Legendary Hero

Chapter 502 Life lies in self-improvement

The dead giant was named Wen Duofei, who used to be the leader of a lizardman's lair, and is now a middle-level leader under Leonardo.

Among the giants, Wen Duofei was a respected warrior and a strong man. He had more than fifty halflings serving him, and his status was very noble.

But in the eyes of halflings, this Wen Duofei is a complete tyrant!

He often beat and kicked his halfling servants, killing a halfling every ten days on average. And in the last month, a sensational rumor spread that this Wen Duofei actually liked to eat the flesh of halfling children in private.

Leonardo had also heard these rumors, but this Wen Duofei did a good job on the surface, and he had no other evil deeds except beating halfling slaves, so he turned a blind eye to the matter of this warrior .

After all, the life of a halfling is contemptible in the eyes of the giant leader.

What people didn't expect was that Wen Duofei actually died. His throat was cut and he died in his sleep. Someone carved a line of words on his body with a strange sharp weapon: 'Tyrant! Man-eating demons! Killers: Brotherhood of Liberty"

This behavior is really rampant. A giant warrior died on the bed in such a useless manner. It is like declaring war on the giant race.

Leonardo is feeling very headache now.

There are more than a dozen giant warriors standing in the hall of his giant wooden palace. They used to be the leaders of the lair. These leaders came here together to ask for an explanation. What should we do about this matter!

"The halflings in Wen Duofei's family are all suspects. Almost every halfling has been beaten by him, and they all hold resentment towards Wen Duofei. They are the ones who got the title of tyrant. These halflings should all be damned!" a warrior roared.

"Yes, kill these servants and teach other halflings a lesson!"

"And that damn Free Brotherhood. Those reptiles actually created an underground organization, which is terrible. If this Brotherhood isn't eradicated, you won't be able to sleep at night!"

These warriors were not sympathetic to Wen Duofei, but more just mourning the death of the rabbit.

Wendolph could be killed, and so could they. Although they were not as excessive as Wen Duofei, they were not good to the halfling servants, and they all felt chills in their necks at this moment.

The result of a cold neck is not fear, but a kind of insulted anger. They are giants, and they can twist a halfling's small body into twists with one hand. How could they be afraid of these little things.

They want revenge!

Hearing what the warriors were talking about, Leonardo felt his ears buzzing and his forehead twitching, giving him a very headache.

As the leader, he could see it more clearly. He knew that if things went on like this, the situation would probably get out of control, and even turn into a massacre war.

The area of ​​the Holy Land is already huge enough to make most giants relax their vigilance, but Leonardo knew that now is not the time for civil strife, he must control these warriors!

When the scene was quiet for a while, he lowered his hand: "Listen to me, the murderer must be tracked down, and after being found out, he will be killed. There is no doubt about it!"

"The chief is wise!"

"Yes, that's what we should do, let those halflings taste our wrath!"

Leonardo yelled, "Listen to me! Damn it!"

The warriors fell silent, but there was still anger in their eyes, which was hatred and contempt for halflings, and this flame made Leonardo's heart tremble.

He suddenly realized that his authority didn't seem so reliable. If he stopped the flame from erupting, the consequences would be unimaginable. Thinking of this, his tone softened a lot.

"But random guessing is not a good thing. We are all the people of the Goddess of Life, and we all believe in the Goddess. The murderer pays for his life, but we must find out! Those servants of Wen Duofei's family must be interrogated carefully, but they must not kill indiscriminately ,Understand?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an even bigger commotion.

"Boss, why did you do this? These damned little things are everywhere, what's wrong with killing a few?" Some warriors were dissatisfied.

"When I was outside, I was killing and playing every day. It's no good here, it's really strange!"

"Boss, I'm going to interrogate them. I can guarantee that each of them is suspected!" The hidden meaning of these words is that those servants must die.

Leonardo only felt a splitting headache. He was just the leader of a large lair before, and he had never seen such a complicated situation, so he couldn't think of any good solution at this time.

After feeling the crisis of his status, he no longer dared to block the anger of the giant warriors, so he simply shrank back and let go.

He said to the warriors who volunteered before: "Okay, Grian, you go to interrogate, and you must dig out the roots of this Freedom Brotherhood!"

"Yes, big boss!" The giant warrior called Grian had a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes, turned around and left the hall, followed by a dozen warriors behind him.

A day later, news spread into Leonardo's giant wooden palace that all the servants in Wen Duofei's house were killed, and their bodies were hung on the wall of Leonardo Tower to dry. The giant warriors began to hunt around the city, and if they encountered any halflings who resisted, they would kill them immediately if they stood in the way.

Leonardo's tower city was plunged into blood for an instant. As the chief, Leonardo clutched his forehead and sighed deeply.

He wanted to control it, but he saw hatred and contempt for halflings in the eyes of the warriors under him. He knew that if he forcibly controlled it, he might not even be able to be a big leader.

It's just that, if this continues, I don't know what will happen.


Holy city Siegforth

There are not many giants in this city, no more than 1000, halflings account for the vast majority, there are more than 80,000 people. When the tragedy of the Leonardo Tower spread to the holy city, tens of thousands of halflings flocked outside the Temple of Life, asking the temple to save the halflings who had fallen into misery and violence.

The halflings were thin and powerless, and now it seemed that these little things were useless except for being a crowd.

Oh, and perhaps some iron smithies and workshops, but these are little clevernesses, at least in the eyes of the giants, but insignificant little clevernesses.

But the halfling's request did not get a response from the Temple of Life. The god made Allen appear, and she only said one sentence: "Let the mortal return to the mortal, and all the sins and nobility of the mortal world will be finally judged in the goddess' heaven." .”

This is the oracle.

After the oracle was issued, the Temple of Life never showed any attitude. Only the priests were calming their emotions and promising the judgment of the kingdom of heaven, but they did not interfere with the killings in the Holy Land.

The halflings were dissatisfied, but the guardian of the temple, the huge moonlight silver dragon, kept the halflings from acting rashly.

Wen Duofi's death is a fuse, he ignited the flames accumulated between the halfling and the giant. The halflings hated the enslavement of the giants, but the giants were dissatisfied with the innumerable number of halflings. The huge number of these little guys made the giants feel threatened.

The powder keg exploded.

The holy city of Siegforth, the Leonardo Tower, and the surrounding small towns have all been greatly affected. The smell of blood began to spread in the originally peaceful and comfortable holy place.


There is an ordinary wooden house on the edge of the holy city.

In the cabin sat a circle of halflings, five of them.

Compared with the excitement of ordinary halflings, these halflings have serious faces, and the clothes they wear are not ordinary simple cloth robes, but armor made of animal skins. They also have weapons on their bodies, and they are also made of iron. Weapons, swords, daggers.

In the dim light, the voices of five people sounded together: "For freedom! For brothers!"

This is the slogan, the slogan of the Freedom Brotherhood. After shouting, the cabin fell into silence again.

After a while, a hoarse voice sounded: "It seems that the goddess will not intervene in the killing of the mortal world."

"In fact, this has been foreshadowed long ago. It is said in the Holy Book of Life: natural selection, survival of the fittest. The Holy Book also said: Life exists in the world, and we should strive for self-improvement. We are the people of the goddess, and the giant race is also the people of the goddess. And the future of our clan can only be won by our clan itself!" The face of the halfling who said this was hidden in the darkness, and there was a hint of anger in his voice, as if he was dissatisfied with the goddess.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a deep voice sounded: "Gogolo, the goddess saved us, don't hate God!"

"But, sir!" argued the halfling known as Gogoro.

But the halfling who became the leader emphasized his tone: "I ask you, where did the sword in your hand come from? Where did the iron-inlaid leather armor on your body come from?"

"Backed in blacksmiths and leather shops."

"In the past, there were no blacksmith shops and leather shops. This is the knowledge imparted by the saints. And where did this knowledge come from? Huh?"

"It was taught by the goddess."

The deep voice began to recount what he had seen and heard: "Yes, it was taught by the goddess. Brothers, God has given us the greatest grace, and God has given us the sharpest weapon in the world. I heard that the saints Under the guidance of the envoys, they made a terrible weapon. I also heard that the saints used the weapons they made to kill the giant beasts of the abyss. And these saints are all our clansmen!"

Everyone is silent.

"Don't hate God, Gogolo, as you said, we and the giant are her people, and she can't help us in the open. But God has given us great grace, and she has given us weapons to defeat our opponents The goddess said: Be self-improvement! This is a mother's teaching. Don't you want to be a baby forever? When you are bullied, you go to your mother and cry? What is the purpose of our brotherhood? Tell me, Gogo Lo!"

"Let our clan become a strong man who controls destiny!" Gogolo stood up and replied.

"Yes, strong! We want to become strong! No one can help us, we can only rely on ourselves!"

"Yes, leader, we understand." The other four halflings stood up and said seriously.

"Very well. Now, let's see how we can teach those giants a new lesson. Remember, this is a war of races, there is no room for retreat, and there are only two endings. One, we are driven out of the Holy Land by the giants or Two, we drove the giants out! The outcome depends entirely on our own efforts!"

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