Legendary Hero

Chapter 317 Rescue the Frost Dragon

Mossalen Bridge

The speed of the airship is very fast, and it is very easy to travel two thousand miles a day. In three days, Archmage Ryan led the airship team back to the bridge fortress. In order to reload the magic crystals and potions, the nine airships stopped on the black water river on one side of the bridge.

The first time he arrived at the fortress, Archmage Ryan rushed to the fortress. He was going to report the situation of the Steel Front Fortress in detail to the Marshal of the Silver Crusade.

While walking on the bridge, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The soldiers on the bridge seem to have changed a lot. In the past, these guard soldiers gave people a strong and aggressive feeling, but now, some of these soldiers are still as capable, but some are completely young recruits.

How is this going?

The archmage was puzzled, and he also found that there was a low breath on the bridge, although it was very faint, but he couldn't hide his feeling.

During his absence, something must have happened here.

Ahead is the fortress. Archmage Ryan saw the attendant who greeted him. The attendant has not been changed, and Ryan also knows it. When the attendant saw him, he bowed respectfully, called him master, and then turned to lead the way.

Ryan asked softly, wondering: "Did something happen recently?"

The attendant nodded slightly, and then said: "You will know soon, the marshal is waiting for you in the study."

Ryan nodded, and when he approached the study, he saw many generals were there, as was Horn, the chief executive of the northern border. There are a few new faces and a few old ones missing. Ryan especially noticed that the Grand Duke's daughter, Angela, was not here.

The Marshal sat behind the desk, not seeing any changes.

"Sit down, everyone sit down." Seeing the archmage arrived, Luo Lin smiled.

After everyone sat down, he handed a document to Ryan and explained: "During the time you were out, a major event happened in the fortress. It might affect the morale of the army. I didn't send you a message. Let's take a look now."

Ryan took the document and looked at it. He frowned tightly when he looked at it. After reading it, he couldn't help cursing with his heart: "Pallassen must be ashamed of having such a disciple!"

Zac Luo, he also always thought that he was a person who considered the overall situation and knew right from wrong, but he didn't expect this to happen. Losing nearly 30,000 elites, this is really a very bad thing.

Rollin waved his hand and said, "Okay, it has already happened. Ryan, please tell me about the Steel Front Fortress in detail. Try to be as detailed as possible. We are all very curious about the combat power of the Dark Legion."

Ryan nodded, sorted out his mood, and began to describe the battle he personally experienced in the Steel Front Fortress.

All the generals listened attentively. When they heard some dangerous places, some couldn't help but marvel, some were deep in thought, and some turned pale. Luo Lin also listened carefully, but when he heard that Iona had been staying on the airship, his brows were slightly frowned.

After talking for more than half an hour, Ryan took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and said: "This is roughly what happened. This time our airship can come back intact, thanks to the efforts of Ms. Iona. We are on the way home I searched all the way, but unfortunately I couldn't find her, I hope nothing happens to her."

Luo Lin nodded in agreement, but he did not express any specific opinions on Iona's behavior. He continued to ask: "In your estimation, what are the losses of both parties?"

"The battle was not long, but it was very intense. From what I personally saw, the Dark Legion lost at least 30,000 demons, of which nearly 20,000 were Flo demons, and about a hundred war demons. High-level undead also lost Nearly 50,000 were lost, mostly from artillery, holy water barrels, etc. As for the low-level undead skeletons, the loss was relatively large, and at least 200,000 undead skeletons were wiped out by the nemesis smoke alone."

This loss is indeed very heavy. You must know that the Dark Legion has nothing to add. They are all soldiers, and they die more or less.

Especially the demons, according to the werewolf report, their portal has been closed for several months for some unknown reason, and no demons have been teleported over in the past few months, and it is estimated that no new demons will come over in the future. Thirty thousand dead now is indeed a heavy blow.

"What's the situation in the Kingdom of Aoraki?" Yopni asked.

"The loss was also very heavy." There was a hint of horror in Ryan's eyes: "The battle on the city wall was extremely tragic. At the beginning, the Aoraki Kingdom used elite guards to guard the city wall, but the elite lost a lot, and then they used militiamen to make up for it. And the elite were mixed in, using the flesh and blood of the militiamen to attract the attention of powerful demons. I estimate that by the end of the battle, at least 100,000 soldiers had fallen on the 300-meter city wall, and at least 80,000 of the militiamen had died. That blood Stay and there's a stream of blood running under the walls... oh my god!"

Ryan couldn't continue, and he continued after a while: "Including those who were shot to death by the undead, I think there should be about 140,000 soldiers who died in the Aoraki Kingdom. The elite is about 30,000."

This situation is better than that of the Dark Legion, but the situation of the living kingdom is much more complicated than that of the undead.

After listening to Ryan's description, Rowling asked, "So, Paramount really conscripted 700,000 militiamen?"

"Just a little bit more." Ryan was very sure, he could see clearly from the airship.

"The Aoraki Kingdom has less than 10 million people in total, and there are nearly a million people gathered in one fortress, not including the logistics soldiers in the rear. If I expected it to be true, the situation in Aoraki should be very serious. If it's not done well, there may even be chaos." Luo Lin frowned.

He originally estimated that the limit of militiamen conscripted in the fortress was 300,000, but Pyrmont actually asked for 700,000 directly, what a fool who asked for trouble.

In a steel front fortress, many of the 700,000 people can't go to the battlefield at all, they can only fight soy sauce behind, which is a complete waste of people's energy.

After being silent for a while, Luo Lin said: "Wolf King Gray recently sent back news that the Great Demon King has no intention of continuing to attack the Steel Front Fortress, and that he has already led the legion to retreat to the Davik Fortress. The situation is obvious, he should be Ready to come to us."

Ryan was surprised: "But we..."

Their situation is very bad. Nearly 30,000 elites are gone.

Luo Lin smiled: "It's not that bad. We are missing 30,000 soldiers, but the elves from the Moonlight Continent have already contacted us."

As he spoke, Luo Lin pulled out a document from a small brown log tube and passed it on to the generals.

"The elves came with 15,000 elite archers. Among them, there are 2,000 sniper archers who can shoot without fail within 300 meters, and 30 sharp archers. To cooperate with the turret group we set up on the river, there are also patrolling archers. With the modified artillery boats on the river and the airships in the sky, we are not incapable of fighting."

This is indeed good news, very good, the faces of the generals showed joy and encouragement.

Grevin smiled and said, "I really didn't expect the elves to come to support us, and with such a strong force."

As far as he knows, the population of elves is not large. The whole continent is estimated to have only one million people. Now there are 15,000 people here, and there are countless masters, which shows the sincerity of the elves.

Luo Lin smiled: "The elves are very sincere, of course we have to treat them carefully. Horn, this is up to you. Of course, don't make the dwarves feel dissatisfied."

Horn stood up and saluted: "I will make the elves feel at home."

Through the fairies Lu Fei and Selina, he has a certain understanding of the customs and habits of the elves, and he also knows their taboos very clearly. they feel comfortable.

Luo Lin was always at ease when Horn was doing business, so he smiled and said, "That's all for today, everyone prepares separately. Horn, Ryan, you two stay here for a while, I still have something to discuss."

The other generals left, and then only Chief Steward Horn and Archmage Ryan Sphinx were left in the study.

Luo Lin lightly looked at the desk surface with his fingers, sighed, and said, "What I want to talk about is about Iona."

The two listened carefully. Iona is the Snow Queen, and the Frost Giants depend on her to restrain them. Her disappearance is a big deal. In fact, Rowling avoided talking about it just now, and Archmage Ryan was a little strange.

"What I want to say is top secret. After you hear it, just keep it in your heart and never say it out loud." Luo Lin said.

"Yes, Marshal!" The faces of both of them became serious, and their sitting postures became upright.

"In order for her to lead the Frost Giants south, I once signed a loyal soul contract with her to ensure our mutual trust. So I can feel that she is still alive, but the situation is very bad. If no one rescues her, she may die. Become a new undead dragon." Luo Lin didn't mention the life-sharing contract. If he didn't mention the contract, no one would guess it. The so-called loyalty contract is just a weak constraint, and he doesn't have to worry about being used by others.

"Can you feel her presence?" Ryan asked solemnly.

"I can feel the general orientation."

Ryan stood up immediately: "Then let's set off immediately and go by airship. The frost giant needs to be restrained, and Ms. Iona must not become a puppet of the undead."

If Iona becomes a puppet of the undead and frost giants run around the continent, it will make the current situation worse.

Horn moved his lips, wanting to stop Rollin from taking risks, but he knew the importance of this matter, so he changed his words in the end.

"What should I do?" he said.

"When I'm not around, take control of the overall situation." Luo Lin said: "Take the airship. If everything goes well, it will only take a week to go back and forth. The speed of the Dark Legion is not so fast. They are still rushing back to the Davik Fortress."

"I will do my best." Horn nodded heavily.

An hour later, the airships that had just returned to the Mossalen Bridge Fort finished replenishing the magic crystals, and one of the airships took off again, flying at full speed in the direction of Keel Hill.


At the same time, five hundred kilometers south of the Keel Hill, the Great Demon King Barclay received a new guest.

As soon as the two sides approached, they felt their respective strengths. The Great Demon King's expression became dignified, and he said respectfully, "Master Samuel, you came just in time."

The former Zakro, the current Samair squinted his eyes. He liked the feeling of being respected, so he smiled and said, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Of course, Master Disentas is capturing a giant frost dragon in the northern Keel Hills. To be honest, I'm a little worried. It would be great if you could help."

"The Frost Dragon? It's Iona, no problem. I'll let her be our companion." Samuel smiled coldly.

He didn't stop there either, he just joined the Dark Legion and was eager to prove his strength. He saluted Barclay, climbed on the back of a gargoyle, and flew towards the Dragonbone Hill.

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