Legendary Hero

738 Two Brothers (3/3)

Miluo City.

Tiges hurried to the meeting hall of the fortress with a messenger. After waiting for a while, his eldest brother, Alos, the lord of Miluo City, and a group of trusted ministers of the Jueluo family rushed over.

"What happened?" the city lord Alos asked at the first sentence.

He is a middle-aged man, in his forties, well maintained, not too strong, with a refined temperament. Unlike his younger brother Tiges, Alos did not practice martial arts except for some physical exercises to strengthen his body. He was able to become the lord of the city because of the will of the old lord and because his younger brother Tiges only Interested in martial arts, he is tired of managing the city as soon as he sees it, but his force is the guarantee of Miluo City's safety.

It can be said that he and his younger brother complement each other perfectly.

Tiggs pointed to the messenger: "A member of the Glasson family in the north, he is here to ask for help. The Queen of the Night is going to attack Glasson."

The Glasson family manages Beidu City, which is more than 500 kilometers north of Miluo City. Although there are occasional frictions between the two cities, they are also closely related. The wife of the old castellan, the mother of Alos and Tiges is the younger sister of the old patriarch of the Grason family, and the younger sister of the two brothers is the wife of the current castellan of Grason.

At the same time, Granson City is the barrier to the north of Miluo City against the Queen of the Night, which is really a relationship between lips and teeth.

So the two of them directly skipped the stage of whether to help, and directly discussed how to help.

Tiggs continued to introduce the situation: "Gransons also asked for help from Fire City in the west and Chaoguan City in the northeast, and they will also provide assistance. That is to say, our four cities will fight against the Queen of the Night together this time. of the Black Iron Guard."

The four cities are closely connected with each other. In a situation like this, everyone will definitely do their best to help, but even so, facing the Queen of the Night, the two brothers still frowned.

The Queen of the Night really rose fifteen years ago, and has been attacking cities and lands for the next fifteen years. Up to now, she has occupied seven big cities in the north. Two of the overlord-level masters in these seven big cities were killed, and five of them were killed. He took refuge as a vassal, and became the eagle dog of the Queen of the Night, forming an extremely terrifying force.

Many years ago, the Four Great Martial Saints saw the great ambition of the Queen of the Night and joined forces to assassinate them, but they still failed. It didn't show up either.

In this siege, the Queen of the Night must have gathered the power of the eight northern cities (including her own city). In essence, it was the combination of the eight northern cities against the four cities in the southeastern corner of the world.

At least in terms of strength, the Kingdom of Night in the north has a great advantage. Can the alliance of the four cities in the southeast hold back the power of the eight cities?

Alos analyzed the situation: "It's okay to say in terms of military strength and materials. Our southeast land is rich in products, which is much better than their north. I have been recruiting and training for these years, and the soldiers are no worse than the Kingdom of the Night. It's just a master level... ..It’s hard to say.”

There is one less overlord-level powerhouse than the North, and there is also a Queen of the Night who is too powerful to face. In a real war between the two armies, the master can't control it, the lethality is so great, and the morale is suppressed so much. imagine.

It is said that the Queen of the Night can also send out the sword energy from the air, within a range of ten meters, if hit by ordinary masters, she will die, and if hit by a master-level master, she will be seriously injured.

Tiges was speechless about his elder brother's worries.

To say that his martial arts skills are at the pinnacle on the mainland, his blade skills are at the pinnacle, he ranks fourth among the Twelve Overlords, and he is also well-known on the mainland, but the world is so strange, there will always be such a Two people, they are born to be arrogant, talented and independent, they can easily crush you to nothing in your most proud skill.

The Queen of the Night is such a person, she is too strong, so strong that she eclipses the heroes of the whole world.

There was silence in the hall, the two brothers were speechless, and the trusted ministers were also speechless. The situation is very clear, that is, no matter how hard they try, their Southeast Alliance is likely to be razed to the ground in this war. It's as simple as that .

An oppressive atmosphere permeated the hall, and the oppressed people couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, a gray-haired old minister hesitated and said, "City Lord, since this is the case, we might as well surrender...surrender..."

"Fart!" Tiggs yelled suddenly, the sound was like thunder, the old guy was so frightened that he trembled all over, his face turned pale, and he couldn't speak anymore.

Tiges stared wide-eyed, like a big tiger that wanted to choose someone to eat: "What kind of person is the Queen of the Night? She is a slut who can do everything she can, and all the experts and strong men have slept in her bed How is the kingdom under her rule? Taxes are extremely high, farmers can only make ends meet, and they are all skinny. Bandits are everywhere in the wild, and they will be killed and thrown away if they are less than a hundred meters away from home. Officials are all selfish, and they have nothing but flattery. Do it. If it weren't for her force, why would her Kingdom of the Night expand? It is the greatest shame in the world for a person like this to surrender. If you want to surrender, you have to wait until I die in battle!"

Alos also waved his hand, and said solemnly: "Don't talk about the surrender. Anyone who says anything more will be executed immediately!"

The two brothers had the same thoughts, and even if some of the trusted ministers had other thoughts, they had to put them all away.

Alos is a pragmatic faction. Even if he has no hope of winning, he will never fail to do what he should do. Although he can't find the most critical solution, he has no point in waiting. He begins to dispatch troops and arrange military supplies.

Tiggs was not very proficient in this aspect. He was only responsible for fighting on the battlefield, and he was silent at this moment, thinking about how to fight against the Queen of the Night.

Suddenly, he slapped his forehead suddenly: "Oh, I was in a hurry, how could I forget him!"

But he thought of Luo Zhan who had just been led into the castle by him. That man's spear skills were superb and reached the pinnacle, and he defeated him in one move. Such a master, even if he is not the opponent of the Queen of the Night, he must not be far behind.

"What's going on?" Alos asked suspiciously.

"Brother, I just brought back a great master. I was so impatient just now that I forgot about him. I think, if he is willing to make a move, he might not lose to the Queen of the Night!" The more Tiggs thought about it, the more likely it was.

"A master? How high is it?" Alos is very calm. He is not a warrior, and he is not very sensitive to the level of martial arts.

"Just now I competed with him outside the city. When we fought, he stabbed twelve times in an instant. I couldn't stop it at all. If he didn't keep his hand, I would be finished now."

"Hiss~" Now he understands, his younger brother has never met an opponent on the battlefield, and the Twelve Overlords are ranked fourth, and now they are defeated in an instant, and he wants to meet this person.

Tiggs was already excited, he couldn't help clapping his fists: "Brother, how about I take you to meet him?"

"That's exactly what I mean!"

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