Legendary Hero

Chapter 438: No match at all

"The surface of the sea is starting to freeze! Be careful everyone, and separate them a bit more, this is his frost magic!" the magician Alai reminded.

Everyone saw that a piece of floating ice began to appear on the sea surface, and then quickly thickened and spread at an unimaginable speed. In a blink of an eye, this ice caught up with the moving Bird of Paradise.

"Crack~wow~' The Bird of Paradise stopped suddenly, and the entire hull was grabbed by the giant frosty hand. After barely driving for more than 50 meters, it stopped motionless on the surface of the frosty sea.

There were screams one after another on the boat, and everyone was petrified by the incredible situation.

At this moment, looking from the bird of paradise deck, the sea surface within a range of nearly 500 meters is completely covered with ice. Such a huge frost magic power made the magician Alai feel extremely shocked. Today's matter is very difficult, and he thinks that he is really going to fight this old life.

Holding tightly the scepter in his hand, Alai floated out of the cabin of the Bird of Paradise and flew high into the sky. He held the scepter tightly in one hand, and raised the other hand to the sky. After reciting a spell in a low voice, he suddenly shouted: "Spirits of pure water and air, listen to my command, gather!"

Following his words, the sky and the earth quickly began to change color, and dark clouds quickly formed in the sky, centered on Alai's palm, spreading out in a spiral shape. There is a wind blowing, forming a wind roll, connecting the dark clouds at the top, and the sea below, making a terrible whistling sound.

In just a few seconds, the dark clouds in the sky spread to an unimaginable scale, and the entire sky became dark. The dark clouds are spinning and rubbing at high speed, and there are flashes of lightning, and they are rapidly gathering lightning energy.

This energy is getting bigger and bigger, and the lightning is flying and surging in the dark clouds like a giant python, forming a terrifying giant net of thunder and lightning, carrying the aura of destruction like the end of the world.

On the sea surface, the ice layer has stopped expanding, and the sea surface was calm for a short time. After about five seconds, the ice layer on the sea surface broke suddenly, with a loud bang, the ice layer shattered into countless hard ice flakes, Scatter radially toward the sky.

The speed of this piece of ice is terrifying. When it flies through the air, it is silent.

"Hide!" Ye Tianzun roared, the black air around his body became extremely dense in an instant, and he rushed towards the sky with his body at high speed. The other three nobles were also like him, desperately raising their heights.

Using one's own body to test the strength of the enemy's attack is the most risky behavior, and no one wants to do it.

Just as everyone was evading, a gigantic giant beast pierced through the crack in the shattered ice. It flapped its wings, and there was a loud bang in the air, and a storm appeared out of thin air. The storm raged all the way, and when it hit the Bird of Paradise, which was frozen on the ice, the big ship that just hit it made countless screams of 'creaking'.

The dragon rushed to the sky at an unimaginable speed, and his first target was not the four force fighters, but the magician Alai in the sky.

"Destroy Thunder!"

The moment Luo Lin appeared, Alai launched an attack on Luo Lin, and the endless lightning energy contained in the sky instantly turned into a giant net of lightning with a diameter of nearly ten centimeters, covering Luo Lin Come.

The intellectual brain immediately made an assessment: "Thirty trillion parts of energy, reaching 75% of the body's maximum tolerance limit, is moderately dangerous."

After the original force was fully restored, Rowling's body's tolerance to lightning was greatly improved, especially since his back was still covered with a photoelectric film. As long as the sun shines directly on his back, there will be tens of billions of electric currents per second. He can be regarded as being baptized by electric currents every moment. Moreover, in order to absorb the original force in the electric currents more efficiently, his body There are also five bio-accumulators, each of which can store three trillion copies of energy.

Now, because the efficiency of his dragon essence absorbing the force has slowed down, Luo Lin had to slow down the baptism of the current on the body. As a result, the five accumulators were overflowing with electric energy.

At this time, the magician Alai's attack arrived, and the energy storage pool took effect.

When Alai's lightning wrapped around Luo Lin's body, the electric current in the accumulator in his body flowed out. Under the control of the brain, the polarity was opposite to that of the lightning, and began to counteract the lightning's attack.

The five accumulators and the electric current of 15 trillion parts of energy abruptly reduced the power of Alai's lightning attack by 50%, and coupled with the high resistance of the dragon's body itself, it was unable to cause any substantial damage to Luo Lin. sexual harm.

Looking at it from a distance, the giant dragon in the sky was entangled in a huge lightning net. It could barely move, and could only barely suspend in the air. The situation looked extremely miserable, but in fact, Luo Lin only felt a little numbness in his body. No injuries.

"Zha!" A cry came from Fenghuang Sha'er who surrounded Luo Lin, she seized the opportunity of Alai to focus on attacking Luo Lin, and rushed towards Alai at top speed. At high speed, her body turned into a cloud of mist-like light, pulling out a bright ray of light in the sky.

The magician Alai is also amazing. He controls the lightning with one hand, and the scepter in the other hand suddenly lights up. A magic shield composed of extremely complicated runes suddenly appears in the air, protecting his body in the air. in.

"Boom!" A moment later, Sha'er bumped into the shield, the shield suddenly lit up, and the runes in it began to spin rapidly, dissolving Sha'er's power, and after about half a second, everything returned to normal.

Inside the shield, Alai laughed loudly: "Little bird, if you want to break through my real text shield, your strength is not enough!"

Sha'er was also surprised, but she keenly noticed that when this Alai laughed, there was a trace of blood on his teeth, which was unlikely to be a tooth problem. Sha'er knew that this old man was really old, and he is now I'm overdrawing my life!

So she circled in the air, and after increasing her speed, she attacked the shield again.

"Hum!" The shield shook again, and a large amount of light flashed. The light was not as stable as the first time, and it began to flicker slightly. The blood in Alai's mouth finally couldn't be hidden, and began to flow out from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that Sha'er was about to attack for the third time, Ye Tianzun swooped down from high in the sky, and wanted to rush over to support, but Alai shouted: "Leave me alone, go deal with the giant beast!"

Ye Tianzun was startled, then gritted his teeth, and turned towards Luo Lin, who was still entangled by lightning, and rushed towards Luo Lin, who seemed a little slow in his movements.

Not only him, Nalin who turned into a winged snake, Gravin who turned into a winged lion, and Nan Luo who turned into a huge golden eagle all rushed towards Luo Lin.

As long as they kill this giant beast, they can get a huge bounty and they will be able to prosper.

The four of them were fast, rushing to Luo Lin's side in the blink of an eye, ready to attack.

Luo Lin watched the opponent approaching, but he didn't panic, because the lightning couldn't restrain him at all, he behaved like this, just to confuse the enemy!

When the four of them rushed within 30 meters of him, Luo Lin lowered his head slightly, inhaled sharply, and let out a 'roar of the dragon'!

"Roar~" A condensed sound wave pierced out, forming a white sound wave visible to the naked eye in the air. This is a sonic attack, a special combat technique of the giant dragon. It is so powerful that it is like a landslide and a tsunami.

The battle bodies of the four force warriors are extremely powerful, so naturally they will not receive real damage, but the four of them were caught off guard, and they were stunned when they were hit by this terrible sound wave, even if they turned into silver... Ye Tianzun, who was carrying the black wolf, also lost his mind for a moment.

It's now!

Luo Lin flicked his wings and easily broke through the lightning that restrained him. Then he flicked his tail and threw it at the winged snake of Master Nalin who was trying to sneak up on him from behind.

In the howling sound, Nalin felt a huge threat and wanted to hide, but he had already missed the best time and couldn't escape at all. With a crisp sound of 'snap', the dragon's tail carrying great power hit Nalin's head, and it also hit the hearts of the other three fighters.

The three of them were shocked. When they looked at Nalin, they saw that the head of the Winged Snake had been sunken in, and there was a huge deformation. There was a lot of blood gushing out from the mouth, nose, eyes and other places, and Nalin's eyeballs had been completely shattered. , it's clearly over.

Killing a force warrior under a powerful battle body with one blow, the rumors of Pegasus City reappeared before his eyes again.

The three of them were terrified, and instinctively kept away from Luo Lin. This was the best time for Luo Lin to attack. He turned his head, opened his mouth wide, and spewed out blue and white breath, towards Ye Tianzun's silver-backed black wolf.

Ye Tianzun dodged, and the black mist on his body became thicker, enveloping his body.

But when Luo Lin used his breath, adjusting the attack direction was just a matter of turning his head, but Ye Tianzun had to move his whole body to avoid it. After a few times of dodging, he was caught up by the dragon's breath.

"Boom!" The thick frost column hit the black mist on the surface of Ye Tianzun's body, but failed to break through the black mist, but the huge impact force of the spray knocked Ye Tianzun directly into the sky. Ye Tianzun's nearly five-meter-long body lost control, and hit the ice like a meteor. There was a loud "crash", the ice shattered, and Ye Tianzun fell into the seawater, under the strong frosty breath, and then The seawater immediately froze again and sealed it again.

Just after dealing with Ye Tianzun, Luo Lin's body suddenly rolled over again, dodging the attack from the winged lion from his back, and faced the winged lion with four claws.

The winged lion was taken aback by Luo Lin's agility, which was completely inconsistent with the opponent's huge size. In terms of size and strength, the nine-meter-long him was completely crushed, and now the opponent's body was flexible beyond his imagination, how dare he fight hand-to-hand with such a behemoth, he immediately flapped his wings and turned to escape in the air.

Luo Lin didn't chase after him, because the huge golden eagle attacked him from his side. This golden eagle has a wingspan of 23 meters, and its body is about half of his size. Luo Lin didn't dare to block his attack. In fact, Luo Lin dared not use his body to directly attack any combat body of this level.

The dragon wings fluttered violently, and Luo Lin's body accelerated like an arrow, and he dodged the golden eagle's claw attack in a matter of seconds. Then he waved his wings again, twisted his body, and abruptly flew into the air for a hundred and eighty times. Turned sharply, changed from facing away to facing the golden eagle, and then rushed towards the golden eagle.

The body of the golden eagle is big, but it is incomparable with the giant dragon. At this moment, in front of Luo Lin, he was completely a prey attacked by a giant dragon.

Young Master Nan Luo was shocked, and hurriedly flapped his wings to dodge, but Luo Lin adjusted immediately and followed closely behind him. This scene is very similar to a giant eagle catching a sparrow.

Perhaps in terms of limit speed, the golden eagle is similar to Luo Lin, but in terms of explosive power and flight control, the golden eagle is not as good as the giant dragon, which has fine control over its body. The two sides are not at the same level at all.

This huge gap allowed him to persist for only two seconds. Two seconds later, his body was caught squarely by the dragon's claws!

Sensing the irresistible terrifying force on the dragon's claws, Master Nan Luo clearly felt the approach of death, and he yelled: "No, don't kill me, I will pay the ransom, how much do you want? Ten thousand gold coins. …”

"Ransom? It's ridiculous!" Luo Lin sneered, his claws exerting force.

"Tear~" With a loud noise like a tearing silk, Master Nan Luo's voice stopped abruptly, his body was directly torn in half by Luo Lin, carved feathers flew in the sky, and blood fell like rain.

"..." Seeing this scene, the Winged Lion Gravin, who wanted to turn around and fight back, was terrified. Without any hesitation, he waved his wings and fled desperately. At this moment, he only hated himself for not growing a pair of wings, and hated himself for not being fast enough!

Luo Lin didn't go after the frightened winged lion, he flapped his wings again and flew towards the magician Alai.

After Sha'er's continuous attacks, the shield on the surface of Alai's body was already crumbling, and his image was also horrific, with blood from his mouth and nose, and a withered face. He was already exhausted.

Luo Lin stepped forward, suspended in the air, with the dragon's claw protruding out, and was about to slap Alai. With his strength, this blow was enough to shatter the magician, including his shield and others.

The magician Alai also knew that his side was defeated, so he closed his eyes and waited for death.

At this moment, a loud roar came from the ice: "Wait! Don't kill him!"

Luo Lin didn't need to turn his head to see that it was Ye Tianzun who had just climbed out of the ice. He was still in the form of a battle body, his whole body was in a state of embarrassment, and his whole body was dripping with water, just like a drowning wolf.

"Give me a reason?" Luo Lin laughed.

"A secret scroll!" Ye Tianzun held up the wolf's paw, and a black scroll with flowing silver light appeared on the paw.

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