Legendary Hero

569 An Irreparable Mistake (3/3)

Thorn Hills.

The place where Rowling and Barclay met was a small open space surrounded by thick thorns and vines.

When Rowling shot, Barclay was talking, but was interrupted, his heart froze, and he fell into the disadvantage of passive defense.

Seeing the sharp long sword attacking at high speed, he hastily stretched out his claws and laid them across his chest. A purple-black flame was ignited on the claws, and he set up a defensive circle.

There was a loud 'ding' sound, purple fire splashed everywhere, sword light fluttered, a huge shock wave erupted, and there was a loud 'boom', the thorns and vines around the open space were overturned for at least thirty meters.

Because of the hasty defense, he was not well prepared after all, and his strength was not raised to the peak level. Barclay was hit by Rowling's attack and took a few steps back.

Luo Lin was unreasonable, and immediately pursued and attacked, put his feet on the ground, made a sliding step, and stabbed forward with the cloud sword in his hand, using a standard straight thrust.

There is no easier attack than this.

But because it is simple, it is extremely fast!

I saw the sword light flashing past, like a slashing lightning, it caught up to the retreating Barclay in an instant, and the tip of the sword was still pointing at his heart.

Barclay was also powerful. Faced with this unavoidable blow, he blocked his heart with one claw, raised the other claw, and grabbed Luo Lin violently.

The sharp claws tore through the air, let out a 'hiss' sharp whistle, and several purple-black light blade claws rushed out, cutting towards Luo Lin.

In Barclay's prediction, Rowling had to dodge, as long as he dodged, the attack would slow down, and then he could turn the situation around.

Afterwards, he didn't seek to win, as long as he could hold him back and wait for the other abyss lords in the thorns to come over, and everyone attacked together, even if this guy had superb martial arts skills, he would surely die.

But soon, Barclay found that the facts did not develop as he thought.

I saw that Luo Lin, who was stabbing forward with the sword, suddenly turned around, and even reached Barkley's left side. While avoiding his claws skillfully, the sword in his hand did not weaken slightly, and it was still pointing at his chest across the left rib. heart.

The outer side of the Great Demon King's body has an armor-like cuticle, which is very strong, especially after he has been promoted to a demigod, this cuticle can even withstand the attacks of legendary powerhouses.

But the one attacking him now was a demigod of the same level as him. Facing such a master, the horny layer was nothing at all, and he didn't dare to be stabbed by his opponent.

For a strong man of this level, as long as he hits the opponent, it means a fatal blow, there is no room for buffer, and it is rare to be injured without dying. Never appear.

So, facing this stabbing attack, the Great Demon King had to retreat again. When he retreated, he had a little chance to breathe, and quickly said: "Luo Lin, you will definitely die today, there are at least ten abyss lords rushing here, half a day!" We'll be there in minutes!"

This is a fact, and if he tells his opponent this fact, he will increase the psychological pressure on his opponent.

This battle was very unfair. What Barclay had to do was to stall his opponent, but Rowling needed to kill or defeat his opponent, otherwise he would be surrounded by demons.

If it is an ordinary fighter, or even a famous sword master, under such pressure, they may make mistakes and eventually lead to defeat.

But Luo Lin is now a demigod, and at the same time he has experienced countless life and death battles, today's battle is nothing to him at all.

He sneered: "Stop talking too much, save your own life first!"

His attacks became more and more fierce, and the cloud-pattern sword in his hand emitted a bright needle glow, which was so dazzling that Barclay had to squint his eyes.

Barclay was frightened. He felt that the opponent's attack was like a turbulent wave, rushing towards him wave after wave, forcing him to defend with all his might. But even so, he always had a sense of life and death. Heart palpitations, as if he was about to be killed in the next moment.

There was a pungent smell in the air, which was the smell caused by the free energy released when they clashed and burned the air. In Barclay's feeling, it was very close to the taste of death.

‘Damn it, one mistake, there’s no way to get back the situation! He was also anxious. Up to now, the opponent has made eighteen swords in a row, but less than three seconds have passed. The abyss lord did not rush to him so quickly, but he already felt a little unable to hold on. .

The root cause of this situation was not because he was weaker than his opponent, but just because of a small mistake at the beginning.

Soon, in the fifth second of the battle, Barclay had to retreat more than 50 meters, but the opponent's sword was still less than 50 centimeters away from his heart, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

At this moment, Buckley stepped back and touched a thorny vine on the ground. Normally, this would not be a serious problem, and the thorns on the vine would not be able to pierce the horny armor on his body at all, but in this life-and-death confrontation, , but caused cold sweat to break out on Buckley's forehead.

He knew that the cane made him retreat a little slower, just a little, and it was deadly enough.

He reacted immediately, power surged in his body, and then exploded recklessly, a wild roar exploded from his throat: "Get back!"

All of a sudden, the sharp sound waves and the rich magic power of the purple-black flame rushed in all directions. Under the huge impact, the nearby soil within ten meters was directly blown away.

Rowling was right next to Barclay's body, and he was the first to bear the brunt. When the indiscriminate shock wave came, he knew that he had to defend himself, otherwise the flesh and bones all over his body would definitely not be able to withstand the impact of the condensed magic power, and he would definitely be seriously injured.

But before he started to defend, the cloud pattern sword in his hand had already broken through Barclay's defense, leaving less than ten centimeters away from Barclay's body.

At this moment, Luo Lin made a decision, and the cloud pattern sword continued to move forward.

With a soft 'click', the tip of the sword broke through the cuticle, and further forward, I felt that the tip of the sword pierced something flexible. This must be the muscle behind the cuticle.

At this time, the shock wave was already in front of him, and Luo Lin hastily erupted the magic power on the tip of the sword. Before he could cause more damage, he immediately drew his sword back.

In a defensive posture, he flew past Barclay, and then launched the "Wind Control" combat skill, running all the way into the air, and was about to disappear from Barclay's sight.

Buckley was in a hurry and wanted to chase immediately, but he had to stop after only a few steps, because there was an uncontrollable sharp pain in his heart.

Looking down, Barclay saw a blood hole the size of a fist appeared on the horny armor on his chest. Blood mixed with minced meat gushed out from the hole. Through the blood, he could faintly see the bones deep in the wound. And a beating heart.

Just a little bit, as long as the opponent's power erupts for a moment, his heart will be destroyed, and then he will die on the spot!

Even now, Barclay could feel a dull constriction in his heart, knowing that although he was fine, he was still injured, and if he tried to chase after him and was hit by his opponent, he would definitely die.

With just such a hesitation, when he looked up again, Luo Lin had already disappeared. He closed his eyes and carefully sensed the opponent's aura, and he had completely disappeared.

In this rare encirclement, the other party escaped from him!

"Damn it!" Buckley was shocked and angry, but also helpless.

At this time, there were rumbling footsteps behind him, and seven or eight huge abyss lords rushed over stepping on the thorn bushes, and the abyss lord who ran in the front shouted when he saw Barclay: "Where's the assassin? Where did the assassin go?"

Barclay's heart froze, this abyss lord really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to lift, shouting so loudly, his face was completely lost.

The situation at the scene is actually very obvious. The traces on the ground and the messy thorns and vines around it all indicate that there has been a fierce battle here. Buckley was injured, but the assassin was gone. There was only one explanation. Buckley failed to stop the assassin and ran away.

The abyss lords are not fools. After discovering this situation, some lords scolded unceremoniously: "Barclay, what did you do? Aren't you confident that you can stop him before? How did you do it now? "

As soon as a lord started, the other abyss lords also shouted impolitely.

"Yeah, yeah, don't talk big if you don't have the skills. It's okay now, we have to live in fear again, it's really bad luck!"

"It's half god, I think it's a lie."

"I'm quitting. This world is too dangerous. Whoever wants to work hard will stay here. I'm going back to the abyss."

These abyss lords are rebellious and rebellious. There are a large number of them, and when they face aliens, such as the great demon king Barclay, they appear to be more united. If Barclay wanted to punish one of the lords, all the lords would gather together to resist. Under such circumstances, Barclay did not dare to act rashly.

But this big demon king also has a temper. He has always been proud and arrogant, but now he ignites the divine fire and is promoted to a demigod, but he is so humiliated by these subordinates, and he is furious, but this is indeed his mistake, and it is not easy to vent. There was another injury on his body, and he felt extremely tight in his chest. One of them couldn't hold back, and spit out a big mouthful of blood in a 'poof'.

This appearance is miserable. When the abyss lords saw this situation, they could no longer humiliate them. They looked around awkwardly one by one, and stopped mentioning Barclay's bad luck.

On this side, Barclay took a while to recover before he opened his mouth and said, "From today onwards, all abyss lords are not allowed to act alone, or they will live and die at their own risk. One month later, the legion will go north to attack the White Rock Fortress!"

He knew that it couldn't be delayed any longer, and if it continued, the Allied Forces' advantage would become bigger and bigger, and their Dark Legion would fall into an irreversible disadvantage, and it would only be a matter of time before they were defeated.

This time, whether or not they can break through the Baiyan Fortress, the first checkpoint in the north, has become a key battle to reverse the situation of the battle.

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