Legendary Hero

Chapter 540 The Time Is Ripe

Wolf Mountain City.

As the largest city in Jianyeling, the prosperity of Langshan City is needless to say. There are also various landmark buildings in the city, the most famous of which is the sky garden in the north of the city.

The base at the bottom of the garden is more than 50 meters high, and there is a round platform on the top. The diameter of the round platform is more than 30 meters, and all kinds of precious flowers are planted on it. In the middle of the garden, there is a semi-open-air pavilion. There are tables and chairs in the pavilion, and there is a small kitchen counter in one corner.

This pavilion is called Guanyue Pavilion, and it is the most elegant place in Langshan City. Enjoying a delicious meal in this pavilion costs a full 30 gold coins. It is proud to be able to eat in the sky garden. If anyone has not eaten in the garden, he will not be able to hold his head up in the social circle.

A businessman who can spend a lot of money to build a sky garden, and then make such a big gimmick to make money, is really a talent, and he must have a very wide network of contacts.

Of course, no matter how great it is, when the lord of the Arrow Leaf collar, Verandu, wanted this place, the businessman immediately canceled all the appointments for the day, and then he went up to the tower in person to entertain him respectfully, fearing that the lord would There is a trace of dissatisfaction.

The war is coming soon, Luo Lin has leisure time to come here, one is to accompany his fiancée Veronia in the body, and the other is to watch the fireworks.

After the magic artillery matrix is ​​set, everything will run automatically. At this time, Langshan City is like a bag with an open mouth, waiting for the prey to sneak in.

Because the lord came in person, the famous chefs in the Hanging Garden also brought out the craftsmanship of pressing the bottom of the box. All kinds of unheard of delicacies were concocted and served.

Veronia, who has been following Luo Lin on the tour of the Arrow Leaf these days, was a little restrained at first, but she was attracted by the food, and she let go before she knew it, and the tension that had been tense along the way was also loosened , with a natural smile on his face.

Luo Lin still looked calm, seeing Veronia's wide-eyed smile, he also smiled slightly, and his mood became happier.

This made the girl more relaxed. She showed her usual calm appearance at home, and said to Luo Lin with a smile: "I never thought there would be such a beautiful place in the world, such a high place, surrounded by blue sky, just like floating in the sky." It’s just like in heaven, it’s amazing.”

Because of happiness, the girl's face was flushed, like a delicate flower, her small cherry-like mouth had full lips, her eyes were even more sparkling, almost glowing, reflecting each other with the flowers beside the pavilion, she was truly a human being. It is more beautiful than flowers.

Unknowingly, the lines on Luo Lin's face became gentler. From the girl's exquisite facial features, he saw several familiar places. Unknowingly, he thought of Vianna from later generations.

After hundreds of thousands of years, I don't know how the beauty of the Mosalen Bridge Fortress is doing?

Recalling the past memories, Luo Lin's eyes became softer. Just as Veronia was drinking the drink in the cup with his head down, his movements were somewhat similar to Vianna's. He was in a trance, and subconsciously stretched out his hand , stroking the girl's smooth face with her fingers.

Veronia was startled, and quickly raised her eyes to look at Luo Lin, only to see that the light in his eyes was unusually gentle, her heart trembled, and her face turned even redder.

Luo Lin quickly woke up from the memories. He calmly withdrew his fingers and praised with a smile: "You are beautiful. I lost my mind just now. I'm really sorry."

"No...it's okay." Veronia's heart was pounding, her small face was hidden behind the cup, and she didn't dare to look directly at Luo Lin. He continued to get close to this young lord, and was afraid of being rejected, so he was extremely entangled.

But at this time, Luo Lin didn't pay attention to the girl's complicated psychology anymore, because a small black dot appeared in the distant sky, which was the battle airship of Galewind Territory.

He immediately looked solemn, and said to the guards beside him: "Activate the magic shield!"

Although I came to watch the fireworks, it would be bad if I got hurt by the fireworks. After receiving the order, several guards immediately separated in three directions, and inserted magic shield generators in the three corners of the hanging garden.

This generator is a one-meter-long stick with the thickness of an arm. Each stick is equipped with a super magic source inside. The three generators coordinate with each other to produce an extremely powerful shield.

With the artillery bullets commonly used in the outside world, even if more than 30 combat airships besieged the sky garden together, they would not be able to break through the shield.

The reason is simple, because this is not the technology of an era at all, and the gap between the two in terms of magic power output is as huge as the cosmic civilization and planetary civilization on Earth.

The magic shield generator was quickly installed, and then activated, the magic power gushed out, and a layer of almost invisible purple smoke cloud formed around the sky garden, firmly protecting the garden.

"Landu, what's the matter?" Veronia asked cautiously. As for Lando, that's what close people call Rowling.

She felt the tense atmosphere. Although she knew that the Gale Wind Leader was going to deal with the Arrow Leaf Leader, it was only a guess, but she couldn't predict when the war would actually happen. Especially at this time, Lord Verandu was taking her to visit Wolf Mountain City. The atmosphere in the whole city was even more peaceful, so she didn't think about war at all, she just thought it was an ordinary game.

But things don't seem quite right now.

Luo Lin pointed to the slowly growing black spot in the distant sky, and said with a faint smile, "Look there, the airship from Galewind is coming."

Veronia turned her head to look, was taken aback, and said in amazement: "My God, it really is them. What should we do now...Lando, you are prepared, right?"

Luo Lin nodded: "Wait patiently for a while."

The black dots in the sky kept getting bigger, showing a clear shape, and the reddish black airship was exactly the style of Galewind's airship.

These battle airships lined up in a neat formation, showing ferocious fangs. As the distance approached, the buzzing sounds made by the airships flew together, raging over the seemingly undefended Langshan City, just Roaring like a tiger.

"But Lando, where's your airship?" Veronia only thought that Luo Lin had secretly prepared an airship team to deal with, but now, seeing that the opponent was about to start bombarding, the airships led by Arrow Leaf were all dead. She didn't show up, she was really a little panicked.

In this world, it has almost become common sense that only airships can fight against airships, but this common sense will be broken today.

Luo Lin shook his head and smiled. He didn't answer the girl's question. He just watched the airship approaching Langshan City and began to count down silently: "One thousand meters...eight hundred meters...five hundred meters... ...two hundred meters...."

He is well aware of the warning range of the magic artillery matrix, and the other party is rapidly approaching the warning circle.

Looking at the airships in the sky, they still maintain this flying formation, neither speeding up nor slowing down, and they don't even realize that the danger is coming.

"Landu, they are about to attack!" Veronia exclaimed, she is very aware of the power of the combat airship, under the attack of artillery and machine guns, it can destroy a building in an instant, if it is aimed at the key buildings of the city , such as a city hall, such as a barracks, then a formation can easily paralyze a city.

Luo Lin smiled lightly, and said in a low voice, "Explosion!"

'boom! ’, the airship flying in the front exploded, and it somehow became a huge fireball, metal fragments splashed everywhere, and the air shock wave formed by the explosion was visible to the naked eye, and the entire flight formation was disrupted in an instant.

On the old-fashioned airship, the magic power is only used for flying, because the magic power core on the airship is too backward, except for the consumption of flying, it can't provide other consumption at all, let alone support the magic shield that consumes a lot. In fact, in the Holy Land at this time, except for Luo Lin's arrow leaf collar, no one has mastered the mature magic shield technology.

The current airship is hit by a magic artillery, no matter how thick its armor is, its flying magic core will be burned immediately, and then trigger various chain explosions until it becomes a huge fireball.

This is just the beginning!

Immediately afterwards, other airships also began to explode, seemingly for no reason, as if there was an invisible and transparent mountain in the air, and these airships were flying and suddenly hit the mountain wall.

In an instant, fifteen or six airships exploded, and the remaining airships were greatly frightened and began to fly around in the sky, even wanting to flee.

But the speed of this old-fashioned airship is too slow, 200 meters per second, far from reaching the reflection limit of the magic artillery matrix. Although they are on the run, they still escaped the fate of turning into flames and fireworks.

"Boom boom boom boom" A series of fireballs appeared in the sky, like expensive and unusually expensive fireworks, with an indescribable magnificence in the tragedy.

An airship exploded near the garden, and some of the pouring metal fragments splashed onto the hanging garden, but were easily blocked by the shield. The magic shield like a purple cloud of smoke flashed brilliant brilliance, and the brilliance contained incredible Concentrate the magic power, and vaporize the sputtered metal fragments into metal vapor.

Veronia was stunned. She looked at the rapidly extinguishing fireballs in the sky. God knows, the predecessor of this fireball was a strategic-level combat airship. Now it exploded so meaninglessly. She couldn't accept it for a while. .

Not only him, but everyone in the garden, even Luo Lin's guards, were stunned by this scene.

It took her a long time to recover from the terrifying scene, and asked in a trembling voice, "Is this a new weapon invented by Blue Castle Academy?"

"Of course." Luo Lin nodded, looking at the dim red fireball in the sky, "This chaotic old world should come to an end!"

In the past five years, he has been accumulating wealth, accumulating technological advantages, and constantly creating an advantage in public opinion.

Up to now, the dam has been filled with water, the giant bow of ten thousand stones has been opened, the time is ripe, it is time to open the gates to release the tide, and change the world!

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