Legendary Hero

Chapter 684 Godly Battle (3/3)

"Rowling, is it really you?" Vianna's voice was full of disbelief.

Luo Lin didn't turn around, he stared at Nightmere on the opposite side: "You take them out of here and use the teleportation spell."

"Well, good." Although Luo Lin's tone was commanding, it made Vianna feel a great sense of security, and she responded softly, and a teleportation white light flickered around her body.

"Want to leave? Dreaming!" Nightmare yelled, and stabbed the dagger in front of the air. The tip of the dagger disappeared, but it sank into the deep space.

"In terms of space power, I think I have achieved something." Luo Lin laughed, and the iron sword in his hand stabbed forward in vain.

"Ding!" Somewhere in the air between the two sides, a distorted light group suddenly appeared, and then turned into waves of ripples. This is the ripple of space, and all the substances in it cannot withstand the shock of the ripples, and quickly turned into waves. Finest white powder.

But when the ripples spread to Vianna, Horn, Jasmine, Angela and the others, they were blocked by an invisible force and could not penetrate through them.

Vianna used the group teleportation spell. Because of Luo Lin's protection, the teleportation spell went smoothly, and all the people who were originally in the hall left the dangerous area.

Nightmere's face was contorted, she was panting heavily, black smoke was suffocating between her mouth and nose, making a 'whirring' sound.

Luo Lin smiled on the surface, but he was very vigilant in his heart.

As the other party said, his body was temporarily condensed, but the other party carefully considered it. There may be little difference in strength, but there must be a gap in fine control. will be defeated, so this battle is very dangerous.

Of course, he also has an advantage, that is the assistance of the world force.

For the world of Troll, he and Netmel are both invaders, but they are different. Rollin was born in the world of Troll, and the memories of the world of Troll in his soul are his imprints of the plane. The world still knows him.

And Nightmere is a powerful God of Darkness, she is now unscrupulously destroying the laws of the Troll world, pushing the origin of the world to Rollin's side.

With the help of the world's force, Rowling has a higher degree of control over the laws of the world, and is less hindered when using the power of the laws.

Just now, for example, when it comes to space skills, Rowling is a bit higher than Knightmere, but he doesn't have an essential advantage. However, in the confrontation between the two sides, he has a slight advantage.

Therefore, in a real fight, both sides have their own advantages, and Luo Lin is not absolutely sure whether they can win.

On the eve of the battle, Luo Lin also took a deep breath in order to calm down the distracting thoughts in his heart, such as "we must win, otherwise Vianna will die" and so on.

Whenever there is a big enemy, you must stay calm to exert your greatest strength.

"Let's fight!" Luo Lin's slightly squinted eyes widened suddenly, the golden-red radiance on his body flashed violently, his body turned into a streamer, and he stepped out, his body was already in front of Netmer, and then he simply The sword stabs out.

This sword seemed to be exactly the same as Horne's, and the power was not much different, but Netmer's response was completely different, and she chose to dodge.

The mortal sword before was the crystallization of killing and the pinnacle of mortal skills, but she is a god, and her skills surpassed any mortal, so she could break it easily. But the sword of God of War, the way to simplicity, seems to be a simple sword, but this is only the performance of this sword at the time of 'now', and the entire timeline after this sword is densely covered with the shadow of this sword .

This sword shadow exhausted all the changes, and Netmere saw through the mystery in an instant, and simulated countless countermeasures in her mind, but the result was still a failure, so she chose to avoid the edge.

One is the sword of mortal space, and the other is the sword of god time, the difference cannot be counted.

Netmere retreated, retreated into the deep space, and disappeared in the eyes of mortals. Luo Lin followed closely. In his eyes, space is like water, and the other party just fell into the water.

A moment later, the two disappeared into surface space together. Immediately afterwards, shocks and ripples appeared inexplicably in several surrounding spaces, and after a few seconds, the figures of the two emerged from the surface of the space again.

In the eyes of the mortals around the Duke's Mansion, they saw two clusters of light of different colors flashing, appearing and disappearing for a while, and then the surrounding Duke's Mansion slowly turned into white in bursts of obscure power. of powder.

Vianna's group teleportation technique didn't send Horn and the others too far, because that would consume a huge amount of power, and they appeared together on the zenith of Lehman Palace, a thousand meters away.

From here, you can see the battle situation of the Duke's Mansion condescendingly.

Horn and the others are martial sages, how could they give up the opportunity to watch the battle of such a supreme powerhouse, even if they were seriously injured, they still insisted on watching.

What they see in their eyes is more specific than that of ordinary people, and they can barely see two blurred figures fighting fiercely.

The two sides are entangled together, and dense explosion sounds continue to appear, and the entire space is constantly exploding and shaking. In this space, the power of laws is constantly confronting, and various laws are changing rapidly, creating chaos.

Vianna tried to use spells, but she immediately discovered that these spells were planned as soon as they appeared, and the law power of the entire Mozaren was disrupted, and any mortal spells could not be successfully cast.

"What kind of power is this?"

This is not only a question from Vianna, but also a question from Horn and the others. They stood watching the battle in the square with shock in their eyes.

The opponent's speed is too fast, and the opponent's various techniques are too profound and obscure, they can't understand at all, but this does not prevent them from feeling the horror of this power.

"What is the strength of the mentor? Is this a god?" Angela asked softly.

Jasmine wasn't sure either, she just looked at Horn. Horn was also full of doubts, the change was too sudden, just now they all thought that Vianna was about to be unlucky, but Rollins appeared out of thin air, and then the two forces started this extremely terrifying battle.

The alchemist Biang saw it clearly, he pointed to the golden-red vortex that occasionally appeared in the distant air and said, "You can still see the shadow of mortal power, but Luo Lin has developed this power to It's beyond the comprehension of ordinary people."

Horn also saw this vortex, but this form of power is a hundred times more subtle than the essence of the martial arts that Luo Lin once gave him, and it is not at the same level at all.

He tried to understand this power, but after observing it for a while, he felt a splitting headache. This power is extremely complicated, and there is a mysterious essence running through the extremely complicated, and he can't understand it at all.

Looking at Angela and Jasmine, they were both in the same state as him.

Bi Ang sighed, and seemed to realize something: "This is God's War!"

The pinnacle of the mortal world is a legend, and the true demigod is hard to come by in thousands of years. Now the battle that even the legendary powerhouse can't understand can only be interpreted as a battle of gods.

At this moment, the battle situation in front suddenly paused, and then the two light clusters no longer flickered, they were suddenly entangled together, and there was a continuous burst of explosions, every blow was like a thunderbolt, every blow A dazzling flash appeared, and it flashed hundreds of times in an instant.

It was Rowling who, with the help of the origin of the world, completely sealed off this space. Netmer could no longer easily escape into the space, so the two sides had to confront each other head-on!

"Rolin, you are sure to die!" The dagger in Netmere's hand was changed to a moon blade at some point, and she is no longer at a disadvantage in terms of weapons.

"We have faced each other before, and you lost. This time, you will still lose!" Luo Lin's character is that the more he fights, the more courageous he is. During this period of fierce battle, with the help of his brain, he has thoroughly familiarized himself with his body , even if there is a gap with Netmer, it is not enough to affect the overall situation.

More importantly, he had beaten Knightmeyer upright before, which gave him a strong psychological self-confidence.

This self-confidence turned into an indomitable momentum. Luo Lin's fighting spirit boiled to the extreme. With a sudden roar, a vortex of divine power appeared like stars. In an instant, Luo Lin unleashed forty-nine swords, and the shadows of the swords overlapped. Handed out one after another, the power of one weight after another was like a raging wave, continuously rushing towards Netmere.

"Everything in the sky, the sword cloth kills the formation. Last time I confronted, I realized something and created the God Killing Sword. Try it."

With the help of the world's force, Luo Lin felt that the world's force was applied to him, and the killing intent in his heart boiled to an unprecedented extreme. These forty-nine swords were the embodiment of all the killing intent in his heart on the sword.

Netmel knew that her opponent had the strongest attack. This attack was already prepared by her opponent. If she forcibly attacked, she would most likely show her weakness and be killed, so she could only block it!

She blocked one sword, two swords, three swords, and blocked forty-seven swords. At the forty-eight swords, she felt that the power of the previous forty-seven swords was superimposed together, forming a majestic force. It was stacked on top of the forty-eight swords, and they all ran towards her.

This time, she gritted her teeth and used all her strength to successfully block it.

"Forty-eight swords are so terrifying, what about forty-nine swords?" When blocking this sword, such a thought flashed through Netmere's mind, and then he was shocked.

This is a psychological flaw. Although it is fleeting, how can the slightest flaw be tolerated by a peerless powerhouse?

This flaw was immediately caught by Luo Lin, and the forty-ninth sword immediately followed.

This is still the sword of time evolution. On the surface, it looks like a simple cut, but in the following time, this cut splits into countless sword shadows, completely covering Netmer's body.

With a slight sound of "噗", two balls of light flew out, and a petite body flew upside down, fell on the grass, and kept rolling backwards. Looking at the distorted appearance, all the bones of this body had been broken, and it should have been broken. is dead.

But something incomprehensible happened, the body actually struggled to get up, although the movement was weird, but it just got up, she looked at the golden-red light group that had stopped and gradually dimmed not far away, and said sharply: "Luo Lin, You wait. I am completely tired of these small fights, see you in the abyss!"

The golden-red light gradually receded, and Luo Lin also let out a long breath. He won this battle. It can be said that he only won a single blow from his opponent. If the opponent blocks the last sword, his whole spirit and killing intent will drop rapidly, he will no longer be at the peak, and his self-confidence will also be hit. In all likelihood, the opponent will seize the opportunity to fight back.

But no matter what, he always wins. The success or failure of a sword determines life and death.

Unmoved by Netmer's voice, he replied flatly, "I'm waiting for you."

Then, the little girl's body fell to the ground, turning into blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, and invading the grass. The green grass on the grass sizzled, and all of them turned into black, foul-smelling black water.

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