Legendary Hero

655 Just Instinct (1/3)

After a full half a day, Luo Lin finally completely observed the dark runes on the intruding woman.

This opportunity is very precious, so Luo Lin is careful not to waste a cent. Because in the battle of two gods, opportunities like today can hardly be repeated again.

First of all, this is definitely a life created by the opponent with a lot of effort. The opponent carries a large number of high-level runes involving space rules. It is impossible for such a life to appear in large numbers, because for a god, every rune involving basic laws They are all very precious, and consume a lot of power, so they will not be used lightly.

Secondly, the other party was unsuspecting, or in other words, she was not wary enough to perceive the existence of Luo Lin, who had become a powerful god. Let Luo Lin see her whole body from top to bottom, feel the essence clearly, she is not aware of it, let alone resist. If it was a fierce battle on the battlefield, it would be impossible to observe with peace of mind.

The third and most rare point is that the other party actually took the initiative to sneak into his God's Domain. Inside the God's Domain, the rules are completely controlled by Luo Lin. This is Luo Lin's absolute home field, and his strength can be exerted to the maximum extent, which is also the greatest prerequisite for him to complete careful observation.

No matter how you look at it, this guy is in the rhythm of throwing himself into the net.

The next work is left to the brain, which analyzes the functions of the runes, and then uses them for reference. Anyway, there is no copyright in this world, so there is no need to use it for nothing.

Rowling himself began to do the second step. He began to quietly block the space inside the sentry post.

The interior space of the sentry post is like a pond full of water. The space is like the sea, so the pond is also very deep. There are many criss-crossing waterways under the pond, and each waterway is connected to the external space.

Here, ordinary mortal mages naturally cannot use teleportation spells, because Luo Lin has sealed off the surface space, and mortal mages can't find those deep waterways at all, but this intruder has the divinity of the goddess of the night inside. , Now this blockade is of no use to her.

Therefore, Luo Lin began to block the deep waterways one by one.

Before he was promoted to a powerful god, he couldn't do this at all. Even when this intruder sneaked into his guard post and entered the periphery of his god's domain, he was busy with promotion and didn't even notice the abnormality.

This is the gap brought about by the level of divine power. Powerful gods and non-powerful gods are at completely different levels.

For this, Luo Lin felt very fortunate. Fortunately, the powerful Evernight Goddess didn't pay attention to him at first, otherwise he might have lost his soul by now.

Outer circle of sentries.

Oliver took Void's hand and ran all the way in the alleys of the outer circle, and finally reached the bottom of a clock tower. He pointed to the clock tower and said, "Follow me."

The two entered the clock tower, climbed along the mechanical structure inside the tower, and soon arrived at the gear turntable room inside the tower, found a safe space to sit down here, and then Oliver gave himself a crystal monocular Sweetheart.

"Looking at it this way, I applied a layer of special alchemy potion on the crystal lens, which can make the lens filter out some excess light."

The bell tower is about 15 meters high, far less tall than the city wall. You shouldn't be able to see the Lord's Mansion, but because of the terrain, the Lord's Mansion is on the top of the mountain and the terrain is high. From here, you can clearly see the Lord's Mansion with the help of a telescope. Case.

Void's vision is very good. If there is no halo, the visibility of the air is good. She can clearly see the facial features of a person standing ten kilometers away. Although she doesn't understand the specific function of the telescope in her hand at this time, she still According to Oliver's instructions, put it in front of your eyes, and then look in the direction of the Lord's Mansion.

It's very strange, the Lord's Mansion in the lens looks a little dark, but the golden-red halo that obscured it has disappeared, and the distance has been shortened a lot by this strange little thing. From here, she can clearly see The condition of the inner circle.

The guards stationed on the inner castle, the internal architectural layout, the details of the fortress, and the various bright and dark sentries can be seen clearly one by one, which is amazing.

"This thing is really easy to use, and you can see it clearly." Void couldn't help but praise, she can guarantee that even Sandro doesn't know the real situation inside the intruder post, and her trip was not in vain.

Occasionally, she turned the lens to observe outside the sentry post, and she found that the ubiquitous red light mist in the sky outside the sentry post had been filtered a lot. Through this lens, she could see a long distance. She deliberately looked towards the place where Sandro was hiding in the forest, and saw a black shadow flashing there, and she could see them.

Void frightened and quickly turned the lens barrel. Originally covered by light and fog, the mountains were absolutely safe. Unexpectedly, this barrier of safety was broken by this inconspicuous gadget. The natural god system is really terrifying.

But Void quickly forgot about this, and she became excited. Soon, her eyes turned to the square in the inner circle, where many soldiers were training. Although they didn't look very strong, they were stronger than Oliver beside him. It took a long time, enough to make her feel a faint sense of threat.

"If there are five soldiers like this, I should be able to deal with them easily. If there are ten, it will be a bit tricky. If there are twenty, I'm afraid I will have to turn around and run away. But this is just an ordinary confrontation, purely a competition of force .If I use the power of space, I can kill a hundred or a thousand of them slowly one by one." Xu Kong estimated in his heart.

In the abyss, as long as she wants, she can escape thousands of kilometers in an instant, and then return in an instant, or she can achieve more than twenty consecutive teleportations in one second, and each teleportation is only half a meter. This kind of power is used to fight, it is extremely terrifying, it is far from being able to resist by mortals.

"Oliver, can you give me this telescope?" Kong Kong liked this peculiar gadget in his hand very much. She liked it in her heart and wanted it, so she said it outright.

Oliver wished to take out his heart and give it to this woman. Hearing this, he nodded hurriedly: "No problem, I'm very happy that you like it. I still have many interesting things at home. How about I take you to pick them out?"

Void originally wanted to refuse, because the most important thing she should do now is to stay on the clock tower and watch the situation in the inner circle of the sentry post. This is the most likely important news, but she is very curious about the fun stuff Oliver said, and was disturbed The heart is itching, I can't go if I want to go, I am very entangled.

'To go or not to go? Forget it, let's go and have a look, what if we find something as useful as this telescope again? ’ Kong Kong quickly convinced herself that for a life like her that has just been born for a long time, there is basically no such thing as self-control, and she is now in the stage of following her preferences.

But just when she was about to agree, a third person's voice suddenly sounded beside her: "This beautiful lady, I think your adventure will end early."

"Who's there?" Void turned pale with fright, and looked around, only to see a young man looking at him with a smile. The man was just suspended in the air without moving, but Void didn't feel the slightest wave of magic power or divine power. .

"Who are you?!" Void felt tremendous pressure. Under this heavy pressure, she couldn't care about anything, and her first thought was to run away.

How to escape? Naturally, teleport away.

Her figure suddenly became blurred, showing heavy light and shadow, which lasted for about two or three seconds, and then became clear again, but it was still empty. At this time, her face was full of anxiety.

In the three seconds just now, she tried all the exits in this space, but the originally effective escape routes disappeared at this time, and she couldn't break through anyway.

"Who are you? What have you done?" Void waited in full force, she had completely ignored her identity, and quickly took out the set of armor and weapons from her storage space. The cave was full of light, these powerful artifacts It automatically appeared on her body.

This set of armor is dark red in color, with a mysterious and dangerous style. There is faint dark red smoke around the armor, which looks like the style of a dark warrior.

Oliver on the side was stunned, with an expression of disbelief. How could his beloved be a dark creature? And it turned out to be a secret agent who sneaked into the sentry post?

At this moment, he felt a broken heart.

Facing Luo Lin's void with all her heart, she didn't forget him. She kicked Oliver who was standing beside her, and a huge force exploded. Oliver couldn't resist at all. The whole person flew out like a cannonball, breaking through the outer wall of the clock tower. After that, it continued to fly out and fell on the street outside the clock tower, smashing a big hole in the street floor. In the hole, Oliver lay covered in blood.

He seemed to be still conscious, and his eyes could still turn. Although he was seriously injured, his gaze was looking through the hole in the wall of the clock tower, looking at the woman in the dark red armor inside the clock tower, his eyes full of sadness.

Of course he knew the identity of the young man who suddenly appeared, that is the owner of this sentry, God of War Luo Lin. Since he had appeared, there was no way for Aishiya to escape, and he would definitely die.

Oliver felt extremely heartbroken when he thought that the woman with pure eyes would be purified by the God of War, even if the opponent was a dark warrior.

As for the injury on his body, he didn't take it seriously at all. He knew that Aisia had kept her hand, otherwise, with the ability she had shown before, she could have killed him with a single stroke.

In the clock tower, for some reason, Kong Kong could easily understand the meaning in the eyes of the man lying on the ground, and couldn't help but tremble in her heart, an indescribable soreness emerged from her heart and stuck in her chest , very uncomfortable.

'How is this going? Could it be that I was hurt? Or did Oliver put a curse on me? What curse is this? Why can't I feel the breath of power? ’ The void is strange.

In the midst of this shock, other thoughts couldn't help popping up: "It's probably going to be the end this time, and I don't know if that fool will be implicated by me. Hey, I probably won't encounter such a simple kindness in the future." guy. '

Although she was created by the goddess of the night, the goddess endowed her with many life instincts and self-awareness in order to make her creations have the greatest wisdom. And these basic instincts, stimulated by a large amount of information and under the control of self-awareness, naturally began to deduce the logic of the existence of many lives.

Some of these logics were realized by Kong Kong, but many of them only operated in Kong Kong's subconscious, and she didn't even realize it for a while.

During this period of time, Oliver devoted himself wholeheartedly to her. For a life, cooperating with such a person is the most beneficial for him to continue to exist. Now that this relationship has been forcibly stripped away, the instinct of life will find a way to continue Such a cooperative relationship, reflected in the surface consciousness, made Xu Kong feel extremely reluctant.

Some people may call this kind of reluctance to be love, but stripping away the romance of those poets and deducing it all the way according to the logic of life, in fact, this is also in line with the survival instinct of life to protect itself.

Luo Lin was not in a hurry to act, and his purpose was not simply to destroy the intruder, he had his own plan.

What he manifested at this time was just an ordinary avatar, almost like an illusion, without power. He had observed the intruder for a long time, and when he saw her appearance, he could easily read her mind: "Don't you want him?"

"Hmm... don't worry about it!" Void suddenly glared, the sword in his hand vibrated, and the sword clanged, ready to strike, or in other words, it was the last struggle.

"I'll give you a chance." Luo Lin said.

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