Legendary Hero

Chapter 735 Miluo City (2) (3/3)

Luo Lin discovered that perhaps it was because martial arts were the only combat power in this world, which caused this world to attach great importance to martial arts. ,

For example, Arim, in Luo Lin's opinion, his swordsmanship is already very good, but in front of the more powerful Luo Lin, he is cautious, like a junior, for fear of being disgusted by Luo Lin.

"Is there something wrong?" Luo Lin retracted his gun, he had roughly guessed the purpose of Arim's coming to him.

Alim pursed his lips a few times, as if he didn't dare to say it. He repeated this several times before he opened his mouth: "It's like this. I heard a sound here before, so I came here to have a look, and I saw you practicing martial arts. I It wasn't intentional..."

After talking for a long time, there was still no point, Luo Lin couldn't help laughing, and waved his hand: "It's a trivial matter, just tell me if you have anything."

"Oh, it's like this, I...I..." Alim rubbed his hands, looking very nervous: "I want to practice my swordsmanship in front of you, and I hope you can give me some pointers." , don't worry, I will definitely not let you suffer."

As he spoke, Arim fumbled in his pocket, and after a while, he took out a dark blue metal block: "This is the black crystal from the sky, it is very, very hard, if it is fused into steel, it can be smelted into Grace Steel. Weapons made of this steel are magic weapons.”

Luo Lin really lacks a good weapon right now. The steel used for this Dragon Tooth Steel Spear is better than ordinary weapons, but it is not good enough. After all, it is just something for robbers. Very good, of course he would not begrudge some pointers.

"In this case, you can practice here again." Luo Lin said.

Arim was ecstatic. He held the black crystal in both hands, and handed the small piece of metal to Luo Lin. Then he took a few steps back, and slowly drew out his sword. Started swordsmanship.

Luo Lin also took a few steps back and squinted at the side.

Arim's swordsmanship is not bad, his foundation is very deep, every move and style is very solid, but this person's personality is a bit rigid, and even his martial arts have also been infected with this style. Compared with Xia Ya, another swordsman Luo Lin had met, Alim's skills were stronger than Xia Ya's, but he lacked a spirit.

If the two fight each other, Arim will win. If they fight to the death, without the quick-witted Alim, at most, there is only a 50% chance of winning.

After the rehearsal was over, Alim looked at Luo Lin expectantly, waiting for his advice.

Luo Lin was silent for a while, and then said: "I practice spears, so I am not very proficient in swordsmanship, but I have seen your swordsmanship, and I have some ideas about the first move you used."

"Tell me." Arim felt a little disappointed. You must know that the black crystal from the sky is his most cherished treasure. He originally wanted to make a good sword for himself. Unwilling.

Luo Lin was keenly aware of the details, and he could see what Alim was thinking at a glance, but this is human nature, so he naturally wouldn't feel disgusted. Looking around, he picked up a dead branch that was more than one meter long and thick as a little finger.

"I'll use this branch as a sword, and use my first move you changed."

After speaking, Luo Lin drew out his sword. He didn't move quickly, but he knew very well that he deliberately made large movements with a lot of power. Arim is an expert in swordsmanship, so he can understand it at a glance.

As soon as this sword came out, Arim's spirit was lifted. Luo Lin didn't change much, but every change gave him a sense of "ah, why didn't I think of it?"

When the trick was finally used, Luo Lin thrust out the dead branch in his hand, and the dry and brittle tip of the dead branch hit the big tree beside him.

"Duh!" With a crisp sound, the tree with a diameter of nearly 30 centimeters shook violently, and then the dead branches sank into the trunk at once, and did not stop until they entered ten centimeters. Looking at it from a distance, it seemed to grow on the tree. Same.

Alim recognized the tree as a cloud birch. The wood was tough and good for gun barrels. It was more than 30 centimeters thick. It was an old tree that had grown for at least 50 years. A hole was poked, this... this is not in line with common sense!

He took a few steps and rushed to the tree trunk, peeled off the bark and observed it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more surprised he was on his face. Finally, he went around to observe the back of the big tree. Seeing it, he almost knelt down.

Although the branch had only penetrated less than ten centimeters, the force penetrated through the back of the tree, cracking the bark on the back of the tree.

"Dead branches...how did you do it? How is this possible?" It's not that Arim doesn't know the principle of this sword. In fact, Luo Lin demonstrated it very clearly just now. He was horrified by the opposite force in this sword. Absolute control, what level of martial skill is required to form such a terrifying control? He didn't even dare to think about it.

"I modified this move for you. If you practice it for three years, you should be able to have 50% of the power of my sword. At that time, you can use dead branches to be the same as me in appearance."

"Outside? What's going on inside?" Alim was shocked.

"With a sword, the strength penetrates the tree, but it does not hurt the tree. When my sword surged with power, I avoided all the vital points of the tree. Not only will this cloud birch tree not die, but it will die because of the body of the tree. flaws to avoid being felled."

"Ah, did you actually do this?" Alim was shocked again.

So far, he is completely convinced. Although the other party taught him only one move, but this move is enough to be regarded as a family heirloom. Just this move, passed down from generation to generation, will definitely establish a reputation for his family . It's worth it to exchange a black crystal from beyond the sky for such a trick.

"Thank you for your advice!" Arim bowed and bowed deeply.

"Okay, you give Heijing, I give sword moves, both are settled,"

How dare Alim make such calculations? He was extremely respectful, and retreated step by step. When he retreated three steps, he seemed to have made up his mind and said softly: "Your Excellency Luo Zhan, we are going to Miluo City tomorrow. I must warn you."

"Oh, you said."

"The younger brother of the city lord of Miluo City, Geddes, loves horses as much as his life, and has a domineering personality. I think your Tayan horse is several levels higher than his mount Wuyan Shenjun. If he finds out about this horse, he may be very angry. There is trouble, and Mrs. Qiandie..."

At the end, Arim's voice became lower and lower: "Mrs., she looks weak, but she is actually cruel. Ivy Branch needs to open up the situation in Miluo City... That's all I have to say, be careful."

After finishing speaking, Alim saluted Luo Lin again before leaving.

When Luo Lin heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled again, stretched out his finger and flicked the steel gun at hand, making a 'dangdang' sound: "Since Miluo City is a rare big city, there must be many good things to improve its strength , It’s okay not to rob my horse, but it’s just an excuse for me if I rob it, haha. '

He went to Miluo City not only to inquire about news, but also to find treasures. If he finds it, of course he won't snatch it, but will find a way to exchange his own things with the other party. But if someone takes the initiative to hit his horse's idea, then the snatcher must be prepared to be robbed.

There is also Mrs. Qiandie, what is her character, Luo Lin can see clearly at a glance, what will be the fate of this woman, it depends on which path she chooses to take.

The convoy rested in the field for a night without talking. The next morning, the convoy set off again.

After walking for a while, Mrs. Qiandie asked Luo Lin: "Your Excellency Luo Zhan, your Tayan is really a steed. I don't know where you got this horse?"

"The wild horse I found in the mountains is the king of horses. I lost my temper at first, and I trained it for half a year." Luo Lin responded perfunctorily.

"So it's the king of horses, no wonder. Can I know it's the horses on the mountain?" Qiandie asked, and Luo Lin gave her a sideways look: "This horse is just like this. The reason why it grows like this is probably because of eating Because of the good things in the mountains, the other horses are ordinary, and you can't catch any good things if you try to catch them."

"That's it." Qiandie was very disappointed, and she didn't doubt Luo Lin's words. A horse like Ta Yan must be rare, but it's a pity that there is only one horse, and it was shot by such a horse. The big master rides it, she can't buy it even if she has money.

After that, Qiandie stopped asking. Along the way, everyone was silent. At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, a big river appeared in front of it, and a magnificent city stood beside the river.

"That's Miluo City, and the one next to it is the Miluo River, which goes all the way east until it enters the sea!" the swordsman Arim introduced to Luo Lin.

"Well, I see. Huh~ A group of soldiers have left the city, and they seem to be coming towards us." Luo Lin keenly felt that the group of soldiers were hostile, and after thinking about it, he roughly guessed the reason.

He has a BMW, which is coveted. Madam Qiandie has been by his side all the time, so it's not the news from her, it should be the ghost of the group of robbers who were scattered.

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