Legendary Hero

Chapter 721 The Mysterious World (1/3)

A powerful god has the same level of power as the plane, but the same power level does not mean that he can fully know the secrets of the plane.

This is like among the powerful gods, the Goddess of the Night, the God of War, and the God of the Moon all have their own unique secrets, which are the traces left on their bodies during the growth process. Except for themselves, it is difficult for other people who are close to them to know.

The same is true for planes.

Even though the Goddess of the Night controls most of the origins of the world in the Crimson Land, it does not mean that she is omniscient in the Crimson Land, otherwise there would be no such plane war.

In fact, planes also have a feature that is difficult for powerful gods to match, that is, they have experienced endless time, and this time is so long, it is not measured in hundreds of thousands, but millions, tens of millions, or even Hundreds of millions of years of history.

Even an ancient god like Alan has a lifespan of only a few hundred thousand years. Compared with the lifespan of a plane, it is like a mayfly compared to a big tree, which is completely different.

Naturally, the plane world that has experienced such a long time, what has it experienced in its life, what setbacks and sufferings it has encountered, and what kind of sublimation it has achieved, or whether it was engraved by a naughty 'child' somewhere A few words, no one can fully understand.

What does this deep-sea trench that Netmere encounters mean, when did it appear, and what is in it, she is not at all clear, because she generally only pays attention to land, and does not care much about upgrading the barren deep sea. When she was in space, she might have seen this trench, but she just thought it was an ordinary thing, and it passed by in a flash, without even leaving a memory in her mind.

Not only her, but also Luo Lin!

The plane where he arrived at the Crimson Land was far inferior to that of Netmer, so it was even more impossible for him to discover the secret hidden in the deepest part of the ocean. Seeing that Netmer got into the trench, he naturally chased him down without hesitation.

Before entering the trench, he didn't worry about any danger at all, because there was a panicked Netmer leading him to find the way.

But after entering the trench, everything changed.

Nightmere's figure disappeared, and the surroundings were no longer pitch black, but turned into grayness. This grayness is very textured. From a distance, it looks like the glaze layer on the surface of porcelain. Inside the glaze layer is a dark texture like ink landscape, with a very special style.

He soon found that he had been falling, and at the same time, he also found that he had lost contact with his dragon dimension, and he could not feel the existence of the main body.

The space here is extremely strong. Luo Lin used his divine power to activate the space talisman, and the space remained motionless, as if it did not exist at all. His palm moved again, and divine power was input into the ring wrapped around his finger. The ring stretched and changed instantly, and instantly became a long sword full of ancient flavor. This is his star meteor cloud pattern sword.

The divine power continued to pour in, and the sword showed a fine moiré luster, and a glass-like layer of light slowly emerged, which was the power of Luo Lin's space law.

A sword stabs out, the long sword advances, draws a crystal light path in the air, and then stops, it does not penetrate into the space as usual, nor does it make any air whistle, this performance is almost the same as that of ordinary mortals. The sword is exactly the same, but with some more beautiful brilliance.

"How could there be such a strange place?" Luo Lin felt completely incomprehensible.

He couldn't stop the falling trend, just kept falling, kept falling, and I don't know how long it took, and new changes began to appear in the surrounding ink and dark clouds. They began to slowly retreat, retreat, and kept going away. The light in the sky began to get brighter and brighter, and suddenly, a dazzling golden ball of light appeared from under the clouds.

The brilliance of this ball of light is so bright and dazzling, when its light shines on Luo Lin, he feels a comfortable warmth, just like the sun in the mortal world.

"Is this the sun?" Luo Lin squinted at the golden ball of light. It looked huge and its light was extremely dazzling, but compared with the majestic and surging brilliance of the mortal sun, it still lacked a lot momentum.

His body continued to fall, and he had no time to think and observe. After a while, he suddenly felt the whistling sound of the air, and the air quickly became thicker. After a while, he saw a mass of white ocean below. When he cleared the situation, he felt that he had fallen into a white cloud, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, and there was also a strong humidity.

"Is this a cloud? Am I falling from a high altitude? How fast is my current speed?! What the hell is this place, why can't I fly?"

Luo Lin felt very, very bad, because he now found many familiar things in the mortal world, and everything around him reminded him that he was very likely to be thousands of meters high.

What's worse, his current speed is very, very fast, and he already feels the heat, which is caused by the constant friction between his body and the air!

The secrets that can be used to fly in other plane worlds are all invalid here. Under the constraints of an unknown law, his divine power can't even lift up his body, even if he leaves his body, even if he is pouring into the stars. The Meteor Cloud Sword is only connected with his blood through the characteristics of this artifact.

'Huh~huh~' The stern wind crazily pulled his ears and hair, and it really hit his face like a knife.

"Boom", he rushed out of the white clouds, and the vision in front of him was suddenly clear. This is a village. There are strange buildings in the village, and a fertile field outside the village. Unknown plants grow in the field. Neat and neat, it should be the crops planted by the villagers.

Luo Lin's destination is the field in front of him, which is rapidly getting bigger, bigger, bigger... At the last moment of the impact, this thought flashed through his mind: "Meteorites hit the ground, always They were all smashed to pieces by meteorites. I guess I'm going to be the first Avatar of God to die... probably the second."

Nightmere came in before him, and if she fell to her death, she would fall to her death first.

Baiyun crossing.

At first, a child who was playing suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted: "Meteor! Meteor!"

"Where can I see shooting stars in broad daylight? Go and play, don't disturb your brother practicing martial arts!" In the yard next to the child, a 14-year-old boy took turns holding a large millstone with both hands.

"Really! Brother Xiu, look at that!" The child's voice was extremely serious, and he pointed to the sky with one hand, his eyes full of surprise.

The boy just turned his head to look, and he froze for a moment, his mouth opened in the shape of 'oh' and he couldn't close it. In broad daylight, there were really shooting stars. It was full of flames, and there was a trail of black smoke behind it. Look in the direction , seems to be falling towards the outside of the village.

A few seconds later, "Boom!" came a loud bang.

"Something fell from the sky!"

"Go and see what's dropped, it's probably a big rock, maybe a piece of valuable meteorite!"

On the village road outside the yard, there was a constant sound of messy voices and footsteps, and the villagers were startled by the movement outside the village. The young man couldn't stay still any longer, put down the millstone, and planned to follow him to the outside of the village.

But as soon as he took a few steps, a faint voice came from the room beside him: "Don't be tempted by external objects."

The young man stopped immediately, with a mournful face: "Teacher, let me take a look. It's a shooting star. Maybe I can snatch the magic weapon made from meteorite."

The door opened, and a young woman of twenty-five or sixteen years old appeared at the door: "How capable are you, but you are only a warrior. Can you get a good thing? If it's not a good thing, just watch the excitement, and the mood is blustery." Ping, what's the difference between you and those secular people? How can you practice first-class martial arts with such a mind? Without extraordinary martial power, how can you avenge your father?"

This woman is neatly dressed, wearing a blue dress, her skin is fair and delicate, her facial features are exquisite and not lacking in sassy air, but her expression is very cold, especially her pair of dark blue eyes, which are so cold that there is no trace of fireworks.

As soon as his father's hatred was mentioned, the young man's body shook, and his agitated heart was determined, and he hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Yes, mentor, I understand."

"Continue to practice."

The young man had no choice but to pick up the big millstone and hold it up and down, but he soon discovered that his mentor did not return to the room, but walked all the way to the entrance of the small courtyard.

"Mentor, how...how did you get out?" The boy was suddenly unconvinced.

"Practice yourself well!" The young woman glared at the young man, who fell silent immediately.

'Squeak~' The wooden door of the yard opened, and the young woman did not go out, but stood motionless at the gate of the yard, as if waiting for something.

After about five or six minutes, there was a sudden messy sound from the village road outside the courtyard, followed by a large number of villagers appearing, among them a few strong men ran over carrying a wooden plank, the leading strong man Han shouted: "Miss Xia Ya, Miss Xia Ya, a person fell from the sky! I carried him over, but he didn't die, but passed out!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Ya had already ran out. She rushed to the side of the strong man in a few steps, and saw the wooden plank. Luo Lin's eyes were closed, his clothes were torn, and his bare skin was covered with scorching marks. But his body is intact, and his limbs are not distorted. Judging from his appearance, he should have only suffered some shocks.

Falling from such a high place and causing such a big commotion, he just fainted from the fall. With this physical strength, he can at least rival a great martial artist.

But how on earth did this guy get so high? Could he fly? But how is this possible? Even a martial saint can only defend the sky for a short time.

"What a strange guy." Xia Ya sighed softly, and then she directed the strong man: "Take him to a side room, I have to see what's going on with him?"

"Okay~" The villagers didn't have any objections. The strong men carried Luo Lin into the yard and carried him to the middle bed in the leftmost room of the three connected houses.

They all believed in Xia Ya. Even though she was young, she was the most powerful warrior in their Qiuye village. She was already a well-known swordsman at a young age. A dozen strong men in the village could fuck a guy together. It's not her opponent, so I can't accept it.

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