Legendary Hero

Chapter 403: A Hero Without Changing His Original Intention

"Then you are Miss Wendy Lou?" Luo Lin immediately realized.


"You were there in the afternoon?" Luo Lin was startled, he was sure that no one else was there at that time. If this is the case, then Miss Wendy Lou's power is really a bit scary.

"That's right. But I'm not nearby. I just watched from a distance. You know that the eyes of the giant eagle can see very far. I'm also proficient in lip language, so I know what you are saying in the room."

Luo Lin recalled the scene for a while, and found a flaw, "The old general is weak and can't blow the wind, and the window was closed at that time."

"It's indeed closed, but haven't you noticed the mirror on the wall?" Wendy Lu smiled.

Luo Lin suddenly realized: "I see. The mirror is facing an air vent on the roof. The mirror is very large and can see a large part of the room."

Speaking of this, Luo Lin sincerely appreciated: "This method is really good, and it is indeed very, very secret."

"It's really good." Everyone likes to be praised, and Wendy Lu is the same. She narrowed her eyes with a smile: "I heard that my father was seriously ill, so I came back to take a look, but I didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing But to be honest, regardless of the family factors, I think Ailok is more suitable to be the lord of the city than Eru, and Ailok's talent is still very good."

Regarding this statement, Luo Lin chuckled, noncommittal, he weighed the wooden floor that was almost broken by his stepping on it, and there was a creaking sound from the floor, and it would definitely collapse if he walked on it alone. He said: "This room has been destroyed, why don't we talk about it in another place?"

"No problem. You come with me." As she said, Wendy Lu walked towards the window.

Luo Lin avoided the broken floor and followed. Before leaving, he left all the fifty gold coins he was carrying with him as compensation for the hotel.

Wendy Lu saw it, and said teasingly: "You are kind. People like you should be indifferent?"

When the atmosphere relaxed, Luo Lin lit another cigarette for himself. He took a sip and smiled casually: "Anyway, I'm going to go all out soon, and I might die if I'm not careful. It's useless on me."

Wendy Lu could hear the perfunctory in the other party's words, so she didn't speak, opened the window and jumped out, and Luo Lin followed behind him.

The two sprinted for a while in the silent city of Lion Heart.

Wendy Lu still wanted to test Luo Lin's strength, so she started running with all her strength, her speed was fast and silent, and she was like a phantom when she was advancing in the dark night. If it is an ordinary person, they can only feel a breeze, but never see people. Luo Lin has already canceled the effect of the wild power, but he used the wind fighting skill, and under the full rush, the speed can barely keep up with Wendy Lu's footsteps, but such a wild run beyond the limit, the control is somewhat reduced , The wind brought up was a bit strong, whistling, almost like a typhoon.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the tower of the clock tower, the tallest building in the civilian area of ​​the city.

The clock tower is more than 50 meters high, and there is a bronze bell weighing tons at the top. Every hour, a bell puller will pull the rope of the clock core at the bottom of the tower. Unless the clock is broken, these people never go to the bell room at the top of the tower, so it's a safe place, and the view is very good, overlooking the city.

The autumn night wind blows in through the cracks in the painted crystal windows of the bell room, making it very cool. The two find a wall to lean against and continue the previous topic.

"I can see that you are a warrior, and you are not good at hiding your whereabouts. This is not a good thing for assassination." Wendy Lu looked at the twinkling sparks on Luo Lin's mouth, and said dissatisfiedly: "Smoking is also not a good habit. The smell of smoke and fire will easily give away your location."

"I'll pay attention then." No way, there is a real gap in strength between him and the opponent, and it's normal for the opponent to be picky. If it were him, he would not be willing to cooperate with an opponent who was weaker than himself.

"This is not your real strength. When will your injury fully recover?" Wendy Lu asked again. In fact, she was curious about how this person was injured. Of course, she knew that she would not answer if she asked , They just met, so it's better not to ask.

"I'm not sure. But I don't need to think about it in a short time." Luo Lin spread his hands, his electric current plan has not been realized, and at the current speed, it is impossible to return to the peak within a few decades.

"Then we can only do what we can." Wendy Lu took the initiative and began to formulate an assassination plan: "Mendel is a very difficult guy, his strength is not much weaker than mine, plus more than fifty powerful force Soldiers, as long as you are surrounded by them, there is basically no chance of survival. So our plan is divided into two parts. I am responsible for the final assassination, and you are responsible for attracting the attention of Mendel and his men on the periphery. After I succeed, I will A signal will be sent out to attract Mendel's support, and you will take the opportunity to escape. The most difficult part of this assassination plan is not whether the assassination is successful, but whether we can escape the pursuit in the end. If we escape by chance, then we will meet in this clock tower , to discuss how to make my nephew Eru the new city lord."

"Sounds like a perfect plan." Luo Lin said.

"The success rate is much higher than if you do it alone." Wendy Lu played with the dog-toothed dagger in her hand: "How about it, are you okay?"

Luo Lin shook his head: "No. Let's discuss the details."

"This is natural. You should memorize the internal structure of the castle, draw it on this wall." Wendy Lu stood up straight, giving way to the relatively spacious wall behind her.

Luo Lin nodded, and started to draw a structural diagram on the wall with the new sword that Eru bought for him, according to the detailed memory that emerged from his brain.

Within the limit, Luo Lin's control over his body is very powerful. I saw the sword in his hand moving rapidly, and stone powder clustered down on the wall. In just five minutes, a fine and clear structural diagram appeared on the On the stone wall, every detail is very clear, and Rowling re-expressed the structure diagram given to him by Alsace with a three-dimensional section diagram. Feel.

"Very good. I didn't expect you to have such a hand." Wendy Lu couldn't help but praise, it was a pleasure to make an infiltration plan according to this kind of blueprint.

She pointed to the city wall on the edge of the castle in the picture and said: "Look at this, the tower at this turning point, here is the blind spot of the entire castle. This is a design flaw at the time. There are four such dead spots, and I sneaked in from this corner, You're on the opposite side, okay?"

"Of course." Rowling nodded.

"Eloque's bedroom is here. I'm going this way. I've seen it from a distance. There is a place on this road that may be discovered, so you need to divert their attention. If I pass by here, you If I can make some big enough noise here, I will be able to reach the bottom of the bedroom smoothly...."

Wendy Lu spoke in great detail, deliberating every step carefully, explaining possible accidents and how to deal with them. Some Rowlings agreed, some Rowlings disagreed, and he made his own suggestions.

Wendy Lu's personality is not arbitrary, she is very good at cooperation. After thinking about Luo Lin's suggestion, as long as it is suitable for her use, she will adopt it.

Time passed slowly, the two kept exchanging their ideas, and the cooperation was very pleasant, until after five o'clock in the morning, a plan that seemed very simple but extremely detailed in the details was finally achieved.

Such a plan cannot be carried out by ordinary people, because any mistake in any detail may lead to a total loss. This was not because the plan was bad, but because this assassination was a narrow escape from death, turning the impossible into a possibility, and only such a plan could succeed.

This plan requires the executor to be a super elite, and obviously, both Luo Lin and Wendy Lu are such people.

After discussing all night, both of them were a little tired. Wendy Lu stretched her waist, yawned, and said with a smile, "How about it, find a place to have breakfast?"

Her attitude towards Luo Lin is much better than last night, and she has clearly recognized Luo Lin as her companion.

"No problem." Luo Lin also smiled.

The two went down from the clock tower and onto the street. At this time, the sky is gray and bright, but the street has already started to be lively. The shops have started to open early, and the gate of the city has been opened. Outside the city, there are ox carts and donkey carts constantly bringing in food, vegetables and fruits, preparing for the day's business. Some individual businessmen carried the burden of snacks and yelled and sold them all the way.

The whole city woke up, showing a thriving atmosphere.

I found a shop and bought two breakfasts similar to the meat buns on Earth. Luo Lin wanted to pay the bill, but found that his pocket was empty. Then he remembered that all his gold coins were left for the Storm Ale Inn, and his face suddenly showed embarrassment. color.

Wendy Lu giggled, and handed a silver coin to the shop owner to pay the bill. The two of them each got one share, and sat on the bench under the tree by the roadside to enjoy it. The breakfast is very delicious. After one bite, the delicious gravy fills the mouth, which makes people feel very happy.

While eating, Wendy Lu suddenly said regretfully: "If Eru takes over, this prosperous scene may be gone."

Luo Lin smiled, last night he knew that this Miss Wendy Lou actually didn't like Elu very much, it's human nature, but he escorted Elu all the way back, knowing that this kid is actually not that bad, except that he can't Apart from practicing martial arts, he has shown great potential in other aspects.

He felt that he had to defend the young man: "You underestimated Eru. After he came to power, he might be in turmoil for a period of time, maybe as long as half a year, but Lionheart City should be more prosperous than it is now. "

"You have so much confidence in him?" Wendy Lu turned to look into Luo Lin's eyes.

"If I don't have confidence, why should I work hard for him? Do you think I'm the kind of person who will do anything for my own benefit?" Luo Lin asked back, looking at Wendy Lu without hesitation.

Looking at each other for a long time, Wendy Lu shook her head: "You are not."

That kind of person will not compensate for the loss of the hotel, nor does he have such a firm look in his eyes.

Luo Lin also withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at the already bustling pedestrians on the street in front of him, and said softly: "There is an old saying in my hometown that a person who does whatever he can can only be called a hero, but not a real hero. "

"Huh?" Wendy Lu was taken aback, then asked again: "Then what is a hero?"

"After ups and downs, the heart remains unchanged."

"..." Wendy Lu was silent for a long time, until the thing in her hand was going to be cold soon, she said softly: "Then why did Eru become a good city lord?"

"He has been ridiculed and despised since he was a child, but his heart is not filled with anger and hatred, and he still has kindness. In his situation, I don't think I can do this. Such a person is more powerful than those who are warlike. May make a city prosper."

"But there are wars between cities, and a powerful city lord is necessary."

"No matter how strong a city lord's force is, can it control the situation of the battle? The body of the city lord is not the key, the key is to have a strong mind. I think the heart of Eru who has gone through hardships is better than living in a greenhouse since childhood, cared by thousands of people. Alok is several times stronger!"

"I understand." For the first time, a solemn look appeared on Wendy Lu's face: "Don't worry, I will do my best."

Of course, she was not so easily persuaded by Luo Lin, but at this time, Wendy Lu raised her nephew to the same level as Ai Luoke, and the two had their own strengths.

"Just treat it as the last thing I do for the family." She said in her heart.

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