Legendary Hero

Chapter 538: As Deep as the Sea

Coming out of Blackwater Fort, head west all the way, and walk for more than 20 kilometers. On the way, you pass a small fort called Chenlu Fort, and then enter Arrow Leaf Collar.

The change was intuitive and obvious, and Veronia, who was sitting in the mechanical wheeler, felt it immediately, and she asked the wheeler driver in front of her softly: "Have you arrived at the arrow leaf collar?"

"Of course, miss, only the lord of the arrow leaf collar has the money to build such a smooth road." The driver was full of envy and emotion.

I don't know why, but as soon as I enter the arrow leaf collar, the whole person will feel comfortable, as if the air here is fresher, and the sun here seems to be brighter.

The flat and spacious roads, the gratifying crops, the well-planned villages and towns in the distance full of beautiful houses, everything makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Veronia thought more, looking at the criss-crossing road network outside the car window, she sighed in her heart: "Where are these roads? They are like blood vessels, which can quickly send goods to all parts of the territory. When it is necessary, a large number of soldiers can be quickly sent to the place where it is needed to fight."

After driving forward for a while, bypassing a small mountain, the broad iron horse plain was ahead, and the line of sight suddenly opened up. Not far away, a prosperous and beautiful city appeared on the horizon.

"It's Langshan City!" The guards exclaimed, and there was a lot of discussion.

"I came here a year ago, and when I come back now, I can't recognize it. Its scope has doubled! I really don't know what it will look like in the future."

"I heard that there are more than 200,000 people in the city, which is almost comparable to the city of Thales when the Marshal was alive."

"Lord Verandu is a man of great ability, but he is a little soft-hearted and doesn't like fighting very much." Some recruits commented.

"You know what a fart! When someone shoots you in the stomach, you will know how rare such a lord is." A veteran who had experienced battle immediately scolded.

The mechanical wheels produced by Blackwater Fort were not very well sealed, and the voices of the guards continued to reach Veronia's ears, causing her to be full of thoughts.

All she heard in her ears was Lord Verandu, and she found that the voices of her soldiers had admiration that she couldn't detect, and their faces subconsciously showed awe. These proud soldiers did not look like this when they saw their father.

"Has his authority been so dazzling that people are used to it?" Veronia was thinking in a daze, when will he be both dazzling and let people get used to his existence? It's the sun, and only the solar energy of the sky can do this.

Thinking that this trip was for fun in name, but actually a visit to communicate with her future husband, Veronia, who has always been calm and calm, suddenly became a little flustered: "What kind of person is he? Will he not see it?" Fuck me? If that's the case, what should I do?"

For a moment, she actually felt panicked.

At this moment, a guard suddenly shouted: "Look, what kind of airship is that? It's so fast!"

Everyone looked up, and Veronia's thoughts were also interrupted. Looking in the blink of an eye, they saw a lavender light band in the sky passing by at an unimaginable speed, as fast as a meteor, if it wasn't for this light band There was a small black shadow at the tip, and no one even dared to think it was an airship.

"I heard that Lord Verandu has been spending a lot of money to support the research of the Mechanical Academy. Could this be the latest combat airship?" Some guards speculated.

"Very likely!" A guard said with certainty.

"Something's wrong! Listen carefully!" A guard showed a horrified look on his face.

Soon some guards noticed something strange: "His voice does not correspond to his position, he has been flying ahead of the voice! My God, there is such a fast airship in the world!"

While everyone was horrified and discussing, the lavender-glowing airship had already crossed the sky and disappeared into the distant sky, leaving people with infinite reverie.

In fact, at this moment, not only were they in horror, but in the grass behind the convoy, several soldiers in brown and gray stripes were also looking at the sky in surprise.

One of the fighters was the man known as the steel hand guard who was beside Novus that day. His pupils were shrunk to the point of needles stimulated by the airship, and his heart was already full of turbulent waves.

"How should we deal with such an airship?" This was the only thought in the soldier's mind.

After much deliberation, he felt something was wrong, turned his head and said to the soldiers beside him: "Glenn, you go back immediately and report the situation to the lord... make him be cautious!"

"Yes, Captain." The steel hand guard was also shocked by the super-speed of the airship, and immediately turned around, ready to go back and report this important news.

He bent forward in the grass, and when he walked fifteen steps, he suddenly heard his captain shouting at him: "Get down! We are violent..."

The soldier didn't hear the following words, because he had completely lost consciousness, and there was a scorching mark the size of a fist on his head.

The captain of the steel hand guard immediately lay down on the ground, gasping for breath, his eyes were full of horror, the reason was very simple, because he didn't hear any musket blast, he saw a beam of light flashing in front of him, and then the soldier went Dead with a scorched head, it's horrible.

"What kind of weapon is this again...Damn it, let's retreat quickly!" Just as this thought flashed through the mind of the Iron Guard captain, another team member died unexpectedly, which directly broke the captain's will to resist.

The opponent's equipment is too powerful, hidden and invisible, and they can't be found at all. If this entanglement continues, they will definitely be wiped out. What's more sad, they may not know where the opponent is from the beginning to the end? !

Just as the captain of the steel hand guard shouted the order, the third steel hand guard soldier had been killed. These people used to be the elite of hundreds of battles, and each of them had a murderous aura that made ordinary people feel horrified, but at this moment, they were wiped out by the assassins in the dark like killing dogs.

The captain of the steel hand guard only felt the horror in his heart to the extreme, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He lay on the ground, not daring to move, because he found that all the moving soldiers were attacked by the terrifying opponent in the dark, and all of them were fatal blow.

But staying still didn't prolong his life much. Suddenly, he felt a slight heat in his head, and then his world went dark.

The confrontation in the plain grass was secretive and fierce, and lives were being harvested silently, but the speeding Heishuibao wheel team didn't notice it. The biggest movement they felt was that a certain guard found that there seemed to be a flash in the grass. A gleam passed.

But the guard didn't feel any danger. He simply thought it was the reflection of a smooth stone in the grass.

It was not until the convoy had passed by for a long time that a figure covered in grass clipped stood up in the grass on the side of the road. He fondled the musket-like weapon in his hand, and his movements were as gentle as stroking his beloved.

"Sacred weapon, what a magical weapon!" This is a magic musket just developed by the School of Mechanical Engineering. It is silent, and with just one shot, no matter where it hits, the opponent will completely lose its fighting power. Also because of this artifact, he alone overthrew a team of steel hand guards led by the blast, which he never dared to think of before.

On this side, the soldiers of Blackwater Fort didn't know that they had just escaped a fatal disaster, and they were still happily discussing what they had seen and heard on the road, just like a real game.

The wheeler was running on the flat road, and several hours passed without knowing it. At noon, a sky blue fortress appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Blue Stone Castle is here!" A guard shouted.

"It looks so beautiful and clean, just like the world in the painting!" The soldiers couldn't help admiring.

"We're about to meet Lord Verandu, it's exciting just thinking about it!"

Amidst the croaking noises of the soldiers, Veronia, the protagonist of this outing, was in an uneasy mood. She was abnormally silent, just looking at the tall fortress that was getting closer and closer, and at the roadside being decorated and tidied up. Neat trees and blooming flowers kept telling myself in my heart: "Veronia, relax, relax, he is also a human being, not a devil, nor a god, he is just better than ordinary people. Be good, don't He was looked down upon and lost the face of Blackwater Castle."

In this self-comfort, Veronia relaxed a little, and at this moment, the team arrived at the fort gate of Bluestone Fort.

At the entrance, there is a train team parked, and each wheeler in the team looks very thick and precise, showing the strong technical force of the Jianyeling Machinery Manufacturing Factory.

At the front of the convoy, a young man in a navy blue robe was surrounded by guards. There seemed to be a faint purple light flowing around his body. This was the light of a shield, but it blended perfectly with the young man. One body, setting off this young man like a god.

"It's him!" Veronia's heart skipped a beat. She has always been smart and has always been able to easily see through other people's intentions, but at this moment, she suddenly found herself facing a huge fog, and she was completely lost. Can't figure out any thoughts in the other person's mind,

In this confusion, she saw the other party coming over, looking at the girl in the car with a smile from the window, and said curiously: "So, this is my future wife? She looks very shy."

Veronia lowered her head and said in a voice like a mosquito: "I have seen the lord."

The darling of the moon god Allen behaved like an ordinary girl when facing Lord Verandu. Her guards should have been surprised, but no one paid attention to it at this time, because these guards had completely Shocked, each of them wished they had no choice but to kneel down on the ground to show their loyalty to the lord regardless of their identities.

At this moment, Veronia had a strange premonition in her heart: if Haifeng leader is about to lose, he will be defeated. For Verandu, this was just a trivial victory. He said that his glory is to conquer the abyss.

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