Legendary Hero

Chapter 673 The Shell of Creation (4) (1/3)

With a sound of "chi", Luo Lin killed a minotaur that came out of the lava and attacked it.

This is already the fourth lava beast he has encountered. Although this monster is very large, after being killed, its body began to glow and shrink like the original strange flying snake, and finally became a monster full of strange runes. crystal sphere.

This is the fourth crystal ball Luo Lin has harvested.

After putting it away, he rested for a while, and Luo Lin continued to explore this vast and strange underground world.

The temperature here is still very high, but there is much less magma flowing on the ground, and most areas are covered with high-temperature scorched earth. The swaying heat wave gave Luo Lin the illusion that he was walking on the surface of the sun.

Ahead was a steep slope, the top of which was about a hundred meters higher than him, and the surrounding terrain was relatively flat, so Luo Lin decided to climb up to see the surrounding situation.

The steepest part of the slope has an inclination angle of 70 degrees, which is almost perpendicular to the ground. Because of the protruding rocks in many places, there are also sharp inclinations, making it very difficult to climb.

Originally, Luo Lin planned to fly up directly, but this ghostly place is too blocked from the spiritual sense, if he is attacked by a powerful enemy while flying in the air, he will easily fall into a passive position.

In case such an accident occurred, Luo Lin prepared to climb up, and walked around the bottom of the slope. Luo Lin chose the slowest path and began to climb. He climbed carefully and at a very slow speed. He climbed up to five times a second. rice.

Halfway through the climb, when Luo Lin's hand was placed on a hot rock, his eyes suddenly fixed on this rock.

The rock is scorched black, the temperature is about 200 degrees, and its hardness is very good. It is a very good point of focus. From the surface, there is nothing special about this rock, but Luo Lin's eyesight is vicious and his heart is cautious. He sensitively noticed a dissonance on the surface of the stone.

So he began to observe carefully, and after watching for more than 20 seconds, he was sure that the rock had suffered a lot of force not long ago, and there was a very, very shallow footprint on the rock surface.

The rock at the footprint did not show any major deformation, but there were some abnormalities in the grain arrangement on the hard surface of the rock. In this high-temperature environment, this abnormality lasted for at most two hours before completely dissipating, but in this footprint Before dissipating, it was discovered by Rowling.

Apparently Rollin wasn't the only one who found the trail the best climb, there were others who had been there before.

"Who is it?" Rollin estimated the size of the footprints, and immediately ruled out William. That guy would never hide his traces. If he passed by here, he would definitely leave a well-defined mark on the rock. footprints, and his feet are obviously larger than this footprint, almost twice this size.

If there is no third person in this underground space, the shape of the footprints is somewhat similar to that of Isia, but for the sake of safety, Isia will definitely hide in the small bubble of space. There is no need for her to come out to take risks, let alone climb out. This steep slope.

"There is a fourth person in this underground space, who is similar in stature to Issia... If I guessed correctly, it should be Netmel!" Rowling came to this conclusion.

It was Netmel who sealed this underground space, and it was Netmel who forced them into the seal, and the space inside this seal is not very dangerous to God, and it can break through after a long time, so she has no reason to let it go. He and William are tossing in it.

"Natemere has long known the existence of the core of the world, and must be very familiar with the situation inside, and has the advantage. If she sneaks in and makes a surprise attack, William and I may not necessarily be her opponents." Luo Lin thought to myself.

However, the other party showed signs, so that's another story.

"Judging from the footprints, the other party came here only half an hour ago. Now there are nine out of ten ambushes at the top of the slope. I just went to meet her."

Originally, the enemy was in the dark, but now because of this unexpected clue, the situation has changed, and it is no longer possible to tell who is plotting who.

He now has two options.

One is to hide in the small space bubble and sneak up to the top of the slope to observe. This method is a bit risky, because there is still some movement when opening the space bubble, and the other party will definitely be able to make such a movement. In this case, it will be difficult for him to truly enter the hidden state. He also secretly prepared a killer move. If he couldn't help but launch an attack, he would be fucked in the end.

So using space bubbles is not the best choice, because it may make him passive.

The second option is to pretend not to know and continue climbing to the top of the slope. In this case, the opponent doesn't know that he has been exposed, so he is only concentrating on preparing to attack him, while he defends with all his strength, blocks the opponent's carefully arranged killing move, and then counterattacks. This has the initiative, and the success rate is definitely higher than the first method much taller.

After deliberating and weighing, Luo Lin was fully vigilant in his heart, but on the outside he pretended that he hadn't found any footprints, and continued to climb to the top of the slope.

The 100-meter-high steep slope was nothing to him. In less than half a minute, he was only ten meters away from the top of the slope.

When he got here, Luo Lin clearly knew that there was a huge danger hidden on the top of the slope, but he didn't feel any sensation in his consciousness.

This discovery made Luo Lin feel more dignified.

At the beginning, he teamed up with other gods to abolish Boss Jin to successfully deceive Dante the Eyeless Dante's sense of danger, seriously injuring him at once, and finally leading to the defeat of the dark army. Now there should be only one Goddess of the Night, and she can do similar things, and what she is hiding is him, a powerful god, which is a hundred times more difficult than Luo Lin's original situation!

"The other party must have mastered some secret method of time. Sure enough, every powerful god has its own unique skills, and they should not be underestimated." Luo Lin sighed in his heart, his mind became more concentrated, and his climbing speed was not satisfied at all. After the top of the slope, deal with the thunderbolt of the goddess of the night.

The height of the last ten meters was passed within two seconds. Luo Lin poked his head out of the top of the slope to observe the situation. Outlining the strange face, the silver eyes on the face met him directly.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!" The thought flashed in Luo Lin's mind, and almost at the same time, the opponent made a move.

The opponent's body was as light as the feathers of a nocturnal bird, and suddenly he started up, and without a sound, two dark lights wrapped in lightning rushed towards Luo Lin.

At this moment, Luo Lin felt that large groups of dark clouds appeared in front of him, which covered the sun and the entire sky, and the whole world became dark. In the dark clouds, thunder rolled, and countless lightnings poured down. , to destroy the whole world!

"Amazing!" Luo Lin praised secretly, the sudden burst of power was terrifying, if Luo Lin hadn't known about the opponent's existence in advance, he would definitely be in a hurry at this time, and his head would be blown away by the opponent.

But unfortunately, he was already prepared.

Just as the dark clouds rose and the lightning danced wildly, a golden-red sword suddenly appeared in front of Luo Lin. The blade was glowing. First, it moved quickly, constantly resisting the attacks of the Evernight Goddess.

"Ding ding ding~" Amidst a burst of intensive explosions, the golden-red sword appeared a large number of afterimages due to its rapid movement, like a peacock spreading its tail, and like a round of red sun rising from the cliff, piercing through the black cloud cover of the goddess of the night The power of the top.

"Dang!" The last explosion sounded, but it was Luo Lin's sword that repelled the dagger in the hands of the Evernight Goddess, and jumped up to the top of the slope.

This is not to say that Luo Lin's martial arts are stronger than the Goddess of the Night. In fact, even Luo Lin himself has to admit that compared with this ancient god who has lived for an unknown number of years, he does not have the slightest advantage in martial arts. Gaining the upper hand after a bout of contests, one was prepared in the heart and caught the opponent by surprise. The second is that he uses a sword, and the opponent uses a dagger, so the attack distance of the weapon has an advantage.

Because Luo Lin had already prepared, the secretive and flexible advantages of the Evernight Goddess Dagger could not be brought into full play, but its short disadvantage was greatly enlarged, and Luo Lin was always at a disadvantage.

At the top of the slope, neither side could take advantage of the other, and it immediately turned into a face-to-face duel. At this time, the advantage of the sword weapon was expanded again.

The Goddess of the Night had already realized that the sneak attack failed, and she already had the idea of ​​retreating in her heart. She wanted to leave the battle and prepare for the next sneak attack, but Luo Lin desperately entangled her.

It's a joke, he was able to detect the other party's sneak attack this time already had a lot of luck. If he does it again, the other party will definitely be more cautious. Coupled with her time secret technique of concealing premonitions, he will probably be doomed by then.

The sound of weapons colliding on both sides was continuous, because the frequency was so high that they joined together, forming a howling sound similar to ultrasonic waves. The continuous golden red and black halos of divine power exploded in the air, like clusters of fireworks.

In three seconds, the two sides exchanged more than 500 hands, each with their own gains and losses. Luo Lin was cut with a dagger on his arm, under his ribs, and thigh. Stopping the bleeding and initially healing it is not a serious problem.

The Goddess of the Night paid the price for this. She was able to hurt Luo Lin, not because of the suppression of martial arts and strength, but because of her own injuries.

In fact, both sides use demigod incarnations, and both possess the power, wisdom, and experience of powerful gods, so they are similar in this regard.

Her condition was more serious than Luo Lin's. The mask was scratched, and there was a line of blood on it. If she hadn't leaned back quickly, her head would have disappeared.

The position of the left shoulder blade was pierced by Luo Lin's sword, and the bone was injured. Although the outside healed and no longer bleed, the bone injury was difficult to heal. Now there are many flaws in the left arm, and it is no longer flexible as before. Luo Lin's thigh was also cut with a sword, the leather armor was shattered, and the blood and flesh were rolled up, which was much worse than Luo Lin's leg injury. The last injury was the lower abdomen, which was penetrated three inches by the point of the sword. The lower abdomen is the most important node of the whole body's strength. Although she repaired the injury quickly with divine power, the whole body still had a dull pain when turning, and the overall coordination and flexibility were great. Affected.

But she is also really powerful, in this case, she can still withstand Luo Lin's attack. She has also been determined enough that she can't get out of the battle, so she concentrates on fighting, and neither of the two sides can do anything to the other.

Of course, due to her physical injury, she is currently at a slight disadvantage, but judging from the situation, the two of them can't tell the winner without fighting for a long time.

"Ding!" Another exchange of dozens of moves, the two sides each took three steps back, and then stopped, not continuing to rush forward to attack.

"You lost! You have consumed more divine power than me!" Luo Lin said coldly.

"That's not necessarily true." Netmer's hand lightly brushed the silver mask on his face, and the mask and helmet disappeared completely, revealing a face with peerless elegance.

This face is suitable for anger and joy, the eyes are like stars, the eyebrows are like crescent moons, and the lips are fresh and full. There is not a single flaw on the whole face, but these specific characteristics are not the key. When the five sense organs were combined together, it immediately hit Luo Lin's heart.

This face is 90% similar to Vianna in Troll's world. No, this is not Vianna. To be precise, this is a face specially created for Rollin. For Rollin, this means Seeing the ultimate beauty in the world can easily shake his soul.

The killing intent condensed in his heart suddenly weakened significantly, and an unbearable thought instinctively occurred in his heart: "After destroying her, I guess I will never see such a beautiful person again in this life. What a pity, maybe, I can capture her alive."

A smile appeared in Nightmere's eyes, and the opponent's killing intent disappeared, and his shots could not be as sharp as before. This is what she wanted.

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