Legendary Hero

Chapter 313 Decisive Battle (Part 1) (Part 1)

Keel Hills

On this day, the west side of the hill was sunny and sunny with a gentle breeze. But the east side of the hill was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning.

The power of the million-level undead is running, boiling, and flowing, and it is pressing towards the Steel Front Fortress.

Under the dark clouds, the undead began to line up under the command of the undead general. Countless low-level undead acted as vanguards, spreading across the rugged paths, woods, and even cliffs of the Keel Hill, just like locusts crossing the border. , It was dark and dense.

The undead skeletons were followed by high-level undead and demons, and their advancing team was orderly, with a strong military spirit.

Every high-level undead wears protective armor, especially the neck is tightly protected. The highest-level death knights use steel armor for protection, and the middle-level ones use leather armor. If it is really impossible, a thick cloth is tied around the neck.

They have dealt with the human race so much, and they already know the weaknesses and strengths of both sides very well. For the undead, as long as the neck is not chopped off, the threat of being attacked elsewhere is not great. Unless the opponent can break them into pieces, they will still be alive and kicking.

As for the demons, some demons wear armor, and some are born with scales or cuticles, so they are naked and only hold a huge weapon.

The most powerful abyssal war demons are those with a protective layer of horniness. Their weapon is usually a huge war hammer. On the battlefield, when this hammer is swung, its power is extremely terrifying. Whoever touches it will die, and there will be no dead body. , the kind of smashed ones that don't even know their parents.

As the dark army continued to approach the fortress, the thick dark clouds in the sky continued to press over.

Dark clouds are overwhelming the city and want to destroy it.

Steel Fortress.

The outer city wall of Xiongguan, built at the mouth of the valley, is made of boulders and mud. It is 30 meters high, 10 meters wide at the top, and more than 200 meters long.

The cross section of the city wall is a chunky right-angled trapezoid, and of course the right-angled side faces the plain outside the city wall.

Inside the outer city wall, there is also a slightly shorter inner city wall, which is also extremely strong. The distance between the inner and outer city walls is about 100 meters, and there are hundreds of turrets, mage towers, and many trebuchets on the ground. Of course, it is not stones that are thrown now, but a huge number of wooden barrels filled with holy water.

The commander-in-chief of the Terran garrison is St. Edward of the Thunderblade. He is standing on the outer city wall, watching the undead rushing from the direction of the hills.

There were many generals standing beside him, including those from the Frost Crusaders and those from the King's Majesty. The one standing closest to him was none other than the talented warrior Koron who had returned from his envoy to the Mosalen Bridge.

He is a disciple of the Sword Master, and it can be said that he is the second most powerful fighter in the Aoraki Kingdom, apart from the Sword Master, he is the most powerful.

The sword master was listening carefully to the preparation news reported by the various generals. In the occasional spare time, he asked Coron in a low voice: "Didn't it say that there is an airship for support? Why didn't I see it?"

Although the dark clouds are pressing over, the human race also has magicians, and this is the exit of the canyon. There is a canyon wind itself. The magician uses the canyon wind to cast wind magic, and keeps blowing outwards. Even though the opposite side of the black cloud is like a mountain, it just can't be suppressed. Come.

This scene is like the estuary of a river. The river is the gorge wind accelerated by the magician, the black clouds are the sea water, and the city wall is the estuary. At least at the position of the city wall, the sky is always blue and the sun is always shining.

From the city wall, if the airship returns, some traces should be found, but now, there is nothing.

Coron didn't see the airship either, but he believed that the other party must be coming: "The Maple Leaf Juggernaut means that the airship is used for surprise attacks. There are also many magicians on the airship. I think they must have cast spells to hide their tracks."

Edward didn't see the other party, nor did he hear from the other party. Edward was always a little guilty, but he didn't have time to think so much now that the battle was coming. Start focusing on preparing for the decisive battle.

Sky, black cloud interior.

Nine airships lined up, floating quietly, except for a little fluctuation of wind magic power, the airships were almost silent.

And on this battlefield, the wind magic power fluctuated very violently, who would care about this abnormality in the black cloud.

On the flagship of the iron-clad battleship, Archmage Ryan is commanding the various iron-clad battleships to prepare for the battle in an orderly manner.

The communication between each battleship is carried out by a small ice dragon magic creature, which is very reliable and flies at an extremely fast speed. Fly all over and pass various orders accurately.

Of course, it was not Ryan who brought this magical creature, but Iona, who is now beside Archmage Ryan.

"Rolin is a complete layman in magic, he didn't think it through at all, hehe, if I hadn't come here, what would you do!" Iona's magic power surged, maintaining a calm wind magic.

If it weren't for her presence, the airship wouldn't be able to hide quietly like it is now, and it must have been discovered by the undead early in the morning.

Although Luo Lin told her not to join the war...... Huh, she always did the opposite of what that bastard said.

In this regard, Archmage Ryan wisely kept silent. He had already discovered along the way that the so-called Snow Queen had a huge resentment towards the Marshal, and she would mock the Marshal for everything she did.

Sarcasm is just satire. Apart from sarcasm, the opponent's magic level is indeed ridiculously high, and it is very effective. So along the way, Ryan pretended not to hear Iona's words.

With one ear closed to resist the noise from Iona, he quietly observed the battlefield below through the dark clouds through the all-seeing eye, and at the same time gave orders to the little ice dragon.

At this time, the Dark Legion had rushed to the plain in front of the fortress, and they also launched many poorly made projectiles, which threw wooden barrels one by one.

Ryan knew that these wooden barrels contained a terrible explosive liquid. If this thing was thrown on the city wall in large quantities, the structure would be very bad.

So these projectiles are one of his main targets of destruction.

He wrote in the air with one hand and calculated in his mind. The airship carried a lot of explosives and undead killers. He had to calculate the exact throwing position so that these could exert their greatest power.

After all, Ryan is an archmage, and his mind is very good. After a few minutes, he notified the airship of their positions.

The airship began to adjust its position, and a large amount of undead nemesis potions and explosive potions were pushed onto the deck. When the time came, these things were 'fed' into the mouths of the dark army.

"They're going to start throwing barrels!" Iona was also looking at the battlefield below.

The dark army on the ground has advanced to less than 300 meters in front of the fortress wall, and has entered the firing range of the fortress turret.

Amidst bursts of roaring sounds, clusters of flames exploded in front of the dark army, killing some low-level undead.

Although it is a waste of shells to do this, the human race has no choice, because once the city is attacked, these huge number of skeleton cannon fodder are very difficult to deal with. If they do not reduce their number as much as possible, they will cause huge losses to them.

In the midst of this artillery fire, one after another projectile vehicles were pushed up with cover, and were about to start throwing high-explosive wooden barrels at the city wall.

At the same time, Archmage Ryan on the airship adjusted the position of the airship, and at the same time ordered: "Throw down the old-fashioned explosive potion barrel!"

There are two kinds of explosive agents on the airship, one is passed from the dwarves, and it is the same as the agent used in the shells on the ground fortress, which is not too powerful.

There is also a new type, which was improved by the alchemist Biang from the potion formula of the undead's explosive barrel.

The new medicine reduces the burning temperature, but it greatly increases the spreading speed of the high-temperature flame during the explosion. It has a miraculous effect on dealing with the undead. It can be regarded as one of their secret weapons this time.

Almost as soon as the explosive agent was pushed off the deck of the airship, a projectile on the ground threw a bucket of explosive liquid towards the city wall.

"Boom boom boom!" This is the sound of the airship's explosive powder hitting the ground and exploding. Considering that this is an artificial throw, of course it is impossible to throw the barrel accurately, at least not directly on the ejector.

But that's enough.

The explosion flame ignited the explosive liquid of the undead. Needless to say, the power of these things, they were piled in the pile of undead before they were thrown out. Once they exploded, liquid-like blue flames overflowed. Where the flames passed, the earth melted, and the skeletons evaporated, whoever stood in the way died.

Another explosion sound came from the city wall of the human race. The city wall was hit by the explosive liquid. The blue flame was burning, and the rock under the flame was continuously flowing down like melted butter. gap.

The knife saint Edward was stunned and shouted: "Quickly put out the fire! Quickly put out the fire!"

The Dark Legion was also stunned. All the undead and demons stared dumbfounded at the raging blue flames.

The exploding wooden barrels falling from the sky for no reason, and the blue flames flowing in all directions just cleared a hole in the legion with a diameter of nearly 400 meters.

This blow not only destroyed the catapult they managed to get out, but also evaporated at least 50,000 undead skeletons without a trace.

"..." The big demon stared blankly at Barclay, then looked up at the sky, and roared angrily: "There are mice hiding in the clouds! Griffons! Gargoyles! Beat them down!"

Immediately, thousands of gargoyles and nearly 2,000 undead griffins flew into the sky, rushing towards the black clouds in the sky.

on the airship. Archmage Lane calmly ordered: "Open the undead nemesis barrels, the number is twenty! Release the whirlwind magic to create a cloud of smoke!"

Clouds of white smoke were quickly generated, and under the effect of magic, enveloped the airship.

"Musketeers and archers are ready!"

On the deck of the airship, rows of musketeers and archers took their positions, ready to snipe the undead.

Narosa, the eight-armed snake demon, was also on the flagship of the airship. When she saw her opponent approaching, she immediately got on the deck excitedly, gearing up for a fight.

On the wall of Steel Front Fortress, Edward finally saw the airship and was excited. Seeing that the opponent was preparing to deal with the airship, he immediately ordered support.

"Where's my giant eagle?!" The sword sage roared.

The giant eagle is a domesticated bird of prey in the Kingdom of Aoraki, with a wingspan of up to fifteen meters and a sharp beak and claws. Once it is pecked down, it can peck steel shields into pieces. All rhinos can lift up to the sky and fall to death! It is said that in the sky, the king of giant eagles dares to compete with dragons.

This is the ace unit of the Kingdom of Aoraki.

If Luo Lin comes over, he will know that this is a level 34 elite raptor, and it is evenly matched with the Gargoyle.

Following the order of the sword master, from the rock walls on both sides of the canyon, there was a loud cry of eagles, and a large number of black giant birds flew up, more than two thousand in number. Under the order of the falconer, they flew like a Like a black torrent, it rushed straight to the undead in the sky.

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