Legendary Hero

652 The Interpersonal Communication Rules Of The Natural Pantheon (3/3)

To the west of the God of War sentry post is a mountain forest with steep and undulating terrain, which is most suitable for hiding.

During this period of time, the God of War sentry was being repaired, and there was no movement. On the second day, Sandro took his four war servants to the mountain forest.

The five climbed to the high ground in the forest and looked at the God of War sentry towering in the distance.

From here, it is basically impossible to see the specific situation inside the sentry post, and everything is covered by the golden-red halo outside the sentry post.

"Did you see that? The God of War's power is constantly improving, and a year ago, he was just an ordinary demigod!" There was a hint of shock in Sandro's voice.

The speed of the other party's promotion was so fast that it was too late for him to react. If he had dealt with this guy from the beginning, he could easily erase his soul. How could he have reached this point.

Up to now, facing this sentry post, he almost had a similar feeling to facing the Evernight Goddess. The faint coercion of the opponent gave him an illusion of grandeur, majesty, and brilliance that he couldn't face directly.

The Evernight Goddess gave him the feeling that it was "dark, treacherous, unfathomable like an abyss, and would be swallowed if it got close."

Originally, the majesty of this sentry post was just ordinary, but looking at it now, Sandro was almost indistinguishable.

His four servants did not speak, but followed Sandro's gaze at the distant sentry post.

"Master has set sophisticated camouflage charms on your bodies, do you feel confident sneaking into the other party's guard?" Sandro asked again.

The four looked at each other, and then the female body said, "It looks difficult, but it's not impossible. But Sandro, sneaking in is very dangerous. Do you have any specific plans?"

Although this void is a female body, her voice is very indifferent, without the slightest emotion, cold and without warmth.

Sandro frowned deeply: "I feel that there is a huge danger hidden in the guard post ahead, and there are some changes that I don't know about at all. If we don't know about it, when we really face it, I'm afraid late."

The four war servants looked at each other again, and then nodded, apparently agreeing with Sandro.

"That's true." Void said again, she controls the divinity of space, is best at hiding and escaping, and she is still a female body, and she is a very beautiful woman, these are her advantages.

The four war servants had the same heart and a tacit understanding. After making eye contact for a while, Void said: "I will try to sneak in to find out the situation, but you don't have any hope of success. My sneaking is also to ensure my own safety. a rule."

"Of course!" Sandro said without any objection.

Since it's an infiltration, the smaller the target, the better, so Void will go alone, but the non-life breath on these servants is too strong, so it will definitely fail.

Therefore, before setting off in the void, Sandro gave her a make-up lesson: "The members of the Natural God Department are very casual and enthusiastic, so you can't go like this, it's too indifferent, too conspicuous, and it's easy to be remembered. Once you have any strange behavior, you will be suspected."

There was a hint of confusion in Void's eyes. Although she was in human form, she was in essence a creation of the Evernight Goddess, an artificial life, not a real natural product, so although she understood what Sandro said, she was concerned about the "willfulness, There is no specific understanding of the words casual and enthusiastic.

Seeing her like this, Sandro patted his forehead, felt a little headache, thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said: "My next action may be a bit offensive, but it will never hurt you. I ask your forgiveness first, even if you Teach me about it, and don’t beat me to death.”

"Since it doesn't hurt me, it's not an offense. Naturally, I won't teach you a lesson." The face of Miss Void showed confusion again, as did the other three. Strange.

"Very good." Sandro nodded. He first blessed himself with a consoling magic of protection, then took a step forward, raised his hands, and clasped the two balls on the chest of the void one left and one right. Soaring up. Although the material of the dark red armor on Void was very tough, it was still soft, so Sandro pinched it hard a few times. While pinching, he was ready to back away at any time to avoid possible lessons from the other party.

But he was disappointed. He squeezed ten times in a row, but the other party still didn't respond, just looked at him suspiciously.

When Sandro was about to squeeze eleven times and wanted to continue to experience this wonderful feeling, Kong Kong couldn't help but said: "Sandro, what is your purpose for doing this? Such a soft attack obviously can't hurt me. any harm."

Looking at the indifferent void, Sandro had the urge to grab the ground with his head. He withdrew his black hand and taught earnestly: "My action just now belongs to the level of touching among members of the natural god system, and it is an expression of intimacy. Actions can only be used between people who are close. If a stranger treats you like this, it is the so-called offense. When you encounter offense, you should get angry, get angry, and then teach the other party some lessons."

"Lesson? Kill him?" This time it was "Miss" Xushi who asked, she had the powerful power of time, and was obviously also very confused by Sandro's actions.

The other two war servants also looked at Sandro, like an ignorant child, waiting for his explanation.

"No, no, no, it's not killing him. In the natural pantheon, the offense is mild or serious. If it's just touching, you should slap him in the face, just like this, yes, that's it. Don't... ...Absolutely not with all your strength! Absolutely not, you know? Just use...about five percent of your strength."

Sandro felt his mouth dry when explaining the most basic rules of communication for these four powerful warriors who had just entered the world, but he had to explain clearly, otherwise this so-called infiltration operation would not be successful at all.

"Then what will happen if I use all my strength?" The curious Miss Void looked at her tender hands.

"You will pat his head into meat paste, which will cost him his life. Although he offended you first, the punishment is too heavy, and you will get into a lot of trouble, understand?" Shan A voice in Drew's mind told him to be patient.

Fortunately, although these four war servants were ignorant, they were absolutely smart. As long as Sandro said it once, they could understand it very well, and they would never ask repeated questions.

So, in this mountain forest, Sandro began to patiently explain to the four war servants. At first, it was the rules of interpersonal communication within the natural pantheon. Later, he couldn't stand the inquiries of the four curious babies. The scope of this explanation Getting bigger and thinner.

The four war servants learned quickly. Half a day ago, they went from beginners who didn't understand anything. After half a day, what they had in their minds was almost the same as Sandro. Most of the knowledge of runes is taught.

At this time, the sky had begun to darken. This dark environment was very bad for members of the natural pantheon, but it had little effect on dark creatures like them.

At this time, Sandro was giving his final explanation. His current situation was a bit weird. Instead of wearing the black robe on his body, he took off his naked body, showing a body with ribs, and then he just lay on the same bed in the same state. On Void, he explained while exercising: "See? When a male member of the natural pantheon treats you like this, his guard against you will be greatly reduced. At the same time, he will have a false sense of possession and A sense of responsibility can become very, very stupid. You must make good use of this, which can bring you a lot of convenience, and in many cases, it will even become a source of key intelligence.”

"Sense of possession and responsibility? It's such a strange life." Void acted according to the reaction Sandro told, and made a cooperative demeanor and behavior. Although Sandro was very excited, she didn't feel any special feeling. She just The rules of interpersonal communication are really complicated and weird.

"Also, don't let men do this kind of action with you lightly. In daily life, you must keep your chastity... Do you understand chastity? It's good to understand. In the natural god system, although profligate women You won’t be despised, but a clean woman can always be welcomed by men, and they will compete to please you, and this is where you can take advantage of it.” Sandro panted while explaining, He is really old, and he is so tired after such a small exercise, but the body created by the goddess is really wonderful.

"But you took away my virginity now." Void was confused.

"I just let you have a similar experience. Your body will heal quickly and return to normal. As long as there is no abnormality on the outside, those stupid mortals will think you are pure." Sandro shuddered, and then from Void climbed down, put on a robe to cover his thin body, and continued: "You are very smart and beautiful, and now, you have a charming posture again. I believe you will succeed."

Kong Kong also stood up, ready to put on his armor: "I don't think it's difficult."

"Remember not to wear these armors, hide them. You have to wear the clothes of ordinary Holy Spirit mercenaries. I have prepared this for you." Sandro took out a set of clothes for female Holy Spirits and handed them over. Those who wear it on their bodies.

"Okay, you go, follow the plan we agreed on."

"Understood." Void jumped off the cliff with a vertical leap, and then she made a big circle and rushed to the God of War post from behind. She will be an ordinary mercenary who rushed from the Silver Fortress to the God of War post for adventure.

Watching Void leave, Sandro looked at Xuhuo and Xushui, two male servants, and ordered: "The next is you, you have to use your own advantages to take off your clothes, and I will give you a personal guide."

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