Legendary Hero

Chapter 347 Parting Ways (Part 3)

"My lord, who is this?" The Hound looked surprised. Because of the silver moon warrior, he was ordered to go out of the valley to inquire about the news. This time he got some urgent news, so he rushed back from the outside to report. what happened inside.

Jasmine spoke quickly and explained clearly what happened in the valley in a chirping manner, saving Luo Lin's effort in explaining.

The hunting dog was dumbfounded for a while, and then anger appeared on his face, but the anger did not burst out, but gradually faded and disappeared, becoming helpless and depressed, and finally turned into a sigh of disappointment.

With a wry smile on his face: "My lord, I didn't expect things to turn out like this, I made you laugh."

The Glory Restorer who has always claimed to be the king of Sly's gladiator fights, but when he meets his opponent, he can't dodge it like a mouse seeing a cat. Forget it, they are not as powerful as their opponents, and there is no way to run away if they can't beat them.

But the most disappointing thing for the hunting dog is that everyone in the valley is content with the status quo and does not think about making progress. He has joined the Restoration Party for fifteen years. When he came, Echo Valley was a branch of the Restoration Party, and the slogan was Restoration of the Glory of the Gladiator King, but after so many years, the place is still the same, and there is no improvement at all. For many years, he has been busy for the recovery cause, from a young man full of energy to a tired man with a broken arm full of vicissitudes, but in the end, he still has such a result. His blood and passion have all turned into water, so why is he not disappointing? Woolen cloth.

Luo Lin shook his head and smiled: "It's okay. On the contrary, I would like to thank them for taking me in. This gave me a period of peace and I also took in a good disciple, haha."

The hunting dog looked at Jasmine and saw that she was strong and strong, with a chubby face, and he was somewhat relieved. He was silent for a while, with a hint of hesitation on his face, as if he was thinking about something difficult to decide.

"What, is there anything else?" Luo Lin asked.

Unexpectedly, the hunting dog suddenly half-kneeled on the ground and said solemnly: "Master, I beg you to let me be your servant and follow in your footsteps."

Luo Lin was startled, then smiled and shook his head: "No need."

Just as the Hound understands Rowling's character, Rowling also understands the Hound's ambition. This man's ideal is to restore the glory of the so-called gladiator king. The restoration he said is not just a nice slogan like Man Ray, he is really desperately fighting for the future. dry.

Now that he wants to follow Luo Lin, he probably wants to use his strength to realize his ambition.

This person is completely different from Lehman. He is tenacious, determined, broad-minded, and has a good brain. The only pity is that he lacks strength. If he makes up for this shortcoming, he may really do something great. . This is why Rowling respects him.

However, Luo Lin was looking for an opportunity to return to the surface world at any time. He was destined to not stay in this world for long, and he never cared about the affairs of this world, so he had no intention of doing these things.

"My lord, may I know why?" the Hound asked unwillingly.

"Why?" Rowling asked.

"Why do you have such great power, but are unwilling to fight against goblins and dark elves? Why did you get angry for a while after the goblins killed your wife? Don't you hate them?" the Hound asked.

Luo Lin couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, the first question didn't shock him, it was the second that touched his heart. Iona died in his arms at the hands of those goblin assassins, which really made him have a great dislike for goblins.

However, he had already killed the murderer, killed hundreds of goblins, and avenged Iona, so it was impossible and unnecessary for him to kill all the goblins. What's more, there are tens of millions of goblins in this world, which is more than twice the population of the Sly Kingdom, which is less than four million. Although goblins are not impressive in appearance and weak in body, they have advanced mechanical technology and amazing creativity. Facing such a powerful opponent, even if he wants to fight against such a race, it will take countless time and energy, and there is no guarantee. success.

In addition, there is another most important reason. The Mosaren Bridge in the ground time is facing the threat of the dark army. He, the commander of the Silver Crusade, must return to the ground world as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin shook his head and said: "Iona is dead, I have already avenged, I can't live in hatred forever. Hound, you have your ambitions, and I have my responsibilities. You don't need to persuade , if you are tired, find a place to live in seclusion and spend the rest of your life."

"Impossible." The Hound smiled wryly and shook his head: "I can't live this life peacefully."

He knew that it was impossible for him to persuade this lord to stay, the other party had already made up his mind, and any further persuasion might make the other party feel disgusted. Disappointed, but helpless.

Seeing him like this, Luo Lin took out a large pile of amethyst stones, about a hundred catties, and handed them over in a cloth bag: "Then you can take these things, don't refuse, you want to realize your ideals, money is everything." No way."

The Hound had nothing to say, put away the amethyst stone, knelt on the ground instead, kowtowed heavily to Luo Lin, and said: "My lord, there are many silver moon warriors and noble knights in the forest, It is said that there is also a terrible goblin called Death's Hand, that is a very scary goblin steam fighter, you have to be careful."

"I see, thank you for your reminder." Luo Lin nodded, paused, and asked again: "Is there any news outside? For example, from the undead."

The hunting dog nodded: "Yes. It is said that there was news from the capital Heilongze that the youngest son of the Duke of the Black Dragon was injured, and it was the undead who did it. A few months ago, some people saw a goblin airship team go to the Forest of Silver Moon, and they also went to deal with it. Undead. But it doesn’t seem to be going well. After the airship team came back, the number was reduced by more than half, and it was still in tatters, and the loss was heavy.”

Luo Lin was startled, and asked, "How many airships went there, and did any other goblin airship teams show up after that?"

Goblin airships are the main air combat power of goblins. According to the few words Luo Lin heard in the past few months, every goblin prince has at least one airship team with at least ten ships.

The hunting dog recalled the news he had inquired, and said with some uncertainty: "Probably more than 30 ships went there, and then a dozen came back. After that, no airship team went out."

Luo Lin was overjoyed when he heard that, a mere 30 airships could be taken out by a powerful prince, but there was no follow-up attack after that. This only shows the fact that after a bitter battle, the goblins defeated Legion of Darkness. Otherwise, with the pride and strength of the goblins, they will definitely send a larger airship team to attack until the opponent is eliminated.

His previous speculation should be correct, the Dark Legion can't get along in this world, at least not the opponent of goblins. This is especially true when it is not fully developed in the early stages.

"Can you confirm the news?" Rollin asked.

"Of course. Many people have seen the returning airship team." The Hound didn't know why Rollins asked this, but he answered truthfully.

"Then I'm fine. Thank you." With a relaxed smile on Luo Lin's face, this is really good news, he knows what he should do now.

The hunting dog kowtowed again, and then walked into the valley with the amethyst. As for whether he will continue to be active in the recovery party or pull another team, Luo Lin does not know.

Lowering his head and smiling at Jasmine, Luo Lin said, "Let's go, uncle will take you to a place."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded.

Luo Lin stretched out his arms to embrace Jasmine, and then began to accelerate, heading towards the direction of the cliff where he entered this world. The Dark Legion was frustrated and the situation was good. He must go to see the situation and see if it is possible to break through the passage.

The little girl Jasmine doesn't have much weight, and she can't be called a burden at all. Luo Lin's strength has improved a lot recently. When galloping in the forest, her steps are silent, her body is like a shadow, and her speed is extremely fast.

However, he ran into an accident just after running for more than three minutes. A camp appeared in front of him.

Luo Lin stopped, and dodged behind a big tree. With a little effort, he climbed up to the crown of the tree like a civet cat, and looked down through the thick leaves.

Jasmine was also cautious, laying down next to Luo Lin, looking down through the cracks in the leaves.

The camp is more than 100 meters away from the big tree. From here, you can see a clearing in the forest that has been cleared. There was a bonfire in the middle of the open space, on which a roe was roasted on an iron rack. There were seventeen or eight people sitting by the fire, some of them were knights in metal armor, and some of them were probably knight attendants in simple clothes. In a corner of the open space, there is also a lavender tent with a special style and exquisite details.

"It's from the dark elves. I saw it when I was picking wild vegetables." Jasmine whispered in Luo Lin's ear.

Luo Lin nodded slightly, then the Silver Moon Warrior should be living in this tent.

This group of warriors was not very vigilant. With Luo Lin's current strength and ability to control his breath, he could easily bypass this camp.

But he remembered what the Hound said, the forest should be full of Silvermoon Warriors, and even a terrifying Goblin Kinetic Warrior. If these people can't find him, they will definitely vent their anger on other human races.

The matter was caused by him, and there is no need for the miserable human race in this world to bear the consequences. After weighing it, Luo Lin decided to take action and draw the attention of these guys to the depths of the Silvermoon Forest.

Anyway, he happened to be going to the passage, so he was on the way.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin said softly to Jasmine: "Stay in the tree now, don't make a sound, I'll kill them. You watch my swordsmanship carefully, the uncle will test you afterwards."

Jasmine's bright black eyes were flickering, she seemed not only not afraid, but full of excitement, she nodded heavily, and whispered: "Uncle, don't worry."

Luo Lin got down from the tree, walked around the forest again, and sneaked towards the camp from another direction.

Tonight, there will be a killing.

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