Legendary Hero

Chapter 574 Dark Dragon? (3/3)

White Rock Fortress.

With the walls broken, Allied soldiers desperately retreated to the fort within the fortress, knowing their strengths and weaknesses.

Because of the blessing of magic equipment, their attack power has been greatly increased, surpassing the Dark Legion, but in melee combat, they are not as good as the physically strong demons.

In this case, it would be a stupid choice to fight the demon army in the open area under the city wall, especially when the abyss lord was still present, doing so would be death.

But the retreat will suffer losses. The dark legions clung to the Allied soldiers, leaving a large number of corpses along the way. The abyss lord was even preparing to cause another great destruction inside the fortress, roaring excitedly, preparing to rush left and right to make a good killing.

The Great Demon King Barclay at the back of the team breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that if nothing happened, the overall situation would be settled, even if Luo Lin, who was also a demigod-level powerhouse with him, appeared on the stage, it would be useless. Facing the mighty power of the legion, even the power of a demigod is small.

He was not ready to participate in the battle, but just rose into the air and began to watch the battle from the sky behind him. This scene of killing is very rare, he needs to appreciate it carefully.

For him, this victory will completely change the disadvantages of the dark army. The retreating abyss lords will renew their fighting spirit, his reputation will spread to the abyss, and more abyss lords will respond to his call. Under the dark atmosphere, even if the allied soldiers had runes to prevent undead, it would be useless. These soldiers would be transformed into a new wave of undead by him to supplement his lost military power.

Then, he will regroup, gather more abyss lords, and head north all the way, just like this night, to break through the Mosaren Fortress.

Once the Mosalun Fortress is broken, the power of the Dark Legion will usher in a qualitative leap, and the overall situation of this battle between light and dark will be settled.

When the time comes, troops will be dispatched from the Davik Fortress and the Mosalun Fortress, with the undead army as the vanguard, and they will be able to sweep the Aoraki Kingdom in an instant.

"When I conquer this world, I don't know what kind of reward the master will give me?" Buckley thought proudly.

I have to admit that at this time, the situation of the war is indeed greatly in favor of the Dark Legion, but when Barclay was dreaming, a black shadow appeared at the gate of the fortress.

When all the Allied soldiers hid in the fort for shelter and prepared to defend and counterattack, this black shadow came out against the crowd.

The figure is not tall, less than two meters, but he is walking against the trend, and there is an extremely deep and dark aura exuding from him, so he is very conspicuous.

Not only Barclay saw it, Joseph Martin, many Allied soldiers also saw it, and everyone's eyes widened.

Barclay couldn't believe it: "This...isn't this Rollins? What about him?"

Joseph Martin also widened his eyes, and he felt a burst of despair in his heart: "No wonder he didn't care about the bad situation before, and fell into darkness. Oh, Lord, why did this happen? Why did the most powerful allied army Will warriors be servants of darkness?"

Allied soldiers stayed away from Luo Lin one after another, guarding against him, not knowing what to do. But many fighters became very depressed, and the morale of the Allied Legion plummeted.

Although Barclay couldn't figure out what happened, he was still very happy that the other party had become a member of darkness and walked towards his army.

Although they used to be rivals, although he once hated Luo Lin to the bone, but now, they are brothers.

Barclay ordered loudly: "Let him come over!"

The demons obeyed his words, and no demons, not even the demon lord, attacked Luo Lin, because he had a strong dark aura lingering around him.

Joseph Martin was so heartbroken that he even gave up retreating and rushed forward to ask loudly, "Why? Why did this happen? Rollins, you are so disappointing!"

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth were slightly raised, and because of his obsidian-like complexion, his smile looked cold and strange: "Joseph, I control the power of darkness, and darkness is the sword in my hand. I will use this sharp sword to kill the allies. a bright future."

"You fart! No one can control the darkness! Self-righteous people eventually become demons!" Joseph was furious.

Luo Lin didn't speak anymore. When he chose to take this path, he knew the situation he was about to face. The notion that darkness equals evil is deeply ingrained in the hearts of everyone on the mainland, and it cannot be reversed with a few words.

He goes his own way and doesn't care what others say.

The divine power began to surge in his body, and the information of the dragon essence stored in it quickly unfolded. Luo Lin's body began to expand rapidly, and in less than three seconds, he became a head with a height of hundreds of meters and a wingspan of one hundred A terrifying dragon of more than 30 meters.

This giant dragon has black reflective scales all over its body, and its body is transpiring like the most intense night breath. Dark green flames are burning and dancing on its eyes, back, tail tip, and claw tip. As soon as he appears, the entire White Rock Fortress is lit It was extinguished, and it became a dark world here.

But different from the chaotic and savage darkness of the demons, this darkness is quiet and peaceful, and people can't help but want to put down their weapons and stop fighting.

No one can understand this situation, and no one has seen such a terrifying dragon. Even the dragon masters who belong to the same dragon family are completely shocked. Generally immature and ridiculous.

"How is this possible!" This was the thought of everyone in the fortress.

And the next moment, the Great Demon King felt something was wrong, and a terrible thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and he yelled like crazy: "Attack! Attack! Kill him!"

But it's too late.

Luo Lin only had ten minutes, and he didn't waste a single second. He started to attack first, lowered his head slightly, and opened his mouth. Amidst a palpitating whistling sound, level 50 demigod-level magic power rushed out of his mouth and rushed towards The abyss lord and the dark legion at the gap in the city wall.

The one who bears the brunt is the humanoid abyss lord holding the battle axe. His only reaction is to block the battle ax in front of him, trying to resist the terrible dragon's breath.

But it has no effect, because this power is already extraordinary, it is the mighty power of a god.

The dark dragon's breath rushed over the battle axe and broke through the body of the abyss lord. During the forward rush, the dragon's breath continued to spread and permeate, and finally covered a range of hundreds of meters wide and nearly two hundred meters away.

When the dragon's breath finally disappeared, everything disappeared in the place where the dragon's breath rushed, the abyss lord blocking the way disappeared, the dark army disappeared, a large section of the city wall was corroded, and a long line appeared on the ground. Black scorch.

Just at this moment, five abyss lords and nearly five thousand demons disappeared, the kind that disappeared without even a corpse.

"..." Everyone in the fortress fell silent.

This is a terrible attack that has never been recorded in the world of the plane. Even the forbidden spell will leave some corpses, but the power of this terrifying dark dragon exceeds everyone's imagination.

The person present who was least surprised was the great demon king Barclay. He knew very well that this was just the result of the destruction of a large-scale divine power. If his divine power had such a large scale, he could also do it. The only thing he can't figure out is how the other party can master such a level of divine power without being rejected by the rules of the plane?

"This is not in line with common sense!" Barclay was already going crazy, this change was beyond his phenomenal, even in his dream, he never thought that such a change would occur.

An abyss lord wanted to attack from Luo Lin's side. He had just rushed a few steps when he felt the howling wind, and a large number of dark vortices appeared in the air at the same time. When he turned his head, it was the dragon's tail that slapped him.

'boom! ’ The dragon’s tail lashed at the abyss lord’s body, and with one click, the abyss lord’s body exploded like a bag filled with water, blood, flesh and bones splashed everywhere, turning them into the finest powder.

This was the second blow of the Dark Demon Dragon, which knocked out the courage of all the abyss lords, and no abyss lord dared to fight back.

Then, he started to take the initiative to attack, and the targets of the attack were all the abyss lords.

The abyss lords are not stupid either, how could they allow themselves to be massacred and flee in all directions? They don't need to run faster than Luo Lin, they just need to run faster than their comrades in arms, and let the death of others buy them time to escape.

Most of the abyss lords could fly, so Luo Lin chased the fleeing abyss lords over the fortress. On average, every half a minute, one of the abyss lords was beaten into a rain of blood in the sky.

This thick rain of blood continued for seven minutes, and thirteen abyss lords died all the time. The number of escaped abyss lords was less than two. They ran desperately and disappeared.

It's not that Barclay didn't think of stopping Rollin, but his level of strength is comparable to that of Rollin, but the scale of power is far inferior to that of Rollin. He rushed up, and was sprayed back to the ground by Rollin's dragon breath. After spending more than half of it, I no longer dared to rush forward to stop it.

After Luo Lin fell, there were still three minutes left. He had already felt the shackles of the power of the plane, but he did not rush to leave. Instead, he killed another 10,000 people in the dark army on the ground. demon.

It took him two minutes.

Then he stopped, turned his head and said to the stunned Joseph Martin: "Send me a message and tell Vianna that I will definitely go back, definitely!"

The paladin nodded blankly, he didn't know how to react, what happened today was beyond his comprehension.

Then, Luo Lin spread his wings, and amidst the howling sound, he flew towards the southernmost part of the mainland.

His speed was so fast, within ten seconds of taking off, he completely left the battlefield and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

On the battlefield, there was still the Great Demon King Barclay, who was severely injured, and tens of thousands of demons whose morale had dropped to negative numbers.

After being ravaged by a dark dragon beyond the limit of mortal understanding, she was like a demon, and she was also made like a little daughter-in-law who lost her temper. She had no fighting spirit at all and just wanted to turn around and run away.

Even if the big demon king roared in succession, it was useless. The demons were so frightened that they ignored him and ran away.

Of course, the allied forces would not let go of such a great opportunity, so they started chasing, attacking while chasing, leaving behind countless demon corpses along the way.

The Great Demon King is a demigod, but he was injured and was in a weak state, so he couldn't escape, he was surrounded by more than a hundred dwarf musketeers, three rounds of salvo came, his body became a hornet's nest, his body died A thorough, leaving only a group of purple-black divine fire flashing into the endless void.

When the battle was finally over, less than ten thousand demons and undead from the Dark Legion fled back to Davik Fortress.

"Commander, how do you report the matter of the Earl?" the adjutant quietly asked Joseph Martin

Joseph had a splitting headache. He felt that his worldview had collapsed. He knit his brows and remained silent for a while. He shook his head and said, "Don't worry about this matter. I will report it to the Allied Marshal."

Although the situation of this war of light and darkness has been settled at this level, the former marshal of the legion has become a terrifying dragon of darkness. Although he seems to be sober now, who can guarantee that it will be the same in the future?

If the dark dragon was completely plunged into darkness, and then fought back... that scene was unimaginable, and Joseph felt deeply worried.

On the other side, less than a minute after Luo Lin flew away from the battlefield, he felt the huge oppressive force of the plane power, and then he was shocked to find that he couldn't stay in the Troll world anymore.

The space around him began to shatter, a huge black hole appeared, and then he felt an almost irresistible force pressing on him, pushing him out of the Troll plane.

The surroundings became dark, with faint light spots, and there was a huge bubble-like ball of light near him, which was the Troll world he had just stayed in.

All signs show that he is now in the endless void.

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