father was really old and no longer ambitious. But having said that, facing Luo Lin, the fire of ambition in anyone's chest probably cannot be ignited.

That young man's strength and prestige have reached the point where no one can think of anything unusual, even if she has the right to inherit the principality.


this side.

Luo Lin returned to the study and was lighting up the lamp to look at various documents, when he heard someone knock on the door lightly, answered, and then saw the attendant walking in with Coron.

"It's so late, is there anything else?" Luo Lin was a little surprised.

Coron glanced at the attendant and said, "I want to talk to the two of us."

Luo Lin waved to the attendant: "Go out and close the door."

After the attendant left, Luo Lin put the document aside and asked, "What are you talking about in such a secret?"

Coron took out a letter and flicked it in front of Luo Lin, and said softly, "This is a secret letter from His Majesty."

When the letter paper flew over, Luo Lin could clearly feel the energy of fire and thorns flowing in it. This Coron still has the heart to win in martial arts.

Luo Lin gently held the envelope, and with a slight movement of strength in his hand, Coron's strength was gently eliminated, but the envelope was not damaged at all.

While opening the letter, he said: "I heard that you have already advanced to the realm of Martial Saint a month ago, which is a very good thing."

"It's not a good thing." Coron shook his head: "I still borrowed some foreign objects."

"Oh?" Luo Lin didn't expect this. He felt that Coron's strength was not inferior to his. What kind of foreign object has this effect?

"I got a drop of the heart blood of the fire phoenix. The power contained in it helped me enter the realm of martial saints. But I can clearly feel that my power is flawed. This is the sequelae of external power."

"Oh." Luo Lin opened the letter, glanced at the contents of the secret letter, and then set the secret letter aside on a candle and burned it without saying anything.

"Don't you think about the above?" Coron asked.

"What I said at the dinner just now came from my heart." Luo Lin shook his head: "I am indeed ashamed of the Grand Duke, how can I harm him again? Not only will I not harm him, but I will also warn Paimont if he uses any tricks Let the Grand Duke fall to death. If one day, we are lucky enough to repel the Dark Legion, I will make him pay the price!"

Paimonte was the name of King Aoraki. In the past, Luo Lin heard that the king was unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals. Now it seems that the rumors are true.

The Grand Duke is dead, and he can save a lot of trouble. As for why he went to find Luo Lin, in Paimont's view, Luo Lin would not want the Grand Duke to return to the Duke's homeland to grab his territory in the future. They have a common motive.

It's a pity that Luo Lin didn't need to use such shady means if he wanted to acquire land. He is in control of the general trend. As a martial saint himself, he also has the confidence to do this. If they are lucky and repel the dark army, if Grand Duke Ruo Leman is really confused and wants to come out, he doesn't need to do it himself. There are a lot of people who can't see it. eye to calm him down.

Coron was not surprised, he smiled: "Okay, I'll take what you said as it is. To be honest, I don't agree with His Majesty's doing this, it's too disrespectful."

"Is there anything else?" Luo Lin asked again.

"There is no official business. There is one personal matter. Can you review the sword move you used against Moro Vaughan with me? I am very interested in this matter." The smile on Coron's face was very weak, but his eyes sparkled with flames.

Seeing this light, Luo Lin knew that this guy was a pure martial idiot. Such people don't care about mundane things at all.

Luo Lin smiled gently: "You see, I'm very busy now. How about we use the sword to draw from the air, how about it?"

"Of course no problem." Coron was a little excited. For a martial idiot, there is nothing more attractive than carefully pondering the peak battle between the two great martial saints today.

He doesn't care about power disputes, conspiracies, plots and plots.

So, Luo Lin sat on the desk, and Coron stood in the study. The two of them were separated by four or five meters, using their fingers as swords, and confronted each other in the air.

Luo Lin made a sword first, and at the same time explained his intention and subtle usage: "With this sword of mine, the vortex energy is struck out in a swirling motion, where the sword passes, water droplets are continuously vibrated, and the water droplets are used as a sword for me to use. "

Coron's face immediately became very solemn, imagining the scene of the Blackwater River that day, and then returned a sword.

His sword was almost exactly the same as that used by Mo Luogen back then, of course, the movement of power was slightly different.

Rollin made a second strike, and Coron responded with another strike. Until the tenth strike, Coron did not feel the pressure beyond the limit, until the eleventh strike.

"In the ten-sword test, I found a flaw in Moluogen's swordsmanship, so I used some secret methods to increase my speed by 50%. .”

Luo Lin has almost nothing to hide. For such a martial idiot, if you hide something, he may not be able to notice it for a while, but he will definitely figure it out later, and his impression of you will be bad.

Facing this sword, Kron's forehead broke out in cold sweat, and he instinctively tilted his head back, as if avoiding Luo Lin's sword, but he stopped immediately, panted and said: "I can't stop this sword."

"Moro Vaughan didn't block him, he immediately used his famous stunt to kill the blood moon on me. To be honest, if he had the silver moon in his hand at that time, I would be seriously injured even if I didn't die. I guess I can't sit here now Already." Rowling described the scene at that time.

"It's dangerous, but you still won." Koron let out a long breath. He looked at the black water river outside the window, his eyes were confused, and he seemed to be able to see the peak battle of the day. After a long time, he said regretfully: " I really hate that I wasn't there."

Now replaying and watching it with my own eyes at that time, I always feel a little bit worse.

Luo Lin smiled and said, "I can avoid this life-and-death battle whenever I can. But I heard that the great demon king Barek is a peerless powerhouse, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to avoid a battle."

It is basically impossible for people like them to be killed by ordinary fighters, and in the end it must be a situation where the mighty dominates the mighty.

Whether he can win or not, Luo Lin is not at all sure.

Coron smiled: "Don't worry. If there is such a day, you will not be alone."

"I look forward to fighting side by side with you." Luo Lin smiled.

Coron nodded heavily, then saluted Rollin, and exited the study.

In the days that followed, preparations for the airship were being made in an orderly manner. About three days later, the nine ironclad warships on Fikes Island went all the way up the river and arrived at the bottom of the Mosaren Bridge.

On this day, the weather was sunny and sunny. Luo Lin stood on the edge of the bridge and looked down. On one of the battleships, he saw that extremely familiar figure.

It's Vianna.

He lowered his head and smiled at her, she instinctively hid for a while, then raised her head, a bright smile bloomed on her flawless face.

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