Legendary Hero

Chapter 509 The first shopping battle between the human race and the lizard people!

Unexpectedly, the first sniper attack from a long distance failed. The young man was slightly shocked, but he immediately began to adjust his mentality and prepare for the second sniper attack.

Before entering the dangerous land of white mist to start his adventure, he had undergone corresponding training at the Warrior Academy in the Holy City, and he was not a pure novice, so he knew how to deal with normal accidents that might arise in battle.

A second later, the young man returned his mentality to normal and re-entered the sniper mode. He lowered the muzzle of the gun slightly, ready to take another aim, but what he saw in the light mirror surprised him.

"Captain, the camp is foggy, and there is no shooting vision!" He immediately reported to the middle-aged man what he saw in the light mirror.

This is really strange, why is it just like this, why is there such a thick fog in the valley, the fog can almost cover the camp, and people can be vaguely seen moving in it, but it is impossible to distinguish the specific target.

Looking down from their ambush point, a cloud of white mist could also be seen rising from a distance of more than 800 meters. The middle-aged captain felt a little uncomfortable, so he picked up his monocular and began to observe.

Just when he put the binoculars on the target, he found a thin light-like mist spreading in all directions in the opponent's camp, and the spreading speed was extremely fast. In just two seconds, this mist It spread to them, making the middle-aged man feel a slight chill, and every soldier in the team also felt the same.


"It doesn't feel right."

"I've never heard of this thing, can't it be a curse?"

The middle-aged captain's heart sank. He felt his body and found that apart from the initial chill, there was no more reaction. He felt a little relieved, and he issued an order: "Be alert and prepare to meet the enemy!"

He continued to observe the opponent's camp, and soon, he discovered the abnormality. He saw the bushes around the valley camp began to sway, as if some large beast was walking through it, and this sway was approaching them at a very high speed, within a second The clock advanced at least twenty meters.

In just a split second, the captain judged the situation, and while he was surprised at the reaction speed of the other party, he began to issue orders calmly.

"Our position is exposed, ready to fight!"

"Reynolds, Hansen, throw fire bombs forward and establish a flame isolation zone!"

The two soldiers immediately took out fist-sized clay shell bullets from their purses, and threw them down the hillside with all their strength.

Halflings are not strong, and they don't have the slightest advantage over abyssal creatures. This is the consensus of all races, and they rely on various tools. These warriors who came to take risks have all undergone formal training. At this time, their positions are condescending, so throwing fire bombs like this can be thrown a hundred meters away.

'Boom boom boom' explosions appeared densely, and clusters of dark blue high-temperature flames appeared. The fire bombs were specially designed, and the flames they caused were like living things, flowing rapidly in all directions.

The distance between each fireball was no more than ten meters, and within two seconds, the flames were connected. The two soldiers each threw five fire bombs, and pulled out a blue line of fire nearly two meters high and one hundred meters long that was still stretching and spreading a hundred meters in front of their camp.

These lines of fire are very peculiar. They were lines of fire at first, and then quickly widened, forming a belt of fire that almost covered the entire mountainside.

"Roar~~" There was a painful howl from the bottom of the hillside. It was the lizardmen warriors hiding in the bushes and rushing up. Some lizardmen were burned out by the fire. The high temperature made them roar. .

The fire attack of the human warrior was very effective against the close-up assault of the abyssal creatures. As soon as he heard the scream, the middle-aged captain showed a smile on his face.

But his smile only lasted for less than a second, because he saw that although the soldiers were screaming, they were still advancing in the flames, and their speed did not slow down at all. The nearest lizard man had advanced two hundred meters outside.

The distance of 200 meters is very short. You can see that the lizard man is burning with blue flames, but there is a layer of black light under the flames. This light protects the lizard man from the direct attack of the flames, and also keeps him The combat power of these lizardmen was weakened.

"Damn it!" The middle-aged captain's heart sank, but he didn't panic. Although the flames were powerful, some powerful abyssal creatures could still withstand them, which wasn't surprising.

Moreover, the flames had burned all the bushes close to them on the hillside, and the hillside was bare, with nowhere to hide. They are now commanding, armed and have a huge tactical advantage.

"Gerry, Morifa, start shooting, don't let them approach. Nolan, Renault, Hansen, you three kill!" The middle-aged captain ordered.

While speaking, he himself picked up the musket in his hand and began to shoot at the charging lizardmen warriors one by one.

The shuttle guns in the hands of the two shuttle gunners have begun to roar, 'bang bang bang', the genius design of the bullets that appeared five years ago makes the shooting frequency of the flamethrower terribly high, especially for this kind of gun. The shuttle gun with continuous firing design can fire 500 bullets per minute, and the barrel with advanced fire magic patterns will not cause any overheating problems. The barrel can continuously fire 30,000 bullets before it fails due to the extreme service life .

For a moment, the metal turbulence began to rage within 150 meters of the hillside. The bodies of the two shuttle gun fighters were both very strong, but they were still shaking continuously due to the huge recoil force of the shuttle gun, and they looked extremely passionate.

In fact, these two guys also liked this feeling very much. While holding the trigger tightly, the bullet turbine on the gun rotated at a high speed, swiping the whip of death one after another, while howling like a beast.

"Die! Die!" It's Gerry, and he keeps repeating the word

"I am the god of death, and I use a sickle to reap life!" This is Morifa, and he is obviously more literary.

The scorched hillside silently endured the raging turbulence of bullets, and puffs of smoke and dust rose from the ground. All lizardmen within a range of 150 to 100 could not escape the blow of this turbulence.

The violent bullets hit them, black bloody lights kept blooming, puffs of black light kept exploding, and their bodies were constantly shaking, which was hit by the impact of the bullets.

But the frightening thing is that these lizardmen did not fall down even though they had already suffered a terrible blow. They were still rushing towards the hillside. Although their speed was slowed down by at least half, they were getting closer to the top of the hill !

"Damn it! Bang!" The middle-aged captain cursed, aimed at the head of the nearest lizardman and shot, the lizardman's head exploded, and a large piece of skin on his face was peeled off. This guy His head was also thrown violently, and then he fell to the ground.

This guy's body took at least 20 bullets, but after falling to the ground, he was still crawling forward, showing terrifying vitality and fearless will.

"Captain, the black light on these guys is weird! The defense is strong!" Nolan the sniper roared, panicked in his tone, he was very aware of the power of the musket in his hand, and he also witnessed this on these lizardmen One point, whoever he hits will have a big blood hole in his body.

But this lethality is still far inferior to his killing of other abyssal creatures. You know, his gun can break the neck of a faceless man with one shot.

"I saw it!" The middle-aged captain nodded. Of the 12 lizard warriors on the other side, only 4 fell down so far, and the fallen ones were still alive and still crawling towards them. The remaining 8 fighters had already reached 150 meters In addition, it was suppressed by two shuttle guns.

As long as one of these strong and tall lizardmen rushed to their position, it would be enough to kill all six of them.

The most serious problem now is that there are not many bullets left in the shuttle gun.

"Nolan, keep shooting. Renault, Hansen, start throwing explosive bombs!" The middle-aged captain's face was gloomy, and he felt that today might be bad. The attacks they showed just now were enough to kill a high-level abyss hunter , even the abyssal one-horned rhinoceros known for its rough skin and thick flesh had to lie down, but now the performance of these lizardmen is frightening.

"Bang!" It was Nolan, the sniper, who shot a lizard man's neck off, and the lizard man fell to the ground.

His attack is still very sharp, every time he fires a shot, he will cause heavy damage to the lizardmen. So far, 6 lizardmen have fallen, 4 of which are his masterpieces.

But there are still 8 lizardmen, and they have already rushed within 100 meters.

"Boom!" It's an explosive bomb. These fire bombs are powerful. After the explosion, the fire bombs contain special super-hard shrapnel, which are enough to cause huge damage to any abyss thick-skinned beast.

Fortunately, the blasters also worked against the Lizardmen. The lizardman who was hit by the bombing finally resisted the damage of this powerful weapon, and basically fell to the ground after being bombed.

But these explosive bombs were thrown by the hands of the soldiers, and the flying speed was very slow. When the standing lizardmen saw that something was wrong, they started to hide around.

Therefore, except for the first wave of explosive bombs that laid down three lizardmen, the subsequent explosive bombs can basically only delay the opponent's footsteps.

There are still 4 lizardmen left on the hillside, and they have reached 50 meters, which is already the opponent's attack distance. And the shuttle gun has misfired, because the bullets have been exhausted, and now the four soldiers have started to throw explosive bombs. This is their only firearm other than the sniper rifle that can cause damage to the Lizardmen.

"Huh!" A solid stone spear shining with black light was thrown over, with great speed and incomparable precision. 'Puff' Renault, who had just stood up and was about to throw the explosive bomb, was stabbed straight, and his whole body was struck by the powerful spear. The stone spear flew nearly five meters away and was directly nailed to the ground.

"Bang", the sniper Nolan shot again, knocking a lizard man to the ground, but this was the last time he shot.

The lizard man found his position because of this shot, and another solid stone spear was thrown over.

Nolan had been prepared for a long time and hid behind a tree, but he expected the attack, but he didn't expect the great power of the attack.

'Boom' The forty-centimeter-diameter tree he was hiding in was pierced by a solid stone spear, and the spear tip protruded 20 centimeters from the tree, which was enough to stab Nolan who was hiding behind the tree.

There are still 3 lizard warriors, less than 30 meters away from the top of the slope, and there are 4 human warriors on the top of the slope.

When the middle-aged captain saw Nolan's death in battle, he had no time to be sad. He immediately crawled over, picked up the powerful sniper rifle in his hand, then turned around, and shot a lizard man who was already close at hand. The soldier fell to the ground with a single shot.

'Huh' A stone spear was thrown over, but the middle-aged captain had been prepared for a long time, and rolled over after shooting, avoiding the fatal blow.

While tumbling, he was calculating the opponent's weapons in his mind: "Each person has a spear, and it should have been shot by now."

There is no spear, which means that the opponent must fight in melee, which means that he still has a chance, and he shouted: "There are two left...Damn it!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a lizard warrior rushing to the top of the slope. He saw Gerry, the shuttle gunner, being kicked by the opponent and flew 10 meters away. His stomach was kicked and his intestines were kicked out. He saw Mo Lifa's head was punched by the lizardman, and half of his head was flattened off.

"Captain, take care of my son!" The middle-aged man suddenly heard a decisive roar, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Hansen detonating an explosive bomb. He immediately rolled over and hid behind the tree where Nolan was hiding.

"For Gracedy!" Hansen roared, and there was a loud "boom", all the explosive bombs in the formation were detonated by Hansen, and the whole formation was engulfed in flames.

In the position, both the lizard warriors and the human warriors were blown to pieces, leaving no bones left.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, the middle-aged captain raised his head, looked over with blood-red eyes smoked by the smoke, and saw that the last lizard warrior had just raised his head. When the explosive bomb exploded, he was a little far away, so although he was affected by Injured, but not seriously injured, he can still stand up and fight, but because of the injury, his movements have slowed down a lot.

But the middle-aged captain didn't give him a chance, he turned the sniper rifle slightly, and pulled the trigger decisively.

"Bang!" With a sound, the lizard warrior's head was blown apart by the shot, and he was knocked out immediately. This killing effect is more than a little bit stronger than the previous one.

"Huh?" The middle-aged captain was taken aback by the enormous power of the gun, but he immediately realized: "It should be because of the disappearance of those defensive black lights, yes, it must be the ghost of the skull necklace!"

Looking at the tragic battlefield and the young teammates who died in battle, the middle-aged captain's face full of vicissitudes showed sadness, but anger and ambition began to rise in his heart at the same time: "That skull necklace must be the best among lizardmen. Great man, find him and avenge my warriors, the goddess and His Majesty the king will reward me greatly!"

He looked at the comrades who died in the battle for the last time, and said silently in his heart: "Don't worry, I will let your family members live a good life!"

He collected all the remaining weapons, and then lay on the top of the slope, waiting quietly. Many lizardmen on the hillside were only seriously injured, not dead.

He believes that the skull necklace will come out to save his warriors, and this is his chance to win the land and the gods!

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