Legendary Hero

Chapter 619: This Is How Friendship Is Born (Part 2) (2/3)

This time, three hundred and forty-five people came to the God of War sentry, and four of Luo Lin's demigod avatars came directly, three of which were powerful steel shield avatars, and the other was the right hand of the God of War with an ordinary body, which was used as a weapon for the God of War sentry. represent.

In addition, the orc demigod William also arrived, and almost all the archers in the sentry were also present. The total number was 340, but the melee warriors were almost absent, because the steel-veined giant they supported was the best iron wall.

Damon also came back. He rushed to the forefront of the support troops, and was the first to rush to Luo Lin, shouting excitedly: "Boss, those flesh men are here to support us! The terrifying giants from last time are full of blood!" Here comes three! Three!"

The terrifying giant refers to Luo Lin's God of War's left hand and the incarnation of the steel shield. The last time the iron-eating giants attacked the God of War sentry post, the two steel-shield giants cooperated with each other to beat the abyss monster terrain dragon to death on the spot.

The last time there were two, they were directly beaten into pig heads, but now there are three, isn't that against the sky? The members of the Green Water and Iron Dust tribes were definitely not rivals, so Damon's confidence exploded like never before.

Not only him, the haze in the heart of the Steel Veined Warrior was also swept away by Damon's words.

The soldiers looked behind, and saw in the dark abyss night, one by one soldiers covered with light and shadow quickly approaching them, five of them had extremely bright and blazing lights, flying around their bodies like flames , it was the five demigods in the team, including the three steel shield avatars.

The three giants were really majestic, holding huge shields in their hands, moving towards them like a hill, their momentum and posture were even inferior to their leader.

This support made many soldiers feel incredible.

"The meat people really came."

"Although these guys are a little smaller, they are all warriors!"

"Aha, people from Tiechen and Lushui are going to cry now. I have already seen the scene of those three big men charging."

Amidst a buzzing sound, Luo Lin led the soldiers to the back of the Steel Vein Warrior. He looked up at the tall Steel Vein leader and smiled gently: "You have helped us and told us about the Dark Legion, so You are our friend. Now, your tribe has been attacked by the Dark Legion because of this incident, and our God of War sentry will never disappoint our friends. After Damon told me about this incident, we came here."

This is a scene talk, of course not to Luo Lin himself, but to the Steel Veined Warriors.


"Will you never disappoint?"

Luo Lin's words aroused great emotional resonance among many steel-veined warriors. The leader of this flesh man said so, and he did it too!

When his tribe was in a huge crisis and needed help the most, he resolutely took his archers away from the safe post, entered the dark and dangerous Crimson Land desperately, and rushed to fight for them .

This behavior really makes people speechless. If this is not considered a friend, then there is no such thing as a friend in the world.

Friendship has taken root in the hearts of these simple and honest food giants with a little bit of cleverness.

The incarnation of Luo Lin's iron-eating giant sighed and expressed the feelings of the tribal warriors: "Indeed, we are friends. Our Steel Veined Tribe will never disappoint our friends!"

"Never let me down!" Many giant warriors couldn't help shouting.

"Then let us fight side by side." Rowling also shouted.

"Okay, let's fight side by side!" The steel vein leader roared loudly, his voice was full of arrogance, and the soldiers also roared, and the originally low morale suddenly became extremely high.

Compared with the great increase in the strength of the steel-veined giant, the two tribes opposite Tiechen and Lushui felt uncomfortable.

Originally, the confluence of the opponents should be a very good opportunity to attack, but the problem is that the leader of Green Water, Ethan, saw that there were so many meat archers on the opposite side, so he immediately didn't dare to let his soldiers take the lead.

Although they definitely have more fighters than the opponent, they can still win if they fight hard, but when his fighters charge first, those flesh men will definitely start shooting arrows. After a few waves, his fighters will definitely suffer heavy losses and their vitality will be greatly damaged. After the victory, maybe their strength is no match for the Tiechen tribe.

How can this work?

Therefore, when the archers and the steel-veined tribe converged, Ethan was negotiating with Gratul to adjust the attack formation.

After a while of arguing between the two sides, Gratul finally agreed to replace some of the leading fighters with members of his tribe. In doing so, he missed the best time to attack. The coalition forces have already set up their formation, just waiting for them to attack.

In this formation, Luo Lin's three steel shield avatars and iron-eating giants lead the battle as an iron wall to resist the opponent's charge, and the archers behind will throw at the opponent at the beginning, and after the two sides fight, they will change to aim and shoot , put cold arrows in the rear.

For such a group of archers with legendary strength, their archery definitely refers to where to shoot. If the opponent does not dodge deliberately and allows them to shoot, they will not feel anything at first. Finding casualties would be surprisingly high.

Apparently, Tie Chen and the warriors of the Green Water Tribe had also dealt with flesh men, and when they saw so many archers, their backs felt a little chilled.

Ethan and Glatu looked at each other, and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes: 'This battle is not easy to fight! '

On this side, the coalition forces of the Steel Vein Tribe and the God of War sentry are in the minority, so they don't take the initiative to attack, but wait for the opponent to attack first and launch a defensive counterattack.

For a moment, the two sides looked at me and I looked at you, and the confrontation began.

"What should I do?" Glatu asked Ethan. To be honest, when the opponent's archer appeared, he didn't want to fight anymore. Let's just treat this mission as a failure. It's not too late to retreat now, at least they have nothing to lose.

Ethan's idea was different. He thought of attacking. He took this opportunity to wipe out the warriors of the Iron Veins tribe, and then his tribe could occupy the iron ore veins. Can get cold iron veins.

As for the Tiechen tribe, he didn't even think about taking a share with them. They were just a tool that he could sacrifice at any time to achieve his goal.

So he said viciously: "Fight! It's not like we can't fight!"

Hearing this, Glatul looked carefully at Ethan's eyes. From these shining red eyes, he saw ambition, greed, and violence.

Iron-eating giants are generally stupid and easy to be fooled, but those who can become leaders have very good brains.

Earlier, Rowling planted a seed of 'suspicion' in Gratu's mind. At this time, under the huge pressure from the outside world, this seed quickly took root and sprouted. Gratu couldn't help thinking: "The Green Water Tribe is better than me." I am powerful, and the leader of this tribe is tougher than me. If I cooperate with such a dangerous person, what should my tribe do if the other party finally turns his back? "

After much deliberation, Gratu realized that if such a result really happened, he and his tribe would have to wait for death!

This is not the result he wanted.

Thinking of this, Gratu felt that there was nothing to talk about in this chase, the matter had already failed, and he didn't want to continue to mix it up.

"My soldiers, the other side has a strong reinforcement, and this place is no longer the Withered Plain, it is very dangerous near the invader post, there is no need to fight this battle, let's go!"

"Glatu, you!!!" Ethan's eyes widened with disbelief.

"I don't want to follow the path of the Steelvein tribe, Ethan, I'm afraid of you, you make me feel uneasy. I have to preserve the power of the tribe, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, ignoring Ethan's glaring glare, Gratu waved his hand and led his soldiers back slowly until they were several hundred meters away from the green water warriors. Then he turned around and strode back towards his lair.

He just left decisively.

"..." Ethan was speechless angrily.

"..." The steel-veined warriors here are also speechless, but they are very happy, because this war seems to be avoidable.

As soon as Gratu left, the number of soldiers from Ethan's Green Water Tribe was about the same as that of the Allied Forces of the Steel Veined God of War, but the latter's military configuration was clearly superior. The Green Water tribe is no longer an opponent of the coalition forces.

"Damn it! Let's go too!" Ethan gave the order to retreat angrily. Although he was unwilling, he had no choice.

In an instant, the two tribes that were united and separated completely retreated, and the plight of the Steel Vein tribe disappeared immediately.

In the sky, the winged demon Ertumen, who has been observing the development of the situation, sighed: 'Hey, the iron-eating giants are really a bunch of hopeless idiots! '

The good situation disappeared in vain, and when it was time to fight, he was flinched by a few words from the opponent, and it turned into an absurd farce. Now, the iron dust and green water tribes are suspicious of each other. Even if the lava giant and the black tooth snakeman join, the strength of this coalition force will be greatly reduced.

More importantly, the raid plan has been leaked, and the other party will definitely prepare for defense. For example, the Steel Vein tribe has completely fallen to the God of War sentry right now. After what happened tonight, these giants will definitely stand with the God of War sentry with all their hearts, not to mention the support from other sentries.

It can be said that the longer time passes, the less likely it is to form a dark army to wipe out the God of War sentry.

‘I don’t know if this attack plan can continue, hey~’ Ertumen sighed.

He knew that he had to report this matter to the master now, but he didn't know how the master would punish him in the end, and he didn't dare to think about it.

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