Legendary Hero

Chapter 518 One shot

Today's Thales City is very lively, the streets are decorated with lights and festoons, everyone's faces are full of joy, the women are wearing floral skirts, wild flowers are tied in their hair, and the men are also neatly dressed, even the city guard's The leather armor was also covered with a colorful war robe.

"Maybe it's some big man in the city celebrating his birthday. These civilians don't know why they are so happy. The big man's business has nothing to do with you!" This was the first thought that came to the cripple Novi's mind when he saw this scene. .

When he was young, he dreamed that he could make great achievements and follow Marshal Thales, but now, he has been smoothed out by his down-and-out life, and he is dismissive of all the big men in Thales City.

In fact, he hated those superior guys very much, because they had everything and lived in the brilliance, while he, who was born disabled, couldn't get a single star no matter how hard he tried.

It's not fair!

The lame man was standing on the noisy street, carrying a big leather bag on his back, which contained a change of clothes, a money bag, and some dry food. These things filled most of the leather bag, making the bag look bulging, but it was just It is used for camouflage, which makes Novy look no different from an ordinary traveler. Only he knows that many hidden compartments in this bag are actually stuffed with a lot of precision parts.

These are all the parts of the Lizard Hunter musket, and when the mercenary instructed him to do so, he would use these parts to assemble an astonishingly powerful killing weapon.

Of course, the leather pouch is still a bit small, and it is no problem to hold other parts, but there is not enough space for the most important gun barrel.

However, Novi was crippled, so he took a wooden stick in his hand. This stick looked exactly like an old tree root picked up in the woods. It looked completely unprocessed on the outside, and no one would have thought of it. , the wooden stick in the hand of a cripple will have another mystery, and the most important parts of the most advanced musket will be hidden inside.

No one would suspect that Novi's lameness was faked, because the foot was severely deformed and could be seen at a glance. All the people who passed by Nuo Wei unconsciously looked at him, most of the emotions were curiosity, and There will be some cheap sympathy in the eyes of some people.

Novi, who used to be a homeless man, has long been accustomed to such gazes. No matter sympathy or curiosity, he couldn't make a wave in his heart. Leaning on a wooden stick, he walked slowly towards the ambush point that the mercenary told him.

His movements were slow and his speed was extremely slow. Every time he took a step, his body twisted unconsciously, as if the weight of his whole body was on the wooden stick in his hand.

After walking a few hundred meters and reaching the end of the street, Novi looked back at the small wooden building where he had lived for a month.

The window on the second floor of the wooden building was open, and there was a woman standing by the window, that pretty widow. This month, she gave Vagrant Novi a taste of heaven, but unfortunately, he could only live in heaven for one month.

Take one last look! Then Novi turned the corner of the street and continued walking.

There are many guards patrolling the street, and many guards look very difficult, which makes Novy feel great pressure, but the mercenary told him that he should not panic, because these guards will never put their own Focus on a crippled ordinary person.

The reason is very simple, because in this world, no one will train a disabled person, because there are too many healthy young people who want to make achievements, there is no need to spend money and energy on a disabled person, the gain outweighs the loss.

The mercenary was right. Novi soon discovered that although the guards on the street were somewhat interested in his image, at most they just looked at him more than once, but they never had a third look.

This made Novy heave a sigh of relief. To be honest, he has been very nervous since he took over this damn mission. If this situation lasts for half a year, he can't guarantee that he won't go crazy.

Walking all the way, after more than an hour, Novi, who had been walking through the streets and alleys along the route the mercenary said, found him standing in front of a three-story wooden building.

The door of the wooden building was open, and the walls were damaged. The furniture and furnishings inside were very dilapidated, and the surface was covered with a layer of dust.

Obviously, this wooden building has been abandoned.

This place is also very remote. Novi looked around and saw no one. It was exactly as the mercenary said. He took a deep breath and entered the wooden building. After entering, he closed the wooden door and tied the latch with a rope .

Nowy, who got a relatively safe location, immediately became much more flexible. He immediately quickened his pace and stomped up to the third floor.

There is a living room and two rooms on the third floor, one of which is basically empty, with only a table and a chair inside. From the window, you can see the big arena in Thales City, and the view is unexpectedly good. As long as the musket is placed on the wooden table, it can easily aim at the gate of the big arena.

Obviously, the wooden table was placed here on purpose.

The mercenary told him: The target will come to the gate of the arena at two o'clock in the afternoon. What he has to do is very simple, he will use the lizard hunter musket to send bullets into the target's head standing a thousand meters away.

Novi knew that the target must be a big shot, and this matter must be a very dirty political murder, but he didn't care, and there was even a faint excitement in his heart.

Sitting on the dusty floor, he took out the parts of the Sagittarius one by one, and began to assemble them carefully.

He is already very proficient in this matter. In the underground secret room, apart from learning some ultra-long-range shooting, the rest of the time is learning how to assemble the lizard hunter musket.

He knows how to assemble the fastest and make the least noise; he knows how to keep the guns accurate after assembling; he knows how to adjust the scope after the error occurs.

This month, he became familiar with two things, one was the body of the pretty widow, and the other was the lizard hunter musket.

Five minutes later, this powerful musket reappeared in a small room on the third floor of a deserted wooden building. The lame Novi didn't stop working, he continued to adjust the musket, trying to make this magical weapon into the best condition.

This time, he must succeed!

For nothing else, he just wants to leave his name in history, he wants future generations to remember him, a cripple named Novi, who did something earth-shattering, hehe.

In a morbid obsession, Novi adjusted the lizard hunter to the best condition bit by bit. He put the musket on a wooden platform behind the window and took a virtual aim at the big arena thousands of meters away. After ten minutes, I feel very satisfied.

After doing this, he began to wait patiently.

It is eleven o'clock in the morning, and there are still more than three hours. Novi has plenty of time, so he sits on a chair behind the wooden platform, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Time passed by every minute without any accidents. When the time was ten minutes away from the scheduled time, Novi opened his eyes and began to observe the road in front of the big arena through the scope of the lizard hunter musket. situation.

At this moment, the road has become very lively, crowded with people, it is almost a sea of ​​people, looking at their appearance, it seems that they are waiting for someone.

All this only confirmed what the mercenary said, the person who came was an absolute big shot!

The news of the mercenaries did not disappoint him. Seven or eight minutes later, an iron guy said to be powered by fire and steam appeared. The iron guy was suspended on the ground and slowly drifted towards the gate of the arena. There was also a strong man with gray hair wearing shiny steel armor on the iron guy. With a smile on his face, he was constantly waving at ordinary civilians. Next to the iron guy, a large number of guards appeared, and they watched the arena vigilantly Surroundings, potential dangers are excluded for that big man.

Unfortunately, the distance of 1,000 meters is too far, and Novi is hiding in a dimly lit room. If these guards fail to prevent such an attack in advance, it is basically impossible to find the existence of the assassin at the assassination site .

Novi put the flashing magic cursor in the scope on the head of the waving man, took a deep breath, and then held it.

"So many people protect you, so many people cheer for you, you enjoy all the glory, but I rot in the gutter! Let this bullet end all this injustice!"

At this moment, the cripple Novi felt his head was unusually clear. He felt that the opponent's movements were very slow, and he felt an indescribable confidence in his heart. As long as he pulled the trigger, he would definitely hit the target!

This feeling is very strange, Novi has never felt it before, but it does not affect his judgment. At this moment, the cripple feels the power of the whole world is blessing him, and what he does is let his index finger Gently exert force, allowing this majestic force to surge wantonly.

He did it!

There was an extremely dull sound of 'bang', and Novi was shocked. Then, he saw that the man's head in the scope disappeared, leaving only a headless corpse standing on the suspended iron guy , the blood sprayed from the neck was more than one meter high.

The target's head was beaten by him, he died, and Novi also felt that the mysterious power in him that seemed to allow him to control the world disappeared in an instant, which made him feel lost.

There was already chaos around the arena, but it had nothing to do with Novi. He heard a voice behind him, it was the mercenary: "Good job, you succeeded. I really saw you right."

There was no joy on Novi's face: "Don't say it, I know you are here to kill me. Don't worry, I am not going to escape, I have the consciousness of death. Even if I can escape you, I can't escape The man behind the scenes is chasing after him. I'm going to die anyway, so why don't I die with more dignity?"

"You..." The mercenary showed a hint of surprise on his face: "Honestly, I admire you. If you hadn't done this, I really wouldn't be willing to do it. Novi, you are a rare talent .”

"Don't talk nonsense." Novi shook his head: "Tell me, who is the person I killed?"

"Marshal Thales." The mercenary answered truthfully.

The lame Novi took a long breath: "It's the same as I guessed." Originally, he wanted to struggle to see if he had a chance of surviving, but after hearing the name, he gave up all his thoughts.

He turned around and wrote a line of words with his fingers on the dusty table: "My name is Novi, everyone said that Marshal Thales was invincible. But now it seems that this is a lie. I shot Just blow his head off! Remember, my name is Novi, the lame Novi!"

After finishing writing, Novi picked up the lizard hunter musket in his hand, put the muzzle into his mouth, and before shooting, he said to the mercenary: "Don't erase what I wrote, I'm Words are reserved for history books."

The mercenary shrugged his shoulders: "Of course, that's what we agreed on, isn't it?"

"Indeed." With a gun barrel in his mouth, Novi's voice was a bit vague, and he said another sentence vaguely: "But I'm a little worried about you."

"What did you say..." the mercenary asked suspiciously, before he could finish the question, he heard a 'bang', and the cripple in front of him shot, his head was blown off, while the mercenary At the same time, he felt his chest was hit hard, and when he looked down, there was a huge blood hole in his chest, and the blood gushed out, taking his life away in an instant.

"Oh, son of a bitch!" The mercenary knew that he had been overwhelmed by the lame man, the musket bullet's huge power not only exploded his own head, but also shot through his body.

His body went limp and he rolled to the ground.

On this day, Marshal Thales, known as the undefeated god of war, died in a well-planned murder. The shot was a cripple named Novi. After investigation, the cripple was a homeless man who was resident in the shelter.

The noblest warrior of the human race, a living legend, was slain by a lowly vagabond...a day destined to go down in history.

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