Legendary Hero

Chapter 707 The Black Rose Deep in Space

Around Sandro, countless runes flowed rapidly, forming a wave of light like a hurricane.

Outside this hurricane, an almost endless force rushes in all directions, and wherever this force reaches, everything is irresistible!

In a bang, Sandro's will was transmitted in an almost substantive way, fast and fast.

"Do you know what a dark star explosion is? When a plane dies, everything in the plane, the original force, magic power, matter, and energy, all condense into an infinitely tiny point, and then explode. My move, although powerful It's less than one ten-millionth of the Dark Star explosion, but it's more than enough to deal with you guys!"

"Void, don't worry, I will only kill your body, your childish and ridiculous soul, and I will dedicate it to the master with my own hands."

"Xu Shi, you too. After Xu Kong dies, it will be your turn next!"

"And you, Gorenson, you can't escape the fate of extinction. Do you know why I took action this time? I am for you three. Not only you, but your companions in other places will also suffer the same fate!"

"Ashes to ashes! Ashes to ashes! Go away!"

With this last will, the power of the dark star's explosion reached its peak, and the outward repulsion suddenly increased to an extremely terrifying place.

In the eyes of Gorenson, Aisia, and Ai Ruona, at this moment, it seemed that the entire sky had dimmed, and there was a violent force flowing around their bodies, which was so powerful that it was unparalleled.

Aisia was the most difficult. Not only did she have to resist the repulsion, but she was also surrounded by a thick black flame. The temperature of this black flame is so high that the soil around Aisia's body has turned into boiling magma. Under its continuous scorching, the battle armor has been somewhat unable to resist, the ends of her hair began to curl, and her skin began to curl. There was a distinct burning sensation.

She felt that if she lasted another half a minute, she would definitely be roasted.

"put one's oar in!!!"

The three gods roared almost at the same time, and used this magical technique at the same time. At this moment, three clear and almost transparent rays of light penetrated from their bodies, and then quickly took shape, forming an airtight oval light shield.

This light shield is very thin, almost like a soap bubble, and it seems to be easily pierced, but what subverts common sense is that, facing the raging force, this light film not only did not break, but remained motionless, as stable as Mount Tai, without being affected at all.

As soon as the light shield appeared, the three of them felt quiet around them at the same time, among which Athea felt the most obvious.

She saw that the violent black flames that were scorching her were completely blocked out by the light shield. Although the scale of the black flames did not decrease but increased, and even surrounded her whole body, they were still unable to break through this thin layer. There is almost no membrane, and it is always ten centimeters away from her body.

At this distance of ten centimeters, Aishia didn't feel any warmth at all. She rubbed the light wall with the back of her hand, and was surprised to find that the light wall was still cold and not heated by the black flames at all.

"..." For the first time, Aisia was completely shocked. She felt that the world was changing so fast, and she, who was well versed in the mysteries of space, couldn't understand the working principle of this thing at all.

"Bion's interference, who is this Bion? How could he have such a terrifying wisdom?" Aisha had such thoughts in his mind.

In fact, not only them, but even Sandro was extremely surprised, and his consciousness kept coming out.

"What is this? A protective talisman? How could there be such a powerful protective talisman in the world? It's impossible! I don't believe I can't break through!"

Sandro increased the output of divine power, and the repulsive force in the air became stronger, and the temperature and scale of the black flame doubled, burning towards Athea's light shield.

But the reality is very cruel, no matter how the black flame burns, the light shield will never move.

"How did this happen? How did this happen?" His most proud move, the attacking divine rune technique, was blocked by such an inexplicable magical technique.

He couldn't understand such power, and naturally he didn't know how to deal with it. Seeing that the three of them were about to escape by the repulsive force erupted by the dark star, he felt desperate and couldn't help praying: "Goddess, my master, look at this, Why is there such a magic in this world? Why can't your power break it? Why?"

What hit his self-confidence the most was not the failure of the divine rune technique he created, but the failure of the power of the Evernight Goddess.

The Goddess of the Night is a mighty god, and she was only a little bit promoted to the greatness of the realm of the immortal. There are no more than fifteen gods who can stand shoulder to shoulder with her in the entire endless void, and there are only three immortals who completely overwhelm her. That's all.

Could it be that the Goddess of Immortal Life made a move? How is this possible? Isn't it said that there is an agreement that 'immortals cannot fight in person'?

He couldn't figure it out.

Gorensen and the others didn't care about Sandro's frustration, he shouted: "Let's go now!"

This interference magic is a pure life-saving magic. It not only resists the enemy's attack, but also restricts many of their movements. This divine spell can only last for three minutes, and what they should do most is to take advantage of this time to run away quickly.

The three gods relaxed their resistance to the repulsive force of the dark star's eruption, and the three lights and shadows were pushed towards the Sun City in the east like cannonballs by the huge thrust.

The power of the dark star eruption is really huge. When Gorensen and others gave up resisting this power, the speed was pushed beyond the speed of sound in an instant. After exceeding the speed, it was still accelerating, accelerating... ..The three guys are like meteors piercing the sky, and they are out of Sandro's line of sight.

Originally, Sandro controlled the explosive power of the dark star, and could only push Gorenson and Ai Ruona away, but couldn't get out of the encirclement. The repulsive force on Aisia was even more finely controlled, it could only push her down, but he found that the rune technique he pushed with the divine power of the Evernight Goddess would fail, causing chaos and loss of fine control.

As a result, Gorenson and the others flew directly over more than ten kilometers. When the wall of force light appeared in front of the dark night sky, the three of them were still hundreds of meters above the sky, and they were still flying at high speed.

"The original force in the light wall is very dense, and it is impossible to break through! Dangerous!" Gorenson yelled.

Their speed is really too fast. Although they have powerful magic protection, this magic has not increased their attack power at all. After hitting the wall of original force light, the biggest possibility is to bounce back and fall into the encirclement. Wait for three minutes Once it passes, the magic spell disappears, and they are really in danger.

"Don't worry, look at me!" Athea laughed, and her figure suddenly disappeared, but she sank into the deep space. After a short while, she arrived at Gorenson's side, and then took him into the deep space, and then floated up again. Already arrived at Elona's side.

The three got together.

"Let's go!" Aisha led the two into the depths of the space.

In the deep space, the force light wall does not exist, and it is unimpeded here. This is also a matter of course, no matter how smart Sandro is, even if he can borrow a lot of Goddess of the Evernight's divine power, but the knowledge related to the deep level of space is the patent of a powerful god.

No matter how strong Sandro is, without the support of talent, it is impossible to fully control the mystery of space.

Aisia led Gorenson and Ai Ruona to travel forward in the deep space. The environment here is very wonderful, and it seems that you can feel a viscous resistance when you gently stroke with your hand.

Looking forward, you can see a mirage-like scenery in the distance, which shows the situation surrounded by darkness.

Looking back, it is still a mirage, but it is also surrounded by darkness, but the angle of observation is changed. Looking up, looking down, it's all the same.

Seeing that Gorenson and Ai Ruona looked around and had never seen the world, Aisia laughed: "It's amazing. Space is such a wonderful thing. The deeper you dive, the more you can see it at the same time." The more things you get to. When you get down to the bottom, you'll find..."

She made a fool of herself.

"What did you find?" Ai Ruona was curious.

Aisia laughed: "I realize that the entire plane world is in your eyes. As long as you think about it, you can cross the distance of a world with one step. Alright, let's go all the way down."

She took the two of them all the way down, and sure enough, as their depth continued to increase, the scenery they could see became more and more, from the initial dark encirclement, it continued to expand, expand... until the surrounding area You can have a panoramic view for hundreds of miles.

It feels a bit like ascending to an altitude of 10,000 meters, but the difference from the altitude of 10,000 meters is that the altitude of 10,000 meters can only observe the ground from the height, and what they see is only a plane, but in the depths of space, what they see is different. It is a holographic perspective of the world in which it is located.

"We are almost there. Look, we can already see the glory of Sun City. When we see Sun City, we only need to take a small step in the depths to reach the position of Sun City, and then float up, and we will reach Sun City... ...."

Althea's words stopped suddenly, almost at the same time, Gorenson and Ai Ruona felt a slight shock in their bodies, and then the surrounding scenery stopped getting bigger.

They seem to have stopped diving.

"Why did it stop?"

Gorenson was a little confused, and then, he saw that Athea's face suddenly turned pale, no, not only her, but also Ai Ruona beside her, her performance was even more exaggerated, her whole body All trembling.

Aisia cried and said, "It's not that I don't want to dive, it's that the road is blocked."

"I was blocked by someone. Who blocked...Aisha, I was killed by you!"

Gorensen had already seen the person blocking the way. Not far ahead, a charming woman in a gorgeous and delicate purple-black tulle dress was quietly floating. Her facial features are roughly the same as those of Aishiya and Ai Ruona, but her noble and gorgeous temperament is ten times better than that of the two women.

Even if Gorensen knew that this woman was a pure dark demon, he had to admit that this woman was the only beauty he had ever seen in his life. Many women may be able to compete with this woman in terms of appearance, but no one can match her delicate and seductive charm.

He even felt a pity in his heart: "How can such a beautiful woman be a devil?"

Not mentioning Gorensen's thoughts, Evernight Goddess looked at the three weak gods in front of her, her eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, the corners of her mouth were raised, and two pointed canine teeth were looming, outlining a vicious smile.

"Xu Kong, Xu Shi, long time no see." She smiled, her eyes were condescending, like looking at two harmless little white rabbits.

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