Legendary Hero

Chapter 542 The Holy Revenge Army

The power and accuracy of the magic artillery greatly exceeded the lords' imagination of the artillery, and everyone was shocked at once.

Luo Lin still felt that the deterrence was not enough, so he started to blow up cannons and brag.

He talked eloquently: "What I want to say today is that we have at least a thousand of Thor's swords like this (in fact, there are only less than 50 of them), and they are still increasing and improving. There are small The magic artillery has been equipped on our latest combat airship from Arrowleaf, and it has begun to be installed in my army (the fact is that it is being tested). By the way, the speed of this combat airship has exceeded the sound, I think you will not like it face it."

"......" A group of people were speechless. The most shocking thing about this so-called Thunder God Sword is not its power. This power can be achieved by ordinary artillery. The most terrifying thing is its attack speed and accuracy. If this thing is used to deal with existing combat airships, There is no way to avoid it!

In other words, the combat airship they hold in their hands as a strategic weapon is just a live target that can be shot down at any time for today's Arrow Leaf Leaders, not to mention that they have also developed the latest airship, which can exceed the speed of sound , This makes people dare not even think about it!

If this was just a sudden demonstration, the lords might not have been so shocked, but now, this demonstration is based on a victory, and the whole Galewind collar is the foreshadowing.

Facts have proved the power of Lord Arrowleaf's weapon, which makes people feel desperate!

Every lord in the demonstration site was ashen-faced, with a look of despair, unable to speak for a long time.

Knowing that the effect had been achieved, Luo Lin turned his head to look at the white-haired General Gudanke, and said meaningfully: "Today, you are my guests who come to visit my territory, and I will not treat you Anyone. Even if some of you killed my father. But after this visit, I will start a new conquest!"

After General Gu Danke understood this sentence, his steps staggered, and he suddenly aged ten years. It can be seen that when this visit is over, his territory will definitely be attacked by Verandu, and the tragedy of Novus may be repeated in an instant.

Gu Danke was desperate at first, but then burst into anger. After all, he is a general with a firm heart. After experiencing a blow, he immediately rebounded: 'Damn, if you don't let me feel better, I will let you get nothing! '

He decided to kill the net and destroy it. After returning, he destroyed the city of Thales, all the machinery factories were blown up, and the mines were also blown up, leaving this kid to accept the ruins.

Luo Lin looked at his words, and easily saw the determination in Gu Danke's eyes. He sighed in his heart, he should not be too decisive. If you are decisive, you will force others to have no way out. The result is likely to be a loss for both sides. The last thing Lin wants to see.

Moreover, his current arrow leaf collar is not so powerful that it is invincible, and many new weapons have not yet been scaled. If the lords really want to oppose him, it will be a very difficult thing.

He continued: "You think I'm going to conquer you, don't you?"

All the lords are silent, and they have already accepted Luo Lin's words in their hearts. With such a powerful force, it is natural to unify the Holy Land, and it is the same for them.

Unexpectedly, Luo Lin shook his head: "No, you are wrong."

This was unexpected. The lords all looked up at Luo Lin, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Luo Lin said earnestly: "I always remember my father's will. I don't want to cause more killings within our human race. The great enemy of our human race is always in the white mist outside the Holy Land. It is the Lizardman Empire hidden in it. We If we become weaker due to civil strife, the other side will attack and destroy our entire race. Therefore, I will take a new path, and I hope that all of us can unite again to restore the glory of the past, reconquer the abyss, and conquer Lizardman Empire, spread the glory of God all over the world!"

The various lords looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them were greatly surprised, but for these years, Chief Rhodes has been promoting Verandu's ambitions all over the world. They are not unacceptable to Verandu's statement. It seemed natural for Lando to do so.

After being relieved, all the lords felt a little emotion in their hearts. Conquering the abyss and gaining the favor of the gods was once the ultimate glory that everyone in the Holy Land yearned for. Even after fifteen years of precipitation, it is still exciting to mention it now. Produce a feeling of blood boiling.

It's just that there is more or less unresolved hatred among all of them. How is it possible to let go of all these and reunite at this time?

The trust between them has long since disappeared. What if they were bitten in the back by other lords when they were fighting in the abyss?

Suddenly, Lord Leicester of the White Cloud Territory stood up: "Lord Verandu, I am willing to follow in your footsteps."

Leicester is in his forties, but he is already showing his old age. Thinking about it, he is the weakest among all the big lords, and anyone can bully him. Playing the art of balance, you bear the most pressure, worry the most, and naturally age the fastest.

His voice stunned the lords.

But Leicester immediately changed roles and began to act as a lobbyist for Rowling. He turned his head to look at the lords, and asked, "What are you still hesitating about? Indeed, the Lizardman Empire has not attacked the Holy Land recently, but they Why do you want to do this? This must be the will of the demon god, these despicable lizard people watch us fight each other, and wait until we are weakest, and their army is dispatched, how should we resist?"

Everyone was silent, and everyone understood the truth, that is, the civil war has become a habit, and the accumulated hatred is too much, and it has not been turned around. Until now, there has been an arrow leaf collar in the holy land that is almost completely irresistible.

The power of the Arrow Leaf Leader has become so powerful that to resist is to be conquered. This is like a plate of cold water poured on the heads of all the lords, extinguishing their ambition to become kings.

Leicester's mind is very good, and he made another suggestion for mutual trust: "I suggest that we form an alliance to avenge those dead brothers and judge the demon god who instigated discord. All those who betray the alliance , will be besieged by other members of the alliance until he dies and his family is wiped out!"

This is Luo Lin's first ally, and Luo Lin was so happy. He clapped his hands and agreed: "The alliance is a good idea. Let's establish a sacred covenant and make an oath. Under the watchful eyes of God, we will fight the abyss together! The army of the alliance , called the Holy Vengeance Army!"

Leicester's following was a turning point, awakening all the lords who were shocked by the terrible magic artillery.

Yes, this Verandu has mastered the absolute power that cannot be resisted. If he wants to conquer the abyss, he will definitely clear away all threats and obstacles. Instead of going through a battle with no chance of winning and the family is defeated, it is better to follow him to obtain the power to conquer the abyss. Glory.

What's more, everyone present knew about Verando thanks to the achievements of Manager Rhodes' publicity for many years.

Although this man is young, he still talks about the rules, and he doesn't kill people brutally. What he has done in so many years has fully proved this point.

Moreover, he is different from his father Thales. Thales is domineering. Although he has great achievements in conquering the abyss, his affinity is not strong, but this Verandu likes to delegate power. Betray him or he will always trust you.

If it weren't for these personality traits, Gu Danke, who was his father-killing enemy, would not dare to visit him at all.

Just imagine the bloodthirsty of Verando and Novus, at this moment, Gudanke may have already been chopped into pieces.

An alliance led by someone like Verando, with his strong strength and generous character as a guarantee, should be trustworthy and enough to accomplish great things.

The lords present were all shrewd people. After some consideration, a second voice and a third voice appeared. In the blink of an eye, the lords present, even the eldest son of King Alwin obeyed.

Except for Gudanke, everyone recognized Luo Lin's position as the leader of the allied forces.

In fact, Gu Danke also wanted to follow, but he killed Verandu's father in the end, which left him no room for maneuver. Even if he lowered his face to follow, he was afraid of being rejected by Luo Lin.

Luo Lin didn't forget him, and asked, "What about you, Gu Danke, are you so silent, are you planning to confront me?"

"...No, that's not the case." Gu Danke shook his head hastily, what a joke, how could he resist such a terrifying weapon? Isn't this courting death?

Luo Lin knew his worries, and solemnly promised: "I know that there have been many enmities between us these years, but it's time to let them go. Here, I make my promise, at least to destroy the Lizardman Empire. , before purifying the entire land of white mist, Gu Danke and I will not care about father's hatred!"

Gu Danke was stunned, then heaved a sigh of relief, followed by feeling ashamed. He is so old, but his stamina and knowledge are not as good as that of a teenager, and he has been living on dogs all these years.

He lowered his head, not daring to look into Verando's eyes: "In this case, I am willing to follow you."

After a short pause, Gudanke took another big step: "I will quit the city of Marshal Thales and return to my own fief."

Luo Lin smiled slightly: "Marshal Thales is not only my father, he is also a pioneer in conquering the abyss. Before purifying the abyss, I will never monopolize the city of Thales. The city of Thales will become our holy revenge army going south to attack the abyss. The largest base to expel the demon god! Just like what my father did back then."

"Okay!" The lords roared, and for a moment, it seemed that they had returned to the golden days of glory and glory.

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