Legendary Hero

Chapter 339 The Brotherhood of Progress and the Sly Restoration Party

With a sound of 'bang', the back door of the Thorn Firm was knocked open, and several goblin guards rushed into the firm surrounded by a thin and gorgeously dressed goblin.

But as soon as they took a few steps, they had to stop because two dark elf warriors appeared in front of them.

These two warriors wore silver metal masks on their faces, and gorgeous battle robes with black and white stripes mixed with silver edges. The material of the battle robes seems to be silk, but it has a bit more metallic texture than silk, and the general There was a faint fluctuation of magic power, obviously this is a piece of magic equipment. The weapons held by the samurai are two scimitars, which are slender like hooks, with silvery white blades, like crescent moons in the sky.

"Stop!" The dark elf warrior looked down at the goblin with a cold voice.

Although the goblin Sochi was very anxious, he didn't dare to be reckless. In the Underdark, few people would dare to be rude to the silver moon warriors of the dark elves, especially the two warriors in front of them. They have a small crescent moon emblem on their chests , surrounded by four stars.

According to the rules, a star represents an opponent who has killed ten powerful opponents. This opponent can be a goblin aero warrior, a terrifying monster in the Silver Moon Forest, or a powerful gladiator in the arena.

Four stars are forty. This must be a very terrifying fighter. Sochi doesn't think the few goblin fighters he brought can fight them, unless he brings the Eternal Night Warrior from the Chamber of Commerce, but the Eternal Night Warrior is already dead.

"I want to see Magician Yinmanlan. I have something urgent to find her. Please inform her." Sochi was full of anxiety. The town is too small. Now, the screams are still heard, and that terrible demon spared no goblin he saw.

The Yinyue warrior shook his head: "Master Yinmanlan is researching a new magic in the magic research room. Now is a critical moment, and there should be no interruptions. So, please go back."

"..." Sochi was stunned, and he immediately realized that this was an excuse for his opponent to refuse assistance. He was startled and angry, and screamed, "Yin Manlan! Yin Manlan! You have the ability to hide!" Don't come out for the rest of your life!"

There was no response, and the two Silver Moon Warriors looked at him coldly, and they did not do anything extra except to block Sochi's way.

"Yin Manlan, if you don't save yourself from death, I guarantee that the Black Galan Chamber of Commerce will make you pay a huge price!" Sochi began to threaten.

This sentence had an effect, and a Yinyue warrior said: "Sochi, Master Yinmanlan has a message for me to convey."

"You say." A glimmer of hope rose in Sochi's heart.

"She said that you are too impatient. You know that your opponent is powerful, but you do not know the details. You deserve this disaster. And this is the mistake you made alone. There is no need to pay for your mistakes."

"I beg her, okay? I beg her for help!" Sochi almost knelt down, but the dignity of the goblins prevented him from doing so.

"Your Excellency is busy. She can't hear you. Get out of here, out of Ximu Town, while there is still a chance."

Another Silver Moon Warrior spoke. At the same time, he opened a corner of the backyard of the Chamber of Commerce and opened a secret door: "Let's go through this secret path."

Sochi understood that this should be the only help he could get from Thorn Trading Company. After hesitating for a moment, he remembered his father's words again, and immediately made a decision, saying to the goblin warriors beside him, "Follow me."

He finally chose to leave.

On the second floor of the Thorn Trading Company, the magician Yin Manlan watched the goblin obediently enter the secret passage, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, two silver moon warriors appeared behind her, and one of them said, "My lord, if you do this, I'm afraid it will take a lot of explaining in the future."

"I know." Yin Manlan nodded, and she looked up at the Black Galan Trading Company not far away, where thick black smoke had already risen, and bright flames were quickly engulfing the trading company: " But it's better than us all dying with them."

Hearing this, a silver moon warrior hesitated to speak.

"Gran, do you think we won't necessarily lose if we team up with the goblins?" Yin Manlan laughed.

"There should be a chance to win." Silvermoon Bushido, who was called Gran, said.

"Perhaps. But it's too late now." Yin Manlan smiled, and took out another letter and handed it over: "Today's matter is very important, and the goblins will definitely fly into a rage, cleanse the human warriors, and even attack me. The family is in trouble. You immediately send this letter to the New Moon Garden and hand it to Queen Agnes, so that our family will not be passive."

"Yes, my lord!" The two Silver Moon Warriors nodded and went downstairs with the letter. After a while, the Shadow Horse neighed and galloped out of the Thorn Trading Company.

In the streets of Ximu Town.

The Black Garland Chamber of Commerce has fallen into raging flames. Hundreds of goblin warriors have all been killed, corpses are everywhere, and blood flows like rivers.

The old goblin is not dead yet, his clothes look like a high-level goblin, and Luo Lin has not lost his mind at all, he wants to find out who is the real mastermind behind the scenes.

He took the old goblin out alone, threw it on the street, pointed the bloody cloud pattern sword at the old goblin's throat, and asked softly, "Tell me, who sent the assassin?"

The old goblin looked at the murderous demon in front of him. This demon's whole body was almost drenched in blood. His face was covered with blood. Blood was dripping from his sword and the hem of his clothes. It was all the blood of the goblin.

"You will pay a terrible price for your crime, soldier!" he said coldly, answering irrelevant questions.

'Crack! ’ The old goblin’s left hand was stepped on by Luo Lin, and it turned into a pulp. The old goblin screamed. The great pain made him short of breath, and tears and snot came out unconsciously, covering his face.

"Say." Luo Lin looked at the goblin's other hand, but was immediately attracted by a ring on the hand.

The long sword raised slightly, and directly chopped off the old goblin's hand. The ring was in Luo Lin's hands. He observed carefully, and what he saw was not the bright sapphire, but the words on the ring.

This is the goblin language, and Luo Lin couldn't understand it, but he knew that there must be a mystery, so he put the ring away.

The old goblin still didn't give Luo Lin an answer. After screaming, the pain subsided, and he continued to sneer: "What you have done today will bring great disaster to your fellow race! The blood shed by my race today will cause the human race to die in the future." A hundred times a thousand times..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Lin stepped on his face with a little force, and the old goblin's head was crushed.

"Two hundred and ninety-nine." Luo Lin said silently in his heart.

He looked up and saw goblin corpses all over the street. The goblin blacksmith shop and goblin merchant guild in the city were slowly being swallowed up by the flames. Under the pressure of the flames, some hidden goblins escaped from the buildings. The shrill screams, the scene is so tragic, like hell on earth.

All the goblins in this small town have been killed. Some people may have escaped, but Luo Lin is sure that the number does not exceed ten.

Farther away, many human races looked at him with fear on their faces. Rowling saw Sheriff Feeney, with an anxious expression on his face, shouting to direct the fire, but under Rowling's watchful eyes, no one dared to rescue the surviving goblins.

The anger in his heart had subsided, Luo Lin slowly withdrew his sword, turned around, and walked towards the entrance of Ximu Town. When passing through the crowd, everyone avoided them and let this terrifying warrior pass by.

Luo Lin kept walking, kept walking, walked out of the town, and walked aimlessly along the road.

From time to time, the memories he saw from the soul stone would come back to his mind, which made Luo Lin feel guilty. He should treat Iona better.

He didn't know how long he had been walking and where he was, when he suddenly heard someone shouting beside him: "My lord, my lord?"

After waking up from the state of confusion, he turned his head and saw a one-armed mercenary, a hound, and beside him stood a ragged but strong warrior.

"It's you." Luo Lin's spirit lifted slightly, he recovered from the wild state of revenge before, and his reason returned to him.

"My lord, you have to follow me quickly. The goblin's revenge will come soon." The hound looked anxious.

"The goblin's revenge?" Luo Lin was taken aback. At this moment, he felt that his previous actions were a little impulsive, but he had done everything, and it was useless to regret it.

"Do you know what those goblins would try to kill you?"

"Why?" Luo Lin really didn't understand.

"Because you showed great force, and in the eyes of the goblins, we are a slave race, unworthy of this kind of power." The expression on the hound's face was angry.

Another mercenary said: "The goblin's famous saying is: 'We don't need a second slave king.' For many years, they have been hunting the strong of my race and obliterating any talented young people. You are not the second slave king." One, and not the last."

Luo Lin frowned, the situation in this world was much more complicated than he imagined.

"My lord, shall we go?" the Hound urged.

Luo Lin nodded: "Thank you, then lead the way."

The two mercenaries nodded. They were also holding three shadow horses. This kind of horse was similar to the horses in the ground world, but the details were different. They had longer faces, horns on their heads, and skin on their bodies. On the other hand, there is a faint silver light, which brightens and dims with the horse's breathing, making the horse look like a phantom, presumably this is where the word "shadow" got its name from.

"My lord, please get on your horse." The hound said respectfully.

Getting on the back of Youying Horse, the three of them galloped with whips, and soon left Ximu Town far behind.

"Where are we going?" Rollin asked. They were running to the southwest. If he remembered correctly, that was the direction of the Silver Moon Forest.

"Echo Valley, my lord."

"What's the reason?"

"That's a branch of our Sly Restoration Party." The Hound was always respectful, but compared to before, he lacked a lot of humbleness, which must be his true colors.

"The Sly Restoration Party?"

"Yes, it exists to fight against the brotherhood of goblins, black dragons, and dark elves. We have been fighting them for more than a hundred years." It was another mercenary who spoke.

Luo Lin suddenly looked at the mercenary: "What's the name?"

"You can call me boar." The mercenary said. Apparently, the boar was his name.

Hearing this, Luo Lin took out the old goblin's sapphire ring and asked, "Do you know the words on this ring?"

"Of course." The wild boar didn't even look carefully, and said, "This is the emblem of the Brotherhood of Progress. The words on it mean: 'Brothers of one heart, advance together and retreat together.'."

When he said these words, there was a cold and deep hatred on his face.

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