Legendary Hero

Chapter 425 Dragon Battle (Part 1)

At 3:10 in the morning, Luo Lin arrived 20 kilometers outside Pegasus City.

"How do you get there, or just start fighting?" Sha'er asked.

"Of course not, let's see the specific situation first." Luo Lin shook his head, and he began to land. After reaching the ground, he returned to his human form.

While getting dressed, Rowling talked about his plan: "They have eight airships, three old airships, and five new airships. Let's observe a good place, first destroy the old airships they are familiar with, and then destroy the new airships. It's much safer that way."

details make a difference.

They are the sneak attacking side, and they have the absolute initiative. Naturally, they don't have to be rough and rough to attack. Naturally, they must try their best to perfect the details in order to maximize the possibility of success.

Sha Er nodded: "Okay."

This time the sneak attack on Luo Lin was the absolute main force, so she just followed.

The two dived in the direction of Pegasus City, and after about 20 minutes, they arrived at the airship dock outside Pegasus City in two days.

Pegasus City, like Lion Heart City, is also located on a plain. His plain is much more fertile than Xiongshi Plain, enough to feed a large number of cattle, sheep and horses. Therefore, Pegasus City is richer than Lion Heart City, and the city scale is also larger.

Although the weather in the Xiongshi Plain was clear, the Pegasus City, thousands of kilometers away, was covered with dark clouds and the wind was extremely strong. Now at 3:30 in the morning, it was truly invisible.

What a night!

The armed airship base in the distance, because of the strong wind, the airships are parked in the berths in the sky, and each berth has a bright magic lamp to illuminate the position. From a distance, you can see huge black shadows floating in the air Among them, it unfolds in a semicircle, like a group of whales resting together in the deep sea.

Both Luo Lin and Sha'er were top experts in the current world. Taking advantage of the darkness, they sneaked all the way to the outside of the airship base's wall without hindrance.

"Look, there's a magic lighthouse there." Luo Lin pointed to a towering building in the dark night. The building was round and looked to be more than 50 meters high. The diameter of the bottom was more than 20 meters. A very bright beam of light should be used to guide the direction at night. In the middle of the lighthouse, there is a small hole like a window.

Sha'er looked over, pointed at the hole and said, "That's a magic cannon, which can fire lightning, explosive fireballs, arcane balls, and air bombs. The power of each blow is equivalent to the attack of a great magician."

"This power is not bad, my body can withstand it." Luo Lin pointed to the airship and said: "The attack I need to avoid is the main gun of the airship, and the surprise attack of those powerful force fighters is what I need to dodge. If the pegasus in the prime of life is desperately attacking me, I may not be able to block it, it depends on you."

"Understood." Sha'er nodded.

The two circled the airship base again. Through the light of the magic lamp on the berth of the airship, they could see the general outline and details of the airship. From the material of the airship, they could easily tell the age of the airship.

"Three old ones are near Pegasus City, and five new ones are on the outskirts. Can you feel it? The old airship was full, and they rested in the airship. The new ones are only half full." Rollin said softly.

If such a large airship is to fight in the air, an airship has about 800 crew members, and the requirements for the crew are very high. Such people are difficult to recruit all at once.

Therefore, through the number of people, it is easy to recognize the old airship.

Sha'er listened carefully for a while, then nodded in agreement: "Indeed. Shall we start there?"

"Yes. Come on, let's go in and deal with their magic lighthouse first." Luo Lin greeted.

The outer city wall of the airship base was only surrounded by some wooden walls, and some simple detection magic was arranged. Of course, this could not stop the two of them, and they climbed in easily and dived towards the magic lighthouse in the base.

In this dark night, without the guidance of the lighthouse, the airship is a headless fly.

At the bottom of the lighthouse, Luo Lin stopped, and said to Sha'er beside him, "Go in and turn off the guiding lamp post. As soon as the lamp post goes out, I will launch an attack as soon as possible!"

Sha'er nodded, her body dived towards the lighthouse like a black mist, and she didn't go in after reaching the outside of the lighthouse, just like this, she climbed up with her bare hands along the outer wall of the lighthouse. The gecko swims like a wall, and climbed to the top of the lighthouse in less than ten seconds.

Luo Lin waited patiently, while the dragon essence in his body was in a vigorous state, as long as the time came, he would transform into a dragon form within three seconds.

Sha'er's movements were very smooth. Less than five seconds after she climbed into the lighthouse's magic lamp room, the bright beams of the lighthouse went out, and the entire airship base was completely plunged into darkness.

In the darkness, there were some surprised voices, but it was after three o'clock in the morning, and the entire airship base was in a state of deep sleep. It would take a while to fully wake up. After all, only a few people found the abnormality at this time.

It's now!

The dragon essence in Luo Lin's body surged like a tsunami, and rushed to all parts of his body. The substances stored in the dragon space were extracted by the dragon essence, and quickly organized in a predetermined situation.

As expected, in just three seconds, the humanoid Luo Lin disappeared, replaced by a giant war beast with a height of nearly 40 meters and a wingspan of over 50 meters.

The berth of the airship is only 80 meters high. When the airship is parked, the bottom is more than 60 meters above the ground. When Luo Lin stands on the ground, his body stands upright on his hind legs, and his head can almost reach the airship.

He flapped his wings, soared into the sky, suspended in the low air, and activated the breath of frost.

In an instant, his whole body was surrounded by thick blue-white low-temperature ice fog, and then Rowling flapped his wings towards the three old airships outside.

There was a whistling sound, and a huge wave of air rolled out violently, rolling the dust and sand on the ground, and carrying the frost mist around Luo Lin's body, rolling out wildly. This wind is so violent, at a distance of several hundred meters, its strength is no less than that of a super storm at sea.

At this moment, the balance of the eight airships was greatly affected. They began to shift from the berths. The three old airships were the closest to Luo Lin and were the most affected. It even condensed a layer of frost.

Luo Lin reckoned that the crew resting inside would definitely not feel well. They must be falling around, and the inside must have become a mess.

In this way, he doesn't need to worry about the opponent's counterattack in a short time. Immediately afterwards, he rushed up, aimed at the deck of one of the airships, opened his mouth wide, and used the dragon's breath.

"Huh~~" There was a sound of wind, and the blue-white frost beam rushed hundreds of meters away like the water column of a high-pressure water gun, spraying directly on the deck of the airship, and large chunks of ice condensed in the airship.

The airship can suspend in the air because of the magic power balance created by the magic circle on the airship. Now that so much frost magic power is suddenly added, the magic power balance of the airship is completely destroyed in an instant.

Luo Lin just sprayed like this for three seconds, and the airship, which was suspended in the air relying on magic balance, lost its buoyancy, and fell to the ground in a free fall posture, making a loud 'boom', and broke in two directly.

An airship is finished!

The reaction speed of the other party was not unpleasant. After the first airship crashed, the light of the magic shield appeared on the second and third airships immediately.

The shield protects the entire airship inside, and it is very thick. Rowling tried to spray the dragon's breath, and the magic shield easily separated the frost element in the dragon's breath, and slipped from the sides of the airship. go out.

The dragon's breath technique is temporarily ineffective.

Luo Lin flapped his wings and rushed straight to the second airship. His current acceleration ability is extremely terrifying. Two seconds later, his body weighing more than 50 tons has reached a wonderful speed of more than 260 meters. His "boom" It hit the airship at once.

This is a physical attack, and the defensive effect of the magic shield is very limited. After a collision, the entire airship suddenly experienced a huge shock. The shell on one side of the airship was severely concave, and a large number of cracks appeared. 'The ground fell.

And that's not all. Luo Lin's dragon claw snapped, and the sharp claws sank into the shell of the airship. Then, with a flap of wings, his whole body grabbed the side shell of the airship and flew back. The ground cracked, and a big hole was torn out, and the magic shield was also greatly affected, flickering, and the effect almost disappeared.

From the hole in the airship's hull, you can see a large number of crew members fleeing in embarrassment. They looked at the huge beast outside the airship and cried out in despair, with no fighting spirit to resist.

This is war, it's either you die or I die, Luo Lin didn't hesitate at all, "Huh~~~" It was another frost dragon's breath, except for the sound of inhaling and exhaling wind, this attack was silent, but terrifying To the extreme.

He could clearly see the frost energy raging and raging inside the airship, those ordinary people were frozen to death immediately, those force warriors desperately transformed, the weaker ones were also frozen to death, and the stronger ones, their bodies reached the age of youth The force warriors of the early stage successfully rushed out of the airship, but they were also terribly frozen, their bodies were stiff, and their flying movements were extremely embarrassing.

A light and shadow flashed quickly, and the bodies of these escaped force fighters exploded with blood mist, and then fell from the sky.

Sarah is here.

"Boom!" The magic cannon on the side of the third ship finally fired. A football-sized purple ball of light hit Luo Lin's huge body, hit the dragon scales, and exploded into countless sparks. It was like a big firework exploded in the air.

The magic attack speed of the magic cannon was very fast. When it was flying in the air, it pulled out a purple light, and there was no way to dodge it. Luo Lin felt a shock in his body. He looked down and found that his dragon scales were still intact. Don't worry, he flapped his wings and rushed back, and the dragon claws grabbed the armor on the side of the airship again.

This time, Luo Lin didn't take off the armor directly. With a muffled roar, he used all his strength and flapped his wings to drag the airship in the air, and then spun in the air, sending the hundreds of meters long airship to Flying out, the direction of flying is exactly those new airships.

"Boom!" Two airships, one new and one old, collided in the air. The flow of magic power in the airship interfered with each other, a violent collision occurred, and then there was an extremely dense explosion. The flames of the explosion continued to emerge, and intensive screams and cries And the exclamation was endless.

In the light of the fire, a large number of crew members who were on fire jumped out desperately and fell to the ground. Some Force fighters rushed out of the fire and tried to escape, but they were intercepted and killed one by one by Shaer who followed closely. , very few can escape successfully.

So far, four of the airships in Pegasus City have been destroyed by Luo Lin in one go, and there are still four new airships left.

These new airships have already escaped from the berth, but the sky is too dark, and there is no lighthouse light to guide them. They are flying wildly in the sky, and the sound of magic cannons appears from time to time. Can't pose a threat to Rollins.

Luo Lin rushed up and rushed towards the fifth airship, preparing to take down the new airship as well.

At this moment, a bright ball of light suddenly rose into the sky in the center of Pegasus City not far away.

This ball of light is like the sun, once it appears, it illuminates the surrounding sky for tens of miles.

Pegasus City finally reacted!

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