Legendary Hero

401 Extremely Backward Giant Eagle Essence (3/4)

After a while, Arthas brought a crystal flask with a round belly and long neck similar to a volumetric flask. Through the highly transparent bottle belly crystal, it can be seen that the solution that glows with ice blue light can be seen inside.

At the same time, Luo Lin felt a strong wave of force.

"The Bronze-level Seed of Force, a gift from the Esgard family to the Gregory family, is also the only seed of Force we have." Alsace explained, and then handed the crystal bottle in his hand to Luo Forest.

"Drink it, but don't have too much hope for it, it can only give your body more stamina." Alsace added.

Luo Lin smiled: "It's enough just to increase the stamina. This is the only thing I need."

He uncorked the bottle, raised his head, and poured the cold liquid into his mouth. Well, this thing tastes a bit like jelly, but of course it's not sweet, it tastes bitter and astringent, kind of like peach kernels.

As soon as this 'jelly' entered the stomach, the intelligence brain sent a message.

"It is detected that 100 million copies of the original force have entered the body, and the absorption is started. After the absorption is completed, the total amount of dragon essence will increase by 10%."

"Additional force body deformation information is detected, and the body of the force is obtained: Frost Eagle."

Following this information, Rowling clearly felt that his dragon essence had grown stronger, the light group in his body that was like a rotating galaxy expanded a lot, and there was an ice-blue halo around the periphery. This is Ace The transformation information of the Frost Eagle, the body of the Jued family's force, is here.

The huge increase in the original force immediately gave Luo Lin an idea: "If I drink a few more bottles of the original force seed, will I be able to quickly increase the original force level?"

"Judging from the fusion result, this is not a good idea." Zhinao explained: "The force in this seed of force is extremely impure and contains many unknown impurities. When a small amount is swallowed, the self-purification function of the dragon essence can Automatically digest impurities. But after too much, your dragon essence will be polluted."

"Okay." Bai was overjoyed. He planned to rob everywhere after he became stronger, but the idea was crushed by reality as soon as he thought of it.

Feeling the changes in his body, he continued to ask in his heart: "Is the giant eagle transformed by this bronze-level force seed still in its infancy?"

"Correct. After calculation, the wingspan of the changed body is about eight meters to nine meters, and the growth space is very limited."

"Then what if I use all the force in the dragon essence to transform the giant eagle?"

"Then you will get a huge body with a wingspan of more than 25 meters. Judging by the standards of the times, this is a giant eagle in its prime, and its peak explosive power will be around 2600."

Luo Lin was surprised: "The body of the giant dragon actually needs so much more essence of force than the giant eagle? Isn't that so?"

"Judging from the deformation information, there are many flaws in the body of the giant eagle. Each step of strengthening the force has a very strong room for improvement. The attack of the giant eagle can only reach the peak power of 2600 when it dives. The rest of the time, especially after landing , will expose huge flaws. In contrast, the body of the dragon is infinitely close to perfection, all-round attacks can burst out with peak power in an instant, and there are almost no dead ends in the defense and attack of the whole body, which is almost The perfect combat creature. The last point is the most important. The dragon essence constantly maintains the vitality of the body, making the body almost immortal, but the giant eagle essence does not have this function. It simply increases the user's strength, but does not It does not increase the user's lifespan, and even damages the user's body to a certain extent, shortening their lifespan."

"So that's how it is." Luo Lin was stunned. With the explanation of Zhinao, the essence of the dragon and the essence of the giant eagle were judged immediately. This is simply a difference between gods and mortals.

At this time, the essence of the giant eagle had been absorbed, and Luo Lin opened his eyes.

"How do you feel?" Eru asked hastily.

"Unprecedented power." Luo Lin moved his body, and ordered in his heart at the same time: "Smart brain, simulate the attack and defense modes of the giant eagle, find the flaws, and then tell me, I need it urgently."

"Start the calculation, the estimated time is ten minutes..."

Luo Lin let his brain calculate, and he asked Elu one last time: "Are you sure you want to become the city lord, young lord?"

Eru was silent for a long time, and he nodded heavily, but there was still a trace of hesitation on his face: "If you can not kill my brother, but just imprison him, that would be the best."

"Tsk!" General Gris on the bed clicked his mouth in dissatisfaction, panting and reprimanded: "Elu, my grandson, your order will kill your guards for nothing! If you keep holding this Unnecessary kindness, then take the gold coins and go to the Wuyue Continent as soon as possible!"

Eru fell silent for a moment.

Luo Lin didn't care, and patted Eru on the shoulder: "I will try my best, young master."

Then he turned to Alsace and said, "I need the internal drawings of Lionheart Castle."

"I have already brought it." Alsace handed a scroll to Rollin.

Luo Lin took it, and opened the scroll to look carefully. About ten minutes later, he handed the scroll back to Alsace: "I remember it, thank you. Then I will leave it to you, the young master. Act within days, and if I fail, send him away as soon as possible."

"I see." Arthas saluted Luo Lin seriously, "I thank you for your loyalty on behalf of my sister."

Luo Lin smiled, didn't say much, and walked out of the bedroom door. After a while, his aura disappeared from everyone's perception, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

In the old general's bedroom, the Gregory brothers looked at each other, and Alsace couldn't help asking Elu: "What is the level of force of this guard?"

"I'm not sure. But he once killed Adolf in Pegasus City and the great magician Russell." Eru said.

"..." The two brothers looked at each other with a look of horror in their eyes.

"That's a bit reliable, Elu, just wait for his news these few days." General Gris didn't hold much hope, but he won't lose a piece of meat if he tries it. Anyway, they are not the ones who are desperate. Gregory family.

Thinking of this, some of the strength he had just stood up was exhausted, and he leaned softly on the bed, his eyelids sank, obviously tired.


Here, after Rowling left General Gris' castle, he picked places where no one was around and ran all the way. Half a minute later, he arrived at the street outside.

Here, Luo Lin slowed down his pace. He was wearing ordinary leather armor and the sword Eru bought for him was hanging on his waist. Samurai, such warriors abound on the streets of this era.

After walking all the way, after fifteen minutes, Luo Lin returned to the Iron Eagle Hotel. He didn't enter through the main entrance, but went around to an alley behind the hotel.

"Longjue!" Luo Lin gave an order to Zhinao.

The dragon essence immediately began to surge, flowing into all senses of Luo Lin's body. Half a second later, Luo Lin felt the world in front of him suddenly brighten and became extremely clear. At the same time, various voices and wind sounds came from his ears. , the cries of vendors on the street, the sound of horseshoes, the sound of talking, the sound of insects and birds, all kinds of sounds, it was extremely noisy.

Because of the increase in force, his perception is stronger than that in the Black Rose Manor just now, almost no less than that of the dragon in his prime.

Among the massive amount of information, Luo Lin identified the sounds from inside the Iron Eagle Hotel in front of him. There were footsteps, voices, panting, * *, and various sounds coming from each room, reflecting the sound of life. Various states.

Soon, Luo Lin determined the room where Wei Qi was in. This woman had never been out of the hotel since she arrived. From the slight rustling sound, it could be seen what book she was reading now, but she flipped through the book very quickly. It didn't look like she was reading a book at all, which reflected the anxiety in her heart.

Apparently, this woman has already noticed Elu's plight, and since Elu left the hotel, there has been no news. It is strange that she is not anxious.

After making sure that there was no one else in the room, Luo Lin jumped up softly, and climbed along the wall like a civet. In just a second, he climbed up to the third floor of the hotel, turned over and walked out of the room through the window.

"Ah~" Wei Qi exclaimed from the room, and after she saw that it was Luo Lin, she hurriedly asked, "My lord, how is the situation?"

"It's okay, Elu is safe."

"Then what should we do next?" Wei Qi hurriedly asked, there have been rumors on the street that Ai Luok will take over, if he takes over, what will Ai Lu be? What is she?

Luo Lin already had a preliminary plan in mind: "We have brought a lot of jewelry this time, and I need you to pick some expensive ones to sell in the castle of Lionheart City. You are a decent and beautiful woman, and you know those noble ladies best. A lady's favorite. You should be able to enter the castle, right?"

Since he wanted to assassinate him, he had to sneak into the palace. In this respect, Wei Qi could definitely help him.

Wei Qi was extremely intelligent, and after hearing the words, she was silent for more than ten seconds, and then asked in shock: "You want to follow me into the castle, and then go to assassinate...Ailok?\

,"Hearing what she said, and seeing the horror in her eyes, Rollin frowned immediately.

This woman is too smart, which is not good. If she had guessed Luo Lin's intentions, she would bear a huge psychological burden. It is true that her psychological pressure ability is considered good among ordinary people, but she is not qualified for high-risk operations such as entering the castle and assassinating the city lord.

At that time, she is very likely to show panic. Once her opponent notices, Luo Lin will fall into death.

This assassination is very dangerous, there is only a chance of success, and any accidents must be ruled out, so this plan was just proposed, but it was abandoned by Luo Lin because of Wei Qi's accident.

He decided to find another way.

"Forget it, you don't have to go. Stay in the hotel for the next three days and don't go anywhere." Luo Lin ordered, and stepped back, his whole body was extremely fast, disappearing in Weiqi's room like a ghost. In view.

Returning to the street, Rowling walked around, seemingly wandering, but slowly arrived near the castle in the center of the city, and began to wander around the castle, familiarizing himself with the surrounding terrain.

After the assassination, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he may face a large number of force warriors chasing him, so he must plan the best escape route. Pre-stepping is a necessary action.

He turned on Longsense, walked all the way, looked up at the castle not far away from time to time, combined the external structure with the internal structure diagram that Alsace gave him, and became familiar with the internal structure of the castle as much as possible.

After walking like this for half an hour, Luo Lin felt that it was almost done, so he found a hotel called Storm Ale near the castle to stay, and spent three gold coins to open the largest room.

After entering the room, Luo Lin began to read the attack characteristics of the Frost Eagle analyzed by the brain.

Since this giant eagle has the frost prefix, it must have some kind of frost attack, which is exactly the case.

There are two attacks with frost magic.

The first one, Stormwing.

When the giant eagle flaps its wings, a strong wind will be generated, and a large amount of frost magic power will be incorporated into the wind, which can instantly freeze the opponent into an ice sculpture, or even if it cannot, it will make the opponent's movements stiff, thus delivering a fatal blow.

The second move, Bing Yu.

The feathers on the giant eagle can be shot out and used as weapons. When the feathers are fired very suddenly, it is similar to a sneak attack, and the power is amazing. Using the power of the giant eagle in the prime of Luo Lin's full dragon essence transformation as a simulation, the power of the ice feather is enough to hit Through the one-meter-thick city wall bluestone.

This move is extremely sharp, but it is not unsolvable.

The giant eagle has feathers all over its body, but not all feathers can be fired. These feathers that can be launched have their own special positions. There are a total of 36 places on the body of the giant eagle that can emit frost feathers. New launching feathers will be formed every two seconds, and the effect of random arrows will be formed when they are fired together. If you don't know the distribution pattern of feather arrows, there is basically no way to avoid it.

But Luo Lin now possesses the essence of the giant eagle, and at the same time has the analysis assistance of the brain, so he should be able to deal with Bingyu's attack.

In addition to these two moves, they are some of the giant eagle's conventional attack methods. Luo Lin carefully observed the analysis screen of the brain, and began to practice the sword skills in the living room of the room according to the physiological characteristics of the giant eagle.

In just three minutes, Luo Lin entered a state of extreme concentration.

In his mind, a real giant eagle seemed to appear in front of him. Every time he made a sword, the opponent responded accordingly, and he also responded accordingly. During such fictitious rehearsals, Luo Lin devoted himself to pondering the ultimate move against the giant eagle, perfecting it bit by bit.

"The peak strength of the giant eagle in the prime of life is around 2600, so with my current strength of the dragon essence, how much power can I gain by using the wild power?"


"The improvement doesn't seem to be much?"

"The host's current humanoid state has a strength limit, and the estimated limit is 2400. After reaching it, as long as the body weight does not undergo a huge change, it will not be able to break through this limit."

"I understand." Luo Lin nodded. The power of 2260 can guarantee him to avoid the attack of the giant eagle, but it can't let him directly confront the giant eagle.

It's normal to think about it. The wingspan of a giant eagle in the prime of life reaches 25 meters, and its weight is always calculated in tons. Even if the body of a giant eagle is not perfect, it is impossible for it to be inferior to his weight of less than 150 in terms of strength limit. Kilo people are taller.

If there is science in this world, it is too unscientific.

While practicing like this while studying his opponent, Luo Lin lost track of the time, and he didn't know how long it had passed, when he suddenly heard movement outside the window, he was startled, and withdrew from the state of concentration.

"Longjue!" Luo Lin activated the dragon transformation effect, and after listening for a while, he couldn't help laughing: "This little thief actually stole from me."

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