Legendary Hero

Chapter 599: The Battle Of The Outpost (3) (1/3)

At the God of War sentry post, the sound of shouting and killing was loud, all kinds of auras were surging, and the flames of war were raging.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The terrain dragon is striding towards the two steel shield incarnations charging forward among the iron-eating giants. His body is so huge, and the dark energy emanating from his body is thick and huge, like burning of black flames.

The soldiers on the entire battlefield were attracted by this huge movement, and they couldn't help looking over.

The orc and demigod William immediately discovered the target of the terrain dragon. Because of the restraint of the two steel shield avatars, he and the holy spirit warrior behind him have not yet fought against the iron giant.

The more than one hundred iron-eating giants fought by two people couldn't lift their heads, and William had a feeling in his heart: 'What is God of War? This is God of War! And there are still two! "

Now that the terrain dragon was about to rush over to deal with the two steel shield giants, William immediately yelled to remind: "Be careful, the magic dragon is coming!"

Luo Lin naturally saw it. He now has four perspectives, one is the right hand of God of War on the city wall, two are the incarnation of the steel shield, and one is his body, which is operating the detection tower.

Observing the battlefield from four angles in all directions, no movement could be concealed from Luo Lin's eyes. His God of War right hand on the city wall yelled at the orcs in his busy schedule: "William, move to the city gate! Get ready to enter the city!"

The iron giants were held back by the avatar of the steel shield, and this was a good time to receive reinforcements.

William heard it, waved his hands behind him, and shouted, "Brothers, follow me to the city gate!"

There is an iron-eating giant between them and the city gate, but these giants are eager to intercept the steel shield avatar, and have no time to care about them.

In this short period of time, the Terrain Demon Dragon has rushed 20 meters in front of Luo Lin's steel shield avatar, which is already his attack distance.

In order to prevent accidental injury, the iron-eating giants in front of the terrain dragon all backed away, at least 20 meters away from the terrain dragon.

The terrain dragon Montegen raised his huge front paws, and a blazing dark aura was burning on his palms. He let out a roar, and slapped the steel shield avatar with all his strength. At the same time, his sharp claws Opened, like a sharp sword, the endless killing intent enveloped the two steel shield avatars at once.

Before the giant claw arrived, the gust of wind was already raging. Everyone on the battlefield could clearly see a layer of transparent ripples half a meter thick in front of Montegen's giant claw. This was the squeezed air. Wherever the palm wind went, sand and rocks flew, and all the soil on the ground was stripped off, hitting the steel shield avatar like a cannonball.

The power of one palm has reached such an earth-shattering level, everyone on the battlefield couldn't help but gasp, even the leader of the giant couldn't help squinting his eyes, he put himself into it, and found that even he could There is no possibility of defending against this attack.

"The power of the giant beast of the abyss is really unimaginable." He couldn't help but sigh.

The left hands of the two gods of war responded immediately.

At this moment, the flames on an avatar suddenly became extremely blazing, and a large number of rotating patterns appeared in the flames, and the soil on the ground also had spiral patterns centered on the steel shield avatar.

Luo Lin relied on the vortex strength of Troll, plus the most basic shield skill of a warrior: Collapsing Mountain, the two perfectly blended together, forming this blow that replaces defense with offense!

The other incarnation of the steel shield retreated, retreating 30 meters, just avoiding the attack range of the dragon's giant claw, but at the same time entered the attack range of the iron-eating giant.

The iron-eating giant was about to attack instinctively, but just after they reacted, they found that this giant also had a large number of swirling light and shadow ripples. At the same time, there was a sudden burst of ground under his feet, and the soil was immediately thrown out in a spiral trajectory. And this incarnation has already launched a charge against the dragon, and escaped the attack of the iron-eating giant by a small margin.

The avatar's charge this time was ten times more violent and domineering than the previous charge. Wherever his steps passed, the air was hit and exploded, making a heavy and muffled sound like rolling thunder. In the constantly exploding air, faint You can see a large number of flying vortex energy, extremely dangerous, but also extremely beautiful.

"Boom!" The first earth-shattering explosion sounded, and it was the mountain-collapsing shield technique of the steel shield incarnation that left the defense hitting the giant claw of the terrain dragon.

Under the impact, the airflow distorted and shot out in all directions, and the power surged like a tsunami. The steel shield turned into a body frame that did not disperse. He forcibly blocked the blow of the magic dragon. The shield in his hand was still in front of him, but his whole body was He sank deep into the dirt, up to his thighs.

At this time, the avatar was inconvenient to move. If the magic dragon made up for it immediately, the avatar would surely die.

Montgan also knew that this was a great opportunity to kill, but he couldn't do it. The reason was simple. This time, he was not without damage.

As soon as he hit it, he felt an unimaginable rotating force from his arm, which twisted his arm violently. At first glance, it seemed that there was no damage on the outside, but when he looked closely, it was just It can be found that there are a large number of fine cracks on the scales on his arms, and this is only the surface. The damage in the arm was even more serious. Montgan felt that his arm was in severe pain in the muscles and bones, and he couldn't use any strength.

"How can this little thing have such a powerful force!?" Montegen couldn't figure it out, and he didn't have time to think about it, because another steel shield incarnation attacked.

This incarnation came charging, the speed was so fast, and the attack was on his chest. With the power of this thing, if his chest was hit, he would probably be close to death.

There was no time for Montegen to dodge. The only reaction he could make was to raise his injured forefoot recklessly, blocking the path of this little thing's charge, hoping to detonate the opponent's explosive power in advance.

"Bang!" His arm collided with the opponent's shield, and he immediately felt an indescribable force of rotation, which directly swung his arm out.

If his arm hadn't been injured, Rowling would certainly not be able to do this, but now the strength on Montegen's thick arm was negligible, and there was only some weight left, so it was naturally easily swung away by his vortex energy.

Rollin's charging force was barely damaged, and a moment later, the shield in his hand was firmly imprinted on Montegen's chest.

There was a muffled "poof", and the sound of the impact was unexpectedly small. From the perspective of others, Luo Lin's shield was as light as a piece of cotton wool gathered together.

"Montegan should be all right?" The giant leader felt a little uneasy. In his eyes, the scales on Montegen's chest were not broken, and his body didn't seem to have changed, so it should be. . . . . . It may be that the big man with the shield made a mistake and didn't exert his due strength. . . . . . That's how it should be, right?

The entire battlefield was silent for a while, and everyone looked at Montgen. The situation was a little weird, and everyone didn't know what was going on with him.

After one blow, Rowling stepped back, and the avatar who had been hit into the soil by Montegen's blow before had escaped, and the two steel shield avatars rushed towards William together.

They didn't stop for a moment, and started to block the iron-eating giant again. From the beginning to the end, they didn't look at the abyss dragon behind them.

Just when the two incarnations rushed more than 50 meters away, Montegen, who had been standing still, finally moved. He stepped back, one step, two steps, three steps, and suddenly his footsteps softened, and his huge body was like He lay on the ground like a small hill. A large amount of blood rushed out of his nose, mouth, eyes, etc., as long as he had a large amount of internal organs mixed with him.

The blood was flowing crazily, but the Terrain Demon Dragon did not move at all, and there was no breath on his body, except for some unnatural twitching of his muscles, he remained motionless, and the thick dark aura on his body began to radiate crazily, as if he was awakened. Like a whirlwind.

"...The dark magic power is gone, and I was hit to death!" The leader of the giant turned pale with shock.

He looked at the two giants who were still alive and kicking, and felt deep fear in his heart.

But the leader is the leader. Although he was terrified in his heart, he still had observation skills. He soon discovered that the strength of these two giants was much smaller than before, and their lethality to his subordinates was also greatly weakened.

Whoever dared to go up to stop him before had to die. Now, although the other party also smashed his subordinates away, the person who was smashed was confused for a while, and then he was able to get up again.

"The opponent killed the dragon, and he himself suffered a huge loss. It must be like this, the strength of these two guys is going to be exhausted!" The giant leader's heart suddenly lit up.

He immediately yelled: "My soldiers, they are tired! Kill him, wear him down!"

The iron-eating warriors also began to notice this. They rushed up to face the two giants, without the pressure they had at first. From this point of view, the opponent was indeed tired.

Montegen's death was not in vain, and he greatly consumed the strength of these two terrible giants.

The iron-eating giant rushed towards Luo Lin's two incarnations recklessly.

On the other side, the soldiers had already retreated to the gate of the city. The gate burst open without any hesitation, and William rushed into the guard post immediately.

An iron-eating giant who was close also wanted to take the opportunity to rush in, but as soon as he rushed to the door, the golden-red light wandering behind the door suddenly became extremely glaring, and the iron-eating giant felt an aura of earth-shattering rushing towards him. Come, heartbroken, immediately closed his eyes, hugged his head, curled up his body into a stone, and completely entered a defensive posture.

The dozen or so iron-eating giants who followed had exactly the same reaction, and they were all frightened into a defensive posture.

This is the deterrent power of God's Domain, which contains the strong will of the God of War, which cannot be resisted by the soul of a mortal. Of course, this is a strange move, but there is no other way. If you are too scared, and the other party finds that there is no real damage, then it will be useless.

Under the protection of God's Domain, more than a hundred soldiers rushed into the sentry post. It took less than a minute before the solid gate closed again with a bang.

Naturally, there were soldiers leading this group of reinforcements in the sentry post to change their equipment and weapons. Outside the sentry post, the two God of War incarnations had been besieged by iron-eating giants, and they could no longer escape.

If these two demigod incarnations were killed, even Luo Lin would be seriously injured.

"Siege them! Siege!" The giant leader yelled frantically. He was so excited that he gave up his attack on the sentry wall.

On the city wall, Luo Lin holding the cloud-pattern sword took a deep breath, jumped off the city wall, and rushed towards the trapped avatar.

At the same moment, among the two steel shield incarnations that were besieged, a golden-red radiance appeared in one of the incarnations, and 'swish' penetrated into the other steel shield incarnation, and the two merged into one.

On the city wall, the archers stopped interfering, and for a while, arrows rained down, interfering with the giant's attack.

This sentry battle has reached its peak.

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