Legendary Hero

728 A Man Like A God Of War (2/3)

In a world where power is bound by the body and the power of rules is hidden in the mist, the bow and arrow is undoubtedly the most terrifying weapon in the cold weapon era, and it is an absolute killer against masters.

The existence of bows and arrows largely ignores the difference in strength between warriors. In this world, bows and arrows shoot in clusters, even peerless masters can only avoid the edge.

In Xia Ya's eyes, Luo Lin is just an ordinary person with brute force, at most he has only practiced stick technique with her for half a month, how can he deal with mass shooting with bows and arrows?

Seeing the robbers on horseback nodding their arrows to their bows in the distance, Xia Ya turned pale with fright. She only felt pain in her heart, and wanted to rush up to help, but she couldn't pull up any energy anymore, and her eyes turned black again and again. , barely standing.

Knowing that the injury on her body had exploded, she kept screaming in her mind, but she was helpless.

The villagers of Qiuye Village exclaimed even more.

"It's too despicable, these robbers have no good intentions at all!"

"Teacher, what can we do?"

"Too shameless, fight with them!"

Before everyone could speak, the robbers had already started to shoot arrows at Luo Lin. In an instant, the arrows shot out like locusts, and the arrows fell like rain. They almost wiped out the square inch of Luo Lin's place.

At the critical moment, Luo Lin's heart was still as calm as usual. He had experienced too many scenes like this, and he was already numb. It was completely an ordinary scene.

In the eyes of others, he has fallen into a dead end, and there is no way to make a comeback, but in fact, that may not be the case. Those robbers only used ordinary wooden bows and arrows, at most they were equipped with iron arrows, and the penetrating power was really limited.

When the rain of arrows hit, Luo Lin turned into a cat, lifted up the struggling horse on the ground with one hand, then shrank back and hid under the horse,

As soon as he hid, the rain of arrows arrived, only to hear the sound of "Pu Pu Pu Pu" outside, densely like rain hitting plantains.

These arrows are powerful, but their penetrating power is mediocre. At most, they can only penetrate half of the horse's body. Luo Lin who is hiding below is very safe.

Luo Lin turned his head to look at the black dragon not far away. The robbers didn't care about the life and death of this defeated leader at all. He had no less than thirty arrows stuck in his body like a hedgehog, and he had already died.

'These robbers are really cruel, even if they are so cruel to their own people, isn't it inhumane to outsiders? If these guys really go crazy, they might really kill all the people in Qiuye Village, almost like demons. No, you can't let these dogs succeed today! '

The essence of his godhead is to protect the beauty of life. This is the cornerstone of his existence, and there is no reason or excuse to shirk it, because he is an immortal god, and the heart of a god cannot be deceived!

This Qiuye village is peaceful and serene. If there are no outsiders to disturb it, it is almost like a heavenly existence. His divinity determines that he is destined to fight for it.

The robbers didn't have many arrows, and they fired three bursts of arrows before stopping. Then Luo Lin felt the ground tremble, and the sound of thunderous horseshoes appeared continuously, and they kept approaching. In an instant, they reached a place more than 20 meters away. stop.

A gloomy voice sounded: "The leader of the Black Dragon has been defeated, and I, Owl Snake, will be the new leader. Now, the person whose name I point to will stand up automatically. Who dares to resist, kill!"

The voice paused for a moment, and then continued: "You guys go over, pull away the horse corpse, drag the man underneath out and kill him! Avenge the leader!"


Luo Lin heard that five people responded, followed by the sound of horseshoes, and these five people rode towards him.

In the meantime, he heard exclamations from the villagers of Qiuye Village, and faint cries. Listening carefully, Luo Lin knew that Xia Ya had passed out.

This was not unexpected for Luo Lin, the black dragon's attack had hurt her heart, and it was a miracle that she was able to stay awake until now. But now he can't care about these things, what he thinks about is how to deal with the current situation.

The robber got closer and closer to him, and he was five meters away in a blink of an eye.

Luo Lin opened the horse corpse slightly and looked left and right. His eyes suddenly lit up. The steel spear of the leader of the black dragon was not far from him, and he could reach it with his hand. Although it was a gun, it was a high-quality iron gun in his hand. The stick has excellent elasticity and toughness, it is a good weapon.

After a while, the robbers were already three meters away, and they were about to strike.

From the sound, Luo Lin determined the positions of the five robbers, took a deep breath, held a horse's leg with one hand, opened the horse's corpse, grabbed the steel gun with the other hand, and jumped up from the ground.

As soon as he jumped up, he yelled, and his strength exploded, and he threw the horse corpse in his hand towards a place where the robbers were most concentrated. His strength was terrifyingly greater than that of ordinary people, five to six hundred kilograms He threw it with one hand, as easy as throwing a big stone.

This speed was too fast, only two 'bang bang' were heard, and the two robbers were the first to bear the brunt. Amidst the horse neighing, two robbers were knocked off their horses, and the other one was greatly affected and kept retreating. The remaining two positions are slightly farther away, but they do not pose a threat to Luo Lin for the time being.

Taking advantage of this gap, Luo Lin had already stood firm, holding the steel gun tightly with both hands. The gun was nearly three meters long and as thick as a child's arm. The two square abyss characters, Luo Lin recognized the word 'Dragon Tooth'.

‘It’s called the Dragon Tooth Spear. I haven’t used this weapon very much, but the principles of weapons in the world are the same. As long as the strength is concentrated, any weapon can be a killing weapon! I will wrong you temporarily today, and be an iron rod! '

In a flash, Luo Lin used the gun as a stick and started to dance wildly. To prevent going out of line, he used the few moves Xia Ya gave him back and forth. fierce.

In the world of martial arts, as long as the word "fast" is added, the power will not be much worse, not to mention that Luo Lin is fast and ruthless.

As soon as the steel guns were swept away, there was a shrill whistling sound, which was mixed with a little light from the tip of the guns. The scene was twice as terrifying as the previous pole!

"You robbers are extremely vicious and shameless. If I beat you all down today, I'm not human!"

Arrogantly cursing, steel gun roaring, Luo Lin rushed straight towards the robber's door.

"Bang!" The bandit who was shot down with his horse's corpse earlier bore the brunt. His head was swept by a steel gun, and immediately it was like being hit by a battering ram. Most of his head exploded, and red and white scattered all over the ground. Immediately die.

"Bang!" Then came the war horse behind. The horse's back was slapped with an iron rod, and the whole horse couldn't stand up. It fell to its knees and began to vomit blood.

In an instant, the five robbers who rushed up were all killed, and no one could block a shot, and they were all finished directly.

Luo Lin rushed straight towards the group of bandits twenty meters away, to be precise, towards the new leader named Xiao Snake.

This new leader has a more gloomy face than the previous black dragon, with a hooked nose and triangular eyes, but he didn't talk about fighting alone. Seeing Luo Lin rushing towards him, he shouted to the left and right: "Rush up, Stop him, shoot from a distance...Damn it!"

He was giving an order when a dead horse was caught by the opponent again, and then it was thrown at him by a big rock.

"This guy who came out of nowhere has so much strength!" Owl Snake was frightened, not daring to take it hard, and accelerated to dodge to the side.

"Boom!" The horse corpse hit the place before him, and the flesh and blood splashed everywhere. It was extremely tragic. It's not that the owl snake has never killed people before, and he has seen the world before, but this is the first time he has seen such a scene, and it shocked the ground. His heart was broken, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

With such a delay, Luo Lin crossed a short distance of 20 meters, rushed into the group of robbers, and then played his 'mad devil' stick technique.

His strength far exceeds that of others, his endurance is almost endless, and the steel gun sweeps across, no one can stop it.

When Owl Snake regained his footing and came back to his senses, he found that everything had changed. He saw the blood mist constantly exploding, and he heard the continuous howl of strong wind and miserable screams. There was a strong smell of blood in his nose.

'how so? What's going on? Is he really alone? ’ Owl Snake’s mind was in such a mess that he could barely react.

Fate-horned tiger enters the sheep flock, Luo Lin's current situation is that a sheep is no match for the tiger, but the flock of sheep is not without the strength to fight the tiger, they fled left and right, just because they did not have the courage to fight the tiger.

The tiger roars proudly in the mountains and forests, not only because of its strong body, but also because of its invincible courage!

The Qiuye villagers on the opposite side also looked at each other in blank dismay. No one thought that the man who had been living with them had such terrifying power.

Farmer Er Zhuang kept swallowing his saliva: "Hey, I asked him to farm with me that day. How can this big brother be so powerful?"

"What are you doing in a daze? Let's go too!" Xiu shouted, holding his sword and rushing up quickly to support Luo Lin.

He took the lead, and Luo Lin, who was like a mad tiger, killed the robbers in a bloody storm. Some of the villagers roared, and some began to follow, and more and more followed.

I don't know how long this fight lasted, and when it was over, it was already dark. There were corpses everywhere on the ground, most of them belonged to robbers, and very few belonged to villagers.

Some horses were scattered aside, sniffing blindly at their dead masters, but most of them were dead horses, and a few robbers ran away. They were scared out of their wits.

Luo Lin stood leaning on the steel gun, gasping for breath. This meal was easy to kill, and he was also a little tired. He had to eat a good meal to replenish the consumed divine power.

He turned his head to look around, and the living villagers looked at him in awe. This guy is amazing. He killed more than half of the robbers by himself, and there are no wounds on his body. He is really a strong man like a god of war!

Xiu ran up, with an anxious look on his face: "Brother, it's not good, Master is going to die!"

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