Legendary Hero

Chapter 376 The Ancient Era, Troll's Peak Era (2/3)

"Your era?" Not only Rollin was surprised, but Babaran and Selena were also extremely surprised.

"That must be in ancient times, I think it was at least tens of thousands of years ago, how is this possible?" Selena still exclaimed.

"Excuse me, you don't want to kill our marshal, do you?" Babaran was even more direct, with a look of vigilance on his face. Anyone who heard this kind of statement would feel very absurd. If this Eru hadn't told the elf's secret Nordrassil, Babaran would really suspect that this guy is a liar.

"Don't talk nonsense." Luo Lin stopped, and then said to Eru: "Are you also a human race?"

Elu smiled: "Look at my crystal skull, shouldn't it be a human race?"

This is indeed the head of the human race. Although the elves are very similar to the human race, they are different in subtleties. The biggest difference is the teeth. The human race has 32 teeth, and there are four degenerated canine teeth, but the elves have 40 teeth. Canines, anyone with knowledge knows this.

"You are indeed a human race. But I doubt your ability. I heard some great mages talk about the difficulties you will face when traveling through time. This is completely the domain of the gods."

Luo Lin has met all kinds of people, and many of them are outstanding figures of the same era. Among them, the archmage often comes into contact with him. In addition, he himself reads various books whenever he has free time. His knowledge is very extensive, isn't it? It's easy to lie.

The reason why he didn't turn his back on him now is because this Eru showed extraordinary skills in controlling the force, which made him afraid. At the same time, he has been observing carefully and found that many details prove that this person is credible.

"Haha." Elu laughed: "Of course you can't travel through time with your magic power, but from the perspective of the force, it's not impossible. And not everyone can travel through time, for example, these two elves can't do it, only Those who are favored by the force of the world have the possibility of success, such as you, the Marshal of the Crusaders."

These words are beyond Luo Lin's cognition. In any world, any knowledge related to time is absolutely complicated and abnormal, and non-specialized people will never understand it.

He pondered for a moment, then asked again: "The last question, according to your description, the era you live in seems to have no magic..."

"No, you're thinking wrong." Elu shook his head, and at the same time, a ray of light shot out from the crystal light well, and it fell into the air, forming various scenes, among which were scenes where various magicians cast magic, and many of them were magical. It's unheard of, and its power is even more surprising, especially the speed of casting spells, which is almost instantaneous. There are also battles between magicians and powerful warriors. Even if Luo Lin sees this warrior as a strong one, but The battle with the magician was extremely fierce, and he was even defeated in the end. During the whole process, the warrior couldn't get close to the magician's body at all.

Eru continued: "Did you see? My era also had magic, and it was also a very powerful force. But in that era, this power belonged to the common people, and the skills of using the Force were passed down by the big families. Mystery is also the foundation of the family... Yes, I was also born in a big family."

"Understood." From the image given by Elu, Rowling saw hope, and after weighing it, he decided to take this risk: "Then please send me there."

"Marshal!" Both Selina and Babaran shouted, in their view, this was too dangerous.

"I've decided." Luo Lin waved his hand.

"But it's very dangerous!" Selina said.

"There is no war in this world that is not dangerous, and there is no gain without paying a price. I believe in the power of sages." Luo Lin looked firm, apparently determined.

During this period of time, Luo Lin's majesty had penetrated into the hearts of the two elves. He had already made a decision. Although the two elves disagreed, they could only remain silent and no longer objected.

"Then, great sage, what should I do in your time?" Luo Lin asked.

Unexpectedly, Eru shook his head: "I can't say."

"Why?" Rollin wondered.

"This is the first rule of time travel. Any logical chain must be discovered by the traveler himself, otherwise the time travel will fail, and you will be imprisoned in the depths of time forever."

Luo Lin frowned: "It sounds amazing, but it makes me feel very unreliable."

Eru smiled as always, and he explained: "It is indeed contrary to the common sense of ordinary people, which is exactly the characteristic of time travel. I can tell you that this criterion is deduced from the truth of free will. That is, any independent Individual souls are free to decide where they want to go. This truth can be ignored in the normal time flow. But in the twisted or even convoluted time flow, it must be treated with caution...well, I said it is a bit complicated , you don't have to understand."

In fact, there is no need for Elu to say that Rowling has already given up. Time is extremely complicated, and he is not suitable for this kind of theoretical research at all.

"What you have to do is not to think too much, forget about time travel itself, and follow your own logic to find the answer to this magic in my time, and you will be in another world." Elu said It was still very profound, but at least Luo Lin understood this sentence.

"If I find out, how do I get back?" Rowling asked.

"Time keeps moving forward. If you go back to the past, as long as you live long enough, you will naturally be able to return to the present."

"..." Luo Lin was speechless: "Is there no other way? For example, travel back like you sent me back."

"This is a way too. But you have to find someone who is willing to help you travel through time. Well, this is the most I can give you. Now, are you ready to start?"

Luo Lin thought for a while, and realized that he had nothing to add. What he really wanted to know, the other party would not say, so he nodded: "That's fine."

As soon as the words fell, he felt a weird sense of distortion in the world around him, which was somewhat similar to when he crossed the tunnel at the bottom of the volcano to go to Glendan.

In this distorted world, he heard Eru's words in his ears: "You have obtained the artifact killing scepter. Although it cannot be your weapon, it can resist the turbulence that occurs when time flows at a high speed. The dragon essence in your body is enough to protect your life while traveling through time. But be careful, you will become a little weak when you get to the ground, so pay attention to protect yourself."

The further back, the stronger the weirdness of the surrounding world, and the lower the voice of Eru, and Rowling clearly felt what he said was the turbulent flow of time.

It was a kind of distorted power. It seemed that the whole world was tumbling. He found that although he was still in the original force crystal, there were no two elves around him. On the contrary, water demons often appeared.

The movements of these water monsters are all reversed, just like pressing the high-speed rewind button when watching a movie. This let Luo Lin know that the time around his body was regressing at a high speed.

The killing scepter in his hand began to emit a strong black light, which enveloped Luo Lin. Although there was a huge chaotic will impacting Luo Lin's mind, the feeling of twisting and rolling was much weakened.

The black light of the staff lasted for an unknown amount of time, and then suddenly disappeared, including the staff without a trace. Luo Lin realized that this powerful staff had been wiped out by the turbulent flow of time.

At this time, Luo Lin found that he was no longer in the Force Crystal, the crystal disappeared, and the water monster disappeared. The surroundings were surrounded by jet-black sea water. Lin's body also began to glow, which is the power of the dragon essence.

He could feel that the dragon essence in his body was being consumed and weakened, and even the power of the legendary heart was also weakened. Just when Luo Lin thought that the legendary heart mixed with the dragon essence was going to be exhausted, time The sense of distortion suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Lin felt the huge water pressure crushing his body, and felt a sense of suffocation.

He is now a human body, and he is still in the deep sea. If no measures are taken, he will definitely be drowned.

Luo Lin immediately activated the little dragon essence left, and began to transform his body. He succeeded, and his body became a dragon... Wait, it's not a dragon, but a young dragon. It's only two meters long. With thin scales, it is estimated that the defense ability is not much better than ordinary leather armor.

But fortunately, this dragon body can breathe underwater, Luo Lin didn't care much, and swam desperately to the surface of the sea.

During the swimming process, Luo Lin discovered more changes. The space of his dragon was greatly reduced, and the contents inside almost disappeared completely, leaving only the cloud-patterned sword. Although his giant dragon body is immature, the results of the previous transformation of the brain are still preserved, although it has also been greatly weakened.

The current situation is that in the human form, Luo Lin's force is roughly preserved, but because of the damage to the legendary heart, his power should reach a peak of around 1000 after activation, which is equivalent to the power level of a quasi-sage, not too bad.

And in the dragon form... the combat power can basically be ignored, and the advantage is that it can fly and breathe underwater.

About half an hour later, Luo Lin swam to the surface of the sea, and as soon as he reached the surface of the sea, he found a large ship heading towards him in the distance of vision.

The ship is very large, nearly 200 meters long, and there is a decorative statue with arms outstretched in the wind at the bow. The statue is a beautiful woman with fluttering clothes, lifelike. The hull of the sea ship is very luxurious, its style is different from all the ships in Starlight Continent and Moonlight Continent, and its speed is not at the same level at all. This sea ship is not only big, but also incredibly fast, and it doesn't use sails!

"Elu asked me to go back to this point in time, probably to wait for this passing ship to catch me up. I have to seize this opportunity!" Luo Lin thought to himself, he canceled the potentially shocking dragon body , turned back to the human body.

He found that all the clothes on his body were gone, and his whole body was numb, and then he remembered that the clothes had been torn when they were deformed.

Unable to control so much, Luo Lin waved his arms and swam towards the sea boat, shouting loudly while swimming: "Help~~Help~~"

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