Legendary Hero

373 Forced Breakthrough (3/4)

There are a large number of polluted water monsters in the sea area near the fallen star. For safety, Luo Lin took Selina and Babaran to fly in the sky.

Two elves, each standing in a dragon's claw, in order to avoid the high speed, these elves were blown to death by the strong wind, Luo Lin deliberately slowed down, the speed was about 200 meters per second.

This speed is already very fast, more than 500 kilometers away, and arrived in half an hour.

"We're here." Rollin hovered over the sea, occasionally a little unsteady, but he would soon be able to adjust, and he wouldn't fall into the sea like he did at the beginning.

"Look below, they are already welcoming us." Selena smiled nervously.

A large number of polluted water monsters have emerged in the sea area below. They are densely packed, at least tens of thousands of them. They are suspended on the sea surface one by one, exposing their human-like upper bodies, waving water quality spears in their hands, and screaming sharply in their mouths. Voice.

Facing the giant dragon, these water demons were not afraid.

"The welcome ceremony is very grand. What should we do, Marshal?" Babaran wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"I'm rushing down. My dragon scales should be able to withstand the attacks of these water guns. You follow me and guard my vital points."

With so many water demons, they can only rush forward with the body of a giant dragon, but his body is too big, and he is not familiar with it yet, so it is inevitable that he will be a little careless in defense. This requires two elves helped.

"Yes, Marshal!" Both Selena and Babaran responded.

"Okay, get ready!" Luo Lin flapped his wings fiercely, and rushed straight into the sky. When he reached the height of 1,000 meters, he folded his wings and turned downward. A mist of liquid air appeared, the air around his body roared, and his speed had reached the speed of sound.

Selena and Babaran had to hide behind the dragon's claws, lower their heads, and use natural magic to resist the cold wind that was blowing like a knife.

Ahead was the blue sea. Luo Lin didn't slow down, and slammed straight into it. His body was in an excellent streamline shape. If he rushed down like this, he would suffer some impact, but he could withstand it.

When he was about to enter the sea, he opened his mouth suddenly and let out a dragon roar.

'Boom~~~' There was a huge sonic explosion, and with Luo Lin's momentum, it exploded like a sonic bomb on the sea surface, and all the polluted water monsters on the sea surface within a range of nearly 300 meters turned into black water.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Lin rushed into the sea.

The world suddenly became extremely silent, and things kept bumping into things in front of my eyes. They were water monsters in the water. In front of the body of the fast-moving giant dragon, these water monsters were extremely fragile. If they were hit, they would be smashed to pieces, and none of them survived.

When rushing down, Luo Lin tightened the dragon claw at the same time, and used the tough palm on the dragon claw to block the impact of the sea water for the two elves. After entering the sea water, the two elves transformed into swordfish together.

The appearance of this swordfish is different from the usual swordfish. It is much bigger. Babaran is seven or eight meters long, and Selina is more than ten meters long. The scales on the fish are tougher and smoother, which can block the attacks of sporadic water guns. , and at the same time, on the side line of the fish body, there is a row of bone blades more than half a meter long, like blades. When they swim at high speed in the sea, these two rows of bone blades are absolute weapons. The result of being dismembered by a bone blade.

In this way, one dragon and two fish forcefully broke into the position formed by the polluting water demon, and swam all the way to the deep sea, rampaging all the way.

"Did you feel it?" Luo Lin said: "The chaotic will in the sea is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the water demon is also increasing."

They have now reached a depth of three thousand meters. Here, Luo Lin can feel a chaotic will trying to invade his mind. Fortunately, this will is not too strong, and he can stop it.

Both Selena and Babaran didn't answer, it wasn't that they couldn't, but they were struggling to resist the invasion of the destructive will.

Both of them were in a bad situation, their eyes were bloodshot, their killing movements became more and more wild, obviously they had been greatly affected by the chaotic will.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Luo Lin knew that the two of them could no longer follow him, otherwise they would most likely be polluted like the water demon and become puppets of killing and destruction.

"You two go back!" Luo Lin roared.

The two of them didn't respond, they were still fighting the water monster without emotion, they were too deeply affected.

Seeing this, Luo Lin turned around violently, then spread his wings, and slapped them fiercely, a torrent appeared, pushing the two elves wildly towards the sea.

"Don't come back, help me lure some of the water monsters away!" Luo Lin yelled, and he believed that the other party could hear it.

Sure enough, after the two 'Swordfish' regained their balance, they both shook their heads, their eyes filled with horror, and they swam nimbly in the water, evading far away, dragging away a large group of water demons behind them, Judging by the quantity, there should be more than 2,000, not too many, better than nothing.

Seeing that the two of them were okay for the time being, Luo Lin continued to move forward. He had already seen the black star.

It is the same as the image shown by Eru, in the shape of an irregular strip, surrounded by ink-like sea water, mixed with a faint golden brilliance.

When he got here, even with Luo Lin's current body, he felt the tremendous pressure brought by the water demon.

The water monsters here are much stronger than those on the sea surface. Their water guns shot at Luo Lin's dragon scales. Although they were not enough to break the dragon scales in one fell swoop, they were enough to leave one or two cracks on it. As long as they were attacked enough times Over time, they will be able to break through the dragon scale's defense.

Feeling the slight pain constantly coming from his body, Luo Lin felt terrified in his heart, and he began to use the third talent skill: Breath of Frost.

First take a long breath of seawater, and then spray it out from the nostrils. The sprayed seawater turns into an ice-blue mist, which contains extremely rich frost magic power.

The ice mist wrapped Luo Lin's body, and immediately condensed a thick layer of frost on the surface of Luo Lin's body, forming a thick ice shield.

The ice shield was less than half a meter thick and very strong. Although the water guns from the surrounding water monsters could break through the ice shield, after the ice shield was broken, the water guns would no longer be able to move forward, and they would no longer pose a threat to the dragon scale.

Under the wrap of the breath of frost, as long as it is in this sea water, the damage of the ice shield will be repaired immediately. Therefore, unless the water demon can break through all of Luo Lin's defenses with one blow, it will not be able to cause real damage to Luo Lin.

Obviously, the water demon's attack power is far less powerful.

Half a minute later, the black fallen stars were within reach, and Luo Lin felt the will to destroy in his mind getting stronger and stronger, almost affecting his sanity.

"Rational! Rational!" Luo Lin gritted his teeth and charged forward, then stretched out his dragon claws to scoop up the seabed, mixed with a lot of rocks and soil, and tightly grasped the fallen star in his claws.

At this moment, Luo Lin felt that the chaotic will hitting his mind suddenly became several times more violent, and the water demon attacked him like crazy, with a sharp increase in frequency and strength. For a moment, Luo Lin once again felt slight pain coming from all parts of his body, which was a sign that the dragon scale could not completely block the attack and was about to disintegrate.

At this moment, Luo Lin saw that his body was full of water monsters, densely packed, enclosing his body airtightly, and at every moment, countless attacks landed on his body, his body The ice layer on the surface continued to shatter and condense, but the condensing obviously couldn't keep up with the speed of shattering, and many ice layers on his body began to collapse.

This is a real siege. If Luo Lin didn't have the body of a dragon at this time, he would have died countless times. At this moment, even with Luo Lin's will that has been tempered in the battlefield, he felt a huge oppression, and even felt a sense of despair in his heart that he could not break through the encirclement.

This was just a flash of effort. After a flash of thought, Luo Lin regained his will and turned around. A giant dragon roared, and a powerful shock wave spread rapidly around his body. The army besieging him was shocked by this wild shock wave. When it hit the impact, the outermost water monster exploded directly, and the ones a little further away were also knocked back, unable to attack.

The attack of the water demon army suddenly slowed down.

'Huh~' Followed by frost spewing, the ice storm rushed out of the dragon's mouth and hit the water demon in front of Luo Lin. While exhaling the dragon's breath, Luo Lin opened his wings and flapped them quickly, driving his body to spin and rush towards the sea surface. His wings were extremely powerful. With such flapping, the sea water under him suddenly became an extremely terrifying torrent. He smashed the water monster who was following up under him to pieces.

At this moment, Luo Lin completed the movements very coherently, with almost no flaws. This was forced out by tremendous pressure. During the previous training, Luo Lin absolutely could not repeat these movements.

'Boom~' Luo Lin's gigantic dragon body was like a spinning bullet, using the dragon's breath to open the way, and behind the torrent of sea water, it rushed wildly through the encirclement of the water demon and rushed to the surface of the sea.

In less than twenty seconds, the surface of the sea appeared in front of Luo Lin.

Seen from the surface of the sea, the seawater that was originally calm and waveless suddenly spewed upwards, and then the seawater began to freeze. When the frost extended to a range of hundreds of meters, there was a loud "crash", and the ice layer It exploded suddenly, and a huge black shadow rushed out of the sea, it was Luo Lin.

There are countless water guns following behind him, constantly shooting at the dragon scales, broken ice, shattered dragon scales, and frozen blood continuously sprinkled down from the dragon's body.

Facing the siege of tens of thousands of water demons, Luo Lin was seriously injured, but this did not stop the dragon from flying into the sky.

It wasn't until Luo Lin flew to an altitude of 800 meters that the water gun shot out of the water lost its threat to Luo Lin, and it was only when he reached a height of 1,000 meters that he was completely safe and escaped from the encirclement.

For Luo Lin, even though he has the body of an extremely powerful dragon, today he would have a narrow escape from breaking into thousands of troops to capture the fallen stars, and he would never do it again, unless he completely controlled it Your own body, fully develop the potential of this giant dragon body.

The chaotic will constantly impacted Luo Lin's reason, shaking his head, Luo Lin found that his mind was extremely chaotic, and there were countless voices shouting and screaming, as if to tear his head apart.

He knew that this was the influence of the fallen stars in his hand, he couldn't concentrate his attention at all, and he couldn't distinguish the direction in the vast sea, so he could only ask the brain: "Which side is the trench?"

The intellectual brain didn't lose the chain, and sent an image into Luo Lin's mind. The words were the angle between his dragon's body and the sun, and pointed out the direction for Luo Lin through the sun as a reference.

Luo Lin immediately adjusted his direction, then shook his wings violently, and with a loud 'hoo~', he entered a state of silence.

This was not enough, and he flapped his wings with all his strength, and he continued to accelerate, accelerate, and finally reached the limit.

The sea water below has become extremely blurred, and the air he passed through was full of translucent turbulence. A small white cloud appeared in front of it, and Luo Lin bumped into it without avoiding it, and the cloud within a range of less than a few hundred meters immediately dispersed.

After flying like this for 20 minutes, Luo Lin asked Zhinao in a daze, "How far is it?"

Zhinao is proficient in calculation, which is his strength. Of course, Luo Lin himself knows the approximate distance, but it is far less accurate than Zhinao.

"658.6 kilometers, estimated arrival time under current speed and speed attenuation: 15 minutes and 25 seconds."

"..." His flying skills are still not skilled enough, and he doesn't have enough time!

"Are there any islands nearby?" Rollin asked.

He could hardly resist the attack of this ghost thing, so he decided to throw this thing on land first, rest for a while before flying, as for throwing it into the sea, that is definitely a stupid idea, those polluting water monsters will definitely come over and throw it again Protect it, and then Luo Lin has to risk his life to fish it again, only a fool would do it.

As for the space, Luo Lin tried to stuff this ghost thing into it, but he failed, the thing didn't respond to the space.

"There is no island within the visual range." Zhinao gave another bad news.

"......" Luo Lin was speechless again. Forget it, fly as far as you can. If you really can't hold on, let's throw it into the sea first, and then talk about it when you recover.

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