Legendary Hero

Chapter 353 The Devil's Plan (Part 3)

The three of them hid in the wreckage for a while, but there was still no obvious movement around. The goblin Vilzak remained motionless very obediently, but Jasmine was at an active age, so she couldn't help herself and asked softly, "Uncle, there seems to be nothing." ah?"

Luo Lin shook his head and instructed: "Don't worry. You take out the magic musket and aim it outside. If there is a situation, then prepare to shoot!"

His body has been transformed by the dragon essence, and his hearing and vision have become very sharp. He can't hear it wrong. Not only did he ask Jasmine to take out the magic musket, but he himself took out a musket collected from the airship from the space, and aimed vaguely at the direction of the sound through the gap in the airship.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the previous movement became obvious. Under the moonlight, three figures appeared on the battlefield full of ruins.

They were about 150 meters away from the airship, so they should just be passing by in the direction they were heading.

Among the three Luo Lin, Luo Lin is very good at restraining his aura, especially after obtaining the essence of the dragon, this ability becomes stronger. The aura of the goblin Verzak and Jasmine are both very weak. So Rowling was not worried about being discovered by his opponent.

He squinted his eyes, and at the same time calmly felt the magical fluctuations from the other party. He quickly recognized that one of the three people was his old acquaintance.

That black robe, long magic black rod, and those eyes with blue flames, could it be Disentas, he really is not dead.

The other two, one of them, is extremely tall, nearly three meters tall, with long curly black horns on his head, and fine black flames wrapped around the tip of the long horns. Unfathomable majesty.

With a glance, Luo Lin knew that this demon was not simple. From the subtle movements of the opponent, he deduced the general strength of the opponent, and imagined the scene of fighting with him in his heart. After some rehearsals, he found that he did not have an absolute victory. To be sure, there is only a 60% winning rate at most.

At this time, the brain sent specific information about this demon.

Great Demon King Barclay

Power estimate: 1973 points.

Concentration of magic power: the peak of legend.

Famous combat skills: Abyss Roar, Spiritual Vortex, Void Slash.

Roar of the Abyss (Martial Skill): A terrifying roar driven by endless magic power, destroying non-legendary energy and matter within ten meters around the body, and causing great resistance to invading legendary power.

Spiritual vortex (magic): Create a vortex torrent with strong attraction, suck everything around it into it, and crush everything into pieces with extremely powerful rotating force.

Void Slash (martial skill): Guide the power of the void into the blade, and slash out with a single strike. The power of the void is condensed into a blade at least 20 meters long, sweeping away all opponents.

Well, looking at these statistics, Luo Lin also had to sigh: It really is the Great Demon King, it really is extraordinary.

In the previous game, he had never faced the Great Demon King face to face, but he must have seen some close-ups of him in the game posters and player screenshots, and he had heard about the Great Demon King's deeds indirectly. In order to give the information of the Great Demon King.

In addition to Disentas and the Great Demon King, there is another figure. This figure is not tall, about 1.5 meters. He is wearing a leather armor and a hood covering his face. He follows step by step. Beside the Great Demon King.

Judging from the chaotic aura emanating from the opponent's body, this is also a demon, but its power is not strong, not to mention compared with the Great Demon King, it is also far behind Disentas. Luo Lin was also sure that he had never seen this kind of demon, because the brain didn't give any information about the other party.

But why can such a weak demon stand with the Great Demon King and Disentas? Luo Lin was curious and observed patiently.

A voice kept coming, it was from the thin devil: "Your Majesty, these goblin machines are really powerful. Look at this musket, we have similar ones, but the power is really not as powerful, but it's nothing, these airship wreckage has condensed the goblin machines The essence of technology has inspired me a lot, I think our dwarves will soon be able to create a machine that surpasses goblins..."

Vilzak finally couldn't listen anymore, and lowered his voice and said angrily: "Nonsense, the machinery of our goblin clan is flawless, and this dwarf clan wants to surpass it with a single sentence, it is really arrogant!"

Rollin raised his hand to stop Verzak from complaining, and continued to listen.

After a while, a lot of technical terms started to come out of the mouth of the demon who claimed to be a dwarf demon. Luo Lin basically couldn't understand it. Cut off the words of the little devil.

"Okay, I see." The great demon king said: "This conflict with the goblin has taught us a profound lesson. Fortunately, in this world, we can open the portal and contact the master. Get guidance. These are our strengths. Salento, I don't care what method you use, my request is to let me have an army that can fight against the goblins within five years! We must defeat them, enslave them, and get them This is not only my will, but also the will of the ruler, you...understand?"

"Understood, I understand." The demon called Salento nodded again and again: "We will definitely do our best, sir, please rest assured, you know, our dwarves have always been famous for their dark machines in the abyss, and we will never Let you down!"

"Well, I know." The Great Demon King nodded, and he turned his head to talk to Disentas again, but they were already far away, and Luo Lin's hearing was good, but he couldn't hear clearly.

"Uncle, should I shoot them?" Jasmine asked softly.

Luo Lin shook his head. The Great Demon King is here. The only function of this magic musket is to expose their location. As for killing the opponent, don't even think about it. Because Luo Lin knew the power of the musket, if he was replaced by the Great Demon King, he could easily block the musket attack. And when the Great Demon King travels, there is absolutely no way that there will be only the three of them in this area. If they startle the snake, it will probably attract a lot of demons to chase and kill them, so the gain outweighs the loss.

"Yes, my lord, this group of people are extremely arrogant, teach them a lesson!" Vilzak also waved his fist, because of hearing problems, he did not hear the words of the big demon king to conquer the goblins, but the dwarves in front Those few words were enough to make him feel vengeful.

After thinking about it, Luo Lin decided not to worry about his own business. Now that the Great Demon King is here, it means that there is no top-notch combat force to be feared stationed at the top of the cliff. The three of them planned and it would not be difficult to break through.

After staying in the wreckage of the airship for a while, making sure that the other party had gone far, Luo Lin sneaked out from hiding, and whispered: "Leave them alone, I will take you to a place."

He picked up the goblin and quickly dived towards the cliff first: "Follow closely, Jasmine."

"No problem." Jasmine was already very proficient in using the armor.

About three hours later, the three of them arrived at the bottom of the cliff, and Verzak looked puzzled: "My lord, what are we doing here?"

"Climb up!" Luo Lin smiled slightly: "Then I will take you to a world full of brilliance."

He could feel that there was some dark aura on the top of the cliff, but the number was exactly the same as last time. There were about 40 war demons and more than 20 undead experts. If it was before, Luo Lin really couldn't get through. However, with his current strength, it is still dangerous to break through the passage by sneak attack, but the success rate should not be low.

After he rushed through the passage, he would destroy the passage, cut off the connection between the two worlds, and leave the Great Demon King alone in this ghostly place, hehe.

Hearing Luo Lin's words, the goblin Vilzak suddenly opened his eyes wide: "My lord, do you mean that you come from the legendary world of glory?"

He had heard about Luo Lin, a powerful warrior who appeared out of nowhere, and now he followed Luo Lin all the way, and he had long guessed Luo Lin's origin in his heart, and he also had some doubts. Now that Luo Lin has said so, why doesn't he understand? .

"You know that world?" Luo Lin was a little surprised. He carried the goblin and began to climb the cliff, while Jasmine followed behind him.

"Of course I know." The goblin engineer was dangling around. He was a little afraid of heights, but he didn't dare to show it, for fear of annoying the human race and throwing him down, he closed his eyes tightly: "I still don't know." Knowing that the dark elves and the human race are abandoned people exiled from Glory World, these are recorded in the history of our race."

"What else do you know?" Luo Lin asked with a smile.

"Legends say that there is no dark night in the Glorious World. They are full of brilliance. The whole world is very warm and full of inexhaustible magic power. Our ancestors have been to the Glory World. They say that the land there is covered with gold and seeds As long as it is sprinkled, it will grow fruit, it is just like heaven!" Vilzak's eyes were full of longing.

Jasmine was also full of curiosity, and asked, "Uncle, is that really the case?"

Luo Lin shook his head and laughed: "It's just a legend. I can't explain it clearly now, but you will understand it when you get there."

Heaven? What a beautiful illusion.

The cliff is very high and extremely steep, but this is only for ordinary people. For Luo Lin and Jasmine who are wearing armor, it is not too far from a peaceful place.

The two of them climbed for about half an hour, and they almost reached the top. When they got here, Luo Lin handed the goblin engineer to Jasmine, and quietly set up a surprise attack plan.

Jasmine listened carefully, nodding her head repeatedly.

After finishing speaking, Luo Lin asked: "Do you understand?". If it weren't for the fact that there was no other way, he really didn't want an eight-year-old girl to face such danger.

Jasmine was not scared at all, but rather excited, she nodded seriously: "Don't worry, uncle."

Luo Lin took a deep breath and continued to climb up. Jasmine led the goblin engineer and quietly moved in another direction, just waiting for Luo Lin to distract the demon's attention.

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