Legendary Hero

Chapter 433 Life must be full of joy (second update)

"He noticed us just now." Luo Lin had already activated Longsense, and while he was writing in Sha'er's hand, he felt the movement around the room.

"I know." Sha'er responded, "I've met him once before, he should just think I'm a little familiar."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Lin heard a movement in his ears. With a movement in his heart, he began to close his eyes to perceive. Five or six seconds later, he wrote in Sha'er's palm: "That Ye Tianzun is in the room opposite our window. Observe us."

"..." Sha'er was startled. She didn't show any abnormality in her body. She and Luo Lin stood in the doorway, leaning on each other, and stretched out their hands to write on Luo Lin's chest: "That guy has a suspicious and cautious personality. He won't let go of the slightest possibility. We have to play well and fool him."

"How do you play this?" At this time, he was really surrounded by wolves, and he might be under siege. Even though Luo Lin had experienced many battles, he felt a little numb at this moment.

Sha'er didn't write any more, and suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Luo Lin's lips. Luo Lin was startled and wanted to back away, but at the same time he felt the secret gaze cast on him from behind, and he held back forcefully. .

The two just stood in the hallway and kissed each other. At first, Luo Lin was a little passive, but soon he also got involved, and began to hold Sha'er's face and kiss passionately.

In a room opposite the hotel room, a middle-aged man in a black robe stood in a dark corner, squinting his eyes, quietly looking at the young men and women who were kissing passionately in the room. He is the person who stayed in the hotel lobby by the Golden Lake just now, and he is also Ye Tianzun that Sha'er said.

There is another person beside him, this is an old man with white hair, wearing a mithril crown on his head, and holding a short jade staff in his hand. He is also looking at the situation across the room, but there is no middle-aged man in black. So seriously. After a few glances, he withdrew his gaze and said with a smile to the middle-aged man, "It's nice to be young. When I see them, I think of my youth. It's really nostalgic."

The middle-aged man in black nodded, seeing that the men and women in the opposite room had already started to take off each other's clothes, knowing that the other party was about to start a war, he also looked away, and said to the old man beside him: "I look familiar with that woman, she seems to be Where have you seen it?"

The white-haired old man smiled and didn't take it seriously: "You must have misunderstood the person. I can feel some strength in them. But these days, young couples who can travel far away have some abilities that are considered normal. My spirit Sparrow just reported to me that someone has found new traces in an alley. Shall we go and have a look?"

"It's not necessary." The middle-aged man in black smiled, sat down on the chair next to the old man, and said with a smile, "I saw the nightblade adventure team's battlefield last night. This time the opponent is very powerful. Under the human form, strength It’s not necessarily weaker than you and me. Even if those people are found, they won’t be able to please them, so we’ll just wait for further news here.”

There is another reason he didn't say, I don't know why, but he has a vague feeling that those two guys may not have left Isenburg, but hid somewhere, because judging from the current situation, If he was in it himself, he would do the same.

The question is, where are these two guys hiding?

Here Ye Tianzun is contemplating, but Luo Lin in the hotel room is depressed. He is now facing a serious problem, that is whether to continue or not.

He heard the conversation between Ye Tianzun and his companion. The other party stayed on the opposite side of the room and did not leave. And their acting has reached the point where the arrow is on the string. If it stops suddenly now, although it may not necessarily make the opponent suspicious, it will attract the attention of the opponent. It is very possible for the other party to continue to observe out of curiosity. The longer you expose yourself to the eyes of such a careful opponent, the greater the danger.

"What should I do?" Luo Lin was still kissing Sha'er, the two really fell in love with each other, and he didn't say a word, he just showed it with his eyes.

Sha'er's big eyes were much more moist than usual, her cheeks were flushed, she was panting slightly, her hands hugged Luo Lin tightly, the meaning was obvious: "Go on, don't stop!"

At this time, Luo Lin was already a little excited, and if he continued, he was afraid that he would miss the gun, and he hesitated in his eyes, but he immediately felt that Sha Er became enthusiastic, and her body twisted slightly in his arms. This round, plump but full of youth The vigorous body kept rubbing against Luo Lin's body, and waves of electric current appeared at every scraping place, stimulating Luo Lin's nerves.

Luo Lin felt his heart beating violently. At this moment, his beloved Vianna, who was hundreds of thousands of years later, suddenly flashed in his mind. This made him feel guilty, and his body immediately felt a little numb in response.

Sha'er felt it immediately, and after a little thought, she guessed that Luo Lin might have some secrets. She put her hand on Luo Lin's chest and wrote: "You are alive, why should you restrain yourself?"

When writing, her flat belly gently rubbed against Luo Lin's, and Luo Lin could easily feel the softness of the unevenness of the other's body. At this moment, he was facing an extremely dangerous situation, life and death were unpredictable, maybe It might be over tomorrow, and the pressure in my heart is also great. At this moment, being so teased by Shaer, my heartstrings finally loosened, and I let go of everything for the time being.

Turning around, Luo Lin hugged Shaer to the side of the bed, closed the curtains, and then reached out to take off Shaer's clothes. His hand touched the hem of Shaer's white round-neck shirt, and felt the warmth and smoothness. waist, and then all the way up, skillfully climbed the already towering peaks.

To be honest, this pair of mountain peaks are not high, not big, and quite satisfactory, but the feel is indescribably wonderful, soft but with incredible elasticity, which makes Luo Lin love it.

The snow-white shirt was quickly taken off. Although it was not the first time she saw Sha Er's naked body, Luo Lin couldn't help but stare at her. The soft curves, slender but sensual waist can make people feel easily to the vitality contained in it.

There was still a sky-blue cotton skirt on Sha'er, and Luo Lin wanted to take it off, but Sha'er stopped her.

"?" Luo Lin looked at Sha'er.

"Open it from below." Sha'er had a naughty face.

"..." Luo Lin did as he said, and squatted down to lift up the skirt. This action made him feel like a hooligan who lifts up women's skirts on the street, watching a pair of slender and clean legs slowly revealing Come on, the excitement is extreme.

Finally lifted the long skirt to Sha'er's waist, Luo Lin pushed Sha'er a little harder, and pushed Sha'er down on the big bed in the room, and then pressed it down, it felt very soft, like throwing herself on a ball of cotton, familiar with the way Finding the way without any hesitation, Luo Lin drove in without hesitation.

"Hmm~" Sha'er snorted lightly, her slender legs wrapped around Luo Lin's waist.

There was a fierce battle between the sky and the ground, and in the end, the two of them lost both sides in the battle.

Sha'er's body was red, blue, and purple, and it was pinched by Luo Lin. There was no way, it felt so good, with a hint of toughness in the cotton, as smooth as silk, and I couldn't touch it enough. In the passion, I inevitably used some force, Luo Lin Lin's back was full of red marks. Although there was no bleeding, it looked quite scary, just like a spider's web.

Afterwards, Luo Lin habitually wanted to light a cigarette again, but before he lit it, Sha Er pinched him by his side: "Don't smoke, I don't like the smell of cigarettes in your mouth."

Well, Luo Lin reluctantly obeyed, put his arm around Sha'er, and asked, "How long shall we stay in Isenburg this time?"

"A month or so. The climate in Isenburg is warm in winter, how comfortable it is to stay here." Sha'er smiled.

"Then our money may not be enough." Luo Lin said, but his hand was writing in Sha'er's palm: "It takes so long?"

He now wants to reach Nordrassil to find the elves as soon as possible.

"Then save some money." Sha'er's voice was slightly coquettish, no different from a young wife, and at the same time she replied: "The mercenaries are very patient, they are all wolves. In fact, one month is still a bit risky." .”

"Oh, okay." Luo Lin nodded, and then began to casually chat about some parents' gossip, which was no different from that of ordinary couples.

Luo Lin was not so natural in the past, but after going to bed, the two of them felt much closer and had a better understanding than before.

Chatting and chatting, the interest revived, so it was another fierce battle.

In the room across the street, the middle-aged man in black smiled wryly and said, "This place is really not well chosen, those two young people are too noisy."

He was upset by the noise.

"Then how about changing the place? Anyway, there are no new clues in this hotel, and everyone else has already left." The white-haired old man smiled.

After thinking about it, the middle-aged man in black nodded: "Then let's change the place. I hope those hunting dogs who explore the way can bring us more news."

The two did what they said, and left very simply. Their voices were all heard by Luo Lin. As soon as the two left, he felt it immediately. Sha'er wrote on her hand: "They were taken away by us."

"That's not bad." Panting, Sha'er turned over and pressed Luo Lin against her body. She wrote on Luo Lin's chest: "The most dangerous time has passed. Most of the people with good news and strong tracking ability The mercenaries are already looking for the next clue. The mercenaries who chase after us are basically weak, so we can relax a little bit."

Luo Lin shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't relax. The Ye Tianzun you mentioned didn't go far, and he stopped a hundred meters away. This guy may have suspected that we are still in the city."

Sha'er clamped her legs tightly to prevent Luo Lin's little brother from moving around in her body, and wrote helplessly: "There is no way. It is difficult to completely deceive such a super expert. Fortunately, only one came this time. "


In the days that followed, the two of them stayed in Isenburg, and visited the scenic spots in Isenburg, such as the tallest lighthouse on the mainland, the silver-white beach, the sky garden, and so on. After playing around like this, together with Sha'er's guidance, he has a thorough understanding of the situation in Isenburg.

One month is not a long time, and it passed in a blink of an eye. Most of the powerful mercenaries who searched for Luo Lin in Isenburg had dispersed, and even Ye Tianzun left with his companions on the twenty-eighth day.

On the thirtieth day, Luo Lin and Sha'er went to the dock area again and booked two boat tickets to the Bruma Continent. After waiting for two days, the ocean-going ship was about to set off. Luo Lin carried the suitcase and Sha'er boarded the ship.

In the boarding passage, Luo Lin saw a familiar figure, it turned out to be the so-called Ye Tianzun, and he also boarded the ship, accompanied by a gorgeously dressed white-haired old man.

This man was extremely sensitive, he also saw Luo Lin, obviously still remembered him, with a gentle smile on his face, he nodded friendly to Luo Lin.

"..." Luo Lin also responded with a smile, a smile for that kind of stranger. When he turned his gaze back, Luo Lin felt very speechless, this man is really haunted!

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