Legendary Hero

Chapter 495 Competition

The trebuchets that have been tested in actual combat will be transported back to the holy city again for improvement.

Of course, it doesn't need to be so troublesome to transport it back, Rowling directly stuffed everything into his dragon space.

The power of this miraculous space magic made the halflings dumbfounded, and Luo Lin saw that the eyes of several halflings such as Ai Luoyin had already burst into a frenzied light.

When Luo Lin was flying in the air with the basket carrying them, these little guys kept looking at Luo Lin, trying to find the location where Luo Lin kept the trebuchet, and discussed while watching.

"I bet the guardian must have swallowed the trebuchet in his stomach, or kept it in his mouth." A halfling craftsman said.

"He didn't do that, I can see clearly. The trebuchet disappeared at his feet." Albert frowned and thought hard. His current knowledge made him wonder where the trebuchet went.

"Aroin, what do you think?" the bomb-loving halfling asked his friend.

"This should be magic. This is a very advanced technology that is fixed on the body. But I can't figure out how to do it." The little guy was thinking seriously, and looked up at Luo Lin from time to time.

"These little things...have been brainwashed by the so-called truth." Rowling looked at it and smiled. The first principle of truth is that all existence can be explained by a logical knowledge system and reproduced of.

Ignoring these half-length people who just toddled and didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, Rowling paid attention to Alan on his back. The elves moved quickly, as if they had already contacted Vulcan, and Vulcan immediately contacted Alan.

The communication between gods and gods is much faster than that of mortals.

A few minutes later, Allen whispered to Luo Lin: "Phil Coloson agreed to help. However, from the perspective of the endless void, our world is still surrounded by darkness, revealing only the faintest ray of light. Contacting me will consume a huge amount of divine power, so he can't give us much support."

"Then what kind of help did he provide? Some mature technology?" Rollin guessed.

As soon as he said this, Allen smiled. She smiled more and more recently, and it became more and more natural. She was no longer as indifferent as before: "It seems that you are also impressed by the power of goblins. You You are right, he provided a very powerful core technology..."

Before Alan finished speaking, Rowling guessed: "Virtual soul?"

"Yes, virtual soul. A tool that can complete a large number of extremely complex calculations for the brain of a living being. Its construction idea is very novel. With this thing, we may be able to create a powerful war machine similar to goblins." Ai Lun highly praised the goblin army, and in words, he completely regarded it as the benchmark of combat effectiveness.

In all fairness, the goblin army is indeed very strong, but it still has its own flaws. Allen is like this now, entirely because her elves were unable to fight back against the goblins.

"Can you show me what this thing looks like." Luo Lin was also very curious about the virtual soul, because this thing is completely an alien version of the intelligent brain.

Allen put his hand on Rollin, and put the knowledge of how to create a virtual soul into Rollin's mind.

After only one glance, Luo Lin shook his head again and again: "This is just the most basic virtual soul with very limited functions. I have seen the virtual soul of the goblin mothership. When it commands the entire mothership and the personal aircraft on it, It’s like a peerless swordsman wielding his sword without making any mistakes. Every attack is very deadly. The most frightening thing is that it has an evolutionary strategy. After a failure, it can learn lessons and improve tactics immediately. With the body of a dragon I possessed, I dare not face the goblin fleet a second time."

He was afraid that the goblin fleet had already found a way to deal with him, and he was afraid that when they met for the second time, the opponent would use a tactic he didn't expect to kill him from the sky in one face-to-face.

It's not impossible.

However, the function of the virtual soul given by Vulcan is not enough. It only retains the most basic calculation functions. Compared with the virtual soul of the goblin, this can only be regarded as a calculator, maybe it is a scientific calculator, but it is really useful. limited.

Allen also knew this, and sighed: "This is good enough, at least it gives us a new way of thinking. Since you have seen the powerful virtual soul of the Goblin Fleet with your own eyes, how do you think we can improve it?"

Luo Lin thought for a while: "I think it's more reliable for us to create the most basic virtual soul first, and then talk about improvements."

"It's okay." Looking at the design drawing of the virtual soul, Allen couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "But the structure of this thing is really fine. Even for me, it would take a long time to build one, and I don't know how those goblins are. It’s a luxury to be able to install one on every aircraft.”

Rollin was taken aback, he didn't expect Allen to say that. Isn't this very simple? The mechanical division of labor, first get out the tools for making tools, and let the tools do the dirty work, isn't it all right?

But Luo Lin immediately figured it out. Although the moon god Allen has a long lifespan, her elf social structure is monotonous, and social development is even more stagnant. The new generation of elves is repeating the life of the older generation of elves. Time can't produce a few new tricks.

From this perspective, Luna Allen's knowledge is actually very narrow.

Thinking about it is also true, otherwise, how could she have an emotional relationship with a mortal like him in the endless void. A person's ability to control his emotions has a lot to do with his knowledge. A person who has seen the boundless sea will never be moved by a whirlpool in the river.

However, this matter hurt Alan's self-esteem a bit, and Rowling wisely didn't mention it, and even the thoughts in his mind just flashed quickly, and Alan, who was immersed in the distress of constructing a virtual soul, didn't notice it at all.

All the way without words.

After returning to the Holy Land, Rollin rebuilt the trebuchet and handed it over to the halfling for improvement. These halflings have gained valuable experience in this battle against the abyssal behemoth, and they have many new ideas in their minds, so they hurriedly went to experiment.

Allen called Luo Lin to the Temple of Life, and when she reached the entrance of the temple, she said to Luo Lin: "You don't have to keep the body of a dragon now, I can help you maintain your body stability. Turn into a human form first, I need you Help create a virtual soul."

"As you wish." Luo Lin nodded, and he began to gather the dragon's essence. As the dragon's purification was restrained, the moonlight divine power in his body also gathered together, forming a stable core of power in his body.

Luo Lin now has two power cores, one is his own dragon essence, the power level is 49, and he was already at the peak of the breakthrough, but in the previous abyss battle, this power was damaged a lot. Supplemented, but still not fully recovered.

Luo Lin estimated that in this abyss, he should still need half a year to recover to the original level.

The other is the core of the moon god's divine power, which is greater than the essence of the dragon, but it is temporarily borrowed from him. Of course, as a reward for the mount, this part of the power will eventually belong to Luo Lin.

According to the intelligence brain's estimation, after he completely absorbs this part of the power, judging from the scale of the power alone, he should be able to ignite the divine fire.

This time is about three years.

Because of the divine power of the moonlight, after Luo Lin transformed into a human form, the color of the leather armor on his body also changed from dark blue to dark silver. It was shining brightly, just like wearing a silver armor.

Following Alan, after Alan ordered the servants of the temple not to disturb, the two entered the inner hall of the Temple of Life.

The inner hall is not big, with an area of ​​only over 50 square meters. The decoration is very elf-style. There is a large round skylight on the ceiling, and the light shines in, making the hall very bright.

There is a small round table in the inner hall, and there are several books on the table. Looking at the title of the book, it should be written by Alan for the halfling as a teaching material.

Allen gathered the hem of the long skirt, sat on a chair by a table, then pointed to the bench opposite, and said, "Sit."

Rollin sat down, waiting for Allen to start.

Allen stretched out a finger and tapped it in the air in front of him. Immediately, a large number of light spots emerged in the air, rushed to his fingertips, and condensed into a fist-sized light ball.

This light group exudes a bright silver soft light, like moonlight, and Luo Lin knows that this is the divine power of the Moon God, and such power is present in the entire environment of the Holy Land.

Allen also stretched out his other hand, held the light cluster in his palm, frowned slightly, and the silver halo in the light cluster faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the entire divine power cluster showed its essence, turning into A mass of pure force that is as transparent as water.

"According to the drawings of the virtual souls, the original force is enough to make six virtual souls. Well, I plan to make five first, as a spare for the improvement experiment. Now, I will have four copies and you two. Let's start."

While speaking, two shares were divided in the light group, one was kept by Ellen himself, and the other was flown to Luo Lin. According to what she said, her share was exactly twice that of Luo Lin.

After the distribution was over, Allen said: "I have twice as many as you. I didn't bully you. Let's see who finishes first."

Luo Lin saw the eager light in Allen's star eyes, and couldn't help laughing: "Faster than anyone?"

"Yes. Otherwise, it would be too boring to make such a complicated virtual soul."

"Since it's a competition, it must be a lottery." Luo Lin is not afraid of competition, he has a brain.

Allen thought for a while and said, "I won, and you will serve me for a hundred years. During this period, unless it is about your life, everything else must be at my disposal. Of course, this will not be in conflict with Vulcan The time conflict of the oath of truth. You win, and after you ignite the divine fire, I will tell you the mystery of transforming your faith."

"For the service, haven't you already given strength as a reward?" Luo Lin smiled, he was very excited about this prize.

Allen waved his hand: "That power is not enough to restrain you for a hundred years, right?"

"Deal! I win!" Luo Lin snapped his fingers.

"Hee hee, Rowling, you have underestimated the power of God again." Allen laughed, and his picturesque eyebrows were full of pride in the success of his scheme.

Both sides thought they had their own way, and immediately began to get busy.

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