Legendary Hero

Chapter 536 Community of Interests

The Gale Collar and the Arrow Leaf Collar do not directly border each other, and there are some small fortresses as buffers between the two. The relatively strongest fortress is called Blackwater Fort.

The master of the first generation of Blackwater Castle was a god-favored person. Later, the god-favored person died in battle and was succeeded by his son. Three years after he took over, Verando came to power and defeated the feud Wild Wolf Fort in one fell swoop, becoming the most powerful lord in the vicinity, so there was no large-scale war in this area.

The owner of this castle is called Grusen. He was a little ambitious when he was young, and he would occasionally think about accumulating power and expanding his territory. Because of this, his fortress is the most powerful in this area, with three combat airships, five Hundred soldiers.

However, in the past seven or eight years, with the strategy of peace and trade implemented by the Lord of Fort Verandu of the Arrow Leaf Leader, under the persuasion of commercial trade and the deterrence of the Arrow Leaf Leader's force, Gruson has slowly extinguished his ambition to fight for hegemony.

He knew in his heart that no matter how developed his Blackwater Fort was, it would be impossible to defeat the Arrow Leaf Leader and the Gale Leaf Leader. Instead of jumping around and eventually dying, it would be better to do business with the Arrow Leaf Leader honestly.

In recent years, he has also tasted the sweetness of trade. His territory has become unprecedentedly prosperous, and the money and food accumulated in the treasury are almost overflowing.

This made Gruson secretly thankful for his choice, and the ambition in his heart became weaker and weaker, and he almost wanted to be a rich man for the rest of his life. He also has a daughter named Veronia, who is pretty, smart and quick-witted, and is quite well-known in this area.

Recently, Gruson has been planning to marry his daughter to Arrowleaf. As long as he has a relationship with Lord Verandu, his Blackwater Castle can be maintained forever.

But before his idea was implemented, trouble came to him first.

The envoy of the lord of Novus, Galewind, brought a document written by the lord of Novus. The content of the document is very simple. The lord hopes to find a beautiful woman for his second son, and hopes that Veronia can become his second daughter-in-law. .

After seeing the document, Gruson fell into a dilemma. He played the emissary led by Galewind to rest, while he looked at the document in the study and sighed.

In the document, the lord of Novus spoke in an orderly tone. He seemed determined to win, and even hinted in his words that if he refused, the first target of his army would be his Blackwater Fort.

Novus is the fifth son of His Majesty Irwin. He didn't show much talent at the beginning, but after His Majesty Irwin passed away, he jumped out and competed with his elder brother and third brother for the right to inherit the kingdom. After so many years Not only did Lai not fall behind, but he had a faint tendency to surpass his two elder brothers.

Gruson knew very well that with the power of his Blackwater Fortress, he couldn't fight Galewind Territory. The opponent had at least 30 combat airships, nearly 5,000 formally trained troops, and a complete machinery manufacturing base in the territory. Never worry about ammunition supply.

Comparing the two sides is like a dwarf facing a giant. If there is a conflict, it can only be trampled to death by the opponent.

But if he accepts what the document says, it means that Blackwater Castle and Galewind Territory are united. Why did Galewind Leader unite with him? The reason couldn't be simpler. Naturally, it was Verando who was going to deal with Arrow Leaf Leader.

So if he accepts it, it will also mean a break with the arrow leaf collar.

But the arrow leaf collar is not easy to deal with!

Not to mention other things, once it breaks, his Blackwater Fortress will immediately be excluded from this trade circle, and many industries in his fortress will go bankrupt immediately, and a large part of the residents will definitely abandon him. Greatly hurt.

Leaving this aside, I think Galewind Collar will definitely compensate for its losses, but the problem is that after many years of trade, Gruson also faintly knows the power of Arrow Leaf Collar.

On the surface, the Arrow Leaf Collar has only twenty combat airships, which is not as many as the Gale Leaf Collar, but Gruson knows that the Arrow Leaf Collar airships fly faster, are more stable, have stronger firepower, and have stronger defenses.

Haifeng and Jianye really fought, his thirty combat airships may not be the opponent of Jianye's twenty airships.

What surprised Gruson even more was that he knew that Verandu, who was led by Arrow Leaf, had been investing a lot of money in the School of Mechanical Engineering. For years, he couldn't laugh anymore.

New technologies are constantly appearing in the arrow leaf collar, and even some delicate things that he has never heard of appear, which are still emerging from the surface. With Verandu's deep personality, those things hidden under the water must be even more terrifying.

Because of this, Gruson wanted to marry his daughter, because he was very optimistic about the future of this Verandu.

But in the current situation, his Blackwater Castle is sandwiched between two territories, and he is in a dilemma. If he is not careful and makes a wrong choice, he and his family will be smashed to pieces.

For a moment, Gruson wished that Blackwater Fort was not his own.

When he was struggling, there was a knock on the study door. The sound was neither soft nor heavy. It stopped after a few rings, and then a clear and pleasant voice came from outside the door: "Father, it's time for dinner."

It was his daughter Veronia, Grusen sighed, this is his most beloved daughter, but now, she bears the future of the family, the fate is really cruel.

"Come in, Niya." Gruson greeted.

The exquisite oak door opened, and a young girl in a lavender dress came in. She blinked her black eyes and seemed to be able to speak. She smiled and said, "Father, your eyebrows are all wrinkled. Is there something wrong with you?" What's bothering you?"

Gruson didn't speak, just sighed. It was true that his daughter was smart, but he didn't think the problems he was facing were something she could solve.

"I saw the envoy of the Galewind Territory. Is Lord Novis planning to use troops against the Arrow Leaf Territory?" Veronia asked softly.

Gruson was taken aback. He himself was right in his judgment, but his daughter usually stays in the manor and rarely goes out. Although she likes to read, she has never seen the world. How could he have such insight?

"How do you know?" He couldn't help asking.

"It's not easy. Over the years, the arrow leaf collar has been getting stronger, and the Galewind collar closest to him will naturally feel uncomfortable. When he can't bear it, he will naturally attack. Isn't this human? Father, if If my guess is correct, did the envoy bring a marriage certificate?" The girl's tone of voice seemed to be taken for granted, as if she had expected this to happen a long time ago.

Gruson was even more surprised. His daughter guessed the truth based on some common sense. Although luck was involved, this ability of observation and reasoning is really not simple. After thinking about it, he said: "Close the door first, father Talk to you carefully."

The door was closed, and Gruson narrated his dilemma. Finally, he looked at his daughter and said, "Father has no idea, but this is your marriage after all. Whoever you want to marry, I will marry you, father." Full support."

Veronia laughed loudly: "Father, are you asking me to choose the future of the family?"

"Hey, the fate of the family and your fate are actually one." Gruson has sighed for countless times today. This feeling of being powerless in the whirlpool is really helpless.

The beautiful girl blinked and said with a smile: "Father, where do we need to choose? We can only stand on the side of the arrow leaf collar."

Gruson was shocked: "Why?"

"Don't you know the character of Lord Norvis? He is ruthless, bloodthirsty, and once his eldest son's wife made a mistake, he shot her directly. Such a person, you are with him, Aren't you afraid that he will turn his face suddenly?"

"..." Gruson was stunned. He had been thinking about the problem from the perspective of profit, but he hadn't thought about it from this angle. He only thought that he had his own fortress and would not have direct contact with Novus. His reputation No matter how cruel it is, it has nothing to do with him. The big deal is to be careful, but he can ignore Novus, but his daughter can't. Maybe one of them will be killed if he doesn't make it right. At that time, the difference between them and Novus The promise of time is simply a fart.

But if he stood with the arrow leaf collar, although Verando said that he had a deep personality, he did not report any bad deeds, especially for the Murphys family. It's perfectly fine for Weng Comfort to live a lifetime.

This person may not be kind, but he is definitely a well-behaved lord. He will not turn his face at will, and it is easier to get along with.

Thinking of this, Gruson already had a decision in his heart, and he said with a smile: "In this case, I will go and reject Novus's emissary tomorrow."

"No, father, you should grab this messenger and send it to Arrow Leaf as a gift." Veronia corrected.

"Will this... be too much?" Gruson was surprised. He has been a rich man for a long time, and his murderous nature has faded away. Especially in business transactions, the most important thing is to compromise and win-win. Turning his face, he couldn't accept what his daughter proposed now.

Veronia persuaded: "Father, no matter what we do, we will be regarded as enemies by Novus. We want to protect ourselves. We can't rely on ourselves. We can only rely on the assistance of Arrow Leaf Leader. In this case, why not let Arrow Leaf Does the master of the collar feel your loyalty?"

Gruson frowned and weighed, and after a while, he nodded: "My daughter, you are right. I will arrest people tonight, and send this document to Blue Stone Fort!"

After thinking about it, Gruson said carefully, "My daughter, what do you think of Verando?"

Veronia is such a smart girl. When her father said that, even though she was smart, she felt shy, and her face blushed immediately. She lowered her head and did not speak, but just grabbed the skirt of her long skirt.

Seeing her appearance, Gruson immediately understood that his daughter has always been calm and calm. Even when it comes to marriage, she talks about it with eloquence. She was like this just now, but when she talked about Verandu, she blushed, and she must have liked it in her heart. That's how it is.

He made up his mind, was in a happy mood, and laughed loudly: "It seems that my old face is going to be thrown out."

At this moment, Blackwater Fort fell to Arrow Leaf Collar. On the surface, it was because of Veronia, but at a deeper level, it was because Arrow Leaf Collar and the surrounding fortresses had become a community of interests. This bond of interest was very hidden. But its binding ability is not weak at all.

At the same time, the small fortress that received the news that the Gale Leader was going to invade the Arrow Leaf Leader, after some weighing, most of them fell to the Arrow Leaf Leader.

This situation shocked Novus of Galewind Collar, but he was determined, and instead of shrinking from it, his murderous intent became even stronger.

He knew that if he didn't stop the development of the arrow leaf collar at this time, he might not have a chance in the future!

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