Legendary Hero

Chapter 349: The Crashed Goblin Airship (Second Change)

Silvermoon Forest, Hills Hills, Blyde Valley.

After a few months, Luo Lin once again returned to this wide valley where mountain giants haunt. A few months ago, he and Iona walked hand in hand. Now that Yi Ren has passed away, and returning to the old place, Luo Lin felt very sad.

"Uncle, this place is really beautiful." Jasmine lay on Luo Lin's back, looking left and right, her black eyes sparkling, she felt novelty in seeing everything, and she screamed in alarm when she saw some small animals passing by.

The little girl who has been nesting in the Echo Valley has never traveled far. In just a few days, Luo Lin took her to fly thousands of miles, crossing half of the Silver Moon Forest. The road she traveled and the things she saw were more than ten times more than what she had seen in her short life!

Luo Lin couldn't help smiling, and only this child who was ignorant of the world and the dangers of the world would describe this haunted place of mountain giants as beautiful, just like she said before that Luo Lin's sword was beautiful, it was completely A pure perspective without any worldly concepts.

"Hey, uncle, look, there's an airship over there!" The little girl suddenly pointed at a blurry black shadow in the distance and shouted.

Luo Lin followed her arm and saw a crashed airship thousands of meters away. The little guy's eyes are good. He also saw the black figure just now, but he didn't pay attention to it at all. Looking carefully at this time, it was not long before that it was the wreckage of a huge airship.

This should be a goblin airship to encircle and suppress the undead. Luo Lin was a little curious about the flight technology used by this airship, so he smiled and said, "Come on, let's go and have a look."

"Alright, alright." Jasmine happily agreed.

Soon, Rollin arrived at the airship. The airship had crashed, and the hull was seriously damaged, leaving only some wreckage. The parts of the airship were scattered all over the ground, and there were still some charred goblin corpses on the surrounding ground, which looked extremely tragic.

Luo Lin walked around the airship. From the parts on the ground, it can be roughly inferred that the flying principle of this airship is different from the magic airship modified by armored battleships in the ground world. It is similar to the helicopters in the earth world. lift.

Luo Lin saw the fragments of the propeller on the ground, picked it up and looked at it. The fracture of the fragments was metallic steel gray, but it was as light as wood. After twisting it with a little force, it didn't move at all, which shows its high strength. It should be some kind of ultra-high-strength alloy steel. Roughly calculated from the arc on the debris, the length of the propeller is about five meters. Looking at the wreckage of the airship, judging from the length of the keel, the airship is at least 100 meters long and 30 meters wide. It is really a huge monster.

Pulling out his sword and being on guard, Luo Lin walked into the airship cautiously.

Judging from the fracture of the hull, the hull of the airship is actually made of pure metal. Luo Lin cut off a piece of metal with a sword, and the fracture was silvery in color. The thickness is only one centimeter, but if Luo Lin doesn't use all his strength, he can't bend it with his bare hands. The strength is also extremely high, several times stronger than aluminum alloy. It seems that this is also a brand new metal alloy.

There is an entire ship of high-strength lightweight alloys here, and it would be a waste to just throw them here. Rollin planned to take these things away as much as possible afterwards.

The airship crashed with its deck flipped upside down. The deck was wooden, and a large part of it was burned. Judging from the scorched marks, one could feel a hint of darkness, which should be caused by the undead. Spotting a big hole, Luo Lin jumped up with a little force and entered the interior of the airship cabin.

The passage in this cabin is not designed to be narrow and low because of the short stature of the goblin. On the contrary, it is very spacious. There are also many corpses in the passage, all of which are burnt and look very tragic. Perhaps they were killed by the high temperature. Bacteria, although several months have passed, these corpses have not shown obvious signs of decay.

"Uncle, when can we go out?" The little girl covered her eyes and couldn't bear to watch.

"Close your eyes. Uncle will call you after waiting." Luo Lin said.

"En." Jasmine responded, and buried her head under Rollin's fur vest.

Walking along the severely deformed passageway, after walking about fifty meters, Rowling saw the power core of the airship, which was also greatly damaged, and a large number of finely crafted gears and metal conduits were exposed to the air. middle.

Luo Lin jumped onto the core cover, and cut the cover with the cloud pattern sword, exposing more things.

The burned magic core, the huge water tank, and some liquid remained in the water tank. Luo Lin took out a cloth towel and dipped it in it, put it under his nose carefully and smelled it. Except for the smell of metal, there was basically no smell. It should be pure water.

Luo Lin cut open the conduit again and looked carefully. He found that the material of the conduit was very special, and it felt very warm to the touch. Of course, this was not the heat of the conduit itself. The illusion created by heat buildup.

Reminiscent of the goblin steam fighter, Rowling speculated that the conduit should be used to transport high-temperature water vapor. The magic power core provides magic power to heat pure water, turn it into high-energy water vapor, and then transport it all the way through the conduit... Rollin walked along the conduit, and finally he saw the steam rotor.

Well, this huge airship uses something like a magic steam engine, which seems to be different from the technological route of the earth, and each has its own strengths, but no one can deny the power of goblin mechanical technology, because it is these technologies that make them become The strongest race in the Underdark.

After getting the dragon essence, Luo Lin has his own huge space similar to a half-plane, and it is no problem to accommodate the mountain giant, but it is still a little difficult to take away the entire huge airship with a length of more than 100 meters. Insufficient, so Rollin can only take away some core components.

He cut off the entire power core of the airship and put it into the space with a burst of cutting with the cloud pattern sword. space.

Luo Lin, who came from the earth, deeply knows that in mechanical technology, various materials seem inconspicuous, but in fact they are the most important part and the foundation of all mechanical technology. These goblin airships contained a large number of high-strength materials that Luo Lin had never seen before, so he naturally collected everything.

His idea is very simple, take away the surviving essence of the airship, bring it to the surface world and give it to the alchemists on Fex Island to study it carefully, and see if they can get inspiration from it. As long as the results obtained can increase the strength of the Silver Crusade, even if it is just a little bit, it will be worth it for him to do so.

Rollin wasn't worried that those talented alchemists couldn't understand these things. In the ground world, although the level of magic technology of the human race is not as high as that of the goblins, it is still unique. It took those magicians nearly a month to successfully change the iron-clad battleship into a usable combat airship. a little.

In the airship, Rowling also found a lot of magic muskets, most of which were broken, but some were still usable, and some were usable. After looking at it, the best magic musket should be as powerful as the assassination that day. His Steam Suit weapon.

This is naturally a good thing. If there are demons stationed near the passage, these magic muskets might be able to play a big role.

Naturally, he packed all these good things into the space.

After some searching, the valuable things in this goblin airship were basically taken away by Rollin, including the high-strength keel of the airship, which was also cut into several sections by Rollin and put into the space, even the high-strength light weight used as the hull. The quality alloy also took away a large part, filling the space to the brim.

"Okay, little thing, let's continue on our way." Luo Lin patted the little girl lightly, jumped out of the airship, and continued to rush towards the direction of the cliff with confidence. He believed that these materials would benefit the Silver Crusade infinitely.

Along the way, Luo Lin basically rushed at full speed. Although he left enough traces on the road for the so-called hands of death to track him, he did not rush away after the last battle, but hid in the dark and quietly. After observing the advancing speed of the hand of death, the other party is indeed fast, but it is not as good as him. If the Hand of Death was really motivated to chase after them, then the distance between them would be at least 300 kilometers, so Luo Lin wasn't worried about being caught up.

Walking all the way, about less than a thousand meters away, Luo Lin stopped again, and there was a goblin corpse hidden in the crevice of the crimson rock in front of him... No, not a corpse, this guy still alive.

The goblin had many scars on his body, and one leg was broken directly, but these wounds were properly bandaged and fixed, so they shouldn't be fatal. The goblin was wearing simple clothes similar to earth work clothes, holding an empty water bottle tightly in his hand, breathing very weakly, and was already dying.

This should be a survivor of a crashed goblin airship.

Luo Lin carefully looked at the traces around the goblins again. From the large number of footprints of different sizes left in the crevices of the stones, he finally confirmed that there were three more survivors, and they all went to a hill in the southwest. These goblins probably thought the guy was hopeless, so they left him a jug of water and food and abandoned him.

These goblins are fighters to destroy the undead, so they should know the first-hand battle information, and the front may be the realm of the undead. Although Luo Lin deduces that the goblins won the battle, it is only an inference after all, and it is not safe, and these survivors happened to be Can provide Luo Lin with the most accurate information.

The goblin wasn't dead yet, Luo Lin thought for a while, took out the healing potion, poured some of the goblin's life, and put away the magic musket beside him for self-defense. Then Luo Lin got up and chased in the direction of the three fleeing goblins.

The information provided by a goblin cannot be guaranteed to be accurate, the other party may lie, and it is difficult for Luo Lin to distinguish the truth from the fake. If the three surviving goblins can be found, questioned separately, and compared with each other, the truth will be very clear.

After tracking for less than five kilometers, Luo Lin saw the second goblin, but this time it was already a corpse. It had been dead for a long time and began to rot. His body was covered with maggots. His leg was not broken, but Luo Lin After checking, it was found that this guy had suffered serious internal injuries during his lifetime.

Well, there are still two goblins who may be alive. Rollin continued to track the past, and walked another seven or eight kilometers. Rollin found a temporary camp. Judging from the style of the few living supplies left in the camp Look, this should be the goblin camp, but there are no goblins in sight.

After searching around the camp, Luo Lin finally saw a large footprint more than a hundred meters away from the camp. Under the footprint were two large balls of rotten and smelly meat paste.

The footprints belonged to the mountain giant. Judging from the iconic Dabanya trademark inlaid on the 'meat sauce', this meat sauce was from the goblin brand.

Well, these are really two unlucky guys.

Luo Lin had no choice but to go back to find the goblin with the broken leg. When he hurried back, the goblin had already woken up and was shrinking in the crevice of the stone, looking at Luo Lin in horror.

"Uncle, he looks really pitiful." The little girl said.

Luo Lin patted his forehead, speechless, stepped forward and pulled the goblin out of the crack in the stone, and asked, "Name?"

The goblin's body was trembling non-stop. In the depths of the Silver Moon Forest, he had no equipment and no companions. Facing Luo Lin, a tall and strong human warrior, the powerful race could not give him any sense of security.

But he still answered: "My name is Verzak, I'm not a soldier, I'm just an engineer on an airship, I have many uses, please...please don't kill me!"

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