Legendary Hero

664 Is Not An Opponent At All (1/3)

There is only one emotion in Sandro's heart, and that is anger.

He had waited outside the God of War post for a long time before, when suddenly his soul was taken away by the Goddess of the Night, and put into the Kingdom of God, tortured a hundred times and almost collapsed!

At first, he felt baffled, and only thought it might be because he had blasphemed and frivolously despised the creation of the goddess.

It wasn't until his soul returned to his body in the Crimson Land that he realized that it was Void who had betrayed him. He asked her to inquire about the news, but the other party devoted herself to the natural god system without saying a word. She lived a carefree life, but it made him suffer so much!

The current situation is that when the enemy meets, his eyes are blood red, and he is ready to take revenge!

Aisia surprisingly didn't feel the slightest bit of fear, she didn't even draw out her sword, she just held the hilt casually, with a smile on her face: "Xu Shi, Sandro, is there anyone else in the tower?" ? Did Xuhuo and Xushui come? Or just you two?"

"Hmph! I didn't learn it well, but I learned arrogance!" The power in Sandro's body shook violently, the runes on the floor of the room shone brightly, and phantoms of runes appeared layer by layer, and began to rise slowly. Layer upon layer, spread to every corner of the room.

"This space has been completely blocked by me. You can't sneak into the deep layer, and you can't escape. How can you resist the attack of Xushi when you have lost your greatest strength!" Sandro had a vengeful smile on his face, and his body moved forward. The corner receded, and at the same time, he had a black floating shield on his body, just in case.

Aisia still didn't launch an attack, and there was no panic on her face, and the smile became stronger instead. She didn't look at Sandro, and kept staring at Xushi in front of her.

Her extraordinary power is space, while the extraordinary power of Void Time is time. Although the opponent's control over this power is not as good as her control over space, the power of time is higher than space, and it is the most elusive in the endless void things. In the past, when the two really fought, they really didn't know who would win and who would lose.

But that was her in the past. At that time, her greatest power was space, but her martial skills were only mediocre. But now, as a crimson swordsman, she travels across the withered plain and has won a lot of rewards from the God of War. Many special abilities and items.

It is precisely because of these newly acquired powers that she can be confident.

Still not drawing his sword, Aisia looked at Xu Shi with a smile. Compared with a few months ago, the opponent's strength has also improved a little, but there is a big gap with her. The biggest difference is that there is no divine fire in the opponent's body, only divinity. She could see that this power was completely gifted by the Evernight Goddess.

"Xu Shi, you are not my opponent. Tell me the secret here, I don't have to kill you." Aisia smiled faintly, but her eyes were slowly turning cold, she chose her own path, On this road, she controls her own destiny, and she can choose the life she wants. She draws her sword against anyone who stands in her way.

Xu Shi looked cautious, although the other party didn't make any moves, but a black flame was burning on his body. This flame carried a strange power that could resist the rules, and her time attack was greatly weakened.

"You actually ignited your own divine fire!" The demigod walked all over the abyss, and Xu Shi recognized the source of the opponent's strength at a glance.

Aisia laughed, lighting the magic fire was her most proud achievement, and the surprised expression on the other party's face was scratching her itch, she was very proud: "Yes. Are you envious? But don't worry, you will never will get it. Our mother god does not allow any independent will in the children she creates. In her shadow, you are just a slightly wiser puppet."

Xu Shi was surprised at first, and then she was outraged. She felt that the other party was really heinous and unforgivable: "The mother god created us, gave us life, and should be in charge of our destiny. Void, your thoughts are too evil. Such thoughts should not exist, I must purify you today!"

The mysterious power of time rises, and everything in the room on the top floor of the sentry tower begins to freeze, and the glowing space runes in the air also become dim, not because of energy consumption, but because time is greatly slowed down. The radiance was frozen.

This power also affected Aishia. From the outside to the inside, the black flames around her body began to dim and freeze bit by bit, as if frozen by frost.

But the divine fire is divine fire after all. As soon as he felt the invasion of the power of rules, it immediately started to run at high speed. The divine power in Aishia's body suddenly swelled, and the flames flourished from the body, rushing out from the inside out.

'Peng! 'The sound of the air being squeezed by divine power, a wave of dark light exploded like a tsunami, forming a thick circle of dark light around Aisia's body, reducing the erosion of time power to one-tenth of the original less than.

Although time continued to invade, Shenhuo's counterattack had bought enough time for Aishia to counterattack.

'Zheng! ’ The sword rang out, and Aisia’s ice-like voice sounded at the same time: "Xushi, I have learned a lot during this period of time. One of them is the sword technique of God of War: Void Vortex. Try it."

In the words, the flames on the side of Aisia flowed and turned into countless vortexes. There were also thorns flashing on the sword, but they were no longer ordinary black flames. Infinity is like an exquisite abstract painting.

"My sword is not entirely from the Mother Goddess. There are one hundred and forty-four God of War runes on this sword. It has a new name called 'Light Dark Wind Thunder Thorn'. Listen carefully, when the vortex flows, Is there a howling wind, or a thunderbolt?"

Aisia's words were neither fast nor slow, and her voice was clear, but her counterattack was extremely sharp.

In the sentry tower, her body was like a phantom phantom, suddenly soaring up, and the sound of cracking ice spread in all directions where she passed.

What cracked was naturally not ice, but the space that was solidified by the space talisman and the power of time. At this moment, wherever Aisia passed, space fragments were everywhere.

Originally, these fragments should evaporate quickly and turn into the most basic energy to volatilize, but due to the effect of time force, these fragments only emit a faint light, just like splashed glass crystals.

When Sandro next to him saw this situation, he was startled and felt very bad: 'Xu Shi is not necessarily an opponent. No, I can't stay here any longer. The dark nervous system cannot afford the loss of a talent like me. '

He's a master of runes, give him time to prepare runes, he can wield great power, but melee combat isn't his forte.

As soon as he realized something was wrong, Sandro immediately retreated quietly.

On the other side, Aisia rushed to Xu Shi in an instant, and the sword in his hand slashed towards Xu Shi's neck. Where the sword edge passed, there were indeed fine thunderbolts and a shrill wind.

This speed was too fast, and the attack was too fierce. Although the power of time kept pressing the opponent's divine power into her body, Xu Shi knew that before the power of time had an impact on the opponent, she would definitely be killed.

She backed away with all her strength, and quickly raised the sword in her hand, trying to block it.

"Ding!" She successfully blocked, and the power of time helped her, making her extremely fast.

"Dang!" There was a cracking sound that followed, Xu Shi felt his hands were empty, and when he looked around, he opened his eyes wide in shock, her sword was forcibly cut off by the opponent!

"Is it over?" Xu Shi sighed for a long time, the sword was broken, the opponent's sword was less than two centimeters away from her neck, she had nowhere to hide.

At the last moment, she felt a little envy in her heart: 'I also want to taste the taste of freedom. '

As soon as she finished grasping this thought, she felt that she was hit hard on the neck, and the pain hit her. Her eyes went black and she lost consciousness.

The power of time disappeared without a trace, and Aisia was free. She turned her head to look in the direction of Sandro, but she didn't see anyone.

After thinking about it for a while, Aishia understood what was going on: "Coward, did you run away when you saw something was wrong?"

When she didn't kill Xu after all, she just slapped her unconscious with the back of her sword. At the same time, power poured into the opponent's body, sealing her power, and the opponent just passed out. With her physical strength, it is estimated that she will die in ten minutes. will wake up.

There is no way to stay here for a long time, there may be dark fighters to support at any time, and the prisoners have already been captured, Aisia immediately stepped forward to pick up Xu Shi's body, then stretched out his feet and wiped the runes on the ground several times, destroying the space Block the magic circle, then leap into the air, and dive into the depths of the space.

Arriving outside the sentry tower, Aisia saw Gorensen who was still pouring divine power into the space vibration scroll. She thought this guy was so honest and cute, and jumped out of the space again: "The thing is done, let's go!"

Gorenson was on his guard. Seeing Aisia coming out with a beautiful woman, he knew that the matter was done, and immediately stopped inputting divine power into the scroll.

The scroll lost its supply of divine power, and immediately ignited spontaneously without fire, and turned into nothingness in an instant, which made Gorensen regretful for a while.

"Don't be a pity. Let's go." Aishia urged.


The two left quickly, and after traveling for hundreds of kilometers, Xu woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Xu Kong sitting opposite her and looking at her.

"woke up?"

"I'm not dead? You didn't kill me? Why didn't you kill me?" Xu Shi touched his neck, except for some damage, there was no serious problem, but all the power in his body was imprisoned, completely out of her control .

Athea was roasting bacon on a bonfire. Oliver specially made this bacon for her as dry food. It was very delicious and she liked it very much.

Seeing her past sister woke up, she didn't rush to ask, but just handed over a piece of already heated bacon: "You already know my question. It depends on your choice whether to answer or not. No, try this first, delicious."

Xu Shi was confused, in her world, either friends or enemies, friends use each other, enemies destroy each other, the middle state is absolutely not allowed to exist, she doesn't understand what kind of relationship she has with Void now relation.

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