Legendary Hero

614 Meat Man's Sentry (3/3)

Under the close surveillance of the Holy Spirit warriors, two iron-eating giants from the Crimson Dark Land walked into the God of War post.

There was a strong dark aura in the giant's body, but what was strange was that when the two giants entered the sentry post, the divine power in the sentry post did not attack them, but suppressed the dark aura of the two in their bodies without dispersing. And the two giants didn't feel any discomfort.

This is not done by Rowling on purpose, but because the nature of the divine power of the natural pantheon is like this. The basic rules of the natural pantheon allow all kinds of power to exist, even in darkness, as long as he follows the rules of the natural pantheon, he will be able to survive in the natural pantheon. There can also be a foothold in the god system.

The two giants didn't have any hostility, so Luo Lin's divine power wouldn't make any attacks.

At this time, the two giants were curiously looking at the situation inside the flesh man sentry. When they walked to the smelting hall not far away, they immediately smelled the strong metallic breath coming from it.

"Have you smelled it? The smell of cold iron, or ripe cold iron, it's so fragrant! How can it smell like this?" the giant Pengde said softly, sucking the overflowing saliva in his mouth while talking, His eyes gleamed even more, looking extremely excited.

"Of course I smell it. I don't know what hot cold iron tastes like. I once tasted iron heated by sky fire, and it tasted great." Damon also kept swallowing.

The soldiers around them heard the two giants muttering, although they couldn't understand them, the salivating looks of these two guys couldn't be concealed from others, and their eyes were also straightforward, looking directly at the smelting hall , without turning around. This appearance is really speechless.

At this time, a clone of Luo Lin came out, and he also saw the appearance of the two giants, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

In fact, he had known about the Dark Legion for a long time, and the information came through the void channel immediately. The reason why the two giants were sent to report the news was mainly to let the sentry understand the benefits of the giants and establish a basic trust between the two sides.

Trust is the lubricant of cooperation. With trust, the cooperation between the two parties will be efficient, instead of friction, suspicion and internal friction everywhere. In successful cooperation again and again, the trust between the two parties will also be rapidly improved.

Rollin needs the power of these iron-eating giants, so he is cultivating trust between warriors and giants step by step.

Although in the eyes of the giants, all the flesh men looked the same, but from the suddenly solemn movements of the soldiers around them, the two giants also knew that the leader was coming, and bowed down to salute Luo Lin.

In the last battle, the God of War sentry beat the warriors of their Steel Vein tribe to the ground, and even killed an abyss giant beast who came to help. This kind of power is enough to earn their awe.

Damon took a step forward and said, "Leader of the Meat Man, we are here to send a message about the Legion of Darkness."

"I probably already know." Luo Lin smiled. He watched the two giants still look at the smelting hall from time to time, and continued: "You must be very tired after coming from a long distance. You should sit down first and talk to me slowly. explain."

Then, Luo Lin ordered another soldier: "Go to the smelting hall and bring two cans of iron juice."

Luo Lin didn't hide anything, and his voice was not soft. He still spoke the language of the abyss. The two giants understood it, and their eyes lit up, full of eagerness.

The giant Damon saw that the leader of the flesh man had a friendly expression on his face, which seemed vaguely similar to his own leader, so he relaxed, sat down on the ground, and began to talk about Ertumen to Rollin in detail. The history of the Steel Vein Tribe.

This Damon's brain is considered smart among the iron-eating giants. His words are clear and detailed, and he has basically not missed any details along the way, completely explaining the matter clearly.

This matter is very serious, if it is not done properly, the body will die, and even the soul may not be able to escape. The surrounding holy spirit warriors all looked at their lord.

Seeing the worried faces of the soldiers, Luo Lin shook his head and smiled, "A legion of this size has already exceeded our limit, but we are not alone. I have already contacted the Silver Fortress and the nearby sentries, and it won't be long There will be reinforcements coming, don't worry."

Every commander can directly contact Allen of the Silver Fortress. Now that such a big event has happened, Allen will naturally arrange for assistance.

The danger in this matter lies in the opponent's surprise attack, but now, they know the dark army's attack plan in advance. If you do it well, you can even come to an ambush to wipe out the high-end forces of the Dark Legion in one fell swoop. If it is really done, then the battle front of the natural gods will advance thousands of kilometers, and maybe even occupy the withered plain.

Thinking about it, Allen will definitely seize this great opportunity.

Seeing that the lord is so calm and knowing that there will be assistance, the soldiers' hearts are also relieved.

At this time, four soldiers came over carefully carrying two cans of cold iron juice that had not yet been fused with divine power. The temperature of this iron juice was nearly 2,000 degrees, and it was glowing red. No matter how far away, lest they be splashed by the hot iron juice.

The two giants were not afraid at all. Damon turned to Rollin and asked, "Is this for us?"

"Of course, if you like it." Luo Lin smiled.

At this moment, the two giants lost their restraint, walked up quickly, took the jar from the soldier's hand, and picked it up directly.

The surrounding holy spirit warriors immediately ran away, they didn't quite trust the giant yet, they were afraid that these two guys would spill the hot iron juice on people, or if they couldn't hold it steady, they would hit the ground and the people who got splashed would be ashamed. Absolutely enough.

Unexpectedly, the two giants didn't seem to feel the heat at all. They directly picked up the jar and poured the hot molten iron into their mouths. The incandescent molten iron was just poured into their throats. Dumbfounded, cited as the most miraculous thing I have ever seen in my life!

In just ten seconds, the two iron giants drank up all the hot iron juice in the two big clay pots.

Looking at the two giants again, their bodies became extremely hot, and the surrounding air was boiling with heat waves. Their eyes were shining brightly, but they staggered as they walked, as if they couldn't stand still.

Not only could they not stand still, but the two guys were still babbling nonsense, and they didn't know what they were talking about, but looking at it, it was somewhat similar to the state of drunkenness after drinking.

At this step, the two giants each drank a can of iron juice, swayed their feet for a while, and talked for a while, then suddenly shrank their bodies, turning into two big rocks, and then remained motionless.

Herris, the leader of the archers, was also there. Looking at this appearance, he said in disbelief, "This is after getting drunk and sleeping?"

"It seems so." William gasped in amazement.

"The world is full of wonders." The manager Sorrento couldn't help sighing, and he also came to watch the excitement.

After the previous negotiations, and the delivery of these two live treasures, there was another drunkenness at this time, and the soldiers were not so afraid when they saw the iron-eating giant again. The only impression they had was that these tyrannical and messy big men turned out to be the reincarnation of greedy ghosts.

The two giants, Damon and Pender, slept for a full day and night before waking up. After waking up, they found that they were still staying in the sentry of the flesh people. The flesh people around them came and went, and occasionally someone looked at them. But they didn't bother.

Damon recalled what happened before, couldn't help but smacked his lips, recalled the wonderful taste of high-heat iron juice, scratched his head, and said to his companion: "I didn't expect this delicious food to be found in the meat man's sentry. I have forgotten it in my life." It’s gone. I just don’t know when I’ll be able to drink it again.”

The giant Peng didn't speak, his eyes were still staring at the smelting hall, he hadn't recovered from the delicious food. If there were not so many soldiers watching, he wished he could rush in and have a drink.

At this time, several warriors came over carrying two huge parcels and placed them in front of and behind the two giants. A warrior stepped forward and said, "This is a gift from our lord, in return for your delivery. My lord Said that the cold iron inside was smelted in various ways, so there should be many flavors, I hope you will like it.”

The package was nearly half a meter in diameter, and it was bulging. At first glance, it was clear that there was a lot of food inside. The two giants were ecstatic. There were so many people here, they were embarrassed to open it directly, but they all hugged the package in their arms. In his arms, there was an attitude that he would rather die than let go.

This childlike appearance made all the soldiers laugh heartily.

After being sent out of the sentry post by the soldiers and out of sight of the sentry wall, the two giants immediately eagerly opened the package.

Inside the package are fist-sized iron balls, some are full of air bubbles and crispy, some are dense and firm, and some are soft and soft. They contain some wonderful additives, which taste a myriad of flavors. The two giants are simply can not stop.

After eating half of the package, the two giants reluctantly stopped, carried the package on their backs and continued on their way.

"I think the meat man is still very good, and he is much more kind than Caius." said the giant Peng.

Damon nodded in agreement: "I like their leader very much, it's easy and comfortable in front of him."

"That's true. It's still our leader who is wise, who can tell who is the real friend at once. That bastard Caius knows to let our people die." Peng De also felt the same way.

Along the way, the two giants were full of emotions, and they sighed that the experience of delivering the letter was unforgettable, but when they arrived at the withered plain, something happened unexpectedly.

Behind a dirt slope, a group of small, light-green iron-eating giants suddenly rushed out, more than twenty in number, and stopped in front of the two of them.

One of the taller iron-eating giants took a step forward and looked at the two of them with disdain on his face: "Okay, Ertumen told me that you betrayed the Legion, I still don't believe it. I didn't expect that you actually secretly communicated about the invasion. traitor!"

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