Legendary Hero

545 Phase Meter (2/3)

The northern part of the wilderness is a rugged mountain, where the trees are dense and the terrain is steep, which is most suitable for avoiding the pursuit of the enemy.

Jasmine and the surviving warriors played hide-and-seek with the following enemies in this mountainous area.

At this time, Jasmine was still wearing the goblin armor, because the size of the goblin armor was limited, and she made a huge sacrifice in order to adapt to this powerful armor. When she was ten years old, she used alchemy potions to permanently fix her body at ten years old, and she would never grow up again.

This is not forced by others, but her own choice. In this catastrophe, the human race needs power, and if they want to gain great power, they must make huge sacrifices.

To Jasmine, it was nothing at all that her body would never grow up, she was already much luckier than those comrades who died in battle.

This time, the "Sword of God's Punishment" assault army formed by her and the soldiers successfully raided a large dwarf magic machinery base in the south and completely destroyed it.

According to the information brought back by the werewolf scouts, in the dark region, there is only one super-large mechanical base like this, three large ones, and about ten small and medium-sized ones. It will take about half a year for them to build a large base, and it will consume a lot of resources, so the success of Jasmine's raid this time is a huge victory.

The demons were obviously going mad with rage, and their counterattacks were frantic, and they were in hot pursuit all the way. The God's Sword of Retaliation Legion fought their opponents more than a dozen times in the wilderness, and they fought and retreated. The damage was so serious that even Neferta, the killer frost dragon of the legion, fell.

When they arrived in the mountains, Jasmine was left with only an elite team composed of more than thirty powerful human warriors, five dwarf griffin riders, three elf archers, seven human archers, and eight dwarf musketeers. , and three werewolf scouts, there were no more than 60 fighters left in the original legion of more than 3,000.

Everyone is wounded, and they are hungry and tired. If they are overtaken by the devil again, their end will be annihilated.

Now, this legion of less than a hundred people is resting in a hidden valley in the mountains. Everyone is extremely tired. Even the elves who have always been elegant don't care about the dirt. They sit on the ground with their backs to each other, and they don't want to get up anymore. .

Jasmine was also very tired. Because of her battle armor and years of training in combat skills, her body could still hold on, but her heartstrings were tensed all the time, and her mental state was already on the verge of collapse.

No matter how talented and determined she is, she is still an eleven-year-old girl.

The valley is quiet and silent, no one speaks. This is not only for concealment, but also a large part of the reason is that no one has the strength. Everyone hurry up to accumulate energy for the next battle.

Suddenly, the woods by the valley made a soft chirping sound, and everyone looked over nervously, their weapons were ready, and they didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they saw a werewolf coming out of the woods.

The werewolf scout also looked miserable, his legs were covered with wounds pulled by branches and thorns, bloody and bloody, and there was a penetrating wound on his arm, if it weren't for the werewolf's strong vitality, he wouldn't be able to continue his job Scout job.

Panting heavily, he walked to Jasmine's side and reported, "General, they have also entered the mountain. It's at the foot of that mountain, less than five kilometers away from us."

"How many people are there?" Jasmine's voice was a little hoarse, full of indelible exhaustion.

"It's a standard demon army. There are three war demons, fifty dwarves gunners, 20 vlo demon warriors, and about 500 undead skeletons. Their equipment is brand new, and there are no wounded. They were just The new team brought over." The werewolf scout reported a desperate answer.

"Damn it!" Jasmine scolded, "It really lingers!"

A human adjutant beside her said: "General, this just shows that we grabbed the right thing."

The adjutant patted a square iron box with a length of one meter and a width of one meter placed beside Jasmine. This box contained a very sophisticated instrument, which was obtained from the destroyed magic power machinery base, and it was also the last time they carried out this raid. main reason.

Jasmine sighed: "I just don't know if I can transport this thing back successfully."

The thing in the box is called a phaser, the latest creation of the dwarves. It is a powerful magic device that can break through the barriers of the plane. With it, the dark army may break through the blockade of the world's force and reopen the connection to the outside world. Through the portal on the front, more demon soldiers were introduced.

Now that the two armies are at war, the strength of the two sides is equal, and the battle situation is stalemate. If the portal is really opened, the current state of stalemate will be broken immediately, and the allies will lose the war.

This is a life-and-death battle between light and darkness, and losing means genocide.

Because of this, as soon as the archmages of the Allied Army got the clue of the existence of the phaser from the divination, the entire Allied Army took action to destroy the evil plan of the Dark Legion.

Now that their Sword of Retaliation Legion has obtained the phase device, the mission has been more than half successful. The best result was to transport this precious phase device back for the allied mages and alchemists to study the principles of this magic device, so as to In the future, if the portal is really opened, the Allied forces will have a way to destroy it.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that this phase instrument can only be destroyed, and their God's Sword of Retribution Legion will all be buried for this phase instrument.

"General, why don't you take the phaser and go first, and we will hold the demon for you?" The adjutant suddenly suggested, even the dragon Neferta was finished, and they never thought about going back alive.

Among the people present, Jasmine who was wearing the battle armor was the most powerful. She left with the phaser, and she was most likely to send this thing back to the Allied base intact.

Jasmine shook her head, "No way."

The adjutant hastily persuaded: "General, the task is the most important at this time. For this thing, our brothers and comrades in arms have all sacrificed. If the task is not completed, their sacrifice is meaningless..."

"I understand. But the magic power of the battle armor is running out. I can't leave, so I can only fight to the death." Jasmine sighed. Of course, she knew that she was the best candidate. It was just a multi-day battle, and the Death Hand battle armor was not enough. I can't stand it anymore.

Everyone fell silent.

Jasmine continued: "But it's not the last moment, and it's not the time to destroy the phaser. So, Griffin Riders, you take the boxes and go!"

The adjutant hurriedly said: "But there are gargoyles in the sky intercepting it, and the Griffin Knight can't break through at all!"

The giant dragon Neferta was forced to the ground by gargoyles before, and those ghosts were unexpectedly difficult to deal with.

"I know." Jasmine nodded calmly, "So you only bring the box. As for the phaser in the box, elves, you are the favorites of the forest, so it's up to you to bring it back!"

The elf archers were all taken aback, but soon, all the warriors present realized and understood Jasmine's plan. The griffin was actually carrying an empty box to divert the opponent's attention, buying time for the elves to retreat. The other fighters will stay here and try their best to block the pursuers from behind, which is also to fight for opportunities for the elves.

This plan is very tragic. Except for the elf archers who may survive, everyone else will die.

But everyone present is an elite, and they all understand the importance of the phaser.

The Dark Legion may not only have this phaser, they can also create new ones, in order to prevent them from really opening the portal, it is necessary for the archmages to understand the working principle of the phaser, so send this instrument back It is a matter of the fate of the Allied forces, and it is worth every soldier present to sacrifice his life for it.

The elf archers immediately stood up and said solemnly: "General, we will do our best to complete the task!"

"Until the last moment, the instrument must not be destroyed!" Jasmine solemnly instructed, but it is a pity that this thing cannot be put into a space container, otherwise it would be much more convenient to take it away.

"We understand." The elves opened the box and took out an elliptical metal object more than 80 centimeters long. A dark blue transparent crystal was inlaid in the middle of the object. There were cloud-like streamers flowing in the crystal, making it appear Very precise, this is the so-called phase meter.

Then, the three elf archers rushed into the forest with this thing, diving all the way north.

Without any hesitation, the dwarf griffin riders rested for a while, and stepped on the back of the griffin. The griffin grabbed the empty box, took off, and flew to another square.

With nearly fifty people remaining in the valley, Jasmine took a deep breath: "My brothers, let us fight vigorously!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The voices of the soldiers burst out from the gaps in their teeth, which was extremely tragic.

At this time, a wolf howled suddenly from the front mountain, and everyone who was resting in the valley immediately stood up. This was the signal of the werewolves.

Jasmine said loudly: "They are here, get ready!"

The soldiers immediately began to occupy the high ground and set up a defense line. The speed was fast and methodical. When the soldiers completed the most basic fortifications, at the foot of the mountain, there were undead vanguards constantly popping up, one after another, followed by the undead. Demons, especially the tall and strong war demons, make people feel terrified at a glance.

"Steady! Hold still! Musketeers, all aim at the war demons to attack! Shield swordmen, stop the undead! Archers, start attacking!" Jasmine shouted, she stood motionless behind the line of defense to save the magic power of the battle armor, she She fixed her eyes on the War Demon at the foot of the mountain, and raised the precision goblin musket in her hand, aiming at these big guys, and when the opponent rushed to her attacking distance, she would deliver a fatal blow.

The magic power of the battle armor is not much left, and the musket can only fire five shots. After five shots, the magic power is exhausted, and her battle armor will not be able to move. The combat power will be greatly weakened, so she must kill within five shots. Three War Demons.

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