Legendary Hero

Chapter 451 Goblin Tactician—Virtual God

Silver Fortress.

The elven magician Hegwig stood on the top of the fortress. She gazed at the approaching goblin airship in front of the fortress, and issued various orders at the same time.

"The space disc is ready!"

On the outer wall of the fortress, elf magicians immediately inserted a blood-red spar into metal discs with a diameter of nearly one meter and engraved with complex magic patterns. The blood-colored magic power flowed into the original magic patterns, When the lavender resonating crystal flowed to the core of the disk, the whole disk shook, and the air above the disk suddenly appeared distorted ripples... No, it was not because of the air, because there was no air The magic power fluctuates, this is the twisting of space. This thing can emit space distortion, which can cause a huge attack effect on the opponent.

"Start the sacrifice!" This was Hegwig's second order.

Under the inner wall of the fortress, the elf warriors escorted all kinds of prisoners of war and slaves, forming a large circle around a pool of blood, surrounded by several floors, and the number was more than a thousand. When the order came, each The female elf warrior swung her sword without hesitation.

'Pu Chi Pu Chi' Amidst the cries for mercy and screams, heads rolled all over the ground like balls, and blood spurted out from the severed necks. Some of the powerful ones sprayed a full two or three meters Far.

Soon, the bottom of the blood pool with a diameter of nearly five meters was covered with a layer of blood nearly ten centimeters deep, and a strong smell of blood rose into the sky. The elf female warriors around the blood pool were obviously completely numb to this terrible scene, and some elves even stretched out their tongues to lick the blood splashed around their mouths, with an expression like a ghost.

As the blood entered the pool, the elven mages around the blood pool began to cast spells at the same time. Their spell-casting forehead ornaments gave off a blood-red glow. With the guidance of their complex gestures, wisps of strange power fluctuations radiated out and merged into the blood pool. In the middle, the blood began to boil, and a large number of light spots appeared, and the light spots began to gather in the air.

In the end, a blood-red ball of light floated up from the blood, and the diameter of this ball of light was about thirty centimeters. When it was completely completed, the blood in the pool stopped boiling, and at the same time began to solidify, turning into a thin layer of dark red soil, exactly the same color as the bottom of the blood pool.

This is not the first sacrifice.

From the ball of light, bright lines stretched out, shooting towards the bodies of every elf magician in the fortress.

Every elf magician who was shot showed an extremely intoxicated and satisfied look on their faces, and at the same time, the unique power fluctuations on them became very powerful in an instant.

The magician Hedwig was also hit by a bright line, and the thickest and brightest light shot at her gave her more strength.

She sighed contentedly, sticking out her red tongue and licking her lips, as if she was enjoying the bloody pleasure.

"You really disgust me!" A crisp voice sounded beside Hedwig, with extremely obvious hatred.

Hegwig laughed wildly. She looked at the giant bird that was emitting flames, and said loudly, "What do you know? If you don't do this, how can we elves resist goblins? Are we just waiting to be wiped out?"

The giant bird is naturally Sha'er. She sneered and said, "It would be better if all the filthy things like you are wiped out."

'Snapped! ’ As soon as she finished speaking, her body shook violently, her head seemed to be held down, and she slammed heavily against the roof of the fortress, and then she couldn’t move.

Hegwig looked at her with a sneer: "Don't think that you are qualified to scold me because you helped us win some victories. Remember, you will always be my slave! You will fight in this fortress until you die. Die in battle I will not waste your blood in the future, I will let all the power of your blood be absorbed. Everything about you will be used by me!"

Sha'er's head was pressed on the ground of the fortress. Hearing the cold and merciless threats from the elf magician, her heart was filled with rage, but she knew that it was useless to resist, and she was only humiliated in vain, so she didn't move, just coldly Staring at the other party, I swear in my heart: "Wait, wait until I regain my freedom, I will definitely make your life worse than death!" '

Hedwig seemed to see through Sha'er's mind, and said with a sneer, "I know you hate me so much now that you want to tear me to pieces. But what I need is your anger. Have you seen those goblins? Go ahead." , to destroy them!"

The magician pointed his hand at the goblin airship that was about to approach the attacking distance in the sky, and Shaer's body rushed out involuntarily.

At this moment, her heart was extremely sad, but her body was not controlled by her own will. Is there anything more terrifying in the world than this? Immediately, her heart was filled with anger, and since she couldn't resist, she destroyed these nasty airships.

With a shriek, Sha'er's speed increased to the limit. When flying through the air, except for leaving behind a long line of fire, she was almost completely invisible.

When the phoenix came out, Hedwig screamed, "Slaves, get on!"

All of a sudden, all the strong aliens who were signed contracts in the fortress, the flying demons, the strong human races with flying force bodies, flying behemoths, etc., all dispatched from the fortress, as the first batch of death squads, howling miserably Then, we faced the goblin airship battle formation.

Goblin mothership, command room.

There are more than a dozen goblins sitting here. The goblins have a clear division of labor, and each goblin has its own responsibilities. Airship pilots, tactical commanders, correspondents, tactical staff officers, etc., are all in a tense state of preparation for battle.

The tactical commander is a short and thin goblin. He is wearing a light golden battle armor. Looking at the bright lines approaching quickly outside the porthole, he issued an order in an orderly manner: "The number one opponent is here, it is the phoenix. As soon as the number arrives, Fifty airships form a combat team, adopt a mesh seamless attack, the diameter of the virtual target is 30 meters, and the minimum interval is used!"

Following this order, the goblin aircraft flying in neat formation outside the mothership immediately separated a part, and the phoenix, which was moving at high speed in the air, went to surround it.

The phoenix's body is very small, its speed is extremely fast, and its turning is flexible. Even if the goblin has the help of a virtual soul specially developed for combat, it is extremely difficult to lock such a small thing at a distance of hundreds of meters. The result is that the virtual soul is overloaded, causing the attack response to slow down, and the gain outweighs the loss.

For this reason, the goblin had to change the attack mode from precision strike to range attack, using the 30 meters around the phoenix as the attack direction, and then randomly shot randomly.

Doing this can greatly reduce the calculation pressure of the virtual soul. As for whether it can hit a tiny target with a frontal attack area of ​​at most two square meters within a range of 30 meters, it depends on luck.

But it doesn't matter.

The goblins believed in the data. After the battle simulation, the large virtual soul on the goblin mothership came to a conclusion: if the attack frequency remains unchanged, the probability of the target being hit after ten seconds is 99%.

With a 99% probability, this is almost certain to happen.

So after the goblin tactical commander gave the order to siege the phoenix, even if the small airship outside the string window was fighting with the phoenix, and the magic light in the air was as intense as a spider's web, he ignored the phoenix as a target. Because this target was already a dead object in his mind, he crossed it off from the list of opponents, and the commander began to arrange other battles.

"The main gun is locked, the blood pool of the target fortress, attack!"

Following this order, the goblin mothership shook violently, and then a blue beam of light as thick as an adult's thigh appeared from the porthole of the command room, shooting towards the elf fortress more than 600 meters away.

This is an extremely strong flame magic power, which lasted for about a second, and then the goblin tactical commander saw a big flame mushroom rising from the fortress. The elven female warriors vanished into nothingness.

"The target has been destroyed, the main gun is charging, the current progress is 3%, and it is expected to be completed within one minute." The virtual soul sent a report.

Immediately afterwards, the virtual soul sent out a report: "The airship's defense magic net has been attacked, and the loss is 60%. It is recharging, and the estimated time is 10 seconds."

The goblin commander looked at the battle image record displayed by the virtual soul. In the image, several distorted beams of light appeared on the outer wall of the elf fortress, pointing directly at the goblin mother ship.

The commander sneered: "It's the elf's space cannon, it's really powerful. The airships numbered 100 to 150 set off, in free attack mode, and destroy the target space shock disk!"

This space cannon is very powerful, and they have shot down their mothership before, but they have realized the power of this thing. After precise calculations, they specially strengthened the protective shield of the mothership, which can definitely defend against the opponent's attack without damage.

The goblin commander has seen the videos of the previous battles with the Silver Fortress, and learned all the lessons from the previous defeats. At this moment, he knows all the methods of the elves.

In fact, there was no suspense for the goblin in this battle. The virtual god in the space fortress simulated the entire battle process and came up with the best battle plan, and he strictly followed this plan.

So far so good.

According to the simulation results of the virtual godhead, as long as this goes all the way, the loss of the goblins will be within ten airships, and the silver fortress of the elves will be completely wiped from the ground. All of them will die and turn into the dust of history.

The space fortress is equipped with the most powerful virtual soul that can be called a god in the history of goblins. They rely on cold data that never lie. Incomparably precise calculations are the most powerful weapon of goblins.

Countless lines of magic fire flashed outside the string window, and the space disc of the Silver Fortress was destroyed without any accident. They may have fought back, but the efficiency was low.

Seeing all this, a cold smile appeared on the corner of the goblin commander's mouth, and the faces of all the goblins in the command room were extremely relaxed.

This time, they will win.

The situation in the elf fortress is completely different from that of the goblins. There are burning flames everywhere, broken limbs everywhere, and the wreckage of buildings everywhere.

The magician Hedwig was covered with a blood-red shield of light. She kept casting spells and attacking the goblin airships, but these airships dodged at an astonishingly fast speed, and their counterattacks were extremely sharp. Hedwig had no way of dodging. It can only be resisted with a light shield.

So far, she has shot down three goblin airships by herself, but unfortunately, the entire fortress has shot down less than seven airships in total.

The embarrassed Hegwig looked at the sky, there were not many strong men left in the sky, and the most powerful phoenix was still there, but she was also forced to dodge around by the intensive attack of the goblin airship, and she had suffered several injuries. The speed of this blow was also much slower than at the beginning, and the fall was also instantaneous.

Not far away, on the huge goblin airship, the muzzle of the cannon that had just killed thousands of elves with a single blow was shining again. This time, the barrel of the main gun was pointing at the elf fortress where she was.

At this moment, Hegwig knew that they had failed, and she sighed in her heart: "Goddess of the Moon, I have let you down."

Just when she was about to die, she suddenly saw a huge blue and white figure appearing in the sky.

The speed of this figure is so fast that it is impossible to see his specific appearance clearly, but his target is the majestic goblin mothership suspended in the air and showing off its might.

"Chi~~" was Phoenix's Qingming, which carried a joy Hegewi had never heard before.

"What is that?" Hedwig was shocked.

In the goblin airship, the goblin commander also saw his opponent, and he was also shocked. He had never seen such a huge monster.

After a few breaths, the virtual soul of the goblin mothership showed the shape and data of the opponent: "The tail is 60 meters long, with a wingspan of 53 meters, and a weight of 60 tons. The current speed is 3.9 times the speed of sound."

"This... what the hell is this!" The goblins in the command room looked at each other, their gray-skinned faces showing whiteness.

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