Legendary Hero

Chapter 453: The Elder Scrolls in the Elven Fortress

In the sky, Luo Lin and Sha'er chased and killed the fleeing goblin blimp. Because of the fall of the mothership, these little things have no intention of fighting, only know to keep running away,

But the tragedy is that their speed is not as fast as that of Luo Lin or Shaer. After a long chase of 600 kilometers, nearly 200 airships, except for a few who saw the situation was not good at the beginning, turned around and fled. All the rest are finished.

The sky became clear, Shaer flew to Luo Lin, and asked in surprise, "How did you find me?"

God knows, after she became the servant of that damned elf, even though she often threatened the elf with words, subconsciously, she still felt that her life was over, and she would probably die in this silver fortress.

Luo Lin smiled, of course, this expression appeared on his dragon face, and only Shaer could see it.

"What are you laughing at? You think I'm not miserable enough? You're gloating!" Sha'er flew onto Luo Lin's back, angrily scratched the dragon scales on Luo Lin's back with her claws, and pulled out a long stream of flames.

"No. Swallowing this bead can cancel the contract." Luo Lin showed the exit of the dragon space on his back, and then took out the bead given to him by the sage elven.

If there is enough time, Luo Lin himself can help Sha'er terminate the contract, but since the sage has better means, he doesn't bother himself. He also checked the bead, and it was indeed effective.

Sha'er swallowed this small bead into her stomach as she said, and she felt that the thing turned into a warm current as soon as it reached her throat, and then quickly spread to all parts of her body. She felt as if a pair of small hands were constantly massaging her whole body, which was very comfortable and comfortable.

After about seven or eight seconds, she seemed to hear a 'ding' sound coming from her body, and then her whole body suddenly felt loose, and the sense of restraint that had been vague before disappeared in an instant. Originally, the image of the elven magician named Hedwig in her mind was extremely clear, as if she had been standing by her side all the time, but this time, the image became blurred, and the other party had already left her.

"Has the contract been terminated?" Luo Lin looked at Sha'er's image and asked with concern.

Sha'er nodded, and she turned her head to look in the direction of Yinhui Fortress, her eyes became icy cold: "Let's go back. I have a debt to settle."

Of course, Luo Lin knew what she meant. He himself was very disgusted with those elves who used blood donation magic and were almost indistinguishable from demons. He flapped his wings, adjusted his direction, and Luo Lin returned to the fortress.

More than 600 kilometers away, at Luo Lin's speed, after ten minutes, Yinhui Fortress appeared in the field of vision.

At this time, the fortress was almost in ruins. From a distance, some surviving magicians and warriors could be seen, almost all of them were elves, and the foreign races basically didn't see them. They were either beheaded by the pool of blood, or they were fighting in the air. die in battle.

Among these elves, there were very few magicians in gorgeous robes, and the number did not exceed ten. On the contrary, elf female warriors did not directly participate in the battle in the sky and were not specially attacked, so many of them were kept. There are five thousand.

The strength of these elf female warriors is not strong, which is equivalent to human warriors of more than 20 levels. If they only use swords and do not use any siege weapons, even if Luo Lin lay on the ground and let them chop, they would not be able to kill them. As for the remaining elven magicians, judging by their pale faces, they had obviously exhausted all their strength in the previous battle, and they were not enough to be a threat at all.

Rollin circled the sky a few times to observe the situation, and after confirming safety, he began to land.

The elf at his landing point was obviously terrified, and scurried away to avoid it, giving way to a large circle with a diameter of more than 100 meters.

After landing, Sha'er, who was on Luo Lin's back, jumped off Luo Lin's back. The moment she was about to land, she transformed into a human form, and the light on her body manifested, adding a dark blue delicate leather armor.

Looking around among the elves, she saw the terrified magician Hegwig at the gate of the fortress.

She walked up to the magician, with a cold smile on her face: "Elf, do you know why I came back?"

Hedwig's face was as white as snow. She took a deep breath and tried to stand upright: "You come to kill me."

When she said this, the female elf warriors and mages around her were in a commotion and began to rush over, as if they wanted to protect her.

There was a dull and loud bang suddenly, it was Luo Lin, and the dragon's tail slammed on the ground heavily, immediately the gravel flew, the air flow surged, and the elf who was close couldn't stand still.

The commotion ceased.

"Did you see it?" Sha'er smiled proudly, and pointed her thumb at the giant dragon behind her: "My man."

Hegewig looked at the blue-white giant beast exuding brilliant majesty in the distance, and said weakly: "I did it alone, and it has nothing to do with others."

"Don't worry. I don't hate those elf warriors. What I hate is you, these evil magicians around you! In Troll, any magician who tries to use blood as a medium for casting spells will be punished most severely! But I'm too lazy to bother, I just want revenge now!" Sha'er sneered, stretched out a hand, pinched the elf magician's throat, and lifted her from the ground.

Unexpectedly, her words seemed to stimulate the elf magician, making him temporarily forget the fear of death. She grabbed Sha'er's hand with both hands and glared at her: "Evil? Yes, it is very evil! But this is the only A way to save my clan. If you don’t do this, who will resist the goblins? Rely on those druids who are huddled in the forest? Tell me, what should I do?!”

Sha'er couldn't help but smile: "Does this have something to do with me?"

"Uh~" Hedwig let out a whimper, then tilted her head and died, but her throat was pinched by Shaer.

After killing Hegewig, Shaer stopped killing. She walked up to Luo Lin, reached out and patted Luo Lin's huge forearm, and sighed: "Let's go."

"Wait a minute." Luo Lin smiled.

"Anything else?" Sarah asked.

"Of course, they used space magic just now, don't you think it's strange?" Luo Lin laughed.

After returning to the fortress, Rowling felt the fluctuation of power again. Due to the death of a large number of elf magicians, the fluctuation seemed much weaker, but the power wait time was still very high, reaching level 49.5, and this level 0.5 was what Luo Lin was most curious about.

"Okay, what shall we do?" Shar asked. Space magic is a super-high-level magic in Troll, and even ordinary great magicians can't use it. These elves have mediocre power, but they can control space, which is really incredible.

Luo Lin didn't speak, he carefully sensed the power fluctuations in the air, and then moved forward slowly, until he stopped in front of the fortress of the elves.

This fortress should have been built temporarily too. It is very rough and looks like a round tower. It is about 30 meters high and the diameter of the bottom is more than 20 meters. It is not as big as Luo Lin's current body. come out.

Luo Lin's claws landed on the fortress, and then gently pulled to the sides, "crash clatter", huge limestone fragments poured down like sand, and the fortress kept getting shorter.

The elves on the side retreated far away, with incredible fear in their eyes, and they didn't dare to make the slightest movement.

About three minutes later, Rowling removed the entire fortress, exposing the floor inside the fortress, and the fluctuation of power became more and more clear, clearly transmitted from under the floor.

From here, you can see a secret door leading to the underground at the corner of the floor, which may accidentally destroy the treasures that may exist underground. Luo Lin turned his head to look at an elf magician: "Answer me, what's under there?"

The elf female magician turned pale immediately, and shook her head with force: "I don't know, only the commander is qualified to go in."

"Oh?" Luo Lin leaned his head into the elf, and his nose almost touched the opponent's body. He blew out a huge breath, tearing the elf's clothes back.

Facing the giant beast at such a close distance, the elven magician sat on the ground in shock and said tremblingly: "I know, I know, it's an ancient scroll!"

The Elder Scrolls? Luo Lin's heart moved, he turned his head to look at Sha'er, and said with a smile: "Look, there are really good things."

Sha'er looked at Luo Lin's ruthless and intimidating appearance with amused expression, patted Luo Lin's dragon claw, walked up to the elf magician and asked, "Is there any mechanism inside?"

"No, no." The magician shook his head.

"Such an important thing, why?" Shaer asked.

"The forbidden magic of the national teacher Emile is attached to the ancient scroll, unless it is recognized by the national teacher, such as Marshal Hegwig, if others try to touch it, they will be punished by the forbidden magic...... Very, very terrible punishment, he will directly rot into a pile of sand." When he said this, the magician showed fear on his face, obviously, he must have seen this kind of punishment.

After she finished speaking, Rowling continued to dig the floor of the fortress. Although the floor was made of solid rock, it still couldn't withstand Rolin's sharp claws and strength. A few minutes later, a large hole was dug out in the floor, and a A secret room. There is a circular platform in the secret room. On the platform is a black scroll exuding powerful fluctuations.

This power was so great that the space around the scroll was slightly distorted, forming a distorted band of light nearly half a meter in diameter that resembled colored glass.

Thinking about it, the level 0.5 power that Luo Lin felt to leap towards the realm of demigod came from this scroll.

Facing this terrifying power, Luo Lin didn't dare to move. After thinking about it, Luo Lin picked up Hegwig's body on the ground with his fingers, and threw it beside the so-called ancient scroll.

The corpse's arm was right inside the twisting circle around the scroll, and the accident happened in an instant.

Apparently, the so-called forbidden magic in the Elder Scrolls doesn't recognize a corpse, even though it's Hedwig's.

I saw a faint glow in the distorted circle of light around the scroll, and then the corpses on the edge of the round table decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The flesh and blood began to turn into rotting blood, and the rotting blood dried up before dripping, and then turned into dust. Then came the clothes and bones, and these two things were also reduced to dust.

In ten seconds, without any breath of original force and magic power, the whole body was turned into ashes without a sound.

With such a terrifying power, all the surrounding elves gasped. Standing by the side, Sha'er's expression also changed slightly, and she felt fearful. Although this power was not considered strong, it was too weird, and she had never seen it before.

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