Legendary Hero

Chapter 457

The emerald dragon essence is completed, and then the third step of the plan: implantation.

Integrating the dragon essence into the body of the elf to create a new emerald dragon is the last and most dangerous step. The elf has a special physique, and Rowling doesn't know what will happen during the implantation process.

The news has been sent to the elf sage by Totlander. After a while, the sage will send the elf volunteers. During the waiting period, he has not been idle, and uses all the remaining pure essence Power 'polluted'.

With one successful experience, coupled with the precise records of the brain, the second and third 'pollution' processes went quite smoothly. Six consecutive pure essences were all completed, with a 100% success rate.

At this time, the pure essence has been consumed, and it is necessary to wait for the photoelectric converter to collect the next batch of force.

Luo Lin also breathed a sigh of relief for the time being. Looking at the seven dragon essences exuding perfect fluctuations on the experimental table, he placed his hand on the wall of the enchanted bottle containing the dragon essence again, and closed his eyes to perceive .

The structure of the dragon essence in the bottle was passed into his mind. Except for the different magic power, it was completely the same. After the elf successfully fused these essences, it would become an emerald dragon.

But this was not enough. In order to prevent the elves from killing the donkey, Luo Lin still had some reservations.

"Intellect, is the logical lock structure complete?" Luo Lin asked.

The logic lock, a secret door designed by Zhinao, is hidden in the deepest part of the emerald essence. When necessary, Luo Lin can completely block the power of the emerald dragon in an instant, regardless of the number of opponents, through the force fluctuations specially coded by the outside world.

This move is a bit sinister, but Luo Lin is not a saint. In his eyes, neither the natural sect nor the magician's union are good people. Not only elves, but anyone who became a leader, including Rollin himself. Luo Lin never thought of himself as a good person. As the commander of the Frost Crusade, the amount of blood stained on his hands was no different from that of a butcher.

Now, he was alone. If he hadn't kept the cards in his hand, he wouldn't know how he would die in the future.

The next morning, the elf volunteers were brought over by Tyrande. In order to cause unnecessary trouble, Shaer had already taken Winnie out of the way.

The volunteers are all young elves. From the pure light that flashes in their eyes from time to time, it can be known that the oldest of these elves is no more than fifteen years old.

This is Luo Lin's request. Although elves have a long lifespan, at least five hundred years old, the bodies of elves who have just been born for less than twenty years have vitality that older elves do not have.

His choice is obviously in line with the expectations of the elf sage, because in her opinion, Luo Lin's transformation plan will create a large number of powerful elves, and choose young elves with immature thoughts to facilitate future control.

Rollin stood up and walked to the door of the wooden house to meet Tyrande.

Upon seeing Luo Lin, Tyrande opened his mouth and asked, "How sure are you of this implantation?"

The failure of the last implantation is still vivid in my mind. More than 30 elves were seriously injured. After returning, three of them died and five of them were left disabled for life. Luo Lin's experiment was too dangerous.

"Sixty percent. This time the power attributes are the same. Even if you fail, there will be no conflicts. At most, you will only be slightly injured. Don't worry." Luo Lin smiled.

"That's good." Tyrande was a little relieved, if the elves were really forced to have no choice, otherwise they would never agree to such a thing.

There were twenty elf volunteers, and they looked at Luo Lin with complicated eyes, full of fear and expectation.

Luo Lin only had seven bottles of essence in his hand now, so he randomly selected seven elves that looked pleasing to the eye, and said, "You guys come first."

The seven elves came out, their faces full of generosity to die.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous." Luo Lin comforted. He admitted that the first time was his mistake. He didn't expect that the little natural power in the elf who participated in the experiment would react so much to the power of frost. But this time, the magic attributes are consistent.

This consolation basically had no effect. When they arrived at Luo Lin's laboratory, some elves' bodies began to tremble, apparently extremely frightened, but luckily there were no deserters.

"Relax." Luo Lin picked up a bottle of emerald dragon essence from the table, and then said to the elf who was walking in the front: "Hi, can you tell me your name?"

"Orlene." The elf girl said timidly.

"Oh, yes. Orlene, is this beautiful?" Luo Lin handed the bottle of infusion of essence to the elf girl.

The color of the dragon essence is like a flawless emerald, and there is a bright river of stars flowing in the center. For an elf girl with a pure nature, this thing is as beautiful as a dream. Orlene's eyes were almost absorbed by the essence, she nodded subconsciously: "Very beautiful."

"Yes, it's very beautiful. Remember, it won't hurt you, but it will give you strength. Let go of your heart and accept it, okay?" Luo Lin said softly, trying his best to relax the elf girl, because the resistance And nervousness will reduce the success rate of fusion.

"En!" The elf girl nodded, took a deep breath, and was ready for fusion.

Only then did Luo Lin open the bottle of infusion, and with a light shake of his hand, a ball of light green light floated out from the bottle mouth. The structure of the dragon essence fused with natural magic is much tougher than pure essence. It floated slowly in the air, flew towards Orlene, and then sank into her body from her chest.

Rowling closely observed the elf girl's reaction. During the first three seconds, Orlene showed no abnormalities. From the fourth second, she frowned slightly, put her hands on her chest, and looked at Luo Lin: "Master, the chest is tight, and it's hard to breathe!"

Luo Lin held the elf girl's shoulder all the time. Through this contact, he could clearly perceive the whereabouts and condition of the emerald dragon essence.

At this time, I saw that the dragon essence was trying to integrate into Orlin's body, but for some reason, the shallow natural magic power in Orlene's body was still repelling the dragon essence.

Yes, it is still repelling, not the natural magic power in the emerald dragon essence, but the original force in it, this repulsion is very weak, not enough to destroy the emerald dragon essence, and it is not enough to excrete it, But enough to make it hard for Orlene to breathe.

Seeing that the elf girl's face was flushed and she was breathing heavily, Luo Lin looked at the emerald dragon essence in her body. It seemed that she had begun to suppress resistance and began to integrate. During the process of integration, it did not cause much damage to the elf's body. Large, within the acceptable range.

Luo Lin didn't stop, even if he failed, he still had to get more data.

But the current situation does not allow him to stand idly by. He stretched out his hand, the fingernails on his hand grew slightly, and then quickly swipe across the elf girl's upper body, releasing all the restraints on her upper body. The elf girl's body has not yet fully developed, and there are only a pair of small pigeons on the snow-white skin on the chest. Lin didn't feel it at all. Last night, he comforted in a soft tone: "Relax, Orlene, relax, all the restraints are gone, take a deep breath, yes, that's it, and then exhale, the chest tightness is Not much better."

He knew that a large part of Orlene's difficulty breathing was her illusion, that she was too nervous, and the real situation was far from being so bad. Sure enough, under Luo Lin's guidance, the elf girl's complexion eased a lot, and her frown also relaxed.

Seeing this, the six volunteers around slowly let go of their worries. God knows, they were all terrified just now.

About five seconds later, Luo Lin suddenly felt that the natural magic power in Orlene's body that had died down was suddenly shaken, launching a new wave of impact on the dragon essence, and this wave of impact was stronger than the previous few times. The reason is simple, because the natural magic power in the elf girl's body is supplemented by the natural magic power contained in the emerald essence, and then it attacks the dragon essence again in turn.

"No, the dragon essence will definitely shatter!" Luo Lin was startled, the broken dragon essence would cause huge damage to the elf girl, making a quick decision, the sea-like force in Luo Lin's body moved slightly, like fishing for fish in the sea Normally, before the emerald dragon essence was shattered, the essence was fished out from the body of the elf girl Orlene.


"What's the reason?" Rowling asked Zhinao. In his feeling, the elf's body seemed to have strong exclusion.

Zhinao was still analyzing the data. After waiting for ten seconds, he gave the final conclusion: "The power of the blood of the pure blood elves is very powerful. The natural magic power in its body contains a subtle breath of divine power, which is very powerful. exclusivity."

Divine power, a type of original force, is a highly organized and concentrated original force, and the degree of cohesion exceeds that of the dragon essence. Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for the force to achieve this level of cohesion to exist in a mortal world like Nordrassil and Troll.

"Why did this happen?" Rowling asked in his heart. He put a cloak on Orlene at the same time, and then patted her on the shoulder to comfort her: "The fusion is not complete, but it still increases the strength of natural magic for you. Little Girl, you're all right."

"Oh." The elf girl was very disappointed. Although she was afraid, she still hoped that she could become a powerful dragon. Now, this dream was shattered.

Zhinao gave a reply: "There is a preliminary speculation, but more data verification is needed."

Luo Lin understood what he meant, and he said to the second elf volunteer, "Little girl, it's your turn."

Because Orlene was safe and sound, the elves at the scene immediately became enthusiastic. Although the second elf girl looked a little worried, the situation was much better than before.

The implantation process was the same as Orlin's, and the result was exactly the same as Orlin's. Rowling had to extract the emerald dragon essence from the elf girl's body at the last moment when it was shattered.

The second, third, and seventh still failed. The intelligence brain has been analyzing the data of these failures, but it has always shown that the data is not enough.

Luo Lin was not discouraged and continued to experiment.

Five days later, all twenty elf girls were tested, and the entire implantation process and results were exactly the same, without any accidents.

It wasn't until this time that Rowling truly realized that Tyrande's words were correct. The elves were too similar. There are some differences between individuals, but these differences are more of personality, and there are too many commonalities in the body, almost like clones.

So many elves, they all look like sisters. If such a race is found to have a fatal commonality, it is really possible to be wiped out in one blow.

"Zhinao, have you found the root cause?"

"There are too few experimental subjects..."

"Tell me your most likely guess at the moment!" Luo Lin said, the experiment of twenty individuals is enough, the frontline battle is fierce, the elves fight and retreat, there is no more time delay.

"It is speculated that the root is the moon goddess Alan. In elf mythology, the elf is the daughter of Alan, and the moon well is a gift from the goddess to her daughter. Therefore, the moon well should contain the divine power of the goddess, which can allow the elves to give birth to the next generation. It can also greatly increase the lifespan of elves, but it also makes elf society stagnate."

Luo Lin listened in silence. In fact, after twenty failed experiments, he also had a similar idea in his heart. After thinking about it, he walked out of the laboratory and said to Tyrande who was waiting for his further orders outside the wooden building: "I'm going to meet the Elven Sage."

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